Blood's Nexus

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Blood's Nexus Page 12

by K MacBurn

  There seemed to be a meaning in the sash, so Taylor ignored it. Sabres were neutral with their clothing, hair, and eyes, all being a tan or pale yellow. Taylor went another way, she picked out all the darkest clothing, and went from there.

  Once she dressed, she tossed a couple logs onto the fire and crawled into the bed. Her panic was still there, but now that she had her mind working, it was easier to override it and focus on what needed to be done.

  The morning came quickly for her. Outside the small window, she could hear the sounds of training. Curious, she jumped up and perched on the small ledge to look out.

  Large male Sabres were practicing hand to hand combat and weapons to one side; the females were off to the other side practicing an entirely different method of battle.

  The smaller females fought in groups; faster than their male counterparts, they darted in to their enemy to strike, then pulled back only to have another Lioness’ attack from a different direction. They were always on the move and worked seamlessly together to take down targets five times their size.

  Something about watching the warriors train made Taylor want to prove even more she was not some weak degenerate, and she deserved respect.

  Ransidius was due to be back from the Northern camp that day, and the Lioness’ would soon be in to make sure she was presentable to be in his audience.

  The thought of standing before the Sabre Lord was terrifying, but Taylor swallowed her fear and started to get ready. She needed to make a good first impression, for her own sake.

  First, she brushed her hair and with nimble fingers, and weaved it into an intricate braid that went down her back.

  Then, she got changed. Flowing black pants rested low on her hips while a black split-sleeve top came in to a tie just below her bust, leaving her neck and abs exposed.

  Her dark complexion, along with the black hair and clothes, only aided in highlighting the one feature she knew no Sabre had. Her blue eyes.

  As Taylor looked in the mirror, the teen had to admit that she looked good. It was more skin than she felt comfortable with, but it was strategic. Her arms and abs showed clear definition of muscle, which she hoped would prove she was not lazy. Exposing her neck to a bunch of beasts wanting her blood could be brave, she hoped. The braid was for her own benefit; it was something that always tied her to her father and his heritage.

  As she gazed in the mirror, she heard the voices of the Sabres approaching her door. They got louder, and the teen had to remind herself to take a deep breath. Staying where she was, she used the mirror’s reflection to watch their entrance.

  “He is expecting us to bring it to the great hall, so we need to make sure it doesn’t look like a drowned rat. He needs the other leaders see he indeed has a human, then they will fall back in line.”

  “It has a name,” Taylor stated, making the four female Sabres stop in their tracks. Taylor got to her feet and turned, squaring up with Narseen directly. “It is also a woman so ‘she’ would also suffice.”

  The surprise of hearing her speak their language, on top of the dramatic change in her appearance, sent them into a shocked silence for several seconds. It was Narseen that recovered first.

  “Very well. What is your name?”

  Taylor stood taller than the Sabre, but the Cat still had her by at least thirty pounds of muscle.


  The two maintained eye contact as they sized each other up. Taylor broke the silence.

  “I trust this will do to make the audience with Lord Ransidius?” She swept her hand down the outfit. It wasn’t permission she was looking for, but, in this game, she needed to make sure she had the proper manners for the right players, and Narseen seemed to run things in the Stronghold.

  “Yes. That will be fine. Are you ready to go down?”

  The thought of Ransidius again scared her, but she gave a curt nod and stepped forward to follow the cats. Narseen asked one more thing before turning her back to the girl.

  “Do I need to warn you what happens if you try anything?”

  “No. I aware of my position, and that would be just stupid on my part.”

  Taylor was being honest, and the Sabre seemed to believe her, so they didn’t bother discussing it further.

  They left the room and winded through the halls and down to the main floor.

  The other Lioness’ eyed her with curiosity but kept it tactful. Any male they passed did not. The large Cats stared and gawked, looking her over from head to toe. Taylor made sure she didn’t look away or bow her head for anyone she caught looking.

  If the fear of their boss was legit like it seemed to be, the other males wouldn’t do anything to her. It was a fact she was banking on as they stopped in front of the great hall.

  Chapter 10

  Narseen gave the teen a small once over before speaking.

  “He wants you to walk through the room by yourself so all can see. And if you want my advice, keep it courteous with the Lord. He likes manners and will not hesitate to show you his displeasure in front of everyone here.”

  Taylor nodded, and took a moment to compose herself before Narseen pushed the wood doors open. With a determined breath, she summoned all her courage, and grace and entered the room with a straight back and head held high.

  The hall was a long stone room, with a vaulted ceiling supported by massive wood beams and lined with huge hanging tapestries. The polished marble floor was unique to this room as were the stained-glass windows.

  This was the room someone would use if they were looking to make a statement.

  At the far end, there was an elevated platform where a throne sat, decorated in wood carvings and bone, and occupied by the biggest Sabre Taylor had ever seen. To the immediate left of the Cat, General Godwin and the Crow witch Avis stood in smug silence.

  Taylor tried not to look at the throne’s occupant just yet; a quick glance showed him lounging in the seat with one leg pulled in front of him and with an arm resting on top. She needed to focus on getting through the crowded floor before she could let herself worry about the Lord.

  A few of the beastly males growled at her and made a mock lunge as she walked by, but to give herself credit, she didn’t flinch. Instead, she stared at them with rare blue eyes and made them squirm when she wouldn’t back down.

  They whispered amongst themselves and started to part in front of her. The more beastly males were the first to start giving her a wide berth, the unusual coloration freaking them out.

  The higher bred Sabres didn’t back down so easily, but their fear of the Lord seemed to keep them in check enough that they did not touch her. Her challenging stare did not make them happy, though.

  One male stood in her direct path, with arms folded, and he didn’t look like he was about to move. He wasn’t the biggest cat she had seen, in fact, Tarak would have dwarfed most of the Sabres here, but his stance and demeanor showed he thought highly of himself and wasn’t about to skitter away from a mere human girl.

  Without missing a beat, Taylor side stepped to the left and tried to keep walking. The male wasn’t having that. He reached out and grabbed her by the wrist, and gave a growl.

  “No human should be so bold as to walk through our ranks without showing the proper respect.”

  Physically, there wasn’t much she could do to remove his hand, but there were even more effective ways. The rugby captain gave her forearm a twist as if she was trying to break it free, but the movement instead jammed the Sabre’s sharp claws into her flesh.

  Blood bloomed from the small wounds. The smell was strong because the Sabres in the immediate area jumped back as if shocked. The male holding her arm let go with a yelp as if burnt.

  A slight movement at the throne made the entire room freeze. Ransidius had gone from casual lounging to leaning forward with a clawed hand gripping one of the arm rests.

  It seemed so insignificant, but it changed mood of the room quickly.

  The Sabre that had grabbed her was in the
Lord's stare. He bowed deep.

  “My apologizes, my Lord,” he spouted before scurrying from the scene.

  With her first good look at the head Sabre, Taylor couldn’t help but agree with the other cat’s reaction.

  Even sitting down, Ransidius was big. Battle hardened muscles rippled under his leather and gold plated armor. Thick tawny hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail, leaving his face free of obstruction. His features were all pronounced, and strong like a male in the peak of his prime. If he didn’t give off such an aura of terror, one might have even considered him handsome.

  Deep set yellow eyes now turned to the teen.

  Fear made her knees weak, but, by sheer force of will, she forced them to move. Once their eyes met, Taylor did not look away because she felt if she did there wouldn’t be a second chance to make an impression.

  Remembering Narseen’s advice, she took a moment to curtsy deep in a show of respect.

  There was an obvious quiver to her movements, as his mere presence was enough to quell any courage she might have had.

  Ransidius did a once over of her before he smirked and stood. The room was silent as he made a slow circle around the teen.

  Taylor almost bolted when his voice boomed out over the crowd.

  “Behold. The first human to walk these lands in more than a half a century.” he held a clawed hand out to her. Taylor could almost feel him daring her not to take it. She swallowed the lump in her throat and put on a fake look of indifference. Laying her hand in his she allowed him to turn her to the room.

  “As you can see, the humans have done well for themselves. No longer are they whimpering creatures, cowering in the treetops. Perhaps, no longer even prey.” He gave her a pointed stare, somehow knowing she understood every word.

  Years of reluctant etiquette training kicked in. He was looking for a reason to either show her off or publicly humiliate her, and her response would dictate which one.

  She smiled at him as sweet as could be.

  “Indeed, we have surpassed our primitive natures to better ourselves as a species. And your acute observation is accurate that we are no longer prey. Though, I must admit we are still lacking in comparison to your image, m’lord.”

  She thought she might choke on that last line, but covered it up by curtsying again.

  He smirked at her, knowing full well she was spouting bullshit, but still it had the desired effect on the crowd as they cheered and smashed their fists into their chests.

  “It seems they have brushed up on their manners, as well. The arrival of this human has come at the most opportune time, as we stand on the brink of victory over the rebellion.”

  More frenzied cheering.

  “With her blood, we will take the field of battle with the powers we deserve. Nothing will stop the force that is our Pride, as we claim the Land of Nexus as our territory!”

  Still holding her hand, he led her to the left of the throne. Avis, who was standing over a glass cauldron filled with what appeared to be ale, gave a sinister grin.

  “In celebration of this milestone, I am inviting you all to partake in our bounty with me.”

  Taylor saw the dagger in Avis’ hand, but she wasn’t given a chance to voice her objection. Ransidius stepped in behind her and ran his fingers around the base of her throat until his right forearm was pressing against her chest. Very little pressure was needed to keep her still as he lifted the teens arm up and turned her wrist out

  Avis took her sweet time inserting the blade tip into Taylor’s skin, and relished at the fact the girl winced and tried to pull away. The teen might as well have been pulling against a school bus, though, because Ransidius’ arm didn’t budge. As the blade cut across the flesh, allowing blood to drip into the ale, Taylor tensed against the pain and her calm exterior slipped a little.

  Her right hand clenched at Ransidius’ forearm, her nails digging in. He remained as unyielding as ever, but whispered into her ear instead.

  “You are putting on such a good show, I would hate to see you lose it over a little of pain.”

  As much as she did not want to admit it, he was right. The rugby captain steadied herself mentally, and forced her fingers to release his forearm though her hand remained there, so it didn’t look as if she was flinching away from him.

  Avis finished the incision and stepped back to watch the blood trickle down.

  They stayed that way until there was enough blood in the ale to tinge it red. Satisfied, Ransidius lifted her arm away as the servants doled out small portions of the drink to everyone. He inspected the wound, then brought it up to his mouth, letting his tongue trace the cut.

  The teen was certain he felt her shudder, because he gave a small laugh and his grip on her tightened for just a moment.

  The final glass of ale was handed to Ransidius. Without releasing her he held the cup up for all to see.

  “To Victory! Or a death worthy of a Sabre!”

  The crowd cheered, and they all drank. Many of them ended up sputtering as they finished.

  Ransidius gave a laugh and made a grand gesture of kissing the wound on her arm.

  “Considerably spicier than the humans of old,” he admitted, “An acquired taste, for sure.”

  The crowd laughed as expected.

  “Now let the feast begin.”

  Like savage animals, they descended on the food with vigor.

  With the attention of the crowd elsewhere, Ransidius spoke to Avis.

  “This one’s blood is different. Seems stronger. I want it tested extensively before we use it in battle,” he paused and glared at the Witch, “I will be present for every extraction Avis. If I find out, you bled her without my permission…”

  He left the threat hanging, but the Crow seemed to get the idea, because she tensed before agreeing then bowed as she disappeared into the crowd. For the first time, Taylor had Ransidius’ undivided attention, and she did not want it.

  The big cat gripped her wrist and gave it a twist, turning the teen on her heel. He looked her over from head to toe for a second time as he held her hand aloft. His forefinger and thumb gripped her chin and tilted her face up. Taylor made herself meet his stare.

  His pale-yellow eyes were cold and calculating. He stared into her for several moments.

  “I have never seen eyes that color. Stunning, really.”

  Taylor didn’t feel like she should thank the Sabre lord just yet, so she kept her mouth shut.

  His fingers left her chin and caressed a strand of stray hair.

  “I am quite impressed you have managed to hold it together, thus far,” he admitted, “Seeing as the fear is almost tangible on you. You know, I was fully prepared to chain you, naked, to that platform over there, and let the gathering gaze at you like the trapped little mouse you are, but that performance! You almost had me believing you came here on your own accord.”

  A firm hand on the back of her neck guided her over towards his throne.

  “I am pleased that humans have at least gained some intelligence; it makes these things so much more interesting.”

  “So glad it pleases m’lord,” she muttered, though, this time her contempt was not so easily masked.

  He smiled and sat himself down in his chair with a foot propped against an arm rest, and his chin in the palm of his opposite hand. Even sitting down, he was pretty much looking her in the eye, and as laid back as his posture was, his very scent screamed danger.

  The big cat patted the edge of the seat, beckoning her to join him. Taylor was in no position to deny him, so she smoothed the front of her pants, and perched on the edge.

  As she did, he reached out and curled a stand of her hair around his finger, then gave a gentle pull. She took the hint. Tucking one leg underneath her, she scooted back, so she was sitting next to him, but was at an angle enough she could see him.

  He continued to play with the strand of hair as he watched her.

  “You need to relax, the formalities have passed. They believ
ed you, so I have no need to make an example out of you.”

  She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

  “Does a mouse often relax when it is sitting with the cat?” she offered back.

  “Does the mouse think she is about to be eaten?”

  The teen glanced down at her forearm, and wiped a stray droplet of blood from the skin. The wound had clotted already; she couldn’t help but think it was from Ransidius’ saliva.

  “I suppose not,” she said tone cautious. “But I know you could. Easily.”

  Ransidius leveled a knowing smirk at her; he held no illusions about that either.

  His laid back, playful attitude came as a surprise to her, though his underlying manipulative ways were always close to the surface, and she recognized them from her experience with her step-father.

  “I suspected Jarden was the one behind helping you to evade my capture. I always considered him a powerful mage, but harmless in the greater scheme of things. I must convey my displeasure with him the next time me meet.”

  Taylor didn’t bother responding. It wasn’t a question, anyway.

  “Avis also mentioned a warrior was there when they found you at the old ruins. Said he was cloaked, but fought well. Too bad that one went over the waterfall. I am always looking for a new challenger.”

  That comment stung a little. Tarak going over the waterfall into a rock filled gorge was still a vivid thought in her mind, and she only hoped that he survived. When she still did not respond, he frowned.

  “I am growing bored, human; you better talk soon, or I will tie you to that platform just to see your squirm.”

  His eyes locked on her, and his finger tapped an impatient beat.

  Taylor managed to scowl at him which made the big cat smile. She was never much of a talker, but being tied naked in this crowd seemed like a wrong move.

  The teen shifted enough to meet his gaze. The fear was still there, but she had to get past it to make this work.

  “What do you mean a challenger? By the looks of it you fight all the time.” If she had to talk, she figured she might as well ask things she wanted to know.


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