Black Sun Academy: Witch Hunter (Volume Book 1)

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Black Sun Academy: Witch Hunter (Volume Book 1) Page 10

by R. J. Rogers

  “Hey Ali, I see you’ve met my Grandma Jean. She’s the community healer and the go to person for assistance in witch transitions.”

  I try to speak but my eyes have grown heavy once again and it takes to much effort to try to open them back up. Even though they are speaking quietly to each other, I am able to hear them. “Leave her be, Dominic. She needs rest, for the last portion of the transition will be the hardest on her and we want her to make it through it.”

  “But grandma, why does the transition seem to be so much harder on her than other witches?”

  “I honesty cannot say, Dom.” I feel my mattress adjust again as both of them rise off of the bed. “I’m going to go over to the Apothecary, see if I can’t find some herbs that may help alleviate her pain.”

  The door opens and shuts quietly as though they are trying not to wake me. Moments later I feel Nic climb into bed, wrap his arms around me and pull me close to his body. I begin to relax into him and drift off to sleep.


  “Ugh,” I moan, trying to block the noise by placing my hands over my ears as I look around to see where the obnoxious sound is coming from. I feel like I had been drunk for a week and am now battling the worst hangover of my life. Even the faintest sounds are irritating. Finally, I locate the source and reach out to grab the vibrating cell phone off of the bed side stand. The vibration which is only slightly annoying isn’t the true noise that has woken me but an added nuisance. The true noise assaulting my hearing is the song that is blasting from said cell phone! “Why in the world would anyone listen to that atrocious song?” I grumble to myself.

  Muting the sound, I place it back on the stand and then roll on to my back and stare at the ceiling. I hear the shower in my bathroom shut off and wiggle into a sitting position on my bed. Who in the world would be taking a shower in my bathroom, I think to myself. I don’t have to wait long to find out who the mystery person is because a moment later Dominic strolls out with a white cotton towel wrapped low around his waist with another towel being rubbed against his head as he tries to dry his hair. Damn! Hotness! Oh, the naughty thoughts rolling around in my mind.

  Nic stops mid-step, eyes wide in surprise at seeing me awake. “Well, hello there gorgeous,” he says to me, a smile upon his lips and a twinkle in his eyes. “How is sleeping beauty this morning?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I contemplate my response. “Gee, um, I feel like I’ve been asleep for a year… besides that, I’m feeling great!”

  He walks over to me and sits on the edge of my bed near my mid-section. He shifts his towel a bit to make sure nothing is accidentally going to be exposed as he does so. Worry crosses his face, causing little creases to form on his forehead. “Are you sure you’re all right? You’re not experiencing any pain. You have been asleep for almost four solid days now.”

  “What?” I shout, shocked. “Are you serious?” Dominic nods his head, but his eyes seem to be laughing at me. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, your reaction is amusing. That’s all.”

  “Amusing! How is having lost four days of my life amusing?” I punch him in the arm because I really want to wipe the grin off his face, but it doesn’t faze him. If anything, it looks like he is trying all the harder not to laugh at me. I growl because I don’t know what else to do.

  To distract me, Dominic changes the subject. “Since you’re up, I was thinking we could go grab some lunch and then we could go visit with Natalie.”

  “Oh my gosh! It’s Saturday? Yes,” I hop on to my knees and lunge at him, wrapping my arms around him in excitement. Completely having forgot that he is in just a towel, I jump from the bed laughing, watching as he scrambles to keep his towel on. “Sorry.” I say embarrassed. “I’m going to go take a shower.” I rush to the bathroom looking over my shoulder, I see he is blushing from ear to ear.


  At about 3 p.m. Dominic and I are standing in front of Natalie’s apartment door. (Yes, it took me two hours to eat lunch, but I mean come on, I had to make up for four days without sustenance.) Nic knocks lightly on her door and then we wait patiently for movement from within.

  “Coming!” We hear shouted from the other side. Moments later the wooden door is swung open and Natalie stands before us with a huge smile on her face. “Hi. Come in, come in.”

  “We don’t want to bother you if you’re busy,” I say as we step across the threshold.

  She waves a hand in the air as though trying to wave my statement away. “Nonsense. Just promise to ignore the disarray of my appearance because I wasn’t expecting visitors.”

  I chuckle as I look her over. I don’t see mess but rather comfort. She is wearing gray sweatpants, a black tee-shirt with an 80’s band picture on the front and is walking around barefoot.

  Dismissing her remark without a second thought, I go and take a seat on her red suede leather couch. “Would you guys like something to drink?” Natalie asks as she watches Nic join me on the couch.

  “No thank you,” Dominic responds as his eyes flicker over to me.

  “No, I’m good, too.”

  “Ok then,” Natalie continues as she sits in what I’m assuming is her favorite chair. I’m not one to know much about brands but it looks like a Lay-Z-Boy, brown micro-fiber suede leather, over-sized recliner. She tucks her legs to the side, “what brings you two by with such worrisome faces?”

  “I learned of the prophecy pertaining to me on Wednesday and I want no part of it!” I exclaim.

  “Whatever are you talking about dear? Why would you not want to be the Savior?” Natalie asks shocked, her head bounces between looking at me to looking at Dominic, confusion evident in her eyes.

  Nic jumps in, “if the prophecy comes true, Alina is fated to die.”

  “What? That simply cannot be. I have never heard of the Savior having to die to save the rest of us.”

  “Oh, it’s true alright. Nic and I have seen the written words with our own eyes in a book kept in High Priestess’ office,” I state. “We have to find another solution. I don’t want to die!” My words end in a high-pitched sob.

  Natalie jumps from her seat to rush over and wrap me in a hug. “Oh sweetie. There has to be another answer to this prophecy. It has been said before that there is a library somewhere in the United states that maintains many historical documents and books from our history and how the witch hunters came to be. In this library long forgotten by human history is The Book of History. This book contains the origins of how we came to be. It is also where the original prophecy can be found. If we can find the library and locate this book maybe we can find out an alternative way to end the war without ANYONE dying, Alina.”

  I nod my head in understanding of what Natalie is saying. “So how do we go about locating this library?” My question silences any further talk as we mull over how we might accomplish this task.

  Suddenly Dominic sits up straight, his face lighting up in excitement. “Maybe we could talk to Grandma Jean. She is the Elder Crone and would be the ‘go-to person’ pertaining to our history and genealogy.”

  I shrug my shoulders, smile and say, “no harm, no foul, let’s go!”


  Grandma Jean has her own little cottage that reminds me of Hansel and Gretel’s ginger bread cottage they come across while wandering in the woods. It is framed by ancient looking oak trees and the semi-seclusion is apparently a privilege that only the Elder Crone is allowed. The rest of the community is all housed in and around town.

  Dominic has knocked on Jean’s door and we are just waiting for her to open it or be told to enter. “If anyone has answers, Ali, it will be Grandma. She is the wisest most knowledgeable person I have ever known.”

  I chew on my bottom lip as I listen to what he says. I don’t want to get my hopes up to have them crash and burn at my feet. Jean’s door creeks slowly open as her face appears in the doorway.

  I smile upon seeing her face and she returns the smile, even more happy to see me, I think. “Alin
a dear girl. What a pleasant surprise! I see you have brought my grandson by. Thanks,” she adds with a wink.


  She waves her hand at Nic, shushing him. “Yes, yes dear. You always mean to stop by and visit, I know.” She looks back to me again the smile still upon her face and a twinkle in her eyes. Tipping her head to the side, she indicates for us to enter her home. Jean places her hands on my right one and closes her eyes briefly. I look to Dominic to see he knows why she is doing so but he just shrugs his shoulders in response.

  Her eyes open once more, and she pats the top of my hand. “Your transition is progressing quite well my dear. I feel one more episode and you will come completely into your powers.”

  “Ok,” I say. Not real sure what kind of response should be given to that statement. She releases my hand and shuffles to her kitchen. The living room and kitchen are just one wide open space and so I sit on her dark grey couch and watch as she looks to be making some tea. We don’t attempt to speak until she comes back into the living room, with a tray of cups with saucers, sugar cubs and a steaming pot of tea.

  “Drink this, Alina. It is green tea and helps to boost your immune system and elevate your state of mind as you finish the transition process.”

  “Oh, um, thank you.” I say as I accept the cup and saucer from her. I take a few sips from the cup before placing it upon the coffee table in front of me. Looking up from my cup, I watch her rock back and forth in a white, very old-fashioned looking rocking chair. I’m contemplating how to broach the topic which is at the forefront of my mind.

  Jean looks to me and then to Dominic as though she knows we have come here to ask her questions. She is humming a tune to herself that I’ve not heard before while she waits expectantly for us to speak.

  “So, uh,” I start and then plunge head-long into my questions. “I was told that you are essentially the historian of all witch history. And um, well, I was hoping you would be able to help me find a library that may contain some more detailed information pertaining to the prophecy about me.”

  Placing her index finger against her mouth, she taps it against her lips as she thinks for a moment. Her eyes go wide and light up with excitement as realization strikes her. “Oh, you must be talking about the Sturgis Library! If I recall correctly, it was constructed in 1644 for the Reverend John Lothrop, founder of Barnstable, the house which forms the original part of the Library is the oldest building housing a public library in the United States. The building is also one of the oldest houses remaining on Cape Cod. There is a hidden room where Reverend John kept especially important books and documents. If anything, historical of that nature were to be held, that would be the place to find it.”

  My mouth falls wide, I recognize the name of that library because I had a dream about just days ago! I sit in astonishment as I try to recall my dream. I turn my shocked face to Dominic.

  “What,” he asks, concern filtering into his voice.

  “Remember when you found me asleep outside Natalie’s door?” Nic nods his head yes but arches an eyebrow in question. I continue; “I was dreaming about that exact library!”

  His eyes go wide, “well that must be the place we need to go to then,” he states as though, duh isn’t obvious.

  I nod my head in agreement. Excitement bubbling up inside me at maybe being able to finally find the answers I seek. “Do we know where this library is located?”

  Grandma Jean laughs heartily at my question, “why dear, the Sturgis Library is only 8 to 9 minutes from here in the town of Barnstable, Massachusetts.”

  “Oh my gosh!” I jump from my seat beaming with happiness. “Let’s go, Nic!” I grab his hand, trying to pull him up from the couch.

  Laughing his says, “wait a minute Ali.” He then proceeds to pull out his smart phone and type on it. “Bad news babe. It’s Saturday, the library closed at 4p.m.”

  “What? Nooo!” I pout, I’m flooded with disappointment at this news. I can hear Jean chuckling behind me and I can’t help but smile for the way I’m acting. I sound like a bratty little child.

  I sigh as Dominic takes my hand, winking at me. “Come on love, Devon just text me to see if we want to hang out tonight. Let’s me up with the guys. We’ll pick up a pizza and drinks on the way. They will get your mind off of the library and then tomorrow we will take a road trip to Barnstable, MA.


  “Good God, the smell of this pizza stuff smells heavenly!” I exclaim as Dominic and I get out of my Kia and head towards the Salvino homestead. I literally have my nose against the box smelling it.

  Trying to shake the hair that has fallen into his eye, Nic looks over at me as we walk up the side-walk. “Don’t tell, you’ve never tried pizza before?” I shake my head vigorously no as I wait for him to open the front door. “Wow. Just wow. That’s so hard believe. You must have had a very boring childhood.” He says as we enter the living room where everyone is sitting.

  “What’s hard to believe?” I hear Riley ask as I place the pizza on the coffee table where Nic has indicated it should be sat.

  “This poor sheltered girl has never tried pizza!” He says in mock shock. Dramatically he flings the pizza lid open and then scoops a slice up, places on a paper plate and hands it to me with a bow as though he is serving royalty. Such a dork! But the maneuver has me smiling in spite of said dorkiness.

  Devon stands up from their over-stuffed brown couch and stops me mid bite from eating my pizza. “Hold up! Here you need to have the full effect of the comfort food experience.” I burst out laughing at his statement and the rest of the guys chuckle too.

  Chris jumps in though with, “he’s not wrong Alina.” He scoots over to make room for me and I settle into the couch. I look at them all, making sure it’s okay for me to try this pizza thing now.

  “Holy crap! This even better than ice cream. What’s the stuff on top of the cheese?” I’m in heaven and truly want to run off with the box for myself.

  Riley leans over, pulls one of the circular disc’s off of my pizza pops it in his mouth and as he chews, says; “oh yeah, pepperoni. My favorite.” We all continue laughing and the guys all grab themselves a slice and settle into the furniture as Nic flips the T.V. to Netflix and we try to agree on a movie to watch.

  I hear a door shut in another room but pay no mind to it as we have finally all managed to agree on watching the newest Avenger’s movie. “Seriously, what is SHE doing here?” I look over my shoulder to see Jessica walking into the room. Her arms are crossed and if looks could kill, I’d be dead. The icy glare she is giving me is penetrating my very soul. A shiver runs up my spine. What in the world have I done to this chick? I have never met anyone who instantly hated me before.

  Instead of anyone answering her, I see Dominic discretely tip his head back a couple of times, telling me to come over and join him on the loveseat. I stand up and grab myself another slice of pizza. As I walk by Jessica, she passes by me purposely slamming her shoulder into mine on her way to claim the seat I vacated. Acting as though she didn’t just walk into me on purpose, I saunter over to Nic and snuggle into his side and he drape’s an arm around my shoulders. “Yo, dude. You going to start the movie or what?” Nic looks at his brother, expectantly.

  After the movie is over, Jessica and Riley head home and Nic goes to the bathroom so I look at Chris and Devon and ask point blank; “What’s that Jessica girl’s problem? What have I done to make her hate me so much? I mean really, I just got here, no one knows anything about me to be hating on me yet!”

  They both look at each other and then Devon sighs, “She hates you because you stole her man.”

  I stare at them in disbelief. “but, Nic never said he was seeing anyone. I’m not that type of girl. I would never try to steal someone, never break up a relationship!”

  “Hey, hey,” Chris says trying to calm me down. “They were never together. Never even dated each other. She has had a crush on him since junior high. Jessica was under a delusio
nal hope that this year Nic would go out with her. That’s all.”

  It feels like a weight is lifted off my shoulders when he says that. “Oh, thank God. I totally thought I was going to have to have some words with Dominic.”

  “Why would you have to have words with me?” Nic questions as he walks into the room.

  “Oh, you know. Extra girlfriends and what not.” Nic looks at me appalled. Shaking his head, he comes back over to the loveseat, scoops my legs up, plops down and then puts my legs over his lap.

  He looks me dead in the face; “never in a million years babe! Besides even if I wanted to cheat on you, our soul mate bond makes it damn near impossible.” A sly grin is on his face as he says it. So, I haul off and punch him hard in the arm.

  “Ouch, what was that for?” Chris and Devon are rolling with laughter as Nic rubs his arm.

  “For thinking your funny, Mr.” A smug smirk on my face. He in turn winks at me and makes me melt. Have I mentioned that I hate when he winks at me? It’s so hot and adorable all at once. I nearly growl out loud. I can hear the chiming of a clock coming from one of the other rooms and realize it is midnight.

  Standing, I look at the guys and say goodbye. “Ali, you want me to go back to the apartments with you?” Dominic asks from behind me.

  Shaking my head, no, “I’m alright,” I say offering him a smile. “Just tired. I’ll see you in the morning.” He leans in and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. I walk out to my car before I hear him shout from the door way, “Are you sure? I don’t mind.” I burst out laughing. “Yeah, I’m sure you don’t! Go to bed!” He is grinning from ear to ear as I hop in my car. I look at him once more, wave goodbye and then head home.


  I wake up shivering. Looking around the room, everything appears frozen. “What in the world…” I make my way over to my closet and pull a black hoodie and slip it over my head. Going into the bathroom I notice a chill in here too, but nothing looks frozen. Heading back to my bed, I stop short. The room is back to its normal seventy-two-degree atmosphere and there isn’t an ounce of evidence that anything had been frozen moments before.


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