Working For My Arch Enemy: Enemies To Lovers Romance

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Working For My Arch Enemy: Enemies To Lovers Romance Page 7

by Melinda Jenkins

  “Can you tell me what this is all about?” he demands. His voice is thick with barely controlled rage. “Is it really what it looks like?

  I wrap the sheet around me, feeling exposed in the face of his fury. “It is, but it isn’t.”

  He eyes me cynically. “Exactly how isn’t it?”

  I lower my eyes. “I was going to blackmail you, make a video of us having sex. I wanted to get back at you for ruining my life and everyone else’s that I love.”

  The shock on his face is evident. “I would never have thought you capable of something this deceitful, this manipulative.” He looks at the camera in his hand. “So it’s all on here? Why?”

  I shake my head. “But that’s it. I didn’t do it. I was going to. I even started recording before you came into the bedroom. After we started kissing, I realized I couldn’t.” I look away, my heart breaking at the look of contempt in his eyes. “I knew that I care about you too much to do that to you, to Holly. I turned it off and deleted it when I took the condom out of my purse. I couldn’t go through with it.”

  Realization seems to dawn on him. “So that’s why you were so fidgety with your purse?”

  I nod, ducking my head in shame.

  He looks perplexed. “But how does my family play into this? What did we do that would make you even consider this?”

  “Where do I start?”

  “The beginning is usually the best,” he says sarcastically.

  “Do you remember that day at the lake, the last time we saw each other?” I ask.

  He nods. “How could I forget? How does that factor into this?”

  “Cameron, can you at least give me a robe? I can’t discuss this with you when you’re dressed and I’m still naked.”

  He hands me a robe from the closet. “Continue.”

  I shrug my arms into the robe and fasten the belt. At least now I do not feel quite so vulnerable.

  “When I got home, I found my parents packing up all of our belongings. My dad almost bit my head off when I told him that I had been out all afternoon with you.” I run nervous fingers through my tousled hair. “I asked my mother what was going on. She told me your family scammed us out of every penny we had.”

  His gaze is careful. “And just exactly how did we do that? I certainly wasn’t involved.”

  I grab a tissue as tears threaten to surface. “You remember the draught? My dad was scared that it would be the final straw for us. Your father told him about an investment opportunity, but my dad needed to put up the collateral. Your father was supposed to manage the account and my dad was going to supply the funds.”

  “Where did your dad get the funds?” I can tell from his face that he is still skeptical.

  “He mortgaged the farm.”

  Something about that seems to hit home. I see him wince.

  “My parents tried to recover the money, but it was gone. Your dad, according to the way the contracts were written, had been given the legal right to control and access the funds in any manner he saw fit. My father did not see the need to have an attorney look over the documents before signing. He trusted your father, and it cost him everything.”

  Cameron sits down on the bed, shaking his head in disbelief. “But why me? You know I would never have been involved in something like that.”

  “Oh, please. Don’t try to cover your ass. You were already heavily involved in your dad’s business. How else could you, or your father, effort a new jeep for your birthday? Do you really want me to believe that mowing lawns pays so well?” I shake but I still dare to look at him. I can see his mind beginning to put the pieces together.

  I continue, “Once we lost the farm, my world came crashing down. We had to move to my grandmother’s house in Virginia. I had to leave behind everything I cared about, all my friends, my childhood home, you. In one day, my whole life changed.”

  “I had no idea.” His voice is ragged with emotion.

  “After that, my father went from job to job. You see, the farm was his life. It was all he knew, all he was trained for since a young boy. Without a degree, he was stuck with grueling jobs, low wages, and the layoffs that were always inevitable. After a while, my mother got tired of the roller coaster and left us both. She just… left. She even left her own mother who had stepped in to help us.” My voice hardens. “I don’t know why, but she seemed to blame us all for her lot in life. When she left, my father gave up. He would stumble through each day and job without a purpose. It was pitiful to watch. He’s now a shell of his former self. You would hardly recognize him.”

  He is quiet, his face dark and brooding.

  “I’m just as bad as my mother, I realize now. I blamed you for all of this. I wanted revenge. I wanted at least a tiny piece of my old life back. When I saw how well off you are, I decided to make you pay for my misfortune. That’s why I accepted this job – so that I could seduce you, take advantage of you.” I pause for a second. I’ve never felt so ashamed of myself. “Looking back, I should have known better. I thought I hated you. But the last few weeks showed me that I have other, stronger feelings towards you.”

  He takes my hand. “We were teenagers. We didn’t always think logically. We were still being molded by our parents, though we didn’t want to admit it.”

  He tugs on my hand, urging me to turn and face him. “I haven’t been truthful with you, either. You asked me how I acquired all of this, and I told you I had a lot of luck. I knew I’d hit a nerve that night when I said it. Now I know why.” His face takes on a far off expression. “My father left my mom and me a week after you left. My mother was heartbroken, but she kept it together. I took on any job I could find to help her out, keep us afloat.”

  He pauses with a heavy sigh before continuing. “A year later, he came back. He looked like he had aged two decades in one year. He was a mess. He tried to get my mother to take him back. He told us that he had come upon some money, and his mind had become clouded by it. From the best I could make of it, he blew it all on gambling, booze, and prostitutes. By the time he returned, it was all gone. Now I understand how he got all that money...”

  “Did your mother take him back?” I ask tentatively. I feel like an intruder in his thoughts. Right now, he is in some faraway place that I cannot see.

  He shakes his head. “No. She did get him to sign divorce papers before he left, though.” He looks at his hands, deep in thought. “I had no idea, Rebecca. I’m deeply ashamed for what he did, but I did not know. I hate that you ever even thought that I could have been a part of that.”

  I feel sick to my stomach as I realize that I’ve wasted all of these years blaming Cameron for an imagined betrayal. I’ve been clinging to a grudge that only served to fester within me and make me miserable. I almost did the unthinkable. How can I live with myself after what I almost did?

  I turn to Cameron, the tears finally breaking through and running freely down my cheeks. “I am so sorry, Cameron. I know you probably hate me now.” I place a trembling hand against his cheek. “Just know that I have always loved you. Before, it was the silly love of a teenager with big dreams and no baggage. Now, it’s the love of a woman. I’ve gotten to know you all over again. You’re kind, warm, and funny. You’re a wonderful father. The way you are with Holly makes me smile every time I see the two of you together. When I think of what I almost tried to do, I wouldn’t have just been doing it to just you; Holly would have suffered as well.” I let my hand fall away. “I am truly ashamed.”

  I rise from the bed and begin gathering up my clothes. “I realize you won’t want me to stay on as Holly’s nanny any longer. I’ll gather my belongings together and be out as soon as possible.”

  Cameron places a staying hand on me. “Don’t go.”

  I raise uncertain eyes to his. “How can you even stand to look at me?”

  He cups my face in his hands. “You didn’t do it. In the end, you cared enough to stop. Yeah, you wanted to do something hurtful, but you
couldn’t go through with it. That’s what counts to me. We have to let the past go and stop blaming ourselves and forgive each other. We were teenagers. What happened wasn’t our fault. I guess it’s how we recover from this going forward that matters. All I know is that I want you with me and for us to try and give this a chance.”

  He slides his hands down and pulls me towards him, his arms resting on the small of my back. My heart is beating furiously. Is this really happening? Can my life really be coming full circle? Nothing in my life has ever worked out, and I am afraid to trust it.

  He tips my chin up to face him. “So? Are you in?”

  I see the certainty in his eyes. I feel it, too. “I’m in.”

  Relief floods his expression, followed by a smile that lights up his face. His eyes sparkle with true happiness that I know is mirrored within mine.” I love you, Rebecca.”

  I pull his head down, his lips mere inches from mine. “I love you, Cameron.”

  A wicked thought comes to mind. “Do you know what I would really love?”

  He eyes me cautiously. “I know that look. You’re up to something. It usually gets me in trouble. What are you thinking?”

  I tug at his shirt. “I think you have too many clothes on.”

  He yanks it over his head, tossing it in the corner. He grins mischievously. “I think you do, too.”

  I let the robe fall to the floor. “You’re next,” I say as I look pointedly at his boxers.”

  He is only too happy to oblige.

  We fall together against the bed. His lips find mine. This time, it is slow and gentle as we discover each other with nothing to hide. With a deliberate hand, he touches every inch of me, exploring every curve and crevice. My body glories in the feel of his skin against mine. It’s different from last night. Last night was a raw need and tinged with secrets. Today has a simple honesty that allows us to connect on a deeper level.

  His lips trace the outline of my shoulders as I take him in my hand. His desire for me is obvious, and I revel in that fact. I want him inside of me so badly, but I want to savor every second. He takes my nipple into his mouth, sucking gently, then more urgently, until I am torn between pleasure and pain. When I think I can take no more, he moves down, his lips hovering over my bellybutton, flicking his tongue at the sensitive skin. I moan with need, urging him on to his ultimate destination.

  He gazes up at me with knowing eyes as he lowers himself to the heated wetness between my legs. His fingers spread the folds apart to reveal my clit to his hungry gaze. He takes me in his mouth, his tongue playing with the taut nub, bringing it to a swollen apex of desire. Just when I think I can take no more, he begins to suck on me, pulling me into his mouth with a hard, tugging intensity. I cannot hold back any longer as I allow myself to give in to the excruciating pleasure. Shudders rock my body. He gently licks me, nuzzling me but not stopping. Just as I think I am coming back down to earth, he intensifies his pressure, building me up again until I explode in the second release of desire and passion.

  I lie back against the pillow, my breathing slowly returning to normal. I turn to look at Cameron. “I don’t even want to know where you learned that.”

  He grins. “Like that, did you?”

  I roll over onto his chest. “What gave it away?”

  He laughs. “Maybe it was the many references to God. I never knew you were so religious.”

  I slap at his chest playfully. “I’ll have you saying your prayers in a minute, and we’ll see who’s more religious.”

  He cocks an eyebrow at me. “Promise?”

  “Promise,” I say with confidence.

  I start at his ears, sucking gently on his earlobes and trailing kisses down his neck.

  I trace my lips along his chest, biting his nipple playfully. I hear his sharp intake of breath. He likes it.

  I make my way down his flat, toned stomach. I glory in the tautness of his muscles, feeling them flex against my touch. I feel his erection hard against my chest. He needs attention.

  As I take him into my mouth, I hear him moan in desire. I start off slowly, no frenzy, as I lovingly suck on his long, hard cock. I feel him relax, his breathing steady, trusting in my lead. Once I feel that he is in a thorough state of contentment, I increase my pressure gradually. I can feel his desire mounting in response. His breathing quickens with every movement. He grips my shoulders as he tries to hold back. His fingernails dig into me as he can no longer hold back, and I feel the rush of him into my mouth.

  I gently kiss on him as the tremors fade. I crawl up beside him and snuggle into the warmth of his side. “I believe I heard you calling to a higher force.”

  He pulls me closer, laughing. “I think I just found Jesus.”



  It’s Christmas Eve. As I stare at the huge Frazier fir all lit up, I can only wonder at how I got here. It had all seemed so hopeless before. Now, anything is possible.

  Margaret hands a package to me. “Here, Cameron had me pick this up today. It’s for Holly.”

  I look at her questioningly. “I thought he was surely done.”

  She just smiles. “He’s been looking for this one for a while.” And with a wink, she’s gone back to the kitchen.

  I place the gift underneath the tree. The presents are spilling out beneath. I’ve never seen anything like it. Cameron has gone all out this year. The tree has to be at least fifteen feet tall, its evergreen scent filling the house. A fire is going in the fireplace. Stockings hang on the mantle. There is one for each of us: Cameron, Holly, me, Arthur, Margaret…, and my dad.

  My dad has been staying with us for the past month in the guesthouse. At first, he was reluctant to come see us, his hatred for Cameron’s father being so deep. Eventually, he overcame that. It’s been so wonderful to have my father back. He’s still not the person I remember from before, but he’s getting closer. Speaking of getting closer, Margaret seems to be paying an awful lot of attention to him. He doesn’t seem to mind. As a matter-of-fact, he seems to be smiling a lot these days. I would like to take credit, but I doubt it is all my doing.

  I pour myself a cup of eggnog as I take in the scene before me. My father is sitting with Holly by the fireplace, reading her a Christmas story. Arthur is at his daughter’s, but he has much to come back to. And Cameron? Cameron is rearranging the tree. I have to laugh. And I thought I was the perfectionist.

  I go up to him. “I think Santa will approve.”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t help it. They have drugs for this.”

  I wrap my arms around him. ‘But then you wouldn’t be you, and I love you.”

  He places a kiss on my cheek. “I love you, too. I just want this Christmas to be perfect.”

  I stop him. “It already is.”

  He nuzzles my neck. “You’re right.”

  “Okay you two lovebirds, I think our Christmas Eve dinner is ready,” Margaret calls from the kitchen.

  I cock my head at Cameron. “You heard her. She’s the boss.”

  He gives me a look of mock uncertainty. “What should I do?”

  I whisper lowly. “Mind her. She scares me when she’s angry.”

  He laughs. “Nobody scares you.”

  I take a sip of my eggnog. “I kinda like that about myself.”

  He places a light kiss on my lips. “I kinda love that about you.”

  Before dinner, we let Holly open one present. She rips into the package. It is her own amateur painting set. After I introduced her to painting, she hasn’t been able to put the brush down. She hugs both of our necks with enthusiasm.

  “Good call,” Cameron whispers to me.

  “Have you seen her pictures?” I ask him. “She has real talent. If anything, she’s talented in everything. She has a lot of choices ahead of her. I just want to make sure she knows all of them so she can make a good decision. When you have a child like this, the hardest part is finding their focus.” I look
up at him. “You have a Renaissance daughter. Congratulations!”

  He smiles with pride. “I am luckier than anyone should be allowed.”

  I place my head against his chest. “I think we have all paid our dues. It took a lot of work to get here, but here we are. The journey was worth it.”

  I hear a cough in the background. This time, it is my father. “You guys may be able to live on love alone, but I need food. Margaret worked hard on this. Let’s appreciate it.”

  Margaret looks at my father reproachfully. “You know good and well this is catered, so stop trying to butter me up.”

  My dad grins at her. “Hush up, Margaret. I’m trying to talk you up!”

  Margaret gives him a smile that I have been seeing more and more lately. She’s beautiful when she smiles. I think my dad thinks so, too.

  We sit down for our meal. Afterward, my father walks Margaret out and retires to the guesthouse.

  I hand Holly a plate of cookies. “We’d better be sure and leave these out for Santa.” She nods and takes the plate to place beside the fireplace. I set a glass of milk beside it.

  A couple of minutes later, I realize the error of my ways as Barkley trots by me with a cookie in his mouth. He’s followed by Elvis, who also has a cookie.

  “I turn my back for one second!”

  Barkley looks completely unapologetic as he curls up on his doggy bed and devours his treat. Elvis at least has the decency to look ashamed and drops his cookie. I rub his ears and hand him back the cookie. “Merry Christmas, Elvis.” He looks at me cautiously to make sure it’s okay and slowly takes it from me. I pat his side. “You’re a good boy.” I give Barkley a look, “Unlike some dogs.” Barkley remains unimpressed and returns to the plate to lick up any crumbs.

  Holly rubs her eyes sleepily. I look at Cameron. “I think someone’s ready to go to bed.”

  “No!” she exclaims. “I want to wait up for Santa!”

  Cameron picks her up. “We’ve told you. Santa doesn’t come unless you’re sleeping.”

  She puts her arms around his neck. “Why, Daddy?”


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