A Hunter Within (The Alliance of Power Duology, Book 1)

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A Hunter Within (The Alliance of Power Duology, Book 1) Page 9

by Anna Applegate

  I glared at her but obeyed. She took Seeley from my lap effortlessly, and I stood, stomping on the chip until it certainly looked destroyed enough to me.

  She flung her hand at me as if I was some piece of trash. “Run along now, I have it from here.”

  Her attitude finally reminded me of who I was and snapped me into having some sort of purpose again. Who did she think she was treating me like this?

  “Yeah, I don’t think so,” I started to say but was ignored completely.

  Rebecca whipped out her phone, and I heard her bark brief orders out. “Kellen? Yeah, I have him. We need some clean up. Ping my phone and take care of it, then head back to the house.”

  She looked like she was about to take off.

  “Wait!” I shouted. “Where are you taking him?”

  “Home. Away from you. He never should have been out like this in the first place,” she spat in anger at me.

  I tried to stay calm at her obvious disdain for me. “His car is here. I can drive you,” I offered.

  She watched me for a moment. “I don’t trust you,” she sneered.

  “Well the feeling is mutual.” I rolled my eyes. “We can either debate each other out here while he suffers, or you can let me drive you and get him somewhere safe. Your choice.” My inner strength and voice finally returned to me and I stood watching Rebecca make her decision.


  We made our way to the car, and I started the engine. She loaded Seeley into the back, gently, and then climbed into the seat next to him.

  “You just need to tell me where to go,” I said.

  “Oh, great. You can’t even handle knowing where to drive. Just start. I’ll tell you where to make your turns,” she huffed.

  I glanced at her in the rearview mirror in between her annoyed direction-giving. She watched Seeley as if she admired and loved him greatly. I wondered who she was.

  “Here,” she snapped.

  I looked at the beautiful Victorian-era house that we had pulled up to. Normally, the size and sheer beauty of the building in front of me would have stopped me in awe, but I realized I’d have to admire this later. I quickly got out of the car.

  “Do you need help?” I asked.

  “Do I look like I need help from a human?” she hissed.

  I backed away. Human? Oh please, no. She was one of them, too?

  A man was on the porch and came running out, only running didn’t seem quite the right word. He blurred by me would be more accurate. He took Seeley from Rebecca immediately.

  “Thanks, Kell,” she said, speaking sweetly to him, which was a stark contrast to the nasty and angry tone she took with me.

  I stood awkwardly outside by the car.

  “Now, you can go. If he wants anything to do with you, he’ll call. Don’t hold your breath,” she said in an obnoxiously dramatic voice.

  “Look, I’ve been through a lot tonight, and I’m not going anywhere until I know he’s okay,” I said, a bit more timid than I was hoping to. “Please, he saved my life,” I added.

  “Let her in, Becs. He’ll be pissed if he wakes up and doesn’t know where she is,” Kell, said. I assumed he was the Kellan from Seeley’s phone.

  I frowned, wondering if Seeley really cared that much about my comings and goings but didn’t give Rebecca a chance to answer. I just started walking inside.

  I watched the flurry of movement as Rebecca rushed around the living room. Kellan had set Seeley up on a large table while she was gathering what looked like supplies. I had no idea and couldn’t be sure because she was moving at that awe-inspiring speed they all seemed to possess.

  “I’m assuming you know what we are, based on the blood stains on his neck and your mouth.” She stopped, watching my eyes widen at her quicker-than-normal movements. “So wipe the dumb-founded look off your face. If you’d like to do something, get me a bowl with some water and towels from the cupboard above the sink,” she snarled.

  I nodded, kicking myself and wondering if they thought something bad about the blood marks. Who cares what they think. It’s none of their business. I gathered what she’d asked for, and by the time I had come back, Rebecca was holding up a vial of blood.

  “Did you get all of it?” Kellen asked.

  “Yes, it’s coming out clean now. I’ll test this to see what it might be. Whatever it was did a number on him, clearly.” She finished as I set her supplies down. She glanced at me once and walked out.

  “I’m Jules,” I said, looking at Kellan.

  “Kellan.” He smiled. “Thank you for helping him.”

  I nodded and sat down on a bar stool away from the area where Seeley was. I wanted to stay out of the way as much as possible at this point.

  “What happened?” Rebecca came back, wiping her hands and watching me.

  “We were walking back to Seeley’s car on campus and three men…or…” I trailed off and bit my lip.

  “Vampires.” Rebecca sighed, annoyed that I was struggling with the word.

  I shook my head. I couldn’t believe I was going to acknowledge her and admit what they were. I mean vampires? This was like a nightmare come to life. And along comes a man that I finally have feelings for and he’s not even a man. I sighed, resigning myself to the fact that even though in my head I couldn’t quite fathom their existence, the scientific evidence I’d seen firsthand tonight was too much to simply ignore.

  “Three vampires”—I made it a point to say it forcefully and directed at Rebecca—“came towards us. They called Seeley ‘your Majesty’ and said they knew who he was, even when he told them they were mistaken. They started fighting him. One of them took me, and Seeley went after him but the leader threw me and I”—I rubbed the back of my head—“I got hurt pretty bad. I couldn’t tell what happened next. Seeley seemed to get hurt at some point, but then he was with me and gave me his blood and I came to.” I cleared my throat, trying not to think about how incredible it had been to be in Seeley’s arms. Even at such a ridiculously inappropriate time as it was.

  “When Seeley tried to leave, he fell down and told me to look for the chip and to call you. That’s all.” I said, ending the recap.

  “So they know he’s here,” Rebecca said toward Kellan.

  I remembered the man holding me had said something about a Gabriel, and there was a Gabriel in Seeley’s phone. Deduction told me Gabriel was his brother. I wasn’t sure if he’d want Rebecca and Kellan to know that. I thought it best to wait for him to wake up and ask him. Even though these must be two people he trusted.

  “Is he going to be okay?” I asked.

  Rebecca scoffed. “He’ll be fine. He was poisoned, but it’s out and he’ll heal quickly. He’s extremely strong. And lucky, this time. You can sit there until he wakes, and then you can show yourself out.” She stormed out of the room, and I rolled my eyes. I didn’t understand why she hated me so much.

  “She loves him and she’s worried. We’re the only family she’s got,” Kellan said, seeing my frustration. “Can I get you something to drink?” he asked.

  “No, thank you.” I said, watching Seeley and praying for him to wake up soon.

  I wondered how Rebecca loved him. The thought made me wary, and I hated it. I was starting to realize I cared much deeper for Seeley than I was letting myself believe.

  Kellan walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water, and set it in front of me, despite my denial at wanting it. I was thankful and smiled, drinking the entire thing in a few large gulps.

  “I better go see if she needs any help running those tests.” He watched me for a moment. “You’ll be okay with him?” He tilted his head Seeley’s way.

  “Of course. I’ll let you know when he’s awake.”

  I got off the bar stool and walked over to the table. Seeley wasn’t moving at all, not breathing or anything, and my heart constricted.

  I pulled a chair out and sat down, resting my hand in his. I relished the tingling sensation as it coursed over my fingers and my
thoughts began swirling together as I lost track of time.


  “You’re okay.” Seeley’s voice caught my attention from the empty stare I’d held at the white walls across from his legs. He was looking at me with a small side smile, the one that didn’t reach his eyes.

  “I’m okay. Are you okay?” I said with a desperation in my voice that betrayed how worried I’d been.

  He snorted. “I’ve had much worse.”

  I sighed, finally feeling like I could take in a deep breath now that he was awake.

  “I didn’t think you’d be here,” he said.

  I paused. I didn’t think I’d be here either when he’d first told me what he thought he was. “You saved my life, Seeley. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

  He shook his head. “There’s nothing to repay.”

  His hand was already in mine, and I squeezed it, watching his face as his eyes combed over me. I had no idea what this connection was to the man in front of me. He had admitted to me he was a vampire, and from what I’d seen, he couldn’t be lying. He was definitely something else. As much as the scientist in me wanted to fight it, the proof and evidence I so desperately wanted and needed to believe something was in front of my eyes. All the strange happenings were seeming to pull together to give me that solid confirmation.

  “The man from Falcone was a vampire, too?”

  Seeley nodded and furrowed his brow together, lost in his own thoughts. “He hurt a lot of people, and I was cleaning up, trying to help who I could. That’s why he got away from me for a moment and almost got to you for a second time that night.” He watched me as he revealed this new information.

  “So really you’ve saved me three times, now,” I said.

  He shrugged. “Perhaps.”

  He leaned his upper body onto his forearm and pushed himself into a sitting position. I went to help him but realized he didn’t need me at all. He looked, completely fine actually.

  “You want me to get your friends?”

  He shook his head, clearing his throat. “Give me one more minute.”

  He squeezed my hand and I didn’t want to let go yet.

  “Can I ask you some things?”

  He nodded. “I’d be shocked if you didn’t have questions.”

  “Will anything happen to me now that I”—I paused, afraid to put words to what I’d done—“now that I drank your blood?”

  Seeley looked at me warmly and reassuringly. “No. You healed because our blood has that capability. But nothing else will happen to you. It’s a complicated process to turn into a vampire, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Maybe we’ll save that for another time then.” I tried to smile but a pit formed in my stomach thinking about how much I didn’t understand.

  “Were you born this way?” I asked.

  He watched me carefully as he spoke. “Yes. Vampires can procreate amongst themselves. My parents were both vampires,” he informed.

  I tried to keep my face stoic. “The man who was holding onto me had mentioned that Gabriel wasn’t fun for him. When I looked in your phone to call Rebecca, I noticed there were only three names in there. Gabriel, Kellen, and Rebecca. Kellan and Rebecca are here.” I paused, not wanting him to think I was snooping. “Does that mean that Gabriel is your brother?”

  Seeley glanced away from me before he nodded and a look of pain washed over his face.

  “And that means those vampires have him somewhere?”

  “No. Well, yes. But those vampires weren’t just anyone. Those vampires work for Falcone Industries.” Seeley’s rage was obvious, and it seemed to be growing by the second.

  “How can you be sure?” I said, shocked.

  “Trust me,” he said. “I’ve been watching Falcone for a long time. Those vampires tonight were theirs. And now we know my brother is with them.” He put both his hands on the table he was sitting on and hung his head for a moment.

  I reached out and touched his cheek, bringing his face up to look at me. “If he’s anything like you, I’m sure he’ll be okay,” I said, trying to sound as reassuring as I could.

  Seeley took me by surprise and leaned into my hand, kissing it once. “Could you let the others know I’m ready to see them? Do you mind?” he asked.

  “Not at all.”

  I made my way toward the back of the house where Kellan had headed off to before, but they were already walking toward me. Rebecca brushed by me without a word. I shook my head and went to re-enter the living room.

  Seeley was standing, looking like a commander ready to lead his troops. “There’s a lot we need to talk about,” he said.

  “That’s your cue.” She smirked at me and nodded her head toward the door.

  “Jules stays,” Seeley said, as if Rebecca’s comment was the most ridiculous thing he had heard and barely needed addressing.

  Rebecca threw her arms together over her chest and huffed. “You have got to be kidding me. The point was to get close to her for information and then let her be. She works for our enemy, and we are just going to let her know what we’re doing here and who we are?” she said flabbergasted.

  It was as if I had been punched in the gut. While Rebecca went on her rant, the big reveal she had given me was enough to hurt me, more than it probably should have given that I’d only been on two dates with Seeley. His questioning me about Falcone suddenly made more sense if he had simply been using me for information. So did the guilt on his face after we first kissed.

  I started heading for the door, unsure what to say but not wanting to stay in this place a minute longer. Their pursuit of knowledge had dragged me into a world I should know nothing about, and the panic and fear from earlier was beginning to come back to me and finally hit me like it should have when it originally happened.

  Seeley grabbed my arm, looking pleadingly into my eyes. “Jules, please just hear me out.”

  I hated the woman I was turning into, hurt and sappy over a man I clearly didn’t know that well. “I think I should go.” My voice quivered. There was no place for this in my life. There was too much I wanted to accomplish, and that wouldn’t happen if I was blubbery over a stupid crush.

  The look on Seeley’s face was one of disappointment and shame. “I want you to stay. Please, it might have started out that way, but believe me that it’s different now. Please. I know you feel it, too,” he begged.

  “Let her go. We can do this without her,” Rebecca butted in again. I turned and glared at her, surprised by my boldness given she was a freaking vampire.

  “I trust her, Rebecca,” Seeley snapped, barring his teeth.

  “You don’t trust her, you want her in your bed.”

  “Enough,” Seeley roared. “Don’t forget who it is you’re speaking to.”

  “My apologies, your majesty,” she said snarkily.

  He brushed the comment off and let it go.

  Kellan had been quiet during their heated debate, surveying me the entire time before speaking. “If you trust her, then so do I,” he said quietly to Seeley, ignoring the death rays shooting out of Rebecca’s infuriated eyes.

  I stood, Seeley still holding my arm. “If you want to leave once we finish talking, I’ll understand. But please let me talk to you. Don’t leave like this.”

  I watched his intense gaze silently pleading for me to stay. Something in them held me in place like I was under a spell that wouldn’t let go. I was frustrated, but also somewhat hopeful that perhaps there was an explanation for what Rebecca had said. A reason that had been worth our relationship being a lie from the start. And as much as I wanted to be angry right now, it wasn’t like he could orchestrate the reaction we had to each other, the sparks that were there.

  I sat down, off to the side, patiently waiting, thinking it best I not say anything at all and let the three of them work out this power struggle that seemed to be unraveling before me. I wasn’t sure what they were about to reveal to me. What could be more intense than finding
out vampires were real?

  I still wasn’t quite sure I had grasped that information or believed it, for that matter. Perhaps it was just some sort of drug that they were on themselves. Plus, Seeley was making it sound like Falcone was doing something with vampires. How could I not know that about the company I’d revered my entire adult life?

  “Parker, you asked how I knew the vampires we ran into were Falcone vampires?”

  I nodded, snapping out of my own thoughts.

  “I recognized one of the men there tonight. I didn’t know him very well, but he knew who I was. The way he was acting is not how he normally is, at least not anything like I remember. He wasn’t violent at all. He was a man with a family. He has been missing for six months, and his family has been wondering where he was. One of the reasons we’re here is because my brother isn’t the only vampire who has gone missing in the past few years. There have been a string of disappearances all tied to this area. Vampires seem to be taken, and then show back up again only violent, aggressive, and dangerous. More dangerous than you can even imagine,” he said.

  “Aren’t you sort of dangerous to begin with?” I asked, going solely based on mythology at this point.

  “I know this is a lot for you to take in. Maybe I should start from the beginning.” Seeley ran a hand through his hair and started pacing. I watched, trying to prepare myself to understand everything.

  “Vampires and humans have never co-existed with each other’s knowledge, obviously. For many years, vampires were dangerous creatures, a true threat to humanity. In the beginning, when vampires first came to be, they were power hungry and had a hard time controlling themselves. Not long after vampires were created, there was a group of people who came to be as well, one that was brought about to keep vampires in check. They were known as hunters, all from various backgrounds and races, all sworn to protect and defend humanity from vampires. They helped control outbreaks from some of the more dangerous of our kind.

  “Over time, vampires began to gain better control of themselves. They grew tired of the violence and learned to live in peace. After thousands of years, most vampires wanted just that, peace. To be able to go about their lives in quiet. Both vampires and hunters had seen unnecessary deaths throughout the years, and a small group of leaders within the vampires decided it was time to govern with an authority that kept peace among our own people.


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