Blood's Nexus

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Blood's Nexus Page 8

by K MacBurn

  “You miss it, though.” Tarak observed.

  “I miss the comfort,” Taylor intoned, “It is what I know. I miss certain people, but not as much as I would have thought.”

  It was getting late, and Tarak decided they should get some rest; it was unknown what Jarden would do when he arrived.

  “Will we need to set a watch?” Taylor asked.

  “I will set traps that will alert us to anyone entering, but I think it would be ok for us both to sleep. I at least will wake up if someone tries to kill me.” He directed the comment at her and grinned as he said it.

  Taylor did the only thing a mature eighteen-year-old would do: she stuck her tongue out at him, which made him chuckle. They both knew she would sleep through a hurricane if one were to appear.

  The big cat sat on the edge of the other bed and took off his boots before laying back on the pillows with a little sigh, his hands tucked in behind his head.

  Taylor had to smile at him. It was the first time since they met that she saw him relax, even if only for a moment.

  She followed suit and crawled under the covers. With blankets pulled up tight and sprawled face first on the pillow, it wasn’t five minutes before her breaths evened out and she was asleep.

  Her dreams turned to fog, and she was greeted with the nightmare world she did not recognize.

  The teen looked around, but all she could see was a thick white fog.

  Being a dream, Taylor willed the fog to disappear and, after a moment of struggle, she got her mind to comply. As the mist swirled away, hundreds of dark forms stood all around her like trees in a forest.

  There was a tense moment that Taylor waited for them to move, but they appeared to be stationary.

  As she turned around, a single form shifted. It jumped out and Taylor could feel the long fangs rip into her throat.

  Taylor awoke with a choked scream.

  She grabbed at her throat to check for damage because it had seemed so real.

  Fortunately, there was nothing there.

  The teen looked over to Tarak and wasn’t surprised to see his eyes had popped open at her first movement and were now glowing in her direction.

  “Nightmare,” She whispered. Hugging her arms around herself, she looked at the bed accusingly; she wasn’t sure she wanted to sleep again after that.

  “Come here,” Tarak offered as he lifted the blankets for her to get under.

  Taylor hesitated for a moment, because the obvious awkwardness, but then decided it was worth a try.

  As she slid in beside him, she could feel his warmth.

  The Tiger had no reservations about the new sleeping arrangement, and didn’t think twice before pulling Taylor in tight to him with one arm under head and the other over her waist.

  Taylor was hesitant to find herself in the little spoon position with the Tiger. At least she was facing away from him, because her cheeks burned red as they settled back in. The white robe seemed minimal.

  His breath tickled the back of her neck causing her stomach to tightened with an unfamiliar feeling and her heart pound a little quicker. It was true she found his physical form appealing, and usually she didn’t find herself flustered in such situations, but with the Tiger it felt different.

  Tarak tried to be still as she laid down, he didn’t realize before, but her skin had a very alluring, spicy smell. Her breaths were controlled, but the pulse in her neck beat out a quick song on his arm.

  She felt Tarak move a little before whispering in her ear.

  “Are you all right? Your heart is racing.”

  Taylor turned over so she could look at him, his face only a couple inches from hers. There was a long pause.

  “What the hell,” she muttered. Waiting to see what Tarak would do was an option, but she was never one to leave things to chance. Taylor went for it, prepared for whatever the outcome would be.

  Taylor placed her right hand on Tarak’s cheek before she pushed up on her elbow and kissed him.

  Surprise registered on his face with his eyes going wide for a split second before he reached out and cupped the back of her neck as he leaned into it.

  Every part of her body sprung to life as his salty lips touched hers. Taylor moved in a little closer and arched her neck so she could put a little pressure behind her advance. As she kissed him again, she could feel his large canines behind his upper lip, a sound reminder she was making a move on a non-human predator, a fact that didn’t seem to matter much.

  She nibbled his bottom lip and smiled when a growl escaped his throat.

  The Tiger pulled back an inch and looked down into her eyes.

  “What are we doing?” He asked. The answer seemed obvious, but the young woman seemed to understand he was looking to see what she wanted to be doing.

  “We are having fun,” Taylor smiled, “Before the world kicks our ass again, tomorrow.”

  Her fingers traced down the arm that was propping the Tiger up, then she hooked her right foot behind his knee, with a little pull on both she turned him on his back while simultaneously putting herself on top with knees straddling his stomach.

  The male made no objection to the switch and even grinned as she leaned over to kiss him again. He let his hands run up her calves before coming to a rest on her thighs.

  The musky scent surrounding the Predator, and the heat behind his kiss encouraged her on. If there was ever something Taylor had wanted it was this. It felt right.

  Her hands grasped his face, and leaned into the kiss, making him squirm when she licked his lip then made a line down his neck. In response, his hands came up a little higher and pulled her hips down to his.

  The rumble in his chest was followed by his hands making their way up her sides, under the robe. He wasn’t the only one getting handsy as hers were on a similar track down his muscular chest.

  As she opened his vest her hands felt several jagged scars that covered his skin. It was something he was self conscious about because he faltered the moment her fingers touched them.

  Scars, no matter how bad, would not be a deterrent however, he was so much more than his physical looks.

  Taylor took his mind off his discomfort by undoing the tie of her own robe. It worked. The Tiger took her in with his eyes before he paused on a tattoo she had over her left ribs. It was a beautifully done grey-scale tiger bust.

  His chuckle filled the room.

  “Fitting,” he growled before sitting up and kissing her stomach.

  That sent a shock wave through her whole body. Her fingers knotted in his hair as he continued to kiss small circles over her skin.

  Just then the door handle clicked.

  Switching modes Tarak sprung to his feet, while pushing Taylor behind him, his claws at the ready. The door swung open and a grumbling Jarden walked in.

  “Calm yourself Fur-face, it's just me,” he snapped, “Had to see a few people before coming over….” He stopped, and for the first time noted the Tiger’s open vest, and Taylor’s bare legs. Taylor was thankful that Tarak’s massive frame hid the rest of her from view.

  “What…” Jarden started before realization dawned on his face and he grinned in a most evil way. “What have I interrupted you bad kitty?”

  Tarak leveled him with a look that clearly stated it was none of his business. Taylor pulled the robe closed and tied it even tighter, her cheeks a deep red.

  “Well, well, please don’t let me stop the fun!” Jarden said, but then sat on the other bed staring at them with the same grin.

  Taylor put a hand on Tarak’s arm.

  “I think we will just go to sleep,” she said giving Jarden a pointed stare.

  “Ungrateful cubs,” He gave a cackle of a laugh. “After all the walking this poor old Croc did for the both of you, you won’t even indulge me.”

  Tarak lifted the blankets around Taylor. He then gave another fierce look to Jarden before laying down beside her and turning his back on the old monk, hiding her from view.

  Taylor sn
uggled into Tarak’s chest with her head resting under his chin. His strong arms wrapped around her, and although their fun was cut short, they enjoyed the closeness, and both fell asleep, content.

  Chapter 7

  Jarden wasn’t close to being done with them once they got up in the morning.

  The monk used some magic to heal Taylor’s injuries, and had made her special wrappings for her feet so they wouldn’t blister again, but the Tiger took them and helped her instead, refusing to let the mouthy old monk any closer to his pretty love interest.

  Taylor didn’t mind, and was happy when the Guardian bought her new clothing and boots as well.

  The Croc laughed out loud when she blushed at the Tiger’s touch.

  “You cubs need to work on this,” the old Croc snickered, “This is just embarrassing. If you’re going to engage in cross-species love, you should at least own it!”

  Taylor didn’t want to hear this conversation, so she locked herself in the small bathroom. When she returned from getting changed the Monk was still going.

  “Off gallivanting around, having a good time while I do all the work and meet with potentially dangerous people in an attempt to get this one home!” Jarden exclaimed in an over dramatic way, “If you still want to go home after getting Tiger loving that is!” He laughed at the look that came over Taylor’s face.

  With cheeks burning red, she turned away from him. Tarak had heard enough though ,and picked up the Croc up with one arm to bring him to face level.

  “You interrupted, remember? So yes, she still wants to go home. If you have all the snide little comments out of your system, perhaps, we can get back to the task at hand, I take it you have a plan.” He growled.

  The Croc chuckled and patted the Tiger’s arm.

  “Fine,” he said, “I am done. No more comments.” There was a pause. “Well, maybe one more… Is she more of a Tiger than you? I bet she is! Rawr!” He made little clawing action with his hands when he said it.

  Taylor hid a grin behind her hand. That one was funny.

  Tarak rolled his eyes and dropped the Monk unceremoniously on the bed.

  The Croc chuckled as he pulled himself up and dusted off his robes.

  “All right, all right,” he said, “I do have a plan. We have to go speak to an old friend of mine: Viktor.”

  “Viktor, as in the head of the Assassin Guild?” Tarak asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “That’s the one. So, throw the cloaks on; we have to get going.”

  Taylor paused as she saw the Croc open the window and stick a leg outside. He paused when he saw her looking at him.

  “I am not about to go walk by the perv old Goat downstairs! Do you know she grabbed my bum when I arrived last night!?!”

  “Oh, you poor thing,” Taylor sighed in mock concern. Jarden picked up on the sarcasm.

  “Be snarky all you want, you don’t have a Goat pawing at your backside,” he snapped but then continued out the window.

  Tarak gave a shrug and scooped Taylor off the floor before jumping from the second story.

  She hadn’t expected it, so the teen grabbed around his neck tight when she saw the ground so far below her. Like a spider, he grabbed on to the wall opposite before using his claws on one hand to slid down to the alley below. Taylor gave a little squeal.

  Taylor had closed her eyes at one point but had to peek out when she felt Tarak straighten. They were already on the ground. A little embarrassed to admit she feared heights, she stepped down and blushed a little.

  Tarak did her a favor and did not mention it. He simple straightened her cloak for her and walked off following Jarden’s fluffy white cloud. Taylor fell into step beside him.

  The Croc monk hummed to himself as his little cloud carried him through the bustling streets. He took turn after turn, sometimes scratching his head before shrugging and continuing forward.

  At one point, they were walking down the busiest street, with merchants lining both sides showing off their wares.

  Jarden bought a fish, then ate it raw as he floated along.

  “Do you know where you are going?” Tarak demanded.

  “Of course, I do,” Jarden replied with a wave of his hand. But then he took a turn that landed them back at the front gates. “Whoops.” Was his only explanation.

  After a good hour of walking, they came to a dark narrow alley behind an abandoned warehouse.

  “OK this is it.” Jarden slid off his cloud to his feet.

  Tarak looked around his ears twitching, and his eyes scanned everything. There were several dark forms watching them from semi-hidden crevasses. He kept Taylor close to his side, an arm hugging her shoulder.

  “Are you sure we should be here?” Tarak asked.

  “Pfft, not scared of a few rodents, are you?” Jarden demanded. He started off down the alley without hesitation. He even shouted a few comments at poorly hidden thieves.

  The dark alley turned to the left and ended at a bright red, wooden door that was nestled in between two stone buildings.

  Jarden walked directly up to it and pounded on it with his walking staff.

  Taylor and Tarak looked at each other. Armed crossbows suddenly surrounded them from behind hidden battlement when two metal slots opened in the door and several fake stones were moved in the walls.

  A growl came from Tarak as he tried to shield Taylor with his body, but Jarden simply waved it all off.

  “Come on, open. We are here to see Viktor. He is expecting us, and you are impeding our progress.”

  “What is the password?” came a very squeaky voice.

  “Wildebeest balls,” snapped Jarden, “I don’t know, nor do I care. Go tell Viktor that Jarden is here to see him.”

  Taylor tensed as she saw the crossbows turn on Jarden after that statement.

  “Wait here.” Came the same squeaky voice.

  “Where else would I wait?” demanded the old Croc. Taylor was sure they would shoot him out of annoyance at this point.

  They stood there a long time, and the crossbows in the battlements did not waiver. But Jarden didn’t stop talking either. He commented that the thieves were holding their weapons wrong, and that one should get that shake checked out because he might have some sexually transmitted aliment. He even told another to go get him a cup a tea. Behind the wall, Taylor was sure she heard the Animan’s superior yell at him and tell him ‘No, you do not go get him a cup of tea!’

  After what seemed like a long time, they heard the door click and open.

  A well-dressed Rat stood there with an annoyed look on his face.

  “Viktor is waiting for you in his personal dining hall,” he muttered as he led the way. “Why he entertained your demands is beyond me though; I would have had you shot where you stood.”

  “And that is why, my dear Rat, you are not in charge.” Jarden replied with confidence.

  Taylor felt Tarak wince at the words. His reaction was warranted though; she also felt as if Jarden might still get them killed.

  The rat gave an audible ‘Humph’ before he walked a little faster to get rid of these guests.

  It took Taylor a moment to realize that the Rat moved without making a single sound. No swish of fabric, no foot falls, nothing. It was impressive, but it also made her realize Jarden just pissed off one of the Guild’s assassins, most likely.

  Eyes followed them as they wound deeper down into an impressive structure that had to be below the actual city.

  Just then the Rat stopped and opened a unremarkable wood door that she didn’t notice was there. He waved them in, then slammed it in Jarden’s face when the Monk turned to say something else.

  The Croc laughed and walked into the room to make himself comfortable in a puffy armchair by the fire. Tarak and Taylor followed to stand beside him. The Tiger kept the girl in front so he could protect her from any hidden dangers lurking in the dark room.

  “Jarden!” Came a deep yet cheerful voice.

  A short, stocky male came into the roo
m with his arms held wide to embrace Jarden in a hug. Viktor turned out to be a wolverine, and he was not from around these parts. His voice held a thick accent.

  Jarden got up and hugged the Guild leader, and allowed him to even kiss his cheeks.

  “My brother, it has been too long!” Viktor said, “I half expected you at the Moon festival a few months back, but you never showed. I figured wine and females galore would be enough to lure you in.”

  “Yes, well my studies have to come first, I am afraid,” Jarden said in a very serious tone. He held a straight face for about a second before both him and Viktor burst out laughing. “No, no, in all seriousness though, I ended up drunk in the back of a fur traders caravan. Too drunk, apparently, to know I missed my stop.”

  They laughed again, then Viktor turned to look at the other two figures in the room.

  “And who are your friends?” Viktor asked, still in good cheer.

  Jarden paused and looked around before he chanted something and sent a spray of red sparks into the air.

  “Sound cancelling spell,” he explained, “I do not trust there are not ears even here.”

  “I would never put you in danger,” Viktor assured his old friend.

  “I know that Viktor, but you will appreciate the precautions momentarily.”

  Jarden motioned for them to remove the cloaks. Tarak hesitated before letting his trust in Jarden guide his actions.

  He reached up and pulled the hood back, letting his identity be seen. Viktor didn’t give away any reaction he might have had to a Tiger appearing in his guild, but Taylor could see his calculating eyes taking in all the possibilities.

  The Wolverine might have held back his reaction to Tarak, but he could not help a little surprise slip when Taylor removed her own cloak.

  “Ho ho!” Viktor exclaimed with eyes going wide. “A human!”

  He looked her over with a scrutinizing gaze.

  “Jarden, you have always kept strange company, but this is a first for you, bringing wanted beings into the city is a very risky move!”

  “I could not help it, Viktor.” Jarden admitted, “I went to Larris first, but the damn Cat only has one concern, and that is making sure Ransidius doesn’t get his claws in her. If that means killing her or using her for their own gains, it matters not to him. I tried the Croc council as well; they will not interfere in the upcoming battle. They insist they did their part for the humans when they made the gates.”


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