The War of the Axe; Or, Adventures in South Africa

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The War of the Axe; Or, Adventures in South Africa Page 2

by J. Percy Groves

threes the passengers appeared on deck to breatheagain the invigorating sea air. Very pale and woebegone did thosehelpless mortals look, and listless was the manner in which they lolledabout, until they were suddenly startled into a semblance of life andaction by the unexpected cry:

  "Land! land on the port bow!"



  The land, thus unexpectedly reported in sight, proved to be a smallrocky island, which the second mate, after a careful examination throughhis glass, declared was inhabited.

  "My eyes don't often play me false," said that officer to Captain Ladds,who had followed him into the fore-top; "and I'm a'most sartin that Ican make out people moving about on yonder shore. Please to look foryourself, sir," he added, handing his glass to the skipper.

  "Yes--no--and yet--yes, I'm inclined to think you are right,Weatherhelm," said Captain Ladds, bringing the mate's glass to bear onthe island. "But my eyesight is not so good as it was ten years ago,and I cannot be positive."

  "Ay, but _I_ am, sir," retorted the mate, who was a thorough outspoken"salt" of the old school; one who, having "come in through thehawse-holes," had worked his way to his present position by acquiring asound practical knowledge of his profession, and attending strictly tohis duties. "It's possible that the crew of some craft--probably awhaler, for we're pretty well out o' the track of other vessels--havebeen cast away there."

  "Quite possible," the captain assented, "and we will stand in a littlecloser. It is our duty to make sure whether such is the case; for wehave been mercifully preserved through one of the worst gales that Ihave ever experienced, and should therefore be all the more ready torender assistance to those who have been less fortunate."

  "That's truth, sir," rejoined old Weatherhelm, as they descended thefore-rigging, "and 'tis a pity that others don't see things in the samelight as you do. We hear a sight too much of distressed vessels beingpassed by, by those who could help 'em if they'd only the will."

  So the barque's course was altered, and she stood towards the island.

  When the passengers heard that there was reason to suppose the islandwas inhabited, their recent sufferings were forgotten in theirexcitement; and many and marvellous were the speculations amongst them,as to who, and what, the mysterious islanders could be.

  One old gentleman declared that they must be savages--probablycannibals--and expressed his decided opinion that the captain had nobusiness to go near them; _he_ was immediately, and most deservedly,snubbed by the ladies, whereupon he retired to his cabin in highdudgeon. Another suggestion was, that some of the passengers and crewof the ocean steamer _President_ (which left New York in March, 1841,and was never seen or heard of afterwards) might have escaped and gotashore on the island; and this notion found great favour with the fairsex, until Captain Ladds, on being appealed to, hinted that they were a_few_ degrees too far to the southward to expect to fall in with anysurvivors of the long-missing ship--even if such survivors existed,which was not within the bounds of probability.

  "No, my friends, there can be very little doubt that the _President_foundered off the banks of Newfoundland," said he, with a mournful shakeof the head; "and that poor Roberts and his crew and passengers wentdown in her. If there are people on yonder island, they will mostlikely prove to be the crew of some Yankee whaler."

  As the _Surat Castle_ approached the island all doubt as to its beinginhabited was dispelled, for standing on the summit of a conical rockwere three wild-looking individuals frantically waving their arms. Thebarque was then hove-to, and one of the quarter-boats lowered.

  "May I go in her, Captain Ladds?" asked Tom Flinders, all alive at theprospect of an adventure.

  "Very well, my boy; only don't get into mischief," replied thegood-natured skipper. "Remember that I promised your good mother tokeep an eye upon you, and unless I can hand you over with a whole skin,I shall not dare show my nose at Rustenburg Farm."

  "No fear of _my_ coming to grief, sir," laughed Tom, as he went down theside and seated himself in the stern-sheets of the boat. "They taughtus to take care of ourselves at Rugby!"

  "But not to keep your legs in a gale of wind!" retorted Captain Ladds."Don't forget the header you took down the companion-ladder, young man!Are you ready, Mr Weatherhelm?"

  "All ready, sir."

  "Then shove off, if you please; and mind that you are cautious inapproaching the island."

  "Ay, ay, sir!" responded the officer. And at his command the bowmanpushed off, and the sailors, bending to their oars, sent the light boatthrough the smooth water in a style that would not have discredited aman-o'-war's crew.

  It was now discovered that the land consisted of two low-lying rockyislets, divided by a narrow channel, the entrance to which was barred bya dangerous reef, over which the waves broke with considerable force;the southmost of the islets terminating in a lofty "sugar-loaf" peak.When within a hundred yards of the shore, Mr Weatherhelm ordered hismen to rest on their oars, while he looked out for a likely spot to runthe boat ashore. Just then a tall, gaunt man appeared from behind thesugar-loaf rock, and hailing the boat, pointed to a narrow strip ofbeach some yards away to his left.

  "You can land there," he shouted, in a husky voice. "Steer betweenthose rocks right ahead of you--port a little--steady! now give way!"

  The next moment the boat's keel grated on the shingle, and the man ranforward to meet it. He was followed by a lad, apparently about Tom'sown age, and a young girl of eleven or twelve, whose long fair hair hungdown her back almost to her waist, its golden colour contrastingstrangely with her skin, which was so tanned by exposure to the fiercerays of the tropical sun, that the child was as brown as any gypsy.

  The poor creatures looked thin and careworn; their cheeks were hollow,their eyes were unnaturally bright, and wore an anxious expression ofmingled hope and doubt--an expression rarely seen except in the faces ofthose whose hearts have been sickened by hope long deferred. Their onlygarments consisted of a sack-like tunic made of goat-skin which reachedsome inches below the knee, but left the arms and neck bare.

  With what delight and emotion did the castaways welcome their rescuers!

  "Are you alone on this island?" inquired Mr Weatherhelm, wrapping hispea-jacket round the girl's shoulders.

  "We are," the man answered, tears of joy and thankfulness coursing downhis sunken, weather-beaten cheeks. "These are my children, and herehave we been for more than twelve weary months. My name is Weston, andI was owner and commander of the _Sea-mew_, whaler, which was wrecked onthis island after the crew deserted her."

  "Just what I thought!" exclaimed the old mate. "But we mustn't wastetime palavering; get your traps together--"

  "They are here," interrupted Mr Weston, holding up a battered tindeed-box. "This is all I care to bring away."

  "Then jump into the boat and let's be off," cried Weatherhelm. "Now,Missy! I'll take care of you."

  The castaways needed no second bidding, and in another half-hour theyfound themselves safe on board the _Surat Castle_.

  Captain Ladds received the unfortunate strangers with the utmostkindness, expressing his deep commiseration at their sorry condition,and heartily congratulating them on their providential release fromtheir seagirt prison. Mr Weston thanked him in broken tones, but wastoo overcome with feelings of emotion to say very much, and presently heasked that he and his children might be allowed to retire to rest; sothe captain took him down to his own cabin, whilst the lady passengerscarried off the little girl, and Tom Flinders marched the boy to hissingle state-room, and insisted on his taking possession of the onlyberth.



  The sun was high in the heavens when young Weston awoke next morning,and on turning his face to the light, the first object that his eyesrested upon was Master Tom Flinders, seated on a portmanteau, regardinghim with pitiful looks.

  "Halloa, old fellow!"
exclaimed our hero, colouring red as aturkey-cock, at being thus caught staring; "how do you find yourselfthis morning? You've had a jolly long caulk!"

  For a moment young Weston appeared a little confused; but he quicklyrecollected the joyful events of the previous day, and feeling muchrefreshed by his protracted sleep, replied that he was all right, andwould like to get up and go on deck.

  "All serene!" said Tom; "turn out by all means; and while you'rewashing, I'll see what can be done in the way of clothes. There's somewater in the basin, and there's my sponge and towels. It's too late foryou to have a tub, for the

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