Scandalous Lovers

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Scandalous Lovers Page 45

by Diana Ballew

  “Ha! Try pulling the other leg, Bella.” He looked her over from head to toe, even going so far as to turn her around, and was puzzled to see nothing mussed, except for a dusty boot print on the hem of her gown. “You fended him off, then?”

  “Rafe was not the one who needed fending off.” Isabella turned, noticing Lord Cross sneaking back in through a door further down the length of the room. “It is him you should worry about.”

  The men looked to where she was pointing. The fellow in question happened to glance their way and paled noticeably, then darted away into the crowd, probably to make a wise escape.

  “His Grace once again protected my honor, you dolt.” She was getting tired of Alex’s condemnation of her true love. He had to get past it in case Rafe did eventually want to marry her.

  She glanced at the duke, wondering just what had brought him out on the terrace. Had he come looking for her? Did she dare to hope so?

  Whit chuckled and punched his large friend in the arm. “Bloody funny, isn’t it, old man?” He shrugged at the other fellow’s frown. “Well, both times she’s been attacked, he’s the one to have saved her, and it’s only him you seem convinced will. Oh, come on, Alex, it is ironic.”

  “I want to dance. Your Grace?”

  “Of course, my dear, but just a moment. Alex, I did warn Cross off her, said I’d ruin him if he went near her again. I thought you should know he didn’t seem too contrite, however.”

  Alex nodded.

  “All right, then, love. Let us dance to this pretty tune.” Rafe gave Isabella a bedazzled smile and led her away.

  “You look gorgeous in that color, my dear. Did you know lavender is my favorite?”

  “Really? I thought bronze,” popped out of her mouth, and she blushed madly.

  Rafe threw back his head and laughed. “I shall not embarrass you further by making a remark. No, I shall be a gentleman and change the subject entirely.” He grinned down at her. “So, where has your esteemed cousin taken you so far? Have you yet been to Gunther’s?”

  “No, he offered but I told him that I had already promised my first visit there to my butler.” Isabella gave him an impish grin. It felt so good to be teasing with him again after so long. Now, if only he would kiss her. If only he had been the one to come upon her first outside, to caress her shoulder.

  “Isabella,” he said, his tone stern, “stop that. If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll haul you behind a potted fern and kiss you soundly.”

  “Promise?” She sighed at the delightful thought.

  The music ended, and they reluctantly drew apart.

  “Let me fetch us some champagne, love.”

  Isabella allowed him to lead her back to her cousin and accepted the glass he gave her. She sipped the bubbly beverage and stared at Rafe over the rim of her glass.


  Was there any man as handsome as he? Did any man possess such incredibly blue eyes and hair black as sin? Was any other fellow as noble or possessed of such subtle and dry wit? He was fine, indeed.

  “Isabella, stop it.”

  “What? What did you say, Your Grace?”

  “He said to stop it, you little ninny,” Alex groused at her.

  “Ah, dear boy, here you are.” The Duchess joined them, smiling warmly at Rafe, then at Isabella. “So, this is the beauty that has all of London atwitter this season? How do you do, my dear?”

  Rafe rolled his eyes, but smiled at his mother. “Her Grace, the Dowager Duchess of Devonshire, my dear mother. Mother, may I present Lady Isabella Fitzhugh of charming North Bindlefork.”

  “Your Grace,” Isabella responded, then curtsied smoothly and returned the other woman’s smile. She could see where Rafe got his humor as the lady had mischief dancing in her blue eyes. “I thank you for your compliment, but I hardly think much, if any, of London is twittering about such a simple country miss.”

  “My, a modest woman. I never knew such a thing existed,” Anne said. “I had hoped to meet you the other night, but I developed a terrible headache. You have definitely been the subject of many conversations of late, my dear. Why my dear friend Madame Rose was telling me how you have managed to wrap Lord Jeffrey around your little finger.” She chuckled. “He was quite overflowing with praise of you. And I hear Lord Northby, Lord Elton, and Lord Cross are sniffing after you, as well.”

  “Mother, that’s being a bit crass, don’t you think? Lady Isabella is, I’m sure, not used to such directness from a duchess.”

  “I have been around you three gentlemen long enough to be used to such remarks, Your Grace.” Isabella wasn’t sure exactly what the Duchess had meant, but she thought she understood the gist of it.

  “Now, if you will excuse me for a moment, I must freshen up a bit.” Anne gave her a pointed look. “Would you care to join me, Lady Isabella?”

  “Of course, Your Grace.”

  After the women had left them, the three men stood together in an uncomfortable silence. Whit finally broke the tension.

  “Good God, Alex, he has been behaving himself. Excellent job of stopping that bounder Cross, Rafe.” He held up his glass in salute.

  “Well, it was a good thing I saw her slip out, is all. When she didn’t return, I became a little concerned.” Rafe shrugged it off, but he had felt more than just a little concerned, he had been bloody well concerned. Scenes of Dalton mauling her kept flashing through his mind.

  “You saw her leave and didn’t chase right after her?” Alex sounded surprised. Surely he was thinking it was usually just the opportunity any of them would have taken if in pursuit of a woman.

  “Not with you two watching my every move.” Rafe snorted. “It would have been just the chance you’re waiting for to bruise me up again. I’m not that stupid, thank you very much.”

  Alex actually chuckled along with Whit. “Yes, we did you up pretty badly, didn’t we? I suppose I should say I’m sorry for it, but, truth is, I’m not. It was just the spleen venting I needed, don’t you know?”

  “Glad to be of service, old man.” Rafe rejoined dryly. “Next time, do try to avoid damaging my face quite so much. It truly upset Mother.”

  “Why should there be a next time?” Alex narrowed his eyes. “You’re going to stay away from her, aren’t you, since you don’t believe in marriage?”

  “I never said I didn’t believe in marriage, it was ‘love’ I took exception to.”

  Whit noticed the past tense phrasing, but said nothing.

  “So, you’re thinking of marrying her?” Alex growled.

  “Good God, man, don’t put words in my mouth!”

  Lady Anne and Isabella finished their toilette, but before leaving the room, the older woman placed a hand on her arm.

  “My dear, you love him, don’t you?”

  “Goodness, you certainly don’t believe in mincing words, do you, Your Grace?” Isabella had been fairly sure the Duchess wanted to talk with her, but she wasn’t expecting her to be quite so direct. Well, she could certainly deal with it. “My father insisted on plain speaking, also. Yes, I do love your son, Your Grace. I hope that he will feel the same for me, someday. But, if not,” she smiled sadly, “then I shall take what I can and not cry in my milk and complain it is watery.”

  “My son is very lusty, that is what you will get. It is obvious he wants you quite badly, my dear. He will not hesitate to bed you, if you allow it. And what if there is a child as the result? Will you be so brave then?”

  “How could I help but love a child since I love the father so? I am not being brave, Your Grace. I am being as practical as one can be in matters relating to the heart.”

  “You risk ruining your family’s good name, you understand.”

  Isabella smiled. “I am the last of my mother’s line in all of England so there is no fear of retribution on that front. Alex and his family are my only relatives on my father’s side. When I return to North Bindlefork, I will quite soon be forgotten, as if the very earth swallowed me up.” She
shook her head at the Duchess. “My home is quite isolated, Ma’am; there will be only a minor scandal there. None would touch your son.”

  Anne blinked several times. “You think it is his reputation that concerns me? Goodness, my dear, he is a man, and it certainly does men no harm to have a few bastards scattered about the country. No, it is how you will manage, when this affair ends, that worries me.”

  Isabella was surprised. The Duchess didn’t seem to object at all and was even aiding them in their plot to entice Rafe into marriage. This was really quite odd, standing here discussing her possible bastard child with the Dowager Duchess.

  “Your Grace, I fear we are putting the cart before the horse. Your son may be attracted to me, but that does not mean he will risk destroying his friendship with my cousin over a dalliance. He has been extremely proper tonight. Why, he even asked me to accompany him riding tomorrow.”

  “Ah,” Anne grinned wickedly. “So, he begins courting you, now that you’re so very popular. It does make one wonder what he will do next. You shall manage him quite nicely, I think, my dear. Yes, I do believe my son has finely met his match.”

  “I just hope he will eventually think so, and soon.”

  “Is there some rush? Goodness, you’re not yet even twenty, I believe.”

  “Yes, that’s right.” Isabella liked this woman immensely. She had humor and intelligence and was perfectly comfortable expressing her opinion. Bella’s father would have respected her. “I know it sounds silly, but I set myself a time limit. I gave myself exactly one month to discover the truth about your son and what feelings, if any, he may have for me.”

  “Goodness, you are a practical young thing.” Anne only stared at her.

  Isabella blushed, perceiving the remark was a compliment. “It is just that, given the obstacles I thought I was facing then, I didn’t want to loose sight of the facts. I couldn’t afford to spend too much time away from home, and I thought I was in love with a bastard.” She shrugged. “My father taught me to put things in perspective, Your Grace. Perhaps he went a bit too far in some things, but I really didn’t have the choice not to face up to reality.”

  “Whatever do you mean, you didn’t have the choice? And of what reality do you speak?”

  “Oh, I was extremely plain. It was very clear I could not expect to make a match from some young man fancying my physical appearance. My father didn’t want my hopes being dashed someday by pretending I was comely, so he made sure I understood how ordinary I was.”

  The Duchess looked at her as if she’d just proclaimed she was a pixy and could fly. “The devil, you say!”

  Isabella laughed. “I cannot get used to everyone’s surprise. I swear I look exactly the same as I always have.”

  Anne looked the young lady over from head to toe. “Good God, Isabella, you have a figure most women have to create with assistance, and your hair is lovely. Even without quite so beautiful a face, you would never be considered ‘plain’!”

  “Lady Isabella is certainly a stunning young woman. Why, she could have her pick of any young man there tonight. I shouldn’t be surprised, at all, if Lord Bickers and Lord Smythe should decide to press their suits.” She sighed softly while the carriage rolled toward home. “Yes, Lord Bickers was obviously quite taken with her.”

  “Really, Mother, he’s old enough to be her father. I’m sure the lady has better taste than that.” He snorted. Bella would never be interested in a man like Bickers. He was an utter bore. How could that old relic make her chuckle in that way that made Rafe want to rip her gown off and take her then and there? It was nonsense. The thought of those wrinkled hands on Bella’s soft white skin made him shudder.

  “Oh, she did tell me in confidence that she is rather fond of Jeffrey. They would suit well together, I suppose. Although, she would have to accept short children who would probably be cursed with their father’s red hair and not her lovely auburn shade.” Anne laughed at the glare he sent her way. “Son, your humor has fled! Why so annoyed with me? You usually laugh at my observations after a party.”

  “Because the subject matter is absurd and fanciful. Bella and Jeffrey? Too ridiculous to consider, Mother. And Bickers, that old sod, with her? Bah!” Rafe slouched down further on the carriage seat, his fingers laced behind his dark head. He suddenly grinned at Anne. “Besides, it is I who am riding with her tomorrow.”

  “You, son? Whyever are you courting her?”

  “Who said I was courting her?” The frown was back in place. “It’s only a ride through the park.” Surely asking her for a simple outing was not so drastic a step as to be considered courtship?

  “He can’t be thinking of marrying her, so why bother to court her?” Mother looked with puzzlement out the window, appearing to be talking to herself.

  Rafe sat up. “I am not courting her, blast it!”

  “Hmm, it is odd.” Anne glanced at him. “You did seem rather taken with her, so I suppose I must consider it. You did dance twice with her.” She shook her head. “No, it is too silly. Of course, you’re not courting her.” She leaned across and patted his knee. “Do forgive me, dearest. My, what flights of imagination I sometimes have!”

  Rafe grunted in response. Really, the very idea that he would be courting anyone! Why, he was only just over thirty! He figured he had at least seven or eight years of sampling women before he must settle down and produce an heir.

  Isabella and Jeffrey? Utter nonsense.

  In Isabella’s carriage, things were quite a bit louder. She had just told Alex that she was to ride with Rafe tomorrow, so couldn’t join her cousin.

  “The bloody hell you are!”

  “Really, Isabella, do you think it wise?”

  “Whit, you too? Alex, stop your roaring. It is much too close in here and my ears will soon be ringing.” She sat back, frowning at them both, her arms crossed stubbornly. “I accepted, and so I shall go. You two can shout at me all you want. As I only have just over a week left, I intend on doing what I want now. Your plan was to get him jealous and have him pay me court. And so he is!”

  Alex leaned forward. “Damnation, he can’t be trusted alone with you! He’ll haul you off behind a shrub and have his way with you. You certainly won’t stop him!” He was shouting again and shaking his finger at her. “I saw the way you melted in his arms dancing! He’ll take you in a trice, mark my words!”

  Isabella rolled her eyes.

  Whit tried a more tactful approach. “Bella, dear, things are going along fine, truly. He is jealous beyond belief. But if you succumb to him now, then all will be lost. Don’t you see?”

  “What I see is that you want him to be so desperate for me, he will marry me just to have me.” She felt herself blush madly. “Well, I’ll not have it that way. He will only resent me after. He must truly feel something for me and acknowledge it. That is the only way I will marry him. And if he doesn’t propose, and I loose my fool head and allow him to seduce me completely, then I shall just return home with my shame for company.”

  “Bella, don’t be such a bloody twit! Why, if he does take your innocence, I’ll see that he -”

  “No!” Isabella had never all-out shouted before in her life. She sat bolt upright, her hands fisted with anger. “You will not interfere, cousin! This is my life to decide. I am of age, the mistress of my own estate, and I can make any stupid decision I want! Now, leave it be!”

  She sat back, her head throbbing. Goodness, outbursts certainly took their toll on a person. She only hoped she had made herself clear and wouldn’t have to do it again.

  “Bloody hell,” Alex grumbled. “You’ve become a damned shrew, cousin.”

  Isabella snorted. She was done with allowing them to orchestrate her life. She would handle Rafe from now on, in her own way. She had to work fast, as time was running out.

  Chapter 18

  Isabella was ready the next day when Rafe arrived. Her brawny butler bowed him in, then stepped aside, allowing Rafe to see her standing at the base of
the stairs, a vision in a soft lavender riding habit with tiny pearl buttons marching up the front. A small white hat with a curved lavender feather was perched charmingly on her head.

  “You look scrumptious, my dear lady.” He crossed the floor to her and took her small hand in his, turning it to kiss her palm. He felt her shiver at his touch.

  “You look scrumptious, too, Your Grace.”

  Rafe felt his blood stir as she looked him over with hunger in her emerald eyes. He cleared his throat. “Men are not scrumptious, my dear. They are handsome and virile.” He led her out the door and down the front steps to where their horses stood ready. “Ah, and there is Dilly. I’m glad you brought her with you. She is an excellent mount for you.”

  “I couldn’t bear to leave her behind. Why, she would have been fed apples all day and become lazy and fat as a stoat.”

  Rafe chuckled and helped her mount. “Are you a bit homesick, my lady?”

  “Oh, no. After all, I will be heading back in a little over a week.”

  “What’s this? How long have you been here, then?”

  “Let’s see. It’s been almost three weeks since I arrived. I have become quite fond of my little house. Do you like it?”

  They urged their horses forward, side by side.

  Rafe thought she sounded awfully flippant. “The house is fine.” She had been in London nearly three weeks and hadn’t even sent him a note? Damn Alex for keeping them apart for so long! And now he had only, what, eight or nine days with her?

  “When, exactly, are you leaving?” It was madness to torture himself this way, to seek out her delightful company when he knew naught could come from it. So just why was he doing it?

  “I have planned to leave on Wednesday next. I have had to hire two wagons to haul all my purchases! Goodness, Mrs. Combs will be pleased with all of the things I am bringing home.”

  “Well, then, I shall have to be sure to take you to Gunther’s quite soon, won’t I?” So, he would have nine days to be with her. Scarcely any time at all, really.


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