Granola Bars and Spaceships

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Granola Bars and Spaceships Page 10

by Geneva Vand

  Keeska appeared in the doorway just as Eric was hanging up his towel. Eet had wrapped ta slender body up in a blanket with only ta head and a few fingers showing, like eet was a living burrito.

  Eric blinked in surprise. "Do you always do that until you're dry?"

  Keeska nodded. Eet stepped to one side as Eric left the bathroom but touched him quickly to talk. -Clothes not comfortable when veeka wet.-

  That made sense. The hairs would stick to everything and tug every which way. The blanket was probably bad enough. Eric contemplated what life would be like with not-feathers as he pulled on his own clothes. He suspected it was a pain in the ass.

  Eric headed out of the bedroom, Keeska once more trailing after him.

  "You hungry?"

  Keeska's fingers brushed against the back of his neck. -Spaghetti?-

  Eric snorted. Keeska would live on pasta if Eric let eet. "I am sick of pasta. We are not eating pasta. Let's try some protein."

  Keeska laughed and followed him into the kitchen.


  I watched Eric as he moved around the kitchen making dinner for us. He hummed softly as he did so, whatever song had gotten stuck in his head during the day.

  Watching Eric, enjoying him, another of the thoughts that had been nagging at the back of my mind for the past several days fully materialized. I had been starting to realize that there was no way I would be all right with leaving him behind if and when I did leave Earth and return to my family. We were building something special. Something that could be what my parents had, given more time. I wanted that, and I wanted it with him.

  I moved behind him and rested my fingers in the small of his back under his shirt. -When… if… I go, want you come with.-

  Eric fumbled and dropped the pan he was holding, dumping water and corn everywhere. He cursed and skittered backwards, pushing me back as well.

  Oh, I was doing so well today. First I had scared him half to death in the bathroom and now in the kitchen. I would be lucky if I didn't break him before the night was through.

  -Sorry! Sorry.-

  Eric laughed. "Shit, Keeska. Maybe chill out with the surprise attacks, yeah?"

  I sighed. -Yeah. Sorry.-

  "Back up a little more. The water's hot. Actually…" Eric turned around, grabbed my hips, and lifted me up onto the counter, blanket and all. "Better." He lifted my bare feet, probably checking them for burns. "Just a minute, okay?"

  I nodded and watched as he went about cleaning up the mess I had helped cause. He checked the meat and potatoes he had left in the oven. They must have met his expectations because he pulled them out and started putting them on plates. At least I hadn't ruined all of dinner.

  "I've wondered about what would happen if you left. I've been thinking about it the past couple days when I wasn't busy."

  Wait, what? I hissed softly. How was he continuing this conversation when I couldn't talk back?

  He laughed quietly. "In a minute. Let me deal with the food."

  I waited impatiently while he rinsed pans and set them in the sink. Then instead of coming to talk to me like I expected, he handed me a plate of food and walked into the living room. Really?

  I slid clumsily down off the counter, trying not to drop the blanket or the food, and followed him. I found him sitting cross-legged on the couch with his plate in his lap. He was eating slowly, obviously distracted.

  "Eat first, okay?" he said when I sat down next to him.

  I sighed but nodded. Eric wasn't eating quickly, so I didn't bother to either. There was no sense finishing and then sitting and waiting for him. I set the plate on the table and tucked the blanket under one arm so I could eat. I had trouble swallowing my food, I was so nervous about what he would say.

  After what felt like an eternity, Eric leaned forward to set his empty plate on the table in front of us. I quickly shoved my own away from me, even though I wasn't done eating.

  Eric laughed softly. "You can finish your food."

  I shook my head and turned sideways on the couch, tucking my feet under myself and facing him. Eric turned sideways as well, still sitting with his legs crossed in front of him. He held out both hands. I scooted closer, so that our knees were touching and our linked hands were resting on Eric's knees.

  "I've daydreamed about going with you," he said quietly, "but I didn't think it would actually be possible."

  I nodded. -Very possible.-

  Eric watched me, very serious. "Okay. So I guess we should talk about it."

  For me it was very simple. It was possible for him to come with me. I desperately wanted him to. It was left in his hands whether or not he did.

  But it was probably more complicated for him.

  -Was foolish, to start relationship when don't know how long here.-

  Eric gripped my hands more tightly. "No. We have no way of knowing how long you'll be here. It could be months. Or years. I think the foolish thing would be to ignore what we have."

  I sighed. -Yes. You right. But might have to decide soon. Longer I here, more likely I go soon.- I shook my head. -Stay or go. You think about?-

  He looked down at our linked hands, looking like he was sorting through a million thoughts. His expression kept changing, but I couldn't tell what he might be thinking.

  After a while he looked back up. "What happens if I go? Is there any chance I would be separated from you? What would I do for a living?"

  -You know my family traders. Many things to do. And would not try separate. You stay with me.-

  He played with my fingers but finally looked up at me again. "I know what traders used to be on Earth. But space traders?" He grinned. "What is that?"

  I smiled. -Much travel. Between planets and hubs. Connect with those that don't travel. Fill orders. Often short trips to transport food. Sometimes act as neutral party for others. Settle arguments, make contracts. Meet many.-

  "So your family business is like a weird combination of traveling salesman and space ambassador."

  That was a very apt description, actually. -Yes.-

  "And that's what you're training to do."

  I nodded. -Yes. Continue when parents gone.-

  Eric smiled softly. "I think I could do that."

  -You could. Think you would like. Large business, large ship. Like small traveling city. Many people working. Many different things could choose.-

  He nodded. "But it would be possible for a Human to live on that large ship?"

  -Yes. Not all Iska. Good to have others too.-

  "And your parents wouldn't freak out about you partnering with… um. A different species?"

  -No.- I shook my head. -Not hate like that. And not first time Iska with other. Not first time Iska with Human. Maybe surprised but not angry.-

  Eric looked very surprised. "There are other Humans?"

  -Of course.- I grinned at him. -Not only one to crash. And many come here on purpose. Trading. Learning. Some Humans always want leave.-


  I laughed. It had never even occurred to me that he had thought he'd be the only one. -Many others. Some places more, some places less.-

  "But… how do they find out about you? How do they know they even can leave?"

  -Humans very curious. Some find us by mistake. Is not always bad, but try to avoid that happening. And there network of Humans on Earth. Some family of those that left. Some not. Iska and other traders meet them. They not many but all over. I not meet yet. Don't know how find by self.-

  He stared at me for a moment, seeming stunned, then shook his head. "Okay then. That's… something." He stilled, looking down at our hands and suddenly holding on very tightly. "I'd have to leave everything. I would just have to disappear. My job, my friends."

  I chirped at him, the same sound I would use to comfort a young Iska. I moved our hands so that I could climb into his lap. Letting my blanket mostly fall away, I rested my weight on his legs and wrapped my arms around him. I made sure one hand was tucked against the small of hi
s back under his shirt so that I could still talk to him.

  -Yes. Most think you vanish. Could tell Will.-

  He nodded and tucked his face into my neck. "But I probably wouldn't see him or the others again."

  That wasn't acceptable to me. -Will think about. Find solution. Family important.-

  He let out a breath that ruffled my veeka. "Give me some time to think about this, okay?"

  I nodded, reaching up to pet his neck. -Yes. Have time. Not know how much, but have some.-

  Eric straightened and sat back a little. "I know it's not that late, but I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed."

  I nodded and kissed his cheek. But when I tried to move off of him, he shook his head. "Nope," he said firmly. Then he gathered me closer and stood. My blanket fell to the floor and I found myself wrapped around him like a clinging vine. He started to carry me down the hall.

  I chittered, startled. -What doing?-

  "Going to bed." He walked through the bedroom door, careful not to bump me against the frame. "And I think that since you tried to kill me twice today, I get some extra cuddles."

  I laughed softly. -Not mean to.-

  "Don't care." Eric untangled me a little then dropped me on the bed. He pulled off his shirt and slid under the heavy blankets. "Do you sleep in clothes?" he asked.

  I shrugged. I didn't really care if he didn't.

  He watched me in the dim light from the fixtures we had left on in the hall and living room. I held up a finger for him to wait and went to turn them off.

  When I returned to the bedroom, I slid into bed next to him. The sheets were smooth, not catching on my veeka at all. I sighed happily and moved over until I was touching him.

  He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. "Sleep in here from now on?" he asked softly.

  I rested my hand on his chest. -Yes.-


  Eric woke the next morning, his day off thank god, feeling rested for the first time in days. Keeska was curled up on the other side of the bed, ta back to Eric. Wasn't that something?

  Eric smiled, remembering the previous evening. It had been interesting, that was for sure. Lots of firsts there.

  He sobered a little. And he'd learned that it would, in fact, be possible to leave with Keeska. Assuming Keeska left. What if Keeska didn't leave? They'd have to make some changes eventually, but he thought that was probably a few months out yet. They were kind of still at the wait-and-see stage.

  Eric sighed at the ceiling. He really didn't like the wait-and-see stage. There were too many questions they couldn't answer yet and too many things they didn't know.

  Keeska made a soft waking-up sound. Eric rolled onto his side and scooted over until he could wrap his arm around Keeska's slender waist.

  Keeska trilled softly and wrapped ta hands around Eric's forearm. -Good morning.-

  Eric rested his cheek against the back of Keeska's head. "Morning. Is this okay?"

  -Is fine. Is good.-

  Keeska's mental voice sounded happy and Eric smiled. "Are you hungry?" he murmured. "I don't really want to get up yet, but I could feed you anyway."


  Eric pulled Keeska a little snugger against his chest. "Will you tell me about your life? We've talked about it some, but it was mostly general things, and little things. There's a lot I don't know."

  Keeska hummed quietly.-I work with parents. Being trader is interesting life. I like. Like the travel and the people.-

  "What do you do?"

  -I still learning much. Not in charge of much yet. Only do small meetings. Mostly organize things. Help with inventory.-

  "Is that what you want to keep doing?" Eric asked, curious.

  -No. Want be more involved with people work. Want to set up treaties, make contracts, work with people. People more interesting that product.-

  Eric nodded. "Yeah, I can see that. You said you carried food, what else?"

  Keeska shrugged a shoulder against Eric's chest.-All sorts of things. Fabric, toys, furniture. Aeka likes the fabric. Lots of art. Many people collect art from other places. Kek like wooden things. Kasc like metal. I collect glass things. Like colors. And shiny.-

  "Is your room full of them?" Eric paused. "You have a room on your parents' ship, right?"

  -Have set of rooms. Lots of shelves. Lots of glass bowls. Put rocks in them. Pretty.-

  Eric laughed softly. "We'll collect some Earth rocks for you." Keeska elbowed him and he oofed. "What?"

  Keeska huffed. -You like pretty too. Have all sorts of things on shelves.-

  "Yup. I was just picturing an entire room filled with little bowls of rocks. Sorry. Do you have… what? A sitting area and a bedroom?"

  -No. Is like your place but on ship instead of in house. Has kitchen, bathroom, everything.-

  Eric blinked. "Umm… Do you use the kitchen? Because…"

  Keeska shook slightly in his arms, laughing. -No. Eat in big dining hall or with parents. Keep snacks in kitchen, but not cook.-

  "That's probably good." Keeska elbowed him again and Eric chuckled. "Tell me a trading story."

  Eric listened to Keeska's voice in his mind, telling him about the time Keeska had gotten lost while Kasc was in a meeting and Aeka and Kek were off doing who knows what. This was peaceful. This was good. He thought he would be willing to give up a lot if he could have more mornings like this.


  The knocking at the door was so quiet that neither of us heard it at first. Eric was reading and I was watching a news show on his tablet with headphones. I tugged the headphones out of my ears just as Eric marked his place in his book, and we both looked toward the door.

  The knocking had paused, so for a minute I thought I was imagining things. Then there was a shuffling sound and the person knocked again, slightly louder this time but not by much.

  I looked at Eric and trilled softly.

  He shrugged. "I don't know. I wasn't expecting anybody. Should we ignore them?"

  I sighed and untangled myself from my blanket and Eric's legs. We'd been sitting at opposite ends of the couch with our legs and blankets tangled together so it took a minute. When I was free, I stood and then moved back to hide in the hallway. Once I was out of sight, I heard Eric get up and move to the door.

  "Who is it?" he called loudly, still walking.

  There was no response that I could hear, and I fidgeted nervously. I really wasn't a fan of unexpected guests. It had only happened a couple times, and both of those had been Eric's friend Will stopping by. That was fine. But what if it was the people who owned the apartment wanting to check in? I chewed anxiously on my bottom lip. Maybe I could hide under the bed? Surely they wouldn't look there. And even if they did, my arm band could make me almost invisible in the shadows if they didn't look too closely.

  I heard Eric turn the lock on the door and open it. I waited, expecting to hear voices.

  "Keeska!" Eric called.

  My head turned toward the sound and I froze. He had never sounded like that before. He'd also never made my name sound four syllables long before.

  There were sounds of movement coming from the other room. I snuck to the edge of the hallway and peered around the corner into the living room. I couldn't see anything other than Eric standing there holding the door open.

  He turned his head and saw me. He looked agitated, but I still couldn't see why. He said my name again. It was less alarmed this time and the normal two syllables. When I still didn't come, he held his hand out and beckoned. What was going on?

  Holding my breath, I finally walked over to where Eric stood in front of the open doorway.

  Eric grabbed my hand. "Um…"

  I frowned and finally moved around the door to see what was in the hallway. Or, as it turned out, who.

  "Ticheck!" I cried, launching myself at the very rumpled looking trader. Eric made a surprised sound and jumped out of my path before I could run him over. Ticheck grinned and caught me, wrapping me up in a tight hug.
/>   I came to my senses after a moment and realized Ticheck and I were standing in an open doorway. I pulled out of the hug, but grabbed his arm and quickly pulled him inside. I shut the door quietly and leaned against it, listening for noise upstairs. I relaxed slightly when there was nothing but silence.

  "Little one," Ticheck said after a moment. "What did you think you were doing? Getting lost and making me find you? Your parents are very upset."

  I laughed quietly and stepped away from the door. "I didn't mean to get lost. My navigation failed and I crashed. I had to hide the shuttle so the Humans wouldn't find it."

  Ticheck nodded, looking very disbelieving. "So you decided to move in with one?"

  I looked over at Eric. The poor man looked very confused and a little scared. His hands were stuffed in his sweatshirt pockets and he was frowning. I smiled gently, happy when the frown eased somewhat.

  "He found my hiding place," I told Ticheck. "He fed me for days, then helped me when I was hurt." I smiled at Eric. When he smiled weakly in return, I sighed and turned back to Ticheck, my happiness dimmed somewhat. "Come. I'm sure you have news."


  Eric watched as the strange Iska nodded and moved into the room. Eet was very pretty, Eric thought dazedly. The stranger's veeka were dark grey with bright blue edges. Eet had long, lanky limbs and moved gracefully.

  Like when eet had hugged Keeska. Right before they had started a very comfortable and happy seeming conversation in Keeska's clicking, trilling language.

  Eric sighed quietly, curling his fingers in his pockets. Keeska obviously knew this person, and quite well too. There were several things that could happen now, and he really wasn't sure what to expect.

  Keeska shut the door, obviously trying to be quiet and not draw the attention of Eric's landlords. He couldn't hear them moving around upstairs, but they might still be home. Hopefully they hadn't noticed anything. It was hard enough hiding Keeska's presence. What were they going to do about whoever this was?

  Keeska talked with the stranger for a moment longer before dashing into the kitchen. Eric was left standing awkwardly, not sure what to do. He and the Iska stood staring at each other until Keeska came back from the kitchen carrying grapes and water.


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