Finding Faith (Love's Compass #4)

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Finding Faith (Love's Compass #4) Page 13

by Melanie D. Snitker

  Chapter Nineteen

  Aaron easily caught the ball Zane threw to him and rotated, passing it to another teammate who, in turn, made a two-point basket. He made an effort to not look towards the opposite end of the gym where most of the family and friends were gathered.

  Zane elbowed him in the ribs. “She’s still there.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  With a guffaw, Zane shook his head. “Right. You keep telling yourself that. I’m sure you don’t care one bit that she’s been watching almost the entire game — and one player on our team especially. Do you want me to go ask Letty to find out who the other guys is?”

  Aaron glared at the tall man who was sitting on the gym floor interacting with Gideon. A big part of him wanted to tell Zane yes. Or even better, walk over there and demand an explanation himself. “No, I don’t.” Because he refused to appear as jealous as he was feeling right now. Aaron dragged his focus back to the game and moved to accept an inbound ball.

  The next time he was able to steal a glimpse of the spectators, he spotted Gideon crying. Serenity was on her knees trying to comfort him, but the boy shook his head and collapsed in a heap on the floor. Aaron tried to make a shot but missed. As he jogged to the other end of the court, he could tell that Gideon was in a full meltdown and she looked frazzled. The tall man that had come to the game with Serenity bent down to pick the boy up and the three walked out of the gym together.

  Aaron hoped Gideon was okay. He’d only witnessed one of the boy’s meltdowns in the past and it was pretty rough. Serenity assured him that Gideon had few and he was glad of that. He was also glad she had some assistance right now, though he sure wished it was him who was doing the helping.

  The game went well. Normally, he would have thoroughly enjoyed it. But tonight, his mind was centered on Serenity and Gideon, making it nearly impossible to concentrate on anything else. He grabbed his bottle of water and jogged over to where Letty was sitting. Zane was right behind him.

  Zane made a show of grabbing Letty and giving her a big kiss. She squealed and tried to squirm out of his arms. “You are way too sweaty and smelly to be doing that.” But the grin on her face told them all that she didn’t mind a bit.

  “Oh, you know you’d be lost if I didn’t give you an end-of-game smooch.”

  Letty relaxed her body and Zane eased her backwards over his arm before giving her another kiss.

  Aaron chuckled. “Okay, guys, get a room.”

  Zane gave him a knowing look. “You’re jealous.” He winked.

  “Right.” Maybe. Okay, yeah. He was jealous. If he was completely honest with himself, he wished he could kiss Serenity the same way that Zane kissed Letty. But instead of hoping he could talk her into playing basketball with him, she was nowhere to be seen. He focused on Letty. “Is Gideon okay?”

  She nodded. “Something bothered him and I’m not even sure Serenity could figure out what. But they had to take him outside for a while. I don’t think they’ve left yet.”

  Relief tangled with concern. “I’ll go see if they’re okay.” He was about to head out the door when he met them coming back in. He took in Serenity, the man she was with, and Gideon. The boy’s eyes were red rimmed, but he was smiling and he went right to a colorful volleyball in the corner, twirling it in a circle on the floor. “I noticed you had to leave. I was hoping everything was all right.”

  Serenity looked tired. “It is now. I still don’t completely understand what set him off. We took him out to the park and that seemed to work as a reset.” She released a heavy sigh. “It’s times like this when I wish he could talk and tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m glad he’s fine now.”

  “So am I.” Her eyes widened and she blinked at him. “Wow, I’m totally spaced out tonight. I haven’t even introduced the two of you. Aaron, this is my brother, Tuck Chandler. Tuck, this is Aaron.”

  Serenity’s brother. Of course. The similarity between the two of them was hard to miss. The dark hair, the brown eyes. Even some of the mannerisms. Now he felt like an idiot for being jealous of the guy.

  Tuck put his hand out. “It’s good to meet you.”

  “You, too.” Aaron shook his hand.

  Serenity jerked her chin towards the center of the court. “I take it the game’s over? I’m sorry I missed the rest. You played great, though.”

  “Thanks. It’s a lot of fun.” He took a swig from his water bottle and looked to Tuck. “I hear your sister used to play basketball. I’m hoping to convince her to go out there and play a game with us one of these weeks.”

  Tuck raised an eyebrow. “She used to be quite good. My hat’s off to you if you can get her back on the court.”

  Serenity jabbed her brother in the stomach with her elbow and tossed him a disapproving glance. Her gaze flitted to her son. Gideon was sitting by the ball, his hands over his ears, and his eyes squinting. “I’d better get him home before we have a repeat performance.”

  Tuck nodded. “I think that’s a good idea. Go ahead and take him out. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  She opened her mouth and closed it again as if second guessing what she was about to say. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow, Aaron. Please tell Letty and Zane goodbye for me.”

  “I will. You guys be careful.”

  She smiled, took Gideon by the hand, and left the gym. Aaron didn’t take his eyes off them until they disappeared. It was then he turned his full attention on the tall man studying him.

  Tuck cleared his throat. “Do you have a few moments? I have something I want to talk to you about.”

  “Of course.” What could Tuck possibly want to talk to him about? Aaron led the way to the door and they stepped into the hall. He waited for the other man to speak first. It didn’t take long.

  “I’m going to cut to the chase here. You’ve managed to make my sister miserable.”

  Wait. What? “I’m sorry?” Aaron swallowed hard. He remembered Serenity telling him her brother was a cop. Yeah, he’d guess he was good at his job, too.

  “Serenity’s been an emotional mess the last week and we didn’t know why until this weekend. I thought that, since I was in town, I’d come meet the man that seems to be at the epicenter of her difficulties.”

  Was this guy serious? How did he manage to keep from blinking for so long? “She’s not the only one who’s been miserable. Did she tell you about the guidelines?”

  “I’ve heard about them. But I’d like for you to explain them to me in detail.”

  Aaron did just that. He told Tuck about the couple that caused the issues in the first place, about how Cynthia had let everyone know about the new policy, and then how she’d summoned Serenity to her office.

  Tuck seemed thoughtful. “And you say the board voted this through? It seems a bit of a stretch.”

  “I agree. But here we are.” Aaron wished he knew what the man was thinking. He was allowing little emotion to show on his face.

  Tuck shifted his weight, his gaze intense. “And what are you going to do about it?”

  “There’s a quarterly board meeting scheduled in a couple of weeks. It’s open to the public and I’m going to attend. I want to speak with them and see if we can’t remove the guidelines from the school’s policy.”

  “Have you told Serenity about this?”

  Aaron had wanted to talk with the board first. He figured if it solved their problems, great. If not, he was going to have to decide what to do next. “I have not.”

  The cop’s eyes pinned him in place. “And what plan do you have should they decide to leave the guideline as it is?”

  “I plan to weigh my options then. But looking for another job is among them.”

  Tuck sat up straight again and gave a firm nod. “Good man. In that case, I may be able to help. Keep your plans and I’ll do some digging.”

  Aaron got the feeling that he’d passed whatever test Tuck had put him through. He was still trying to catch up
with it all. But if the man was offering his help in getting the board to change the guidelines, Aaron wasn’t about to turn that down. “Any assistance you can lend would be greatly appreciated.” He reached out and shook Tuck’s hand for the second time. “For the record. I’d do anything in my power to make your sister happy.”


  By the time the weekend rolled around, Serenity was more than ready. She was tired of trying to find some kind of balance with Aaron at work. When they spoke, things were friendly. Yet she was constantly peeking over her shoulder, half expecting Cynthia to be there.

  It was so bad that twice she felt like someone was watching her and Gideon in the parking lot. While she was certain it was her own imagination, it’d been nerve wracking.

  Serenity heard the mailman and retrieved the mail from the box near the front door. She leafed through the junk until the hospital’s name on an envelope made her gut drop to her shoes. Dreading what she’d find, she opened it and unfolded the paper.

  The fees they were charging for Gideon’s ER visit was even more than what she’d expected it to be. But the amount she owed jumped off the page like a neon sign: $0.00. The bill had been paid in full. But by whom? Her eyes scanned the page but found no information to satisfy her desperate curiosity.

  She withdrew her phone and called the hospital. After talking to several different people, she finally discovered that someone had come in several days after Gideon had received treatment and paid the balance using cash. He or she had done so anonymously and no one could even give her a hint of who it could have been.

  Frustrated at the lack of answers, she ran through the list of people who might have gone back to pay the bill. Aaron came to mind first. That he might have taken care of it resulted in a jumble of emotions. Part of her was flattered that he would do something so thoughtful. But it was a lot of money and a bigger part of her didn’t appreciate that he might have done this without talking to her first. It kicked her need to be in control of her life into high gear.

  She was about to dial his number when her mind drifted to her family. Taking care of the bill was something Tuck or Lexi would do, too. Even Lance would be tempted. But walking in and paying cash? She doubted it. She supposed it might have been Letty or Maggie. But no matter how many other people she considered, Aaron’s name kept moving to the top of the list.

  She punched in his number and waited through the rings until he picked up.

  “Hey, Serenity. Is everything okay?”

  “I was hoping you could tell me that.” His lack of response made her assume he was surprised by her brusque tone of voice and she felt bad. If he was the one who paid the bill, it was still a genuinely kind thing to do, even though she’d rather he hadn’t. “I’m sorry. I got the statement from the hospital after Gideon was hurt. Someone walked in and paid the entire balance in full. With cash.” She paused, hoping he’d jump in. When he didn’t, she sighed. “Was it you, Aaron?”

  “I’m not going to lie. I thought about it. But I knew you’d be upset if I did. Am I wrong?”

  “No, you’re not wrong.” She swallowed, mentally crossing him off the list. “You’re the first person I thought of who might have paid the bill. I don’t know whether to apologize for that or not.”

  “Don’t.” He was silent for a time. “You know that if you ever needed anything, I’d help you in a heartbeat. Right?”

  “Yeah, I know.” Her voice sounded breathless to her own ears. “Thanks for being honest with me. I should probably go.”

  “Okay. I hope I’ll see you tomorrow at church.”

  “Bye, Aaron.”

  “Bye, Serenity.”

  She hung up but continued to stare at the photo of him she’d added to his contact information. A moment later, she dialed Tuck’s number.

  “Hi, little sister. To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?” Humor laced his deep voice.

  “Wow, you’re in a good mood.”

  “I ought to be. I get to hang out with my beautiful wife all day. And she’s in a baking mood. Do you know what that means?” He sounded so hopeful, Serenity had to chuckle.

  “You’re getting a whole bunch of sweets.”

  “You bet I am.” He spoke to Laurie in the background before returning to the phone. “Seriously, though, what’s up?”

  “I’ve got a little problem and I thought I’d see if you could do me a favor.” She told him about the hospital bill and how she’d weeded Aaron from the possible people who paid the balance. “They said someone came in a few days later. I doubt it’s anyone there. But could you ask for me at family dinner tomorrow? I’d really appreciate it. I want to thank whoever did it, even though I think the person should have spoken with me first.”

  “Sure, I’ll ask. It wasn’t us, though. Not that I wouldn’t have been tempted. But I knew I’d never hear the end of it from you if I did.”

  Serenity nodded. “You’re right about that.”

  “Anyone else there at the school who might have done it?”

  “I spoke with Aaron and he said no. I seriously doubt that any of the other people we know would have.”

  “I’ll ask the family and call you back Monday or Tuesday.”

  “Thanks, Tuck. I appreciate it.”

  They said their goodbyes.

  Gideon startled her when he ran into the room with something he needed help with. “Sure, big guy, let me see it.”

  He’d just gone back down the hall to his room when there was a faint knock at the door. She checked the peephole to find Letty standing there. She picked up Kia and pulled the door open before ushering her guest inside.

  “Is everything okay? What are you doing here?”

  Letty gave her a hug and a reserved smile. “I’ve been worried about you. I don’t get to visit with you much anymore and I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine.” Okay, she was stretching the truth a bit. But she didn’t want to talk about the bill. Or Aaron. What else was she going to do?

  “Are you going to come to church on Sunday?”

  “Probably.” Serenity’s voice sounded much more certain than she felt. She’d planned on going, but was dreading the unavoidable awkwardness that would come with it when Aaron sat down after worship.

  “Well, that sounded convincing. Are you doing all right?” Letty reached for Kia and smiled when the kitten rubbed against her chin.

  “I’m fine.” She leaned against the wall and crossed her arms in front of her. “Everyone keeps asking me that lately.”

  “Aaron keeps telling Zane he’s fine, too. I personally don’t believe either of you.” Letty gave her a stern look. “This whole thing with the guidelines is a bump in the road. I hope you know that.”

  Serenity wanted to say that she doubted it. But she’d been trying hard to not be as negative. Instead, she swallowed her initial response. “I truly want to believe that. But we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can’t take Gideon out of school and Aaron would refuse to let me if I tried. And there’s no way I’d ask him to give up his job. There’s not an easy answer. We’re doing our best to keep on keeping on.”

  “I don’t know if I’m supposed to tell you this or not. But Aaron’s going to the board in a couple of weeks. He obviously hasn’t given up. And a guy willing to stand up to Cynthia … Well, let’s just say he gets a lot of respect from me.”

  Serenity thought about what Letty had said. She was right. If Aaron was planning on going to the board and challenging Cynthia’s policy, he clearly thought their relationship was worth fighting for. She still couldn’t shake the worry that, once the board officially knew about them, they might have her fired as well. If only she knew whether or not that was a possibility…

  She didn’t want her friend to worry further and forced a smile. “Thanks, Letty.”

  “You’re welcome.” She put the kitten on the floor and gave Serenity another hug. “See you tomorrow?”


apter Twenty

  On Sunday morning, Gideon was excited to go back to church again. Serenity was glad he liked his class so well and wished she could share his enthusiasm. Her stomach was tied up in knots and Serenity hoped she could make it through the service. She realized she might have to start sitting apart from her friends so she could focus more on the service and less on the issues between her and Aaron. The entire drive there, she alternated between trying to psych herself up and talk herself into turning around and going home again.

  She got Gideon settled in his class before joining Letty and Zane. Both gave her a sympathetic look which she didn’t need when she was hanging onto her sanity by a fingernail.

  Worship began and she did her best to focus on the songs and singing her praises. Aaron was in the back where he usually played the keyboard and that made it easier to ignore his presence.

  Until he stepped forward and cleared his throat. “This week has been a challenge for me. I don’t know about the rest of you, but when that happens, I often struggle for control. Control over the circumstance, control over the emotions I’m fighting, and even control over how I want God to respond to my problems.”

  At that last part, a number of people in the congregation chuckled. Serenity didn’t join in, but his words struck her with an invisible force that made her suck in a breath of air. What he described was exactly what she’d been going through this week. Aaron’s deep voice pulled her focus back to him.

  “I heard this song in the car the other day and I felt like God had put it on the radio for me. This is a song by Casting Crowns and it’s called ‘Just Be Held’. I want to share it with you all this morning.”

  Someone handed Aaron a guitar and his long fingers began to play a tune as the rest of the worship team joined in.

  The words of the song flowed into Serenity’s heart, taking residence in the confused and lonely corridors within. She didn’t realize she was crying until a tear fell from her chin and landed on her arm. The box of tissues under the chair in front of her beckoned but she didn’t want Letty to see how emotional she was. Serenity did her best to swipe away the tears with her hands and sniffed. When she looked up again, she found Aaron’s eyes on her as he ended the song.


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