Legend Of The Sparks

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Legend Of The Sparks Page 11

by Ophelia Dickerson

  The walk up the hill was strenuous for a fat bear, but once he reached Jed’s he checked the perimeter of the house for light and sound. Everything was quiet. He ambled back to the edge of the tree line and sat. The perk to being a bear was it was more comfortable, and warm, sitting on the cool ground than as a human.

  Staring into the dark was taxing. His eyes grew heavy as he waited for movement. The first rays of sunlight began to touch the land. The only thing keeping his eyes open was the coffee he’d drank and even still it was a struggle. The warmth of the sun on the cool air was making him sleeper. He stood and walked the perimeter of the trees. Nothing moved. He made his way back to his place and lay down.

  He was just beginning to drift off when the front door opened. Raising himself on all fours, he started toward Jed. Jed’s hair was a mess. He took a deep swig out of his bottle he was carrying as the door closed behind him.

  Smacking his lips and appearing satisfied and relaxed, he opened his eyes to his surroundings. His eyes grew round and he yelped at the sight of the big black bear ambling his way and darted back into the house. Ray turned around and walked back into the woods a short distance before Jed could return with a gun. He needed to change into something smaller and less noticeable. In an instant, a small lizard had replaced the bear.

  Scurrying to the nearest tree he climbed up around the ground debris and grass in time to see Jed walk back out looking wary, shot gun in hand. Ray the lizard grinned. Being a Sparker was rather fun.


  The next morning Ray’s side of the bed was cold and empty when Becky Sue reached out for him. The sun was already up and rising. She’d slept in later than she expected. After a quick check of the little cabin and no sign of him she figured he was watching Jed.

  Pulling into her mom’s a few minutes behind schedule, she hurried inside. “Morning Mom,” she called out.

  Kate didn’t appear in the doorway. A sound from the back of the house sent her to the bedroom. Her mom was still in bed.

  “Morning Mom,” she repeated. “Late morning, or rough morning.”

  “Rough. I’m stuck in this bed and you’re late.”

  “Sorry, I over slept.” She went to the side of her mother’s bed and started working with her to get her up.

  “That’s not surprising after your night.” Becky Sue shot her a look. “Don’t act like you don’t know what you did. I know you’re out sleeping with Ray again.”

  Becky Sue groaned and rolled her eyes.

  “I don’t know why you act like you’re so surprised I know these things. I keep telling you, you can’t plant the corn till you buy the farm.” Her mom didn’t seem to be struggling as hard as what she expected her to be. Moving her hadn’t slowed down her tirade.

  She pushed her wheelchair into the bathroom and began to set up everything for a shower while her mom droned on about never being able to get married after being a harlot. There was no use arguing. She couldn’t explain her reasons. Ray’s cover had to be believable. Apparently it was. Not that she was innocent by a long shot of the things her mother accused her of, but those were the chances she was willing to take. Besides if she ever got around to marrying it was highly unlikely it would be a local, therefore her reputation would be a moot point.

  Kate pulled back the shower curtain, hair dripping, her lecture wound down, “well young lady what have you got to say for yourself?”


  Her mom gaped at her, taken aback at her nonchalance. After that brief interlude she started all over again on how she raised her daughter better, blah, ba-blah, blah.

  Today she didn’t linger. Tuning her mom out could only go so far.

  Sherlock gave her a dirty look as she opened the front door, when she stopped by to check on everything at her house, and grabbed her lunch before heading to work. She left her pick up at home and walked, hoping it would help dissipate some of the crumminess she was feeling.

  Was everything she was doing worth catching some drug traffickers? Maybe. Could she have done it without getting so intimate with Ray? Probably, but being with him had sparked her powers and given her new abilities she didn’t know she possessed. But did she have to keep doing it? Most likely, for the simple fact that she couldn’t turn him down. There was some strange, unexplainable pull to him that she couldn’t ignore. If it was only the Spark power that connected them, she should cut her ties and be done. If it was more than that she needed to know sooner rather than later.

  A couple hours working on her patriotic star quilt, and Becky Sue was only slightly less sulky than when she’d come into work. Normally the calming rhythm of stitching back and forth, in and out, would relax her mind. But not today.

  Cindy had already been by with her usual dose of daily gossip, which, no surprise, was about Becky Sue herself and Ray. What was she thinking going out to the campground with him? We’re they already engaged? Had they eloped? She’d mostly just let Cindy burn herself out asking questions before she left without any new juicy pieces of gossip, other than Becky Sue was being tight lipped.

  The jangle of bells above the door startled her out of her melancholy trance. The hot guy with no name strode through the door. He was so at ease with the world. The fluid motion of his body made him seem more relaxed. Where Ray was like an army of marching ants, powerful and pushing forward without thought, the man with no name was like a smooth flowing river, gentle with an undercurrent of power.

  “Afternoon, can I help you?” She set her quilt aside.

  His face brightened when she appeared. “I just came by and talk to you.”

  “Oh, ok.” She didn’t feel flattered often, but this time she did. A stranger desired her company, without a seeming ulterior motive. Maybe.

  “That book I picked up yesterday is really interesting. I’m already half finished with it.”

  “Good.” She didn’t mind talking books to this creature that was so easy on the eyes.

  “You’re a local, born and raised here, right?” She nodded. “Can you tell me any other stories, besides what’s in the book? You know, little stories that only locals know. Everywhere I travel I try to find out about local legends, the wilder and more farfetched, the more it hooks me. It’s my weakness.” His smile was bright, touching his eyes, his teeth straight and white.

  “Let me think for a minute,” she said trying to get her mind off his broad shoulders and bronzed muscles.

  “By the way my name is Phoenix.” He held out his hand to shake. His hand engulfed hers and she didn’t have the smallest, most feminine of hands. His grip was firm and strong. Blood rushed to all the wrong places at his touch and the hair on her arm stood up sending mixed signals through her body.

  “Phoenix? As in the legendary bird?”

  He gave her an impish grin. “Yeah. My mom is a little eccentric.”

  “It suits you though. Is that what prodded you into exploring legends?”

  “You know I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I guess you’re right. It started with my name and I’ve been a legend hunter ever since.”

  “That’s cool.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Becky Sue.”

  “Nice to meet you, Becky Sue.”

  His warm brown gaze was distracting. He was mysterious and friendly, but at the same time he felt untouchable. She couldn’t put a finger on why. Was is because of Ray? Nah. Was it because she felt separated from the general population now that she knew she was a Spark? He was watching her. What had they been talking about? Oh yeah, Sparker stories.

  “Alright. You know about the Indian removal in the 1830’s?” He nodded. History was kind of her thing and it made her heart do a little happy dance when she could talk history to someone who was familiar with the same things.

  “The story goes that a band of Cherokee were coming through the area headed to Oklahoma from one of the eastern states. Back then these mountains were barely populated with more than deer, bear, snakes, well you get the p
icture. Anyway, this band of Cherokee got lost in the mountains and winter was coming in early that year. Their leader was ready to set up camp along the river in hopes of waiting it out and surviving on the good hunting when they came across a white family living here. It just so happened that this family was full blooded Spark. There were four girls and a boy. The boy was only a tot. If my memory serves me correctly, the oldest girl is the one who spotted the Cherokee first and went with her father out to meet them. The oldest girl offered to serve as a guide although she had never been out of the mountains before. She took the form of an eagle and led the little band of Cherokee over the fastest, easiest route to Oklahoma. When they arrived, one of the chiefs was so grateful that he proposed a marriage between her and his oldest son. She accepted the proposal and became part of the tribe. She was the first known Spark to intermingle with the Indians.” Phoenix stared at her like he was waiting for more.

  “I wish Uncle Melvin had put that story is his book. It would’ve sounded a lot better. He has a way of making the simplest story have so much life, color, and detail.”

  “I don’t know. It sounded good to me.” He was smiling at her again. “Do you know more stories?”

  Her mind was racing with stories of the Sparkers she wanted to tell him, if he would just keep smiling at her she’d tell him stories all day. “Yeah, but you’d probably be here all day if I told them all to you.”

  “I wouldn’t mind.” He checked his watch. “But I have to go meet my friends soon. I know you said you were in a complicated relationship, but would you consider having dinner with me and tell me more stories.”

  Dinner? Had he just asked her on a sort of date? How could she ditch Ray for a couple hours? “The only place to eat here is Claire’s diner.” She was stalling as her mind raced, looking for a way to make it happen.

  “We could go there if you like, but I was thinking something more casual. Like at my camp. I’ll handle the food. ”

  Did he just offer to cook for her too? “That might be a nice change. Where are you camped?”

  “It’s not at any of the camp grounds. It’s along the river. We’ll have to take the canoe to get there.”

  Interesting. She’d be completely at his mercy. But who was she kidding? It wouldn’t be bad. She might even be able to avoid the gossip if she could duck out unseen. “How long are you going to be here? I’ve already promised to help a friend tonight.” If he was really interested he would wait. Ray also needed to be handled ahead of time.

  “Was planning on hanging around a few days. How about tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow is good for me.” Her shop was closed the day after that so everything should work out beautifully. They worked out the details for her to meet him at Elk Point Landing an hour after she closed shop.

  If her mom ever caught wind of this she’d never hear the end of it. Kate would see it as seeing two men at the same time. Not as one a friend and one a potential mate. She’d crap her pants.

  Chapter 11

  Becky Sue pulled up next to Ray’s truck at the cabin he’d rented. The windows were dark. She fished the extra key out of the cup holder and opened the door. The sound of small feet scampering, running through the dead leaves were the first thing she heard. She looked around trying to identify the source. Whatever it was was coming in fast.

  A squirrel shot out of the woods at full speed from the corner of the cabin.

  “Oh good, you’re here. Open the door. We gotta hurry.” It was Ray.

  The fluffy tail twitched impatiently out of the corner of her eye as she fumbled the lock, opening the door. Ray the squirrel shot inside. By the time Becky Sue made it in the door and found the light switch, Ray was back to human form. His naked body disappeared inside the bedroom. She couldn’t help but notice how his muscles moved when he walked.

  A few seconds later she was still mentally drooling over his body when he reappeared completely dressed. “Let’s go. Jed was about to close shop.”

  Another night of following the drunk pervert. How romantic. She mentally kicked herself. She wasn’t here for romance. She was here to help catch a drug dealer. Besides she had a real date tomorrow night with a man that might actually enjoy her company.

  Ray pulled out of the campground, just as a pair of taillights faded in the distance. The bait shop was dark and Jed’s truck was gone. He sped up just enough to keep the taillights in view hoping it was Jed.

  The route was the same as the night before.

  “This is getting us nowhere,” Becky Sue said watching the taillights turn off once more towards Jed’s place.

  “It will. It’s all about timing.” He sounded confident.

  “Have you been watching him all day?”

  “Yep. I left while you were still sleeping, came out here and have had him under surveillance all day. Not that he knew it. I’ve been perfecting my animal abilities.”

  “Oh brother.”

  He parked in the same spot as the night before. They exited the truck and he began to take off his clothes, tossing them back into the truck.

  “What are you doing?” She whispered.

  “Changing. What does it look like? I’m thinking wolf would be good for tonight’s work.”

  “Sounds like a good way to get shot if he sees you too.”

  Ray stood in only his underwear as he turned to her. “He’s not gonna see me. Trust me. That man’s been drinking since he opened his eyes this morning. I can’t believe he drove himself home.”

  She didn’t respond. She was too busy looking at him in all his naked glory as he slid his underwear down and tossed them on top of the rest of his clothing. Maybe it was the animal instinct that now resided in her that made her want to take him right then and there at the truck.

  He became a beautiful red wolf, built like a leader solid and strong, in front of her eyes. She stared not actually having watched the transformation before. It was mesmerizing and quick.

  “Come on what are you waiting for?”

  “Umm..” He padded around the front of the truck and sat at the front passenger wheel well looking up at her. Even his wolf eyes were blue and seemed to glow in the night. Before her mind could wonder too far, a cloud rolled across the moon, blotting out the light.

  This was as good a time as any. She quickly stripped her clothes and made the transformation into a she wolf.

  “Looking good, sexy.” Ray panted near her ear.

  “You know, I think wolves are one of the animals that kill their mate after they do it,” she said as she trotted past him.

  Without another word, Ray took the lead at a casual trot.

  “This hill isn’t so bad with four legs,” Becky Sue commented half way up.

  “I keep telling you this animal thing can be pretty handy.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be very handy to have now with your job.”

  “Yeah I’m pretty pumped.”

  They stopped talking at the edge of the yard. Jed was already inside, lights were on. Creeping through the tall grass they checked the perimeter.

  With heightened smell it was easy to detect Jed’s unique scent. It was rank and almost gagged Becky Sue. An opossum had come through recently.

  “Why are you panting and drooling all over me,” Ray whispered.

  “Huh? Oops. I smell the deer that came through earlier and I can practically taste them. I’m hungry.”

  “Way to bash a guy’s ego. I thought it was because of me.”

  “Nice try.” A different hunger was beginning to stir in her stomach even as she said the words. Ray’s scent kept drifting her way. It was wild, untamed. It promised satisfaction and created need.

  With an understanding that seemed natural, they split up and sniffed the yard, front, back, and side trying to determine anything unusual.

  “Find anything?” Ray asked when they met up at the edge of the woods.

  “A rabbit, deer, opossum, Jed and trash. Although Jed and the trash are about equally nasty. You?”
r />   “About the same. There was one more scent that I kept catching that was distracting me.” He edged closer to her. “I just figured out what it was too.” He licked her face with his wolf tongue.

  “I have a date tomorrow night,” she blurted out, hoping to stop them for they started puppy humping in Jed’s yard. It was a catastrophe waiting to happen.

  “Oh really? With who?” His voice sounded surprised, maybe disbelieving.

  “A tourist.”

  Silence covered them much the same as the cloud had covered the moon and kept it hidden. Ray abruptly declared it was time to go.

  They trotted back to the truck. Ray took the dominant lead. When they reached the truck, he transformed back first and began to dress quickly.

  “What’s his name?”

  She transformed back to human.


  “That’s a place not a name.” Ray started the truck. Becky Sue kept to her side and didn’t scoot to the middle like the night before. “What’s he look like?”

  “Not everything fits inside you’re little bubble of how you think it should be.” She retorted. “He’s the guy you were talking to the other day about the Sparkers. In a way you sent him to me.” His face crinkled in a grimace. Mistakenly, she’d thought he would be happy for her that she’d found someone interesting. That didn’t seem to be the case. He was acting a little jealous and it made her uncomfortable. For the first time that she could remember in their friendship, she felt there was something to hide from Ray.

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Uh, no. Why would I be kidding?”

  Ray shook his head.

  “What? You didn’t like him? You gonna play big brother now and tell me not to see him.” He opened his mouth but before he could say a word she continued. “You’ve been out of my life for years. You can’t just show up and start telling me who I should and shouldn’t see. I’m grown up. I can handle myself.”

  “I’ve noticed.” His face was a mask. His words stated flatly. She wasn’t sure how to respond to that.


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