A Hunter Within (The Alliance of Power Duology, Book 1)

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A Hunter Within (The Alliance of Power Duology, Book 1) Page 8

by Anna Applegate

  “What were you guys talking about?”

  “Nothing important. We can discuss it another time.” Seeley motioned for us to leave, clearly agitated now.

  To say I was confused was an understatement. “It didn’t sound like nothing,” I said, frankly, crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow. I looked back and forth between the two of them, waiting for someone to say something.

  “Perhaps this isn’t the best time or place,” Seeley said, only to be agreed with by Henry.

  Henry busied himself with some books at the desk while answering. “Probably not. I’ll see you later,” he said, as if nothing in the world had happened that was strange or out of the ordinary.

  Seeley led me away gently, but I was still pissed. We got out the doors of the library, and I pushed again, not willing to give up on the fact that my potential new love interest and an important man in my life were fighting about who knows what.

  “What does Henry want you to tell me?” I asked again as we walked outside.

  Seeley’s determined gaze was set straight forward, his hands slammed into his pockets as we made our way out of the main doors toward the parking lot to his car. “It’s nothing, Parker.”

  “It is clearly not nothing,” I pressed, with more of an edge to my voice than I meant to have.

  “I think you need to drop it,” he said, his voice simmering with anger.

  “Seeley.” I ran around in front of him, blocking his path. “I know something weird just happened back there. And I don’t know what has been happening here in general these past few weeks, but something is going on. Something strange. And you and Henry seem to have something going on now, too. I’d like you to tell me what it is. If you can’t do that, I’ll go back into that library, and I’ll demand Henry tell me whatever it is he knows about you.”

  Seeley pursed his lips and ran his hand through his hair forcefully. “You won’t believe me anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”

  “Please,” I softened.

  He was fighting an internal battle with himself that he was on the brink of losing. His resolve was fading, and I could tell because he was becoming more restless the longer we stood in our deadlock. He twitched and adjusted his shoulders and neck like he was about to lose it. He closed his eyes and appeared to be steading himself before looking me in the eyes.

  “I need you to promise me that you will not be afraid.”

  “Why would I be afraid?” I asked, shocked at the statement.

  He watched me closely, his eyes moving quickly scanning my face. “It’s important that you promise me. I’d never hurt you,” he said.

  “Seeley, I wouldn’t think that you would hurt me,” I said, suddenly wondering where this was going to go. How bad could it be?

  “I’m not who you think I am, Parker,” he said. “I’m not…” he said, seemingly mulling over his words and, started pacing. He glanced at me again. “This is going to sound insane to you.” He sighed, releasing the ever growing tension he had been showing. “I’m not human.”

  I snorted. “Okay?”

  “I’m a vampire,” he said, holding my gaze and waiting for me to say something.

  “Seriously, Seeley? I wasn’t kidding around. Tell me now, or I’m going to go back up there…”

  He walked up to me and took my arms in his strong but insanely gentle hands. “You need to listen to me. I am a vampire,” he said slowly, articulating his words as if that would be the way to make me believe him somehow.

  I watched his eyes to look for any sign of joking and saw none. I frowned and yanked away from his grasp.

  “Okay. This isn’t funny. I’m going.” I began to walk off, but Seeley rushed around in a blur to the other side of me. I gasped and jumped back from where I stood.

  An all familiar prickling sensation stirred again on the back of my neck. I reached my hand up and felt goosebumps forming.

  “The man who escaped Falcone was also a vampire,” he said but then quickly paused, sensing my agitation. “I need you to know that I will not hurt you, and I’m not like him. I’d never hurt you. But you are right about things happening here lately. There is quite a lot going on that you do not understand.”

  “St-stay back,” I said, holding out my hands in front of me. “There are no such thing as vampires.” I paused, watching him suspiciously. “Are you on drugs? Are you in some sort of cult?”

  I wanted to believe anything other than the fact that this seemingly normal man I thought I was really starting to like, believed he was some sort of fictional creature.

  “Think about what you saw that man do. Did he seem normal to you?” Seeley asked, appealing to my rational side.

  “No,” I admitted. “But there are drugs that can make you feel superhuman, that give you an adrenaline rush of strength, and that explains why he was acting the way he was.”

  Seeley began to slowly approach me again, taking his time and speaking gently. “Jules,” he said, using my first name, which I had rarely heard him do in the short time we’d known each other. “I know this sounds impossible to you, but it’s the truth and… “

  “Stop, I don’t want to hear anymore. I’m leaving. I won’t tell anyone what you think you are. We can just forget we…forget,” I stammered and started backing away.

  “I’m still me,” he said, taking another step forward.

  My heartbeat sped up, and I took a few more steps back. I didn’t feel threatened or in danger, not at all actually. I was simply nervous. Vampires weren’t real, but clearly Seeley had some serious psychosis going on and thought they were. Not only did he believe they were real, but he believed he was one. Realizing that my feelings were nerves and not fear comforted me for a moment.

  “Maybe I can get you some help,” I suggested calmly, stopping my retreat.

  “Well, well, well what do we have here?” A raspy voice came out of nowhere from behind Seeley and he turned around, speeding toward me before I could even register what was happening.

  “Your majesty.” A man dressed in dark clothes came lurking out from the shadows a few feet from where Seeley had been standing moments before. He was flanked by two other men, both dressed in similar dark colors. “It’s an honor to finally meet you.” The man bowed, but his tone held a mocking accusation.

  Seeley’s arm was out, hovering in front of my body, warning me to stay back.

  “I’m not sure who you have me mistaken for, but you should be on your way.” Seeley’s voice was authoritative and strong. Unwaveringly bold.

  A snicker from one of the men behind their obvious point guy came, followed by a snake-like voice. “Don’t bother, Seeley Ronan,” he spat out. “We know exactly who you are.”

  Instinctively, I reached up and grabbed at Seeley’s jacket. The man’s snaky voice made me nervous, and Seeley seemed to be trying to protect me from something. Great thinking, Jules. Grab the looney sex god who thinks he’s a freaking vampire.

  “If you go quietly, you will go alive.” Seeley’s voice came out cold, and I let go of him.

  For a brief moment, I thought maybe he was what he said he was. I shook my head, trying to rid that thought right out of my mind, and started taking a few steps back. Whatever this was, I shouldn’t be a part of it. And it was dangerous enough where Seeley hadn’t wanted me near these men in the first place. Perhaps Seeley could hold them off long enough for me to run to the car and get help fast enough to save us both. We weren’t that far from the parking lot.

  The leader lunged toward Seeley and I ran, as quickly as I could, only to be grabbed from behind.

  I screamed, but a hand clamped over my mouth. It was dirty and stank of death. I bit down hard, but that just made the man holding me howl in laughter. “You can’t hurt me, girl.”

  He still had me in his arms and swung me around, facing me back toward the other two men and Seeley.

  I watched in awestruck horror as Seeley easily, and with inhuman speed, fought off the snake-like talker. The man lay at his feet in
mere moments. The leader became furious at the ease at which it was now just two against one, two against two if you counted me, which I’m sure no one did.

  “Now, we’ll have to take your girl’s life here as payback for that,” he snarled.

  “Let her go. She has nothing to do with this,” Seeley demanded, seeing me in the arms of the other goon.

  The man who held me put his nose up to the inside of my hairline. “She smells interesting. What are you?” he asked and I shuddered.

  “Get your filthy hands off of me,” I spat as soon as I spoke.

  “Oh, I like them feisty. Maybe I’ll keep you instead. After all, Gabriel is no fun for me,” he said, watching Seeley closely as he spoke, but leaving his disgusting mouth near my ear.

  Seeley lunged toward the man holding me. His eyes were no longer the ice blue I had come to be so entranced by. Instead, they were dark, practically black. Seeley’s lips were curled back in a snarl, and I saw his teeth, elongated and shining as the moon hit them.

  I was smashed onto the ground in seconds, and Seeley was fighting off the man who had held me, but the leader was coming at me now. He grabbed me by my throat and flung me backward.

  “No,” Seeley yelled.

  I was soaring through the air and slammed into a rock-wall formation surrounding a beautiful garden area. My head smashed into the stone, and I immediately felt sick. My chest tightened, and it was almost as painful as my head. My vision blurred, but I watched Seeley tear through the last goon. A boot kicked me in the ribs, and I coughed, forcefully and unintentionally. Seeley was yanking the boot and the leader it belonged to away before it could hit me again.

  I saw Seeley look over at me, and I thought there was a panic in his eyes. The leader was behind him and I tried to yell a warning, yet no sound came out. Seeley winced in pain as something looked like it was slammed into his back. I closed my eyes. There was a darkness creeping into my vision that wasn’t natural.

  I moaned. A warm trickle of liquid ran onto my neck. I tried to get up, but I couldn’t move. My eyes were getting heavier, and opening them to see anything going around me was nearing impossible.

  And then, I knew. I was dying.

  I wasn’t afraid, and yet I wasn’t totally calm either. I was stuck somewhere in between. It was like a trance of some kind. I wasn’t experiencing any emotion, just knowledge that this was it and the slow shut down of my body.

  “No, no,” Seeley’s angry voice rang out. “Jules, listen to me. Keep your eyes open.”

  “Seeley?” I said, hazily. “Are they dead?”

  “Yes. You’re going to be fine okay? Everything is okay. Jules, stay with me. Please.”

  “You never say my name this much,” I said. He always said Parker. I wondered why. Not that this was a time to be wondering anything. I couldn’t seem to focus very well on any thoughts in particular. My mind was floating, unable to grasp anything specific for too long.

  “I’m going to do something you’re not going to like,” I heard him say. If I hadn’t felt his hands on me, I would have sworn he was far away.

  “Don’t turn me into a vampire,” I gurgled, thinking I would laugh, but it didn’t sound anything like a laugh.

  My head was pulled upright.

  “Shit, Jules.” I heard Seeley’s voice again. “Stay with me a minute longer.”

  My head fell forward, and I almost passed out. I had a moment of happiness where I wondered if now I’d see my parents again.

  A pair of fingers strongly tugged at my mouth. “Swallow, damn it,” Seeley whispered desperately, pressing my head down.

  Something finally touched my lips. It didn’t have any taste, but my tongue twitched as I licked the liquid and tried to swallow. My head was buried in something. Seeley’s skin, maybe his neck. I wasn’t aware enough of what was happening to understand. Was I sitting now?

  I tried swallowing again, this time tasting something metallic, but not unpleasant.


  I didn’t know where I was... I didn’t know if I would even live, but I knew that voice, and I didn’t want him to be upset. The pain that came from his simple plea hurt me in a way that I would’ve thought impossible. I tried to focus, to do what he wanted, so that I could take away his suffering.

  I swallowed more, tugging at whatever it was Seeley was having me drink. An incredible warmth flowed through me—it felt like I was truly waking up for the first time in my life. It was then I realized I was sitting in Seeley’s lap, while he held my head to his neck.


  I should have been grossed out. My mind was telling me that I should reject the vile substance, but I couldn’t. It was amazing. I was suddenly aware of everything around me, and I didn’t want it to end.

  Then another emotion hit me altogether as I felt his presence surrounding me: desire.

  Seeley drew in a sharp breath when I began sucking at his neck with more force. The thought of our kiss from earlier came to my mind, and I pressed myself harder into his lap. His hand tensed around my head, while the other slid up my thigh, stopping at my hip.

  “Jules,” he whispered. His breath was raspy and sounded sexier than anything I could have imagined.

  I pulled back and looked into his eyes, searching for some sign that I should stop. His eyes were dark, the same black I had thought I’d seen when he rescued me from the goon’s hands.

  Seeley brought his lips to mine, gently grasping my neck, but taking my mouth roughly enough to satisfy my craving. As he deepened the kiss, I became desperate for air—like I hadn’t breathed in ages.

  Abruptly, he pulled away, making me feel bereft. “Parker,” he said forcefully. He moved his hands, gripping me with bruising force to stop my hips from thrusting. I hadn’t even realized before then that I was rocking against him, trying to gain enough friction to alleviate this ache inside of me. “You’re just feeling the effects of the blood lust.”

  I leaned back when he released a shaky breath and watched as his darkened eyes transformed to icy blue right before my eyes.

  “Oh gosh, what…” I jumped off his lap as I snapped out of my blood-induced grind session. “You’re—you’re actually a…and they…” I pointed to the three bodies that lay on the ground to our left.

  I swallowed hard, wiping at my lips and wondering if they were as stained as Seeley’s neck was at the moment.

  “Did I hurt you?” I asked, meekly.

  “No.” He shook his head. “Although you did test my self-control in a way it’s never been tested before.”

  I blushed furiously. “I don’t understand what’s happening,” I whispered, on the verge of an all-out panic attack.

  “Hey,” Seeley said, standing up from the bench. He frowned before he stumbled right back down onto it.

  “Seeley?” I asked, concerned at his suddenly starry-eyed look.

  “Back pocket, knife and phone.” He forced himself to look at me, urging me with his eyes. Something was very wrong with him.

  I obeyed, leaning him over to reach into his back pocket and found just that: a knife and a phone.

  He continued with instructions, sounding like he was on auto pilot instead of actually here with me. “Lift up my shirt. Is there a mark of any kind, anywhere?”

  I looked, running my hand over his flawless skin and saw it. An angry-looking swelled area surrounded by red and black markings.

  “Yes, it looks bad. What is it?” I asked.

  He swayed before speaking. “I need you to take the knife and make sure there’s nothing inside. My guess is some sort of chip or tracking device. You need to take it out.” His speech slurred.

  I wanted to argue. I wanted to say he was insane and I shouldn’t be taking an un-sanitized knife to his back for what he thinks might mysteriously be in there. But he didn’t look good. And at this point, I realized I might not know anything I thought I did.

  I took a deep breath and let the scientist in me take over. I gently prodded at the spot, touching i
t with my fingers to find some sort of misplaced item or lump. Sure enough after a few pokes and prods I felt something small. I took his knife and dug into his skin as close as I could to where I thought I felt something strange. I was able to take out a small, square chip—it almost looked like a mini memory card—and held it on my finger for him to see.

  He looked worse and simply nodded once.

  “Call Rebecca,” was all he managed to say before falling over. I caught him. He was so heavy, but I couldn’t let him fall off the bench. I was starting to worry. Whatever the red and black marks were on his back, they were spreading more quickly than what looked natural.

  My hands shook as I took his phone out. There were only three contacts in the entire phone: Gabriel, Kellan, Rebecca. I pushed the contact’s name, and I heard a click, but no one said hello.

  “Hello?” My voice trembled, and I heard the fear come out. “Is this Rebecca?”

  “Who the hell are you, and why do you have this phone?” an angry voice sounded from the other end.

  “I need Rebecca. Seeley needs help. I’m…we’re outside the library at—”

  “Don’t move.” Click.

  I hung up, praying that whoever Rebecca was would come for him. As he lay there motionless, I stroked his head. What was wrong with me? Why was I so attached to this man? No, not a man. I didn’t know what he was. He thought he was a vampire, but could that be true? I needed time to process everything that just happened. Everything that had been happening. I closed my eyes and tried to take deep breaths.

  I stroked Seeley’s hair gently, desperately hoping he could feel it somehow. “Please, don’t leave me,” I whispered in his ear.

  “What have you done?” The nasty voice from the phone call earlier sounded from in front of me, and I looked up. Of course the voice belonged to a leggy, busty blonde. Great.

  “Some men”—I pointed over to where their bodies were—“they attacked us. He stopped them, but one of them got something in him. I took it out, but it’s not getting better. Before he passed out he said to call you.” I held up my hand so she could see the chip.

  “Are you an idiot? Destroy that! It’s tracking him, you moron,” she barked.


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