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Zandian Lights: An Alien Holiday Romance

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by Rose, Renee

  Zandian Lights

  An Alien Holiday Romance

  Renee Rose

  Rebel West

  Burning Desires

  Copyright © December 2018 Zandian Lights by Renee Rose and Rebel West

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this book ONLY. No part of this e-book or paperback may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Published in the United States of America

  Renee Rose Romance

  Editor: Maggie Ryan

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book contains descriptions of many BDSM and sexual practices, but this is a work of fiction and, as such, should not be used in any way as a guide. The author and publisher will not be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from use of the information contained within. In other words, don’t try this at home, folks!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  From the Authors

  Read the Zandian Masters Series

  Check out Renee’s Zandian Masters Series!

  About Renee Rose

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  Other Titles by Renee Rose

  About Rebel West

  Excerpt from Conquered by the Alien Prince

  Conquered by the Alien Prince - Taster

  Chapter 1


  He’s looking at me. Again.

  I sneak a peek across the vast workspace covered with electronic parts in need of repair. Although the tall, handsome Zandian is a full fifty paces away, I sense his movements on the surface of my skin.

  When he catches me looking, he crosses his arms and scowls. “Kianna, the part isn’t going to fix itself.”

  I try to ignore the way his huge muscles bulge, because he’s such an ass. “Right you are, Mykl.” I roll my eyes. “How lucky I am to have such an insightful boss. You always teach me something new.”

  He coughs and his scowl deepens. “Is that insubordination?” When he first took the position of supervising humans, Mykl didn’t understand our sarcasm, but after almost a solar cycle with me constantly teasing him, he’s well-versed. He arches a stern brow.

  My stomach flips with adrenaline. He’s officially my master and supervisor, which means he’s allowed to discipline me.


  And I’ve heard from my human friends what deliciously dirty things can happen when they push their Zandian mates. If they tease them too much. Or break rules. For some reason, the Zandians believe the best way to condition humans to their society is through sexual punishments.

  I love the idea. Anything is better than the cruel shock-sticks and starvation I was treated to at the factory where I worked as a slave before I was purchased at auction by Zandian warriors.

  Of course, Mykl hasn’t touched me. He isn’t my mate. Not my friend. He doesn’t even like being my master, even though I sometimes catch him looking at me with hunger.

  “That”—I gesture to the bench— “is a working class 4 phaser. You’re welcome.” I stand up, give him a sweet smile, and wipe my hands on my form-fitting breeches.

  His eyes track my movements and turn from violet-rimmed brown to all purple. His scowl deepens. “Impossible. I just gave that to you last planet rotation. Check your work.” He strides across the room, reaching me quickly.

  I suck in a breath at his proximity. “Already did. Twice.” When he gets this close to me, I feel dizzy. “Master Mykl.” I prod him more these planet rotations. I can’t resist the way he responds, with a growl and an admonition… but also with heat in his gaze. And I know I’m not imagining the tilt of his horns in my direction.

  “Then do it a third time.” Ignoring my jab, he picks up the part and examines it, turning it in his strong, deft fingers. Looks at me. Back at the part. “By the stars. I think it might be correct.”

  “Oh, it is.” I give him a look. “Trust me.” I can’t help but grin at his amazed expression.

  “I never trust humans.” His answer is quick and automatic, and I’ve heard it from him before, but it slices into my gut, killing my smile. Of all the Zandians I’ve met, Mykl is the least open to humans. I think if he could have it his way, he’d ship us all out of here. Never mind the fact that his species need us as mates if they’re going to repopulate their planet.

  I shake my head. “Then go do a sample run with it on the test ship on the strip.” I point past the large doors, where the airstrip waits. “You’ll see.”

  “Follow.” He snaps the command and starts to walk, and I trot behind, jogging to keep up with his long-legged pace. “Try to stay with me, Kianna.”

  “Oh, I’d like to stay with you,” I murmur.

  “What was that?” He stops and turns around, piercing me with his gaze.

  “I’d love to be able to walk fast enough to stay right by your side.” I widen my eyes for my most innocent look. “Too bad we humans are so frail and teensy.”

  Zandians don’t roll their eyes, but if they did, he’d be doing it. I sense a tumult of emotion inside this fierce warrior who does his best never to show any of it.

  “I suspect you are mocking me.” He fixes his gaze on me and I suck in my breath. “The human propensity for what you call sarcasm. I do not recommend such behavior, Kianna.”

  Wings flutter in my belly—I shouldn’t love it so much when he gets stern. “Hmmm. I wonder what would happen if I kept doing it, though?” I muse.

  “I’d assign you to another dome,” he snaps, “and find a new electronics tech who’s better able to work professionally with me.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “If that were to happen, I would wish you the utmost success in your search. This work is so critical to Zandia.” I smile. “It would be a terrible shame for progress to falter.”

  “Human females,” he mutters. “If you were mine…” he starts. His horns are thick, his body taut. The way he holds himself makes me suddenly think that he wants what I want—

  But he turns away. “Never mind.” He sounds irritated. “Go fetch Amber and initiate testing sequence 7A5.”

  “Right away. Fetching in progress as we speak.”

  It doesn’t take much. I look across the area, make eye contact, and raise my hand. A second later, my friend and co-worker is by my side.

  “You’re fast for being so pregnant.” I touch her belly and give her a hug.

  “It’s the young. I think he gives me energy.” She rubs her abdomen. “We’ve already named him and he knows the name, because when we say it, he kicks. Watch.” She clears her throat and looks down. “Jasper, this is Kianna! Say hi!”

  A moment later, her belly bulges out.

  “Did you see that?” She practically glows with excitement. “Also, he kicks whenever my mates have sex with me,” she whispers into my ear.
br />   Mykl looks as uncomfortable as I’ve ever seen him. His face flushes a deeper purple. “Please save the personal discussion for later.” His voice is stiff. I know he heard what Amber said—this Zandian can literally hear for miles.

  The image of Amber getting sexed up by her two mates pops up in my mind, and I try to shove it away. I wouldn’t know what it’s like to mate with one Zandian, much less two or more. I slide a little glance over at Mykl’s strong form. Stars, he’s looking at me again. My own face gets hot and I have to look away, because my brain is coming up with wild, impossible scenarios involving him bending me over the workstation and having his wild way with me.

  “If you two can tear yourselves away from your chit-chat, perhaps you could engage in our actual jobs.” Mykl busies himself with the test module. “We need to finish this battle module right away because King Zander asked me to prepare the energy collection banks for the upcoming Crystal Eclipse.”

  “Can that even work?” I widen my eyes. “The energy banks? We haven’t perfected that technology.”

  “Well, we won’t know unless we try,” he responds. “And by try, I mean actually get our work done.”

  “For a being who claims to dislike sarcasm, you’re quite skilled at it,” I can’t help but point out.

  “I didn’t say I was ignorant of the technique.” He steps closer to me and the heat from his body radiates into mine, stoking the fire between my legs. “Merely that I dislike hearing it from your lips.”

  Now he’s talking about lips. I gaze up at his. So full for such an angular face.

  “What would you like to hear from my lips instead?” I can’t stop looking at his alien form, tracing with my gaze his hairless jaw, the dimpled chin.

  Another step closer and he pins me against the work station, one hand on either side of my hips. My breath stalls in my throat. His eyes are dark, gaze smoky. They’re on my mouth. For a brief moment, I think he’s going to kiss me, but he abruptly steps back and turns away. “What I would appreciate, Kianna, is for you to complete your assignments as outlined without any sass. Is that too much to ask?”

  “No. I mean, yes, I can do that.” Subdued, I steal a look at Amber. She tips her head at him and gives me a questioning glance. I shake mine and make a face.

  “What are the energy banks for?” Amber looks at me. “This is the first I’ve heard of them.”

  “King Zander wishes this solar cycle’s crystal ceremony to be a success.” Mykl’s voice is stiff. “He hopes it will encourage many more Zandians and humans to, ahem, choose mates. And he would like us to create the technology to absorb the extra radiation so we can use it later.”

  Zandians survive mainly on energy from the crystals embedded in the core of their planet. Light beamed through these crystals amplifies its life-giving and healing powers, as they discovered when they were forced to live off-planet.

  I tap my lips. “Because this is such a powerful surge? It only happens once every thousand solar cycles.” I consider. “And the burst of energy is a life-force like no other. It’s perfect timing that it’s happening now, as the planet and population are working to rebuild.”

  “It makes sense to absorb as much of it as we can.” Mykl inclines his head at me with that rare look of pride he sometimes allows to show through his gruff act, and I flush. I’d like to absorb something from him, that’s for sure.

  “Since I already have mates”—Amber wiggles and smiles—“we’re going to use the energy we absorb to help our baby be strong and healthy, and deepen our bond. I can’t wait. I’ve heard that when you stand in the rays of the heightened energy with someone you love, it’s indescribable.”

  “But we don’t even know if it’s safe for humans, yet,” I caution her. “At the peak of the solstice.”

  “Actually, this is breaking news.” She smiles and touches my arm, clearly excited. “I just heard from Bayla. She said she and Dr. Daneth completed a simulation this morning and all of their test subjects passed, humans and halflings both. So everyone will be free to bathe in the light. They’ll announce it planet-wide as soon as possible.”

  “That sounds amazing.” My voice comes out forlorn, and I curse under my breath. “I can’t wait to hear more about it all.”

  “King Zander declared a free-for-all for mating during Zandian Lights. All bonds will be recognized without petition—even single couple bonds. I think it’s a boon for warriors who don’t wish to share with another male, and a push to get unmated human females to choose a mate or mates.” Amber lifts a pointed brow at me. “Exciting times, Kianna.”

  Nausea hits my gut. I know she’s trying to encourage me to take the plunge and accept mates like she has, but I just can’t get excited about it.

  “What if a being rushes into a bad choice?”

  “Actually, King Zander addressed that, too. He said bonds could be re-evaluated at the next Zandian Lights, or he would take petitions to dissolve bonds made any time.”

  There are two Zandians who have made their interest known. Archer and Bow, two strong warriors, who seek me out every time they can. They’ve let me know they want to give me their crystals. Two handsome aliens who deserve a mate. And they want me—the human female who’s been the longest here without selecting a mate—nearly an entire solar cycle.

  King Zander has never once told me to fall in line and pick someone. But I know it’s only a matter of time. After all, isn’t that why I’m here? And it’s more obvious every planet rotation that Mykl isn’t interested.

  “Maybe you’ll meet some being too, Mykl.” Amber gives him a devious little grin. She likes teasing him as much as I do.

  “Not likely.” He twists a bolt into place on a nearby bank unit. “Last thing I want or need is a human mate. I’ll just use the energy to strengthen my commitment to Zandia. Improve my skills.”

  He sounds so disgusted with the idea of a human mate that tears come to my eyes. Why am I only interested in the Zandian who despises humans?

  I turn away to compose myself. Take a breath. Remember that I’m lucky to be here on Zandia, a slave no longer. A free human with friends, and work, and food, and health. If I can’t have perfection in the form of a mate, well, it’s still a much better life than I could have anywhere else in the galaxy.

  “The ceremony isn’t just about mates.” I clear my throat. “The crystal solstice is meant to be a time of coming together, celebrating the one true Zandian Star. Working together in harmony with all other beings here on Zandia. So even beings who aren’t mated can still celebrate the joy of life.”

  “And how do you know this?” Mykl crosses his arms and stares at me.

  “I saw the holo on it. And every being knows. It’s in the training for new humans now.” I swallow. “You know, as members of Zandian society, the Zandian Lights solstice ceremony is as much for us humans as it is for you.”

  Mykl makes a scoffing sound. “I find it curious that humans think they know so much about ancient Zandian history. You’ll never really understand it. Or be part of it.” But he sounds sort of sad and bitter, not irritated like usual.

  I don’t really understand him, but from his tone, I sense this is not a time to push or tease. So I stand up straight. “Tell me what to work on, Mykl. I’ll do my best to figure out the energy bank caps so we can get a head start.”

  * * *


  “How’s the progress on the crystal energy banks?” My friend and Zandian warrior, Lanz, grins at me and drops his flight bag at his feet. The tarmac glows in the setting Zandian sun, sending orange rays across the vast landing strip.

  I raise one hand to block the beams from hitting my eyes. “Going well. You just get back from a mission? You stink.” I punch his shoulder.

  “Sure did. Domm, Mirelle and I just rescued two new human females.” He raises a brow. “Nearly lost our ship, too.” But his cocky grin says it was a smooth effort. Like usual.

  “Not likely.” I snort. “The three of you are like an impenetr
able force.”

  “I’ll tell her you said that.” He grins at me. “I think she’s the only human female on this planet you respect even just a little bit.”

  “It’s not that I don’t respect the others.” I shake my head. “It’s more a matter of what they represent.”

  “I’ll tell you what they represent.” Domm jogs up and slings a dirty arm across Lanz’ shoulder, brother style. “The hottest vecking sex in the galaxy.” He smiles. “And undisputed domestic bliss.”

  “Right. You three almost self-destructed.” I had the misfortune of having their mate placed under my watch while they were off on missions. She was quick and bright, but lacked the focus and intelligence of Kianna. She’s more of a warrior-type, that one.

  “But now we’re better. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You should stop by and meet the new humans, once they’re acclimated. Since you’ve turned down every other available human on this planet.” Lanz checks his wrist band. Looks across the expanse of ships, blinking and flashing in the evening light. I know he’s looking for his and Domm’s mate, Mirelle, and for a second, something twists in my chest.

  I force the feeling aside, and shake my head. “I just think we should be pushing harder to find more Zandian females.” This has always been my argument. Keep our blood pure. But even as I say it, the idea feels flat. A Zandian mate would probably require sharing amongst males, same as human females. There are just too many unmated Zandian males. And I don’t see how I could ever share.

  I don’t even live with one other being right now.

  How could I possibly share my space with two or three, or star forbid, four?


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