Having My Baby

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Having My Baby Page 5

by Imari Jade

  Bekim raised an eyebrow at Shane’s comment. Emily dating someone, preposterous. “You two are horrible. Besides what man would subject himself to her fiery temper?”

  “You,” Shane said as he tore a doughnut apart.

  Deandria ignored Shane’s statement. “I’m her best friend. She would tell me if she’s dating someone. And where would she meet a man anyway? She never goes out.”

  “That’s true,” Bekim said. “She’s either home or here.”

  The conversation waned and they went back to eating doughnuts.

  Bekim finished his first and rose. “I have to get back to work. I’ll see you guys at noon.”

  Deandria and Shane waved to him and Bekim left the lounge and rode the elevator back to his office.

  No way, he thought as he slid behind the drafting table. Emily couldn’t be pregnant. And the only guys she’d been hanging around lately were him and Solomon. He went back to the design he’d been working on before he stopped for coffee. If Emily were seeing someone, surely Solomon would know.

  Emily looked much better when they all assembled in the lobby at noon. The plan was to walk four blocks to Jacoby’s Steakhouse for lunch. Jacoby’s had the best steaks in the area and Bekim craved beef. He walked and talked with Shane, with Emily and Deandria following closely behind. They entered the restaurant and got seated quickly because they had reservations. The steaks arrived and about fifteen minutes into the meal Bekim noticed Emily turning green again.

  “Excuse me,” she said rising. “I need to use the ladies’ room.” She hurried away before either of them could respond. Ten minutes passed and still she hadn’t returned.

  Deandria rose. “I’ll go check on her.”

  “Maybe you should since I don’t think I can just walk into the ladies’ room,” Shane said.

  Bekim smirked at Shane’s little joke, but deep inside he worried.

  Deandria walked away, leaving him with Shane. Once they left the restaurant he would personally escort Emily home.

  * * * *

  “Emily, are you okay?” Deandria called out as she entered the ladies room.

  “No,” Emily moaned. Her stomach rebelled and she vomited again. Emily flushed once the spasms subsided, exited the stall and walked over to the sink.

  “You still look green and you’re sweating,” Deandria said. “I think you have the flu.”

  Emily pulled a toothbrush and paste from her purse and freshened up her mouth. “It’s not the flu,” she said once she finished. “I’m pregnant.”

  Deandria gasped loudly. “What? How? Who?”

  “I’m pregnant and you know how.” She refused to say his name. The tears slipped from her eyes.

  Deandria walked over to her and patted her on the shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “No it’s not. I’m going to have to raise this baby alone and I don’t know how.”

  “What do you mean alone? What about the father?”

  “He doesn’t know and I don’t want him to know.”

  “Why the hell not?” Deandria asked. “Is he married? Oh gawd don’t tell me you’ve been screwing a married man.”

  Emily dried her eyes. “No, he’s not married, but he’s not the fatherly kind. And he’s everything I despise in a man.”

  Deandria chuckled. “Apparently you found something redeeming in him to sleep with him.”

  “I was drunk and I don’t remember much of it.”

  “No, don’t tell me you picked some man up in a bar,” Deandria said.

  Deandria was getting on her nerves with all the questions.

  “No, it happened the night of the company’s Fourth of July picnic.”

  “You met someone at the picnic? When? I was there next to you most of the time except....”

  Emily started crying again.

  “No!” Deandria said like she discovered the answer and didn’t believe her. “Bekim is the father?”

  Emily nodded. “So you see why I’ve been keeping this a secret. The man is a Casanova and a gigolo.”

  “So is your father, honey, but he did okay raising you. And Bekim loves you. Everyone knows this. He’s gotten rid of Camille and Gizelle and the two of you would be perfect for each other.”

  “I think we’d better get back to the table,” Emily said drying her eyes for the last time. She reached into her purse, took out her compact and lipstick and repaired her makeup. “Please don’t say anything.”

  Deandria followed her out of the ladies’ room.

  The men had finished their lunch by the time they returned to the table.

  “Is everything all right?” Bekim asked Emily as she sat down.

  “Yes, thank you. I think I’m going to follow my father’s advice and go straight home. I’m still feeling a bit under the weather.”

  Bekim signaled for the waiter. He paid the bill when the waiter arrived and the four friends walked back to The House of Bucktell.

  Solomon called them into his office before Emily had a chance to leave. “I’m glad you’re back. I have some wonderful news. The hottest actress in Hollywood, Megan Jefferies wants Bekim to design a line of clothing for her. And I’ve volunteered the three of you to help him.”

  Emily was about to open her mouth and protest when she suddenly felt ill again. “That’s nice Daddy, but can we discuss this tomorrow? I was just about to go home because I’m still not feeling well.”

  “But of course, dear. I’ll have the car brought to the door,” Solomon told her. He went back to discussing his plans with Bekim and the others.

  Emily exited her father’s office and staggered back to her office holding her stomach. Apparently the morning sickness was going to kill her before she delivered the baby. Emily walked into her private bathroom and threw up again. She pulled out the toothbrush and paste again and freshened up her mouth. She walked back into her office and found Bekim waiting, leaning against her desk. “What are you doing here? I thought I left you with my father.”

  “You did, but I got concerned and came to check on you.”

  Emily walked over to her desk and started packing her things to leave. “I’m okay,” she said as she stepped around him. “I just need to lie down.” She stepped away from her desk and then she got dizzy. Emily reached for her stomach just as darkness overtook her. “Awe,” she groaned just before she passed out.

  Emily felt a cool compress on her forehead. She opened her eyes. Bekim glared down at her. “What happened?”

  “You passed out,” he replied. He seemed concerned. “Are you pregnant?”

  Emily sat up quickly. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Don’t play around. You haven’t been yourself for days and everyone’s noticed that you’ve put on a few pounds.

  “People are talking about me?”

  Bekim nodded.

  “Yes,” Emily said. “Yes, I’m pregnant, but please don’t tell anyone.”

  Bekim continued to gaze at her.

  “What? It’s no big deal. Women get pregnant every day.” She rose, but still felt dizzy.

  “Does your father know?” Bekim asked.

  “No. No one knows except you and Deandria. And I would appreciate if it remains this way.”

  “But you won’t be able to hide it too much longer,” Bekim said.

  “I’ll tell my father later,” Emily said, putting her purse in the crook of her arm. “Now I have to leave because I’m sure the driver is getting nervous in front of the building."

  Bekim followed her out the office and out to the car. He helped her inside. “I’ll call you later to check on you. Try to get some rest.”

  “I will,” Emily said, praying he’d leave before he asked any more questions.

  Bekim closed the door and the driver drove away from the curb.

  Emily fought to keep the tears from falling. Why did he have to be such a caring bastard?

  * * * *

  Solomon couldn’t stop laughing.

  “I don’t see wh
y you’re laughing,” Emily said. “There’s nothing fancy about this situation.”

  “Honey, you’re pregnant by a man you despise. You have to admit it is sort of funny. When are you going to tell him?”

  “Never,” Emily answered as she nursed a glass of milk in her father’s kitchen.

  “But you have to tell him. He’s the father.”

  Emily corrected him. “He’s a sperm donor.”

  “Bekim would make a wonderful father, and just think of all the beautiful maternity clothes he could design for you.”

  “And think of the many women your grandchild would be calling Auntie. Bekim doesn’t have time to be a father. He has an active social life.”

  Solomon poured himself a glass of milk and joined her at the table. “Not lately. He’s in a slump.”

  “He is a slump,” Emily said. A very sexy slump.

  “How is Megan Jefferies’ collection coming along?” Solomon asked.

  She, Shane and Deandria had been pulling some pretty long hours lately. Tonight she agreed to meet Bekim over at his place to look over his design for some formal wear. She’d just stopped in to give her father the news away from the gossipers at work. Emily finished her milk, rose and put the glass in the sink.

  “Don’t work too late,” Solomon told her. “You’re going to need a lot of rest now that you’re pregnant.”

  “I know,” Emily said. “I’ll leave Bekim’s as soon as I check the designs.” She kissed Solomon on the head and left the house.

  * * * *

  Bekim led Emily into the apartment and to his drawing room. “Have you eaten?” he asked.

  “No,” she said. “I plan to pick up something on the way home.”

  “You really need to eat,” he said. “You’re feeding another mouth now.”

  “I know this. I’ve been able to eat more now since the morning sickness stopped.”

  “And you need to think about wearing flatter heels. You could trip and fall.”

  Emily looked down at the drawings and smiled. Bekim was worried about her.

  “Are you seeing a doctor?”

  “Yes, I have an appointment next week.”

  “You should have the baby’s father go with you.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Emily said. “Hey, I like this one. It’s just perfect for someone with a petite build.”

  “Have you purchased any maternity wear yet?” Bekim asked.

  “No. Why?”

  “Let me design them for you.”

  Emily looked up from the drawing. “You have enough to do. Shane can whip me up something.”

  Bekim frowned at her. “I thought you didn’t want anyone else to know. Is he the baby’s father?”

  Emily laughed. “Hell no. Shane’s nice, but I have no interest in him.”

  “Then who is he?” Bekim moved closer to her.

  “No one you know,” Emily answered. “Can we get back to the drawings?”

  “I’m serious. All I need to do is take a few quick measurements. I’ll make you look like a queen.”

  Emily thought about it. What harm could it do? “Okay.”

  “I can’t believe you’re agreeing so easy,” Bekim said.

  “I only agreed so you will stop badgering me. Besides you might do me something nice and appropriate for my age.”

  Bekim walked away from her and pulled out a tape measure. “You need to undress.”

  “You mean you want to take my measurements now?”

  Bekim nodded. “The sooner the better. You can change behind the screen.”

  Emily walked away from the drafting table and went behind the shade to disrobe. She didn’t know why she bothered since he’d seen everything she had anyway. Moments later she stepped out in her underwear and bare feet.

  She followed Bekim’s gaze from her breasts to her belly.

  “Damn, I had no idea you were this far along. When’s the baby due?”

  “April,” Emily answered.

  Bekim walked over with the tape measure and measured her shoulders first. “That would make you almost five months.”

  “Yes,” she said as he measured her around the chest.

  “You’re going to need bigger bras too. You’re spilling out of your cups.”

  She would have considered the comment rude had it been some average Joe off the streets, but Bekim knew bras. “I have them on order.”

  Bekim lowered the tape measure to her belly. “You’re going to need something with pleats and elastic to adjust to your bulge.” He paused. “If the baby is due in April that would mean you got pregnant sometime in July.”

  “Something like that,” Emily said. Oh lord, he’s going to figure it out.

  “That was around the time of the company picnic.” He dropped the tape. “Shit.” Bekim grabbed her by the shoulders. “Please tell me it isn’t so.”

  Emily trembled in his grasp. “It isn’t so.”

  “Then who?”

  Emily gulped. “Someone. I don’t remember.”

  His grip tightened. “Don’t give me that, shit, Emily. Are you carrying my baby?”

  Emily sighed. “Yes.”

  Bekim removed his hands. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I have my reasons,” she said.

  Bekim reached down and picked up the tape.

  Emily stepped back behind the screen to change.

  “What possible reason could you have for not telling me?” His cell phone rang. “Hello? Oh hello, Simone,” he said.

  Emily walked out from around the screen fully dressed. She reached for her purse. “You don’t have time to be a father,” she told him. “I can’t compete with your women.”

  Chapter Five

  The lovely clothes kept arriving after Emily thought she made it clear she didn’t want anything to do with Bekim. By Thanksgiving she gave up trying to hide her belly and allowed her father to announce he was finally going to be a grandfather to anyone who would listen. Of course, everyone speculated on the identity of the father, and Emily just gave up on this too, since Bekim walked around the company on a cloud and watched her with big puppy dog eyes. She also gave in and agreed to let Bekim accompany her on her next prenatal appointment. But before then she just had to get through Thanksgiving dinner with Bekim, Solomon, and Bekim’s family, whom she’d never met.

  “How difficult can this be?” Solomon asked, as he and Emily rode in the backseat of his town car.

  Emily gazed over at him. “It won’t be difficult for you. You’re not the one with the future little Bekim in the oven.”

  Solomon reached over and patted her hand. “I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  The Bekim family home was located in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It was in fact a villa near Seventy-Third Street and astonishingly not too far from her grandfather’s mansion.

  “How long have you known Bekim’s family lived near grandfather?” Emily asked.

  “Quite a while,” Solomon said. “His family is filthy rich, but a bit eccentric.”

  Talk about the kettle calling the skillet black. Emily looked ahead. The manor overlooked the East River. It was a huge two-story brick Colonial with a matching brick privacy fence. “Is this for real?” Emily asked as she continued to stare at the place. The driver drove them up a winding driveway.

  “So, your baby’s going to be a little pampered,” Solomon said.

  Pampered? The kid would be rotten to the core, just like his father.

  The driver got out and helped Emily and Solomon from the car. Then he removed some gifts from the trunk and followed the Bucktells up to the front door.

  Solomon rang the doorbell and minutes later a butler answered. Solomon introduced himself.

  “Right this way, Sir.” The butler led them down a marbled hallway into a huge waiting area and then down another hall to the formal dining room.

  Emily kept eyeing the priceless art, the gorgeous Persian rugs and the adorable little dark-haired girl who followed t
he butler.

  The butler opened a door and stepped inside the dining room. He took the gifts from the driver and placed them on a table. Then he announced Emily and Solomon and left with the driver. The little girl giggled and ran over to a young woman who also had dark hair. There was another little dark-haired girl present.

  Bekim stood up and walked toward them. He looked like someone from the Roaring Twenties with his hair slicked back and wearing a formal dressed suit. Emily did like the color. It was a medium gray with a dark gray vest.

  “Emily, Solomon,” he said rather formerly. “I’m glad you’re here. Please let me introduce you to my family.”

  They followed him up to the table.

  “Mother and father, this is Solomon Bucktell and his daughter Emily. Emily and Solomon, these are my parents Martin and Isadora Lacolmn.”

  The Lacolmns rose.

  Martin reminded Emily a lot of her own father, except Martin had brown hair and probably didn’t cheat on his wife. He wasn’t quite as tall as Bekim or Solomon, but he still had a great build and Bekim’s blue eyes.

  Isadora was a smartly dressed woman with short stylish black hair and a pretty smile. She shook Solomon’s hand, but hugged Emily. “Welcome to our family, dear,” she said. Once she released Emily she just stood there staring at her for a few minutes, especially around the midsection. “That outfit is simply gorgeous. Did Bekim design it for you?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Lacolmn,” Emily said.

  “Call me, Dora, dear. And you have dark hair too. I wonder if the baby will have your green eyes or be blue like Bekim’s?”

  When did we get on this subject?

  “Come. Let me introduce you to the others.” Dora led her away from her father and the other men. “This is Glenda and her husband Tad.”

  The young woman did resemble Bekim around the eyes.

  “It’s nice to meet both of you,” Emily said. “And this is?” she asked of the little girl on Glenda’s lap.

  “This is Caroline. Say hello to Miss Emily, Caroline.”

  Caroline had big blue eyes and appeared to be about three years old.

  “Hello,” she said shyly.

  Dora took Emily around to the next couple. Both husband and wife had black hair. “This is Charity and Clark,” she said.


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