Shades of Werewolf

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Shades of Werewolf Page 136

by T. S. Ryder

  "Those two again?" Amelia rose a brow at her.

  "They're just a couple of Bear shifters that live around here or something. They've been hanging around since I moved in. At least they're in their Bear forms this time. Sometimes they walk around naked." Danita felt heat rising in her cheeks. "Not that they aren't nice to look at, of course, but I want this to be a family-friendly farm, you know."

  Amelia smirked at her. "You should see why they're hanging around. Because if they just started once you moved in, it could be that they're looking for a romp in the hay–literally!"

  "Just because you got lucky and landed yourself two Wolves who are more than happy to share you doesn't mean the rest of us will be so lucky."

  Danita sighed with disappointment as the Bears disappeared again. Even if she hadn't had fantasies about a threesome before, Amelia's stories about how mind-blowing sex with two men at once was would have her reconsidering her attitude.

  "You might be luckier than you realize. There aren't any Bear shifter communities out here. Those two might be lonely."

  Danita smiled at her foster-sister. "Maybe, but I don't have time for one boyfriend right now, let alone two."

  "Just make sure you have time to come to my wedding," Amelia replied. "I'd ask you to be a bridesmaid, but Timothy, Xavier and I all decided we want something more intimate. So the wedding party is just the three of us, and only family is being invited to attend."

  "Of course I'll come." Danita smiled at her foster-sister. "I can see how happy they make you. I don't think I've ever seen you beam like you do when you talk about them. I wouldn't miss your wedding for anything."

  "Good. I have to go, but call me, okay?" Amelia glanced between the ramshackle barn and dilapidated house and shook her head. "You have a lot of work ahead, Dani. If the Alphas and I can help you in any way—"

  "I'll let you know."

  They kissed cheeks, and Amelia left. Danita glanced at the tree line, but the Bears were good and gone. Without changing and giving her a good look at their tightly-muscled asses. How rude. If they were going to invade her property the least they could do was give her something to look at!

  She headed to the house to take a look at a burnt-out light fixture, but before she got to the porch, another car pulled into her driveway. A blue Mercedes.

  Danita's jaw dropped. What a beautiful car! She struggled to put her eyes back in her head as a man dressed in a sharp navy blue suit–and for some reason, black leather gloves–stepped out of the car. He clearly wasn't from around here. He had all the polish of a Harvard lawyer, unlike the rough farmers she had come to know as her neighbors.

  "Danita Valdez?"

  "Yes. May I help you?"

  The man smiled. His skin had that perfect sun-tanned glow that came with people who spent their time in tanning beds rather than actually in the sun. His hair was salt-and-pepper gray. There was something graceful about the way he walked that reminded her of a cat stalking its prey. She shivered as he drew closer.

  "Dean McGrath." He held out his hand, and Danita shook it. "I was sorry to hear about your uncle's passing. Tragic, that a man would take his own life like that."

  Danita made herself smile, though the man’s voice made her skin crawl. "Thank you. I didn't really know him very well. Still, he gave me what I always wanted. My own land to establish myself as a farmer."

  "Yes…" His gaze swept over her freshly inherited farm. "The thing is, your uncle owed me quite a bit of money. In the general vicinity of five hundred thousand dollars. And since he owed me that money, this land technically belongs to me."

  Danita's brows rose. "Excuse me? I assure you, I went over his finances very carefully with a lawyer and—"

  "We don't want to involve lawyers now, do we?" McGrath flashed her a smile with distinctive fangs.

  Danita stared at them.

  "Oh, silly me." He made a big show of pushing the fangs until they were even with his other teeth. "Leopard shifter, you know. Sometimes my teeth just lust for something to tear into. But as I was saying, I'm sure you and I can figure this out just fine without involving any unnecessary middlemen."

  A loan shark. Danita repressed yet another shiver, the hairs prickling on the back of her neck. She longed to run into the house and slam the door but somehow knew that it would only make him pounce and do something she didn't want to think out.

  "For all I know you could be making this up to try to extort money from me," she said and hated that there was a tremble in her voice. "Besides, I don't have anything to give you. Look at the condition of this place. It's going to take a lot of funds to make it productive. So you can take your veiled threats and just leave me alone."

  McGrath's eyes narrowed. "Miss Valdez, you do not want to get on my bad side. You've suffered from your uncle's death, and so I'll give you time to rethink what you’re saying to me. I will require a show of good faith, a down payment if you will, in three months' time. I'll go easy on you. Fifty thousand. We'll talk about further monthly payments then."

  "How am I supposed to give you money I don't have?" Danita's voice was clearly shaking by this time, no matter how hard she tried to control it.

  "Well, perhaps we'll have to find alternative ways for you to pay your debt, then." His gaze slowly ran down her body.

  Danita wanted to slap him for daring to look at her that way. She knew she carried extra weight on her belly and thighs, but she had the misfortune of being extremely top-heavy. Not enough for her insurance to cover having breast reduction for health reasons, but enough for disgusting men like Dean McGrath to undress her with their eyes. She backed up a step, heart in her mouth, throat dry.

  No. I am not letting some creep cow me.

  "Forget that!" Her hands clenched as she shifted her feet into a fighting stance. If he dared come any closer he'd get a palm to the nose and a knee to the groin. "I am going right to the police and then we'll see what happens!"

  "Funny… that’s what your uncle said before he sadly took his own life."

  Danita froze.

  "There won't be any more of that silliness, will there, Miss Valdez? You will pay back your debt, one way or another." He inhaled, leaning forward as though smelling her. It made her skin prickle with disgust. "You are quite the beauty, with those exotic amber-brown eyes, your smooth, supple skin, long, silky brown hair, and that figure… you shouldn't cover it up with those baggy flannel shirts. Hispanic girls like you fetch a high price at auction… especially if they're virgins. Are you a virgin, Miss Valdez?"

  McGrath smiled as Danita felt the blood drain from her face. She clutched the step railings. He pulled a card from his pocket and tucked it into her hand before he walked away, not looking back.

  This had to be a bad dream. There was no way a loan shark had just come to her farm threatening to pimp her out if she didn't give him money that she didn't have.

  She looked down at her hand. Dean McGrath's name and business number were clearly written on it. Her hand clenched around it.

  No. No way was this man taking her dreams from her. She was going to find a way out of this, and it would not include selling her body!

  Chapter Two – Killian

  "How long does McGrath want us to stick around?"

  Killian Flanagan glanced over at his partner, Ryan Higgins, amused to see that he had shifted from Bear to human, letting it all hang out for the world to see. Not that there were many people around to see what was on display, surrounded as they were by brush on three sides. The fourth stretched out over a flat field, ending in two buildings that looked like they ought to be knocked down.

  The human McGrath wanted them to keep an eye on lived miles away from any neighbors. Killian knew exactly whom Ryan was trying to impress, and shifted himself.

  "She's not home, you know."

  "She'll be home soon, and you know how she likes to ogle us." Ryan folded his arms, making the flag tattooed on his arm wave. "But I mean it. How much time do we have left here? He visited her tw
o days ago."

  "You know what McGrath said. We're supposed to inform him if it looks like she's going to run. Wouldn't blame her if she did, with that ugly mug always staring at her." He pointed at Ryan's face.

  "Watch it, Kelly, or I'll have to tear your head off," Ryan growled, and only half in jest. He ran a hand through his dark hair. "But I'm serious. I don't like intimidating girls. It's not fair that she should have to inherit her uncle's debt."

  Killian agreed with his partner, but the fact was that McGrath was feeling the squeeze himself. The Leopard liked to think of himself as a big fish in the local crime syndicate. Colloquially known as the Four Clovers, most members, Killian, Ryan and McGrath included, were of Irish descent. The Leopard had gotten himself in over his head with the head of the organization, though, when he lost not one but three drug manufacturing operations out here in the countryside.

  Naturally, this failure was transferred to the dupes McGrath had lent money to. Or in this case, a young woman who had stumbled into the whole spider's web quite by accident.

  The sound of Danita's rattletrap truck got Killian's attention. His gaze moved over the flat pastureland the former occupant had used to grow hay and towards the house. Danita stopped her truck and put her head down on the wheel. Even from this distance, Ryan could see her shoulders shaking.

  "She's crying."

  Killian frowned. He brushed a strand of his hair away from his face. A heavy frown crossed his face. For a reason he couldn’t quite put his finger on, he hated seeing her cry this way. It was like her hope was broken, the way her whole body shook. The faint sound of her sobs reached him.

  "I’d like to find a way to cheer her up," Ryan muttered. "Are there any rules against giving her a little distraction?"

  To anybody else, those words would seem harsh, but Killian knew what Ryan meant. His partner wasn't one for many words. He was a man of action and usually didn't hesitate before he just went and did whatever it was he wanted. Killian was a bit more of a thinker but generally was the same. He did what he wanted.

  And right now he wanted to stop the beautiful woman that they had been assigned to keep an eye on from crying.

  "We have to go back to camp and dress first."

  Ryan rolled his eyes. "We don't need clothes."

  "We are not going to march over there and fling her over our shoulders and carry her to bed. She'd be terrified. Besides, look at her. She's going to be embarrassed that we interrupted her crying. So we give her some time to calm herself down, and then we give her the best distraction of her life."

  Ryan growled, but turned and strode into the trees. With one last glance at Danita, Killian followed. He wanted that sweet little beauty, and he knew that Ryan did, too. The fact that they would never be able to agree who got her first only meant that they'd have to have her at the same time, but he knew that no matter how shocked she was by the idea, she'd come around quickly.

  They always did.

  The real matter was timing, so they wouldn't frighten her off before they had her screaming their names and forgetting whatever it was that had her upset.

  Hell, she's going to forget her own name.

  Killian repressed a groan as he imagined it, her voluptuous body pressed between theirs, her eyes rolling in wild abandon, her mouth hung slack as they took her together. The effect of his fantasies was immediately apparent. Ryan glanced at him with a raised brow.

  "Have something you want to share, Kelly?"

  Killian smirked. "Danita Valdez."

  "Me, too."

  The two Bear shifters returned to their camp quickly. They had used a logging road to get as close as they could to the Valdez farm and then parked their four-by-four truck to make camp. Usually one of them was always at the tree line, watching Danita, but they were only going to be a couple of minutes.

  Killian didn't really enjoy living out here, away from the comforts of the city, but when the boss ordered, he could either obey or end up with a pair of cement shoes.

  It wasn't long before they were headed back to Danita's farm. She had left the truck by that time. Killian cast a critical look at the state of things as they jogged across the field. How was she meant to pay McGrath whatever she owed him when her farm was in this state?

  He knocked on the door when they got to the house. The paint had peeled off the cedar siding, and in more than one place it looked like a board was missing. He shook his head.

  Well, he had been bored on this surveillance, anyway. McGrath couldn't begrudge them helping out sweet little Dani to put her farm back in order. Besides, he wasn't so certain that seducing her was going to be that easy, not with whatever was upsetting her. Working around the place would help in that regards.

  Besides, he liked Danita. Beyond her smoking hot body, he could see that she was optimistic, hardworking and full of dreams. Any way he could help her achieve those dreams looked good in his book.

  Danita's eyes were red and puffy when she answered the door. They widened at the sight of him and Ryan standing at her door. A hand flew to her mouth, a faint darkening of her golden olive tones indicating she was blushing.

  "Good evening, Miss Valdez," he greeted, giving her an easy smile. "Mr. McGrath sent me and my partner here to help you out."

  The faint flush turned sickly as soon as McGrath's name was out. Killian frowned as he and Ryan walked into the house. A quick glance at his partner showed a scowl. It was clear that they weren't going to be doing any seducing today. From the look on Danita's face right now, if she’d agree at all, it was because of fear.

  That was not how Killian Flanagan treated women.

  Danita backed away from the two shifters, craning her neck to look at them. She barely came to Killian's shoulder, and Ryan was even taller. Between them, they were five hundred pounds of pure muscle.

  "Who are you?" Danita squeaked.

  "I'm Killian, this is my partner Ryan. Where's your kitchen?"

  She stared at him like she wasn't sure she had heard him correctly. Killian allowed an amused smile to surface as he nodded to reassure her that he wanted the kitchen. A good, hardy supper was just the thing a woman needed after a good cry. At least that was what his mother used to say.

  Besides, Killian wanted something that wasn't cooked over coals. He might never be able to get rid of the taste of ash.

  Silently, Danita pointed. Killian nodded at her and headed the way she pointed, although once he was in the room, he couldn't help but think it might be better to order in. The linoleum was cracked, the ceiling burnt, walls stained, and the stove had definitely seen better days. Given the bleach smell, Danita had cleaned it thoroughly, but it was disgusting.

  As Killian started to look through the drawers for what he needed to make spaghetti, a four-legged creature came into the room. He stopped and stared at it. It stared back. It was a fairly small animal, with a long neck and legs, covered in thick brown wool.

  "Danita, will you come here please?"

  Moments later, looking like she was about to faint, Danita appeared in the doorway.

  "What’s that?"

  "She's Maria, my alpaca."

  Killian looked back at the alpaca. It gracefully skittered across the kitchen to rub its head against Danita. Ryan appeared in the doorway behind the human, looking curious.

  "Why is there an alpaca in the house?" Killian asked, bewildered.

  "I'm going to start a herd, but all I have is Maria right now. They're herd animals so I can't just keep her outside."

  "So you let the livestock in the house?"

  "She's house trained. Alpacas always use the same spot for their bathrooms." Danita chewed on her lip. "Please don't hurt her."

  Ryan patted the alpaca's furry head. "We're not here to hurt you or your pet, Dani. Like my partner said, we’re here to help you. This place is going to need a lot of work done on it if you're going to pay McGrath back."

  The human's shoulders relaxed as she looked at Ryan, and a hesitant smile appeared on her
face. She believed that they wouldn't hurt her, at least. That was good. They wouldn't get anywhere with her fearing them. Still, they'd have to give it a few days before they rocked her world.

  Not for the first time, Killian regretted ever joining up with McGrath and the Four Clovers. It had seemed like the only option at the time, but this life just wasn't for him.

  When they first met McGrath, he and Ryan were two teenage runaways in a world that didn't understand shifters or their desire to have a woman between them in bed. When they met the Leopard, he talked as if he could show them a place where they'd belong and always have family. It was pretty lies that sucked them in. Throwing in their lot with McGrath was like making a deal with the devil.

  He shook the thoughts from his head as Ryan asked Danita about alpacas and why she wanted to raise them. The human answered hesitantly, but Killian loved listening to every word that fell from her lips. She had a beautiful, sensuous voice with just a hint of an accent.

  He couldn't wait until he heard her crying out his and Ryan's names while the three of them made love.

  Chapter Three – Danita

  Danita sighed as she dressed in an old pair of coveralls the next morning. She had gotten precious little sleep the previous night, worried about her farm, her future, and the two Bear shifters that were apparently living with her now.

  If she didn't know that Ryan and Killian were sent by McGrath, she would have been more than thrilled to know that they were camped out in her living room. Her fantasies were one thing, but it was nothing like seeing them up close. They were, quite frankly, gorgeous. All strength and muscle. Ryan's freckles and tattoos gave him a sensual mix of farm boy and bad boy, whereas Killian's easy smile kept flashing his dimples. He oozed sexual confidence, something that had Danita's heart beating faster as soon as they were near.

  The question was why they were there.

  When they assured her that McGrath had sent them to help her, she couldn't help but believe them. But what did that mean? Were they here to ease her into accepting being auctioned off? Or were they here to help her clean up this place so she could turn a profit and pay McGrath back?


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