Black Sun Academy: Witch Hunter (Volume Book 1)

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Black Sun Academy: Witch Hunter (Volume Book 1) Page 15

by R. J. Rogers

  “Can I just say that your dad is amazing, Alina.” Ella states. “He just helped Ms. H. sabotage the Hunter’s association.”

  “Did you really dad?” My eyes go even wider if that’s possible. He shrugs with a sheepish grin upon his lips like it was no big deal. “My dad, the HERO.” I say with pride and then throw my arms around him again, giving him another hug. I couldn’t be prouder of him than I am at this moment. “I can’t wait to hear how you convinced my dad to do this Ella.” She laughs at my raised eyebrows and curious look but isn’t able to explain because my dad feels that this is the moment to start an argument.

  Dad steps out of my arms and looks at me sternly, “I am very upset with you, young lady! Do you know how worried I’ve been since you disappeared?” The hurt in his eyes nearly kills me and I’m at a loss for what to say in response. “Mr. Hopkins, it wasn’t Ali’s fault sir. She was going through something that couldn’t be witnessed by the hunters. So, I brought her here, so she would be out of arms way.” He gives Nic a menacing glare but thankfully Lisa and Natalie enter the room just then and suggest they take dad elsewhere and tell him what all has been happening to me.

  I see Ella sort of just standing off to the side, leaning against one of the walls as though she is patiently waiting for her turn to chat with me. I look at Dominic and tell him that she and I are going to go upstairs for a bit to catch up. We go to Nic’s room and I shut the door behind us, so we can chat without being over heard by others.

  Ella is standing in the middle of the room, arms crossed over her chest and she is glaring at me. Like straight up if looks could kill, I’d be dead. “You know I’m super ticked off with you right, Al.” I hang my head, my hair falling in waves over my shoulders. She has every right to be mad at me. I up and left her without even a goodbye. But that isn’t what she says as she continues talking; “you missed my birthday!”

  I burst out laughing. “You’re mad at me because I missed your birthday?” I question as I try to contain my laughter. “Not because I just up and left you without an explanation as to why or no goodbye at that? Just that I missed your birthday.”

  “Well you did! But since we’re on topic, why did you disappear at your party?”

  I knew question was coming but I still managed to find myself at a loss for words. I take a deep breath in and exhale slowly as I try to figure out where to begin my story. “Well apparently there was a prophecy written about me centuries ago and it claims that I am the witches’ savior.” She gawks at me in surprise. Definitely not what she thought I was going to say. “Nic was sent to find me and oh, by the way, he and I are soul mates.” I continue before she can question me. “I am destined to end the strife between hunters and witches and am apparently a witch too!”

  Ella stares at me dumbfounded for a moment before saying; “Okay, first off, what the what-what? And um, what! What is a soul mate? And how in the hell could you possibly be a witch? You were born a hunter?”

  “It’s a complicated story, one, I am the last of my great, blah, blah, grandfather’s bloodline and well, just know it’s all true. As for the soul mate thing, slightly easier to explain. Mine and Nic’s souls are each a half of one complete soul and when we met, our souls recognized each other as the other half of one whole. And…” I trail off.

  “And what? Don’t leave me hanging!”

  “Well, let’s just say our souls have united and leave it at that.” I smile sheepishly at her, ducking my head down trying to avoid her look of shock.

  “Oh my god. Are you saying what I think you’re saying? You and Nic slept together!” She asked in a very annoying high-pitched volume.

  “Shhh, Ella, keep it down. I don’t need the entire world knowing what he and I have done, okay.” I am blushing a crimson red that has managed to make its way over my ears. She is staring at me with such wide eyes that I’m afraid they might pop out of her head if I don’t change topics quickly. “We will have ourselves a girl’s night after this whole ordeal is done and over with but for now, let’s head back down stairs. I’m sure dad has been told everything by now.”


  “Oh good, everyone is here. I just finished speaking with High Priestess and she has called a Coven meeting to convene at the Church of Covens in forty-five minutes. I am going to my apartment to ready myself and I would advise you all to do the same. Prepare yourselves for battle, for just in case.” Natalie states and then says farewell to us before exiting the door. We all look at each other momentarily stunned and then everyone breaks apart hurriedly going their separate ways, except dad and Ella of course. I leave them sitting in the living room as I make my way to the stairwell but stop midstride as I hear someone calling my name.

  “Alina dear,” I look over the railing to see grandma Jean trying to catch up with me. “I wanted to speak with you briefly before we head over to the church if that is alright?” I nod my head, retract my steps and turn to follow her down a hallway. We walk into what must be the spare bedroom and I secretly thank God that she stayed in here instead of me. Not that the room is awful, far from it. I just couldn’t picture myself being so far away from the rest of the family.

  “What’s up Jean?” I ask smiling.

  “I wanted to let you know that we haven’t been able to come up with any answers about how you and Dominic are to use your combined powers to end this story of ours.” She looks at me as like she does have an answer though.

  I raise my eyebrows in question. “But you think you know the answer Jean, don’t you?”

  Jean nods her head, “yes and I think you already have the answer too, don’t you Alina?” I blush at her. I feel like she knows exactly what occurred between me and Dominic in the wee hours of the morning. “Don’t worry dear,” she says as she comes up to me and pats my hand. “What happened between you and my grandson is nothing to be embarrassed about. I am quite pleased that it happened because your powers were able to merge on the highest levels and this is key to being able to unite your powers when we are in battle, your guys’ magic now recognizes each other and will be readily available to access together when called upon. Your minds are more easily able to connect to each other now, and that is what will sync you together.”

  “I had assumed from the first reading of the last half of the prophecy that that was probably what was meant by ‘The bonded soul ignites the sight and the flow of the blue-white light.’ A literal merging of mine and Nic’s powers.” Jean smiles at me as I say this and nods proudly.

  “Okay dear, well then off with you.” And just like that I was dismissed. That lady kills me, but I genuinely love her!


  Thirty minutes later we are all standing in the Salvino’s driveway trying to sort out who will be in which vehicle. When everything is said and done, Dominic’s parents, grandmother and dad are in one car and me, Nic, Devon and Ella are riding in the other. El and Dev are sitting in the back seats chatting quietly amongst themselves and appear to be getting on quite well together. I know she has a boyfriend but I’m pretty sure I see sparks igniting between them which makes me smile in the passenger’s seat.

  “What’s causing that cute smile?” Dominic asks quietly, glancing at me from the driver’s seat. I tip my head back a couple of times to imply the two in back and my smile gets wider as Nic looks in his review mirror, taking a look at Devon and Ella too. He raises his eyebrows and whispers, “do I see a new couple in the making?”

  I nod my head and whisper back, “it sure looks like it.”

  “What are you two whispering about up there?” Ella asks as her head appears in between our seats. “Nothing,” I respond quickly but I see the look she gives and can’t help but giggle a little. Luckily, I’m saved by the car being parked. We all hop out and gather with the others before walking into the church.

  The Church of Covens is cram packed with the entire Silver Heart community plus a few other circles from neighboring states. I stand just inside the doors, behind one of the pews where G
randma Jean is seated. I look around the room in awe, so many people coming together in one united front.

  “Attention all! We must bring this meeting to order quickly for there is only a limited window of opportunity to act against the Hunter’s Association before they are mobile and making their way to us.” High Priestess looks out to the crowd to make sure all are in understanding of the situation at hand.

  I watch her as she speaks. Confidence rolls off of her in waves and can be felt by everyone in the room. She looks like a Greek warrior as she stands at the pulpit, rallying up the others with her speech. A speech that I missed most of as I am currently enthralled, enamored by her Goddess like appearance. “… it is settled. Everyone willing and able body must be ready to depart from here in ten minutes.


  Chaos is running rampant throughout the compound surrounding the Black Sun Academy. Members scramble for ideas on how to fix their electrical issues while at the same time fighting a blazing fire as well. All are baffled by what could have caused a fire to occur within their facility, even the backup generators were affected by the flames that were slowly being tamed by Association member. They are left in a complete black out, leaving Hunter’s and students blind to the goings-on of the outside world.

  Beth Hopkins paces back and forth outside on the sidewalk in front of the Grand Hall. Hitting the send button on her cell phone, she tries calling James again for like the tenth time in the last hour. He wasn’t home when she woke but she hadn’t thought much about it because he was typically off to work by the time she woke and got ready for the day. Now though, she was becoming highly aggravated with him for not answering her calls. There is no way he can be busy at work because the entire compound is without power. Where are you James?

  Just then her phone rings, but not from him. “Hello sir. Yes sir. I will meet you there shortly sir.” Hitting end on her cell, Beth hung up with the President and headed towards the building that housed the power grids and electricity.


  We are all standing on the far side of the woods that border the Academy waiting for the signal that we should proceed forth through the trees. Surrounding me personally is my dad, Ella, Lisa, Steven, Grandma Jean, Devon, Chris, Riley and Natalie. Even Jessica is there, granted she’s staying aloof, but still near enough that she is able to chat with the guys. For once her evil glare isn’t directed at me but now at Ella. I can’t help laughing as Ella comes up to me and asks ‘what that chick’s problem is’. “Who? Jessica? Why she’s my number one frienemy.” I say with a grin. Ella gets the gist of my words and then I see her slowly slink back over to Devon. Crazy girl has me shaking my head.

  Dominic saunters over to me as he has just finished a conversation of his own with his grandmother. “Goddess that old bat is too smart for her own good!” He says shaking his head as he comes to stand next to me. I can’t help but smile at him because I know exactly what he is referring to. A giggle escapes my lips as I look up at him and he leans down and kisses me quiet. Still smiling, I step back from him and look around, it feels like someone is watching me. Looking over my shoulder, I see dad shooting daggers at us, well maybe more Nic than me but I catch his glare and feel slightly embarrassed for my dad having witnessed our P.D.A. moment.

  I decide to go have a talk with my father, he needs to know how much I love Dominic, to understand that this isn’t just a whim. I walk up to him and give him a quick hug and then begin to explain myself; “dad. I need to talk to you now before this escaped gets under way. I know you saw me and Nic kissing.” He tries to wave me silent, but I ignore him. “Now dad! I need you to listen to me. I love Dominic. Stop. Don’t interrupt me. I’ve got to explain what has occurred. Nic and I are what the witches call soul mates. We will never be happy unless we are together. Our souls are two halves of one whole.” I look at my dad’s face, “do you understand what I’m saying dad?”

  “Yes,” he responds with anger in his voice. “And I don’t like it! You’re too young to be in love.” I can’t help it, I laugh at his statement.

  “Are you serious dad? I’m 18 or don’t you remember? Also, I plan on marrying that man, so you better get used to it. It’s never going to change how we feel about each other.” I shake my head not believing what he had just said to me.

  He goes to say something but just then the sky lights up red with a flare. Our que to begin our decent upon the Academy and the compound. Well, I guess this chat will have to be put on the back burner until this unpleasantness is taken care of, I think to myself with one last glance at my dad. Nic walks towards me as I head back towards him. Once he reaches me, he takes my hand, giving it a squeeze, drawing my attention back to him. “You ready?” He questions with concern in his voice but only love in his eyes. I nod my head and then hand in hand, we begin our hike.


  Roughly twenty minutes later, Dominic and I emerge into the clearing where the academy’s campus begins. My friends and family have either minutes prior to us or right behind us, hit the clearing as well. I try to offer them all an encouraging smile, but it falters shortly after because I can hear people shouting not too far from where we are. I wince as it sounds like someone may be in pain. The last thing I want to do is cause hurt, pain or death; especially death to another person. Yeah I know this is war or whatever but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

  I look about the grounds. Even though I know how to connect Dominic and I’s powers, I’m not sure what is supposed to happen when we do, nor am I sure when we should utilize said powers. I don’t get a chance to think about it for very long because I end up finding myself in hand to hand combat with one of the association members. “You obviously don’t have a clue who you’re fighting right now, otherwise you’d be running,” I say as I flip the 6-foot-tall dude onto his back. With a smirk on my lips, I do a backflip away from the guy, kicking him in the chin as I do so, causing him to land on his back once more. Letting my magic surface, I let my blue-white flames light up my hands and watch as the guy looks at me in shock. Oh yeah, he totally wasn’t expecting me to be able to do this. I raise my hands to take aim at him and he turns on his heels and flees. I throw my head back, letting the laughter escape from my lips because of the reaction to seeing me light up. What? It was funny.

  I turn on my feet so that I’m right back into a fighting stance, fists raised, ready for the next dummy who thinks they can take me on. Turning my head, I hear someone to my left shouting for assistance. Not even a moment of hesitation crosses my mind before I’m running across the grass towards the voices. I stop short as I take in the view of my mother. Dressed in torn jeans and a frumpy tee shirt, it takes me a moment to even realize it’s here. I stare at her, shocked. She is completely out of character from her normal sleek appearance of black pencil skirts, silk blouses, and heels. I didn’t even know she owned jeans!

  Her component comes into my view and I see she is fighting Dominic. “MOTHER!” I shout to her, “Stop! You don’t need to do this!” She looks at me and sneers but continues her fighting. “Please, mom!” Yes, I am begging her.

  “You are no child of mine!” She shouts back at me. “No daughter of mine would betray her community let alone her family, you worthless, stupid little girl.” Tears begin to slip down my face as she says this. It really hurt having my mother say those words to me.

  “Don’t speak to Alina that way!” Dominic speaks up, coming to my defense.

  “And you!” My mother yells, turning her rage back to Nic. “It is because of you that Alina chose to desert her family. I shake my head no, “that’s not true mother,” I shout as I find my voice again.

  Dominic laughs at her, “it isn’t my fault that she left you. She had to so that she could stay alive. You all would have exiled her if not hung her for what she truly is, a witch!”

  Beth’s head bounces back and forth between me and Nic, incredulously. “That isn’t even possible,” she shouts out.

  Her hatred multiplies tenfold to nea
rly seething. She goes charging towards Nic, which has me going into full-on magic mode. “DON’T TOUCH HIM!” I bellow at the top of my lungs. Before I realize what I’m doing, I’m throwing my hands out in front of me, I feel my power unleash and the next thing I know, my mother is frozen from the neck down, immobile. I walk up to her and for once am able to return her icy glare with one of my own.

  “How dare you!” She rages at me, but I hear the astonishment in her voice and smirk at her. Maybe she should have listened, and she wouldn’t be in this predicament, just saying.

  I scoff at her barely able to maintain my own anger, “I wish you could be more like Dominic’s mother, so loving and caring. Instead I get you, cold, heartless and selfish.” As I utter the last word, I turn on my heel, take Nic’s hand and we walk away from her.

  Once we are far enough away from her, I look at Nic and grin; “is it wrong that it felt really good telling her off?” Before Nic can do more than chuckle at me, Chris comes running up to us.

  “Dom, Grandma Jean and High Priestess need you and Alina, now!” We take off in a run, following Chris back down the hillside to where they are waiting for us. And let me tell you something, for as graceful as we all know I’m not, I managed to stay on my feet the whole way down the hill. Not once did I trip over my own feet. Score one point for me!

  We reach High Priestess and Jean in no time, slightly out of breath maybe, but we arrive. “What’s going on?” I look between the two. Dominic says nearly the same thing, seconds after I speak.


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