Keep Me Going: An Office Romance

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Keep Me Going: An Office Romance Page 12

by Ford, Mia

  Mom eyed me with a knowing smile as I poured them coffee. We decided on a cruise today since we were waiting on news about Keith and got ready to leave. I walked onto the boat and gazed around as everyone joined me. We enjoyed the short cruise and then went to walk along the water. I felt on edge and couldn’t stop thinking what might happen.

  Alex drove us back to the loft and parked. I went to the elevator and we made our way up slowly as I yawned. I paused in the hallway to wait for them when the sound of a gun shot rang through the space. I dropped down to the ground and screamed for everyone else to run. I tried to see what was happening and felt someone hit the floor beside me.

  Keith was walking towards us, pointing a gun at me. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked nothing like the man I remembered. “How the fuck did you get up here?” Alex asked as he moved in front of me.

  “Waited until the right time and came right up. So much for a secure building.” A bullet flew through the air and I ducked, screaming again. “I want my daughter, Soledad.”

  “She doesn’t even know you, Keith.” I cried as he stared at me.

  “You’re not taking anyone, Keith. She is ours.” Alex told Keith as he tried to move in front of me again. I cried out as Keith shot the gun, hearing Alex grunt as he hit the floor.

  “I’ll just kill you both and get her from them downstairs. Then I’ll have my money and I can start over.” Keith told me as I stared at Alex on the floor. He was bleeding from his leg and I saw him look at me, pleading with me to run away. Keith pointed the gun at me and I blocked my face, trying to push myself back to the elevator.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I heard the gun go off again, jerking as Soledad screamed. I heard the thud to my left and looked over as I saw Keith on the floor, bleeding from his head. I looked past him to see Stan as he approached us. “They’ve called for help, Alex. Are you okay?”

  “Just the leg. Sol?” I asked as I struggled to look to my right. She was curled up and I struggled to move over to her with a groan.

  “I’m okay.” She croaked out as Stan dropped to the floor to check her out. He called Mom to ask if they called for an ambulance as we all heard her screeching on the other end. Stan told her to stay downstairs with Lindsay and that everyone would be okay apart from Keith.

  He was dead.

  I felt intense pain as I heard Soledad talking to me softly as she cried. I held onto my love for her to keep me going, knowing that I was bleeding out a lot.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I moved to Alex, holding him close as I told him that I loved him. I knew that they’d be here soon to help him as I tried to ignore the blood on the floor. The elevator chimed, and I saw two medics come out with a gurney, taking a look at Alex as we both told them we were okay. They loaded him up and brought him to the ambulance as I followed, supported by Stan. Everyone stared as we stepped into the lobby and I told the police that Keith was upstairs dead. Mom stared at me as she held Lindsay in her arms, both crying. I looked at Alex who was headed to the ambulance and then at Lindsay before I walked forward. “Let’s go to the hospital.” I told them as I stared at the police. “Can you come there?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I understand.” I didn’t waste any time walking out front and letting Stan take us to the hospital since the ambulance left. Lindsay asked what happened and I told her that someone hurt Alex, but he was going to be okay. I wouldn’t tell her who Keith was, at least not now. I needed to allow this all to sink in.

  We crowded the waiting area, joined by Brent whom I called when we arrived. I also called Alex’s family and spoke to them for the first time, tearfully telling them that he’d been shot and was in the hospital. I didn’t want it to be this way. His mom told me that she was leaving soon and would get to the hospital as soon as she could. She lived about as far as my mom and I wished that Alex were here to set her up with a plane ticket. “What is it?” Brent asked as he saw me crying harder.

  “His mom is coming, and I want to get her a plane ticket, but I can’t think straight,” I blubbered as he took the phone from me to continue the conversation. My heart was aching as I played back the scene from the loft in my head, praying that Alex would be okay. I thought my biggest fear was losing Lindsay to Keith and I never thought I’d be here for Alex. I wanted to ask him why he stayed behind but I knew. He was always going to protect me and would die doing so without a second thought.

  It made me love him that much more.

  Brent ended the call and handed me the phone before he pulled me into his arms. “I’m going to get her a flight and Alli, if she can leave school. We’re waiting on the call.”

  “Why do I have to meet her like this?” I asked him, feeling my whole world fall apart. I was so grateful to my parents for being here since I was barely functioning. Mom was sitting with Lindsay, trying to distract her as I placed on the other side of the room. I’d talk to my daughter later about the difficulty of seeing someone you love hurt like this, when Alex was better, we could both tell her that everything was okay. I just couldn’t get the image of him bleeding on the floor out of my head right now.

  I watched as Stan walked away with two of the police officers, assuming that he was going to tell them what happened. I wasn’t worried, but my hands shook as Brent pulled away from me when the phone rang. He was defending me, and Alex and it was a justified shooting. I couldn’t bear to think of what might have happened if he wasn’t there. Keith was intent on killing anyone in the way of his money. I owed Stan everything and I looked at Mom to see her reading a book to Lindsay. Judging on the way my daughter’s lids were drooping, she would be falling asleep soon. It had been a long day for all of us. My mom looked equally tired and still stunned as I stared at them.

  I heard Brent speaking softly into the phone and made my way across the room. I needed to sit and have my mom hold me. I needed to hold my daughter, who might never know how close she was to being stolen from me. I sat down beside them and Mom wrapped an arm around me while Lindsay climbed into my lap and curled up against me. “I saw Stan go away.” I whispered as Mom nodded.

  “He did the right thing. I couldn’t believe it when Stan got off on a floor below you and ran off. I always knew that he’d protect you but that was…” Her voice trailed off and she shook her head. “He’s the best man.”

  “He is,” I agreed as I leaned against her. I closed my eyes, feeling like I could fall asleep before a voice echoed through the waiting room.

  “Family for Alexander Callahan?” I sat up, startling Lindsay as my eyes searched the room for the person talking. It was a doctor with a curious look on his face and I raised my hand. Brent stepped forward and I wanted to run over there, but Lindsay was beginning to fall asleep on me. Brent and the man spoke seriously for a moment before Brent ran a hand through his hair. He turned to look around and his eyes met mine.

  Brent walked over and told me in a low voice that Alex was going in for surgery to remove the bullet. He’d bled out a lot, but they were giving him some more blood and he should be fine. I nodded, breathing deeply as I felt anxiety rising in my body. “She’s exhausted.” Brent noted as he looked at Lindsay.

  “Yeah. I don’t know where she can lay down.” I said as I looked around.

  “When Stan is finished, we’ll take her back to the hotel. She needs some rest.” I looked at Mom as she spoke, nodding slowly. “We’re going to stay as long as you need us.”

  It seemed like forever before Stan returned to us. He told me that everything was going to be fine and agreed to take Lindsay back to the room with Mom. They both told me to keep in touch if I heard anything and I nodded as Stan took Lindsay into his arms.

  They left, and Brent sat with me, stroking my shoulder as we waited for news. I needed to see Alex tonight. “I can’t believe he came off the elevator for me.” I murmured as Brent looked at me.

  “Alex loves you. He’d do the same thing again, Soledad.” he s
niffled and looked down.

  “I am such a pain in the ass.”

  “I don’t think you were twisting his arm to stay with you,” he told me playfully, making me laugh.

  “Miss Fleury?” Another voice said as I looked up to see a police officer looked down somberly at me. “Can we talk to you privately?”

  “May I accompany her?” Brent asked, sitting up tall.

  “Who are you?” The officer asked as Brent glanced at me.

  “I am a good friend of both of theirs. I just want to support her.” Brent offered and the man looking down at us nodded. We both stood, and the officer led us to an empty room with some chairs where another officer was waiting for us. They asked me what happened tonight, and I explained that I had a past with Keith that I’d like to describe.

  I went over everything, starting with when we met and then how the relationship turned violent. It was cathartic to tell them everything knowing that Keith would never hurt me again. Brent squeezed my hand as I told my story, harder when the words described what he did to me. I told them about the times we moved to get away from him even though he never did more than stalk me, for the most part. It got worse here and I explained what Alex told me about the money, knowing they would interview him as soon as he was in recovery.

  “I’m sorry that you went through all of that, Miss Fleury. I am also sorry the system failed you along the way.” The older officer looked at me with a warm smile. “Things are changing now with stalking and protecting domestic abuse victims. Though this is one of the best endings I’ve ever heard.” I widened my eyes and he shrugged. “I don’t like the idea of a man treating a woman like that much less his child. I’m glad you’re both safe.”

  When we were finished, Brent took me to get some coffee from one of the vending machines. He handed me a cup and gazed at me silently. “You went through a lot, Soledad.”

  I nodded and sipped the weak liquid. “Is it bad that I’m glad he’s gone?”

  “Fuck, no. I’d think it strange if you didn’t.” Brent took me back to the seats and I called Stan to tell him the news. He urged me to call back or come to the hotel if I needed some sleep. I confessed that I didn’t want to go back to the loft, at least not yet. I ended the call by thanking him again and leaning back against the stiff seat.

  I hated hospitals. I’d been to them a few times with friend when they were sick or in car accidents. I also had bad memories of giving birth to Lindsay. I loved my daughter, but it was a long delivery. I was in pain for most of it and so uncertain of the idea of becoming a mom. Keith wasn’t in the picture then and I missed the fantasy version of him that I dreamed of in my stupid, young mind. I was so naive.

  A few hours later, I was dozing against Brent’s shoulder when he nudged me gently. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, feeling how much they ached from crying. “The doctor.” His voice was gentle, and I looked up to see the man from before looking down at us.

  “Alexander is out of surgery and doing great. He’s going to be here for a few nights recovering before we send him home, but he should make a full recovery.” The man said as I covered my mouth with my hand.

  “Can we see him?” Brent asked as the doctor smiled.

  “Let’s get him to a room and then someone will bring you back. About an hour?” He asked as Brent nodded tersely.

  “His family might be here by then.” He said as I sucked in my breath. The doctor left, and we slumped back as Brent squeezed my hand. “He’s coming back to us.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  I woke up in a room with a few other people, groggy and confused. The woman standing by me explained that I was just out of surgery and doing great. I should be in my own room soon. I didn’t need to ask why since I knew I’d never forget this night in my life.

  Keith waiting for us on my floor, or at least waiting for Soledad. He was carrying out his plan and I was proud of her for telling us all to go, sacrificing her own life. I was also pissed off at her and couldn’t wait to tell her so.

  I was taken to a private room and looked around the large space. It was a normal room with a television on the wall and all the various machines. I was hooked up to an IV there with pain meds and closed my eyes as I let out a sigh.

  They told me that I could have visitors and I waited for the door to open. “Alexander?” I opened my eyes to see my mother peering in and my eyes widened. “Oh my God. Are you going to be okay?” I must have been giving her a weird look and she smiled wanly at me. “Soledad called me, and Brent set up a flight. Your sister will be here soon.”

  She leaned over and hugged me gently, glancing down at my wrapped leg. “It could be worse, Mom.” I assured her as she wiped away a tear. “Where is Soledad? Brent?”

  “They told me to come in first. I was a bit of a mess.” She confessed as she met my eyes. “She’s lovely, Alex. I can see how much she loves you. I guess you feel the same if you jumped out of an elevator to stop an armed man from hurting her.”

  “I do. I love her so much, Mom.” I assured her as she reached out to hold my hand. She stayed with me for a few minutes before telling me she was going to send my friends in while she waited for Alli. I kissed her cheek before she left and waited to see the dark-haired woman that was finally free to be mine.

  The door cracked, and she peered in with tears in her eyes. Soledad rushed over to me and took my hand as she sat in the seat to my left. “How do you feel?” Her voice was low and eyes intense as she gazed at me.

  “I am on great meds, so great. I’m not going to turn that away while I’m here,” I joked as she smiled weakly. “Are you okay?”

  “I am. Stan got there before… he could do anything else.” Her face took on a haunted expression as she gazed past me. “I’ll never forget the sight of you on that floor, bleeding everywhere.”

  “It’s over, baby. He’s out of our lives.” I squeezed her hand as she wiped a tear away. “How is Lindsay?”

  “She went back to the hotel with my parents. She was sleeping.” Soledad sucked in her breath. “I told her as much as I could. I figured we’d sit down with her later when this was all over and I could make sense of it.”

  “That’s a good idea. We can deal with it later.” I stared at her wide eyes.

  “He could have gotten her.” Soledad said softly.

  “He didn’t. He never will thank to Stan. I owe him everything,” I said as she glanced at me.

  “I know. I don’t know how to thank him properly.” She rested her head against the blanket on my bed. “They’re staying here as long as we need them to. I can’t do this without them. I don’t feel like I can even be a good mom.”

  “You need some rest,” I told her as Soledad nodded. There was a chair with an ottoman in the corner and I raised my brow at it. “There’s a chair in the corner, though you might be fighting my mom for it. I think I need to get them a room at a nearby hotel. I’d offer them the loft, but I don’t know if they’d stay there.”

  “I never want to see it again for the moment. I can’t get it out of my mind.” Soledad murmured as I looked at her. The door opened, and she closed her eyes.

  “Hey buddy. How are you feeling?” Brent asked as I grinned weakly at him. He took the seat to my right, taking in Soledad with a concerned look.

  “The meds are great.” I admitted as he nodded.

  “You scared me. Stop playing hero,” He told me as I chuckled softly. “How long are you here?”

  “A few days, I guess. They want to keep an eye on me.” I looked at him., “Thanks for taking care of the flights for Mom and Alli. When is she going to be here?”

  “I think she’s in a cab now. I got them a room at the hotel down the street for the night. We’ll go from there.” I looked at him, knowing that he had my back.

  “Thanks. I feel helpless from here.” I did. I was used to taking care of everyone and I felt trapped here. We chatted about everything as Soledad listened before the door burst open.

bsp; “You idiot!” My sister walked in as Brent widened his eyes. She was a mini version of my mom though more petite. “What were you doing near that guy?”

  “Alli,” I said as she looked at everyone. My sister moved to the foot of the bed and took me in with a dark gaze. “Thanks for coming. Are you okay missing some school?”

  “I am at the top of my class, Alex. I’m fine.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Alli, I’m sure you remember Brent.” They smiled at each other. “This is my girlfriend, Soledad.” She raised her head from the bed and smiled weakly at my sister.

  “I wish I was meeting you under better circumstances,” Soledad told her as she extended her hand. Alli shook it and smiled down at her.

  “We’ll make up for it.” Alli said as she sat down in the chair in the corner. Brent told her that he got a room for her and Mom for the night and as long as they needed it for after that as Alli yawned. Mom walked in just then and looked around the room.

  “You look so tired, Soledad. You need some rest.” Mom looked around to see Alli in the chair for overnight guests and raised a brow. “I suppose someone could stay there, if they allow it.”

  “I am an adult, Mom. I’m sure I’ll be fine. You all need a better night’s sleep than you’ll get in that.” I said as Soledad propped her chin on her hand and narrowed her eyes at me.

  We talked until the nurse popped in and told everyone that I needed some rest. Mom and Alli hugged me before hugging Brent and Soledad, offering to take her to their room. “I am going to my Mom’s room to sleep with my daughter.” Soledad replied as Mom’s eyes warmed.

  “I hope we can meet her during this trip,” she said, shooting a quick glance at me.

  “I’m sure that we can arrange something.” Soledad agreed as she kissed me softly. “I love you, Alex.”

  “I love you,” I assured her as I watched them leave. I turned the lights down and stared blankly at the TV, watching the news as they played the story about Keith. It showed my building and I shuddered, knowing that I might not stay there. I couldn’t imagine making Soledad walk past that spot in the hallway repeatedly, traumatizing her.


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