Operation G-Spot

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Operation G-Spot Page 14

by Jodi Lynn Copeland

  “Climax!” She grabbed the dog by the back of its collar and pulled it off of Spencer’s leg. “Bad dog. Down, girl.”

  Jack took a moment to appreciate the teasing flash of a generous breast from the neckline of her robe. He didn’t have much time for dating between a full-time job as an electrician and his part-time gig with Shenanigans. When he did find the time to socialize, it was with real women like Kristi, the kind who had more than skin and bones to wrap his arms around. He laughed. “Her name’s Climax?”

  “I can see why,” Spencer said. “And that she has great taste in men.”

  Jack snorted while Kristi gave a laugh that sounded more brittle than amused. “That’s not why. But you don’t care why. Did you guys want breakfast?” Her gaze shifted to the door, making it clear she didn’t want to provide it.

  Her behavior backed up the idea she wasn’t naughty by nature, despite her dog’s name. Hoping to relax her, he nodded at Spencer. “We were just leaving.”

  “Yeah. Thanks for the offer, but I really gotta get to work.” Climax secured in Kristi’s arms, Spencer led Jack out of the bedroom and down a short hallway, stopping when he’d reached the front door and pulled it open. “Damn. Looks like we didn’t drive here.”

  A glance outside revealed a blacktop driveway edged on either side with a blossoming hawthorn tree and no vehicle in sight. Jack turned to find Kristi had followed them out of the bedroom. Squatting several feet away, she scratched Climax’s head. He would be the first to admit to an active imagination when it came to sex, but generally he could contain those thoughts for the right moment. The way her position made her short robe ride up and the sides part to provide a captivating glimpse of her mound, he didn’t stand a chance.

  Her sex was shaved, the plump lips parted just slightly with her stance. He couldn’t remember if he’d had any part of his body in or on those lips last night. The way his cock, which had only just begun to soften, instantly stiffened made it clear he would have found no hardship in fucking her.

  “What’s the matter?” Kristi asked.

  From behind Jack, Spencer said, “Do you have a garage?”

  Jack urged his gaze upward. He hadn’t taken the time to look at her face much, thought it pointless since they would never again cross paths. Now he couldn’t help but note her lush pink lips and the cluster of freckles on her upturned nose. Her eyes were wide, an appealing shade of golden brown fringed in thick, dark blond lashes. Right now, her eyes held a massive dose of unease. Anxiety that would only grow if he allowed his attention to wander back down to the delicacy of her bare, parted sex. But, damn, how he wanted to do just that.

  “No garage. Why?” Her nerves reflected in her tone.

  “There’s no car out front.” Jack glanced around, distracting himself from looking at her body by searching out a phone. “Can I use your phone to call a cab?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Kristi struggled to sound casual as she stood and ushered Climax into the nearest room with a door. After closing the dog inside, she started for the kitchen to grab the phone. She stopped halfway there and turned back. Though she told it not to, her attention zoomed to Jack’s crotch. She hadn’t considered that the way she’d been squatting while petting Climax would put her sex on full display until after she’d realized Jack’s gaze was fixed there. One lingering hot look on his part and the idea of offering the guys breakfast in the form of herself had superglued itself to her brain and had her pussy damp with desire all over again.

  Sheesh! Maybe she was a mutt, after all.

  She focused on the reason she’d turned back. “Where’s my car?”

  Jack shrugged. “We must have caught a cab last night.”

  “Kim or Cai might have dropped us off.” Spencer’s eyes warmed with the mention of the twins. Earlier Kristi had noted those eyes were a shade or two lighter than navy blue. Now they were closer to midnight.

  “You know the Ngos? How well?” She heard the tone of her voice—it sounded jealous, as if she thought one night together meant she owned them—and bit her tongue. “Never mind.”

  She wasn’t jealous and definitely didn’t care who the men slept with, though the idea of doing the beautiful and perfectly petite twins’ sloppy seconds wasn’t exactly comforting. What she did care about is how much of a scene they’d caused coming home.

  The subdivision she lived in had a noise curfew. Then there was Mrs. Johnson, her sweet, elderly, but entirely too nosy neighbor. The old lady had made friends with Kristi’s mother last time her parents visited and now regularly called to update her on Kristi’s comings and goings. She’d already had to lie to her parents once when Mrs. Johnson had noted Kristi rarely left the house. She’d told her folks that, to save on gas and office space, the company allowed her to work from home. “Do you think anyone saw us come in?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine,” Jack said.

  She hadn’t realized how tense she was until her shoulders sagged with his words and a huge sigh of relief escaped her. “You guys don’t remember last night?”

  Spencer’s lips curved into an enticing smile. He gave her a quick once-over that lingered an instant on her breasts and groin area. Kristi held her breath in wait of his answer. “Enough to know you’re quite the woman.”

  She looked to Jack, hoping for a less-enigmatic response, but he only nodded in agreement. For her first and last ménage, it sounded like she’d done a good job. That had to be something to smile about. In retrospect, say ten or twenty years from now, she was sure she would, too. Now she just had to get them the hell out of here.

  Forcing a smile, Kristi went into the kitchen and grabbed the phone. She needed a minute lone to do some deep breathing, so she called the cab place for them. She popped extra-strength Tylenol, took a few more deep breaths, and then went back out into the other room. “Cab will be here in a few minutes.”

  She used the time until the cab arrived to dress. Since her car appeared to have been left at the strip club, it made sense to share a cab with the guys to pick it up. It made sense, but the instant she was in the backseat of the taxi, she regretted the decision.

  There was a tall, dark, sexy stripper guy on either side of her, the warmth of their big bodies emanating into her outer thighs. His scent wrapping its way around her senses. She felt like the meat in a particularly big-bunned Kristi-burger.

  Had either one of them eaten her pickle?

  Ooh. Now was not the time for her bad sense of humor.

  What seemed like an hour, but was closer to ten minutes, passed before they pulled into Shenanigans’ parking lot. She spotted her lime green VW Bug. Thank God. Jack got out of the cab, and she slid out behind him, trying to look like the urge to run to her car and drive far, far away wasn’t hounding her.

  Jack smiled down at her. She struggled for words. At her home, the guys had been the ones leaving. Now she felt like a good-bye on her part was in order. “Bye. Have a nice…life.”

  Amusement passed through Jack eyes, drawing her into their green depths. There were little flecks of amber mixed in. Very appealing.

  Apparently she’d stared too long because Jack didn’t respond with words but leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. No tongue. Just a soft caress of full, firm lips. It shouldn’t have gotten her heart kicking against her ribs. And she definitely shouldn’t have missed his mouth the second he lifted it away.

  Spencer’s face came into view, followed quickly by his arms. Through his T-shirt, the hard muscles of his chest crushed against her breasts. His mouth settled over hers. No soft caress, but a full-bodied commanding kiss that ordered her to respond. She parted her lips and his tongue pushed inside. Rubbed against hers. Once. Twice. And then was gone. His arms left her, too, and she felt cold. Given, it was early June and the sun was currently behind a cloud. But, no. Not that kind of cold. The kind that told her going without a man for over two years was a very bad idea.

  “Good-bye, doll. Thanks for everything.”

Everything.” None of which she remembered.

  Kristi had told herself it was for the best that she didn’t remember, but suddenly she wanted to know every detail. Even if she hadn’t climaxed, the memory of being loved by two such awesome specimens of masculinity would surely be enough to warm her through however many years she went without a lover this next time.

  Jack’s kiss helped in that department, too. Without warning, he returned to her, swooping down and pulling her against him, lifting her into his arms as if she was a ninety-pound waif. His mouth came over hers hard, his tongue sliding smoothly inside, stroking over her teeth, rubbing against hers, licking at her soft inner cheeks. Leaving her breathless and squirming for more by the time he finally pulled away.

  He set her down and she instinctively looked to Spencer. It was his turn, after all. But he didn’t make a move toward her. Just said a last good-bye and started for the club’s entrance. Jack followed his lead, saying good-bye and heading toward the other end of the parking lot where his vehicle presumably waited.

  Kristi licked her lower lip, tasting both of them. Both. Two. Two gorgeous men, with incredible smiles and really tight asses. Shamelessly, she watched them walk away, her attention fixed on the play of their pants across their taut backsides. Then they were gone from sight, one gobbled up by the club’s front door and the other by the driver’s door of a silver Caprice.

  On the inside, the cold returned. On the outside, her cheeks felt more than a little hot-as she slipped into her Bug. And as she sat down, her thighs brushed together and she realized she was also more than a little wet. From nothing more than kisses. To think what they might have been able to accomplish with more time. What they might have accomplished last night…

  On second thought, she was better off not thinking about that. The only good course of action here was to forget the last twenty hours entirely and concentrate her efforts on what to say when she called the Ngos. Not only did she have to convince them that she hadn’t been completely intoxicated during their business meeting, but she also wanted to ensure that her name would remain apart from her products.


  Kristi closed her eyes against the exquisite tension barreling its way up her body, starting at her curled toes and ending deep in her burning core. The tongue lapping at the wet folds of her pussy licked harder. Crying out with the electric thrill of impending release, she buried her fingers in the hair of the man between her thighs. The man whose large hands held her legs splayed wide. Who ceased the assault of his tongue only long enough to nibble at her clit.

  Tiny explosions went off in her cunt with the scrape of his teeth over the inflamed bead. Stars danced before her eyes. Her head spun. From the liquor, maybe a little. From the orgasm cresting over her, definitely. His tongue returned to her sex, shoved inside with a demanding thrust, and feasted as she came with a scream of triumph.

  The ringing of the phone jarred Kristi from the memory. And what a memory it had been. Just a glimpse of the night before. A glimpse that didn’t show her the owner of that magnificent tongue. But a glimpse that showed her something even better. She had climaxed last night. With a man. No toys needed.

  The knowledge was enough to ease her misery over what else had happened last night. One of the guys had shaved her pubic hair. It had to have been one of them. Whenever she decided to go without, she went the waxing route. It stopped the urge to itch her crotch in public and the knowledge she looked like a poorly planted Chia Pet when the hair started growing back in.

  Only, her current misery wasn’t over an impending day or two of itching, but because she would never be able to forget the guys until the hair grew back.

  Ignoring the phone, Kristi plunked down on the couch and accepted the truth. It didn’t matter if she was shaved. She would never be able to forget the guys anyway, not now that she knew one of them had done what she’d believed impossible. If the brief memory was a sign, then last night’s orgasm had been more powerful than anything she’d ever experienced with one of her pleasure gadgets. It made her want to rush over to Shenanigans for a repeat performance.

  Almost repeat. She wasn’t up for another ménage, now or ever. She just wanted one man. Whichever one had buried his head between her legs and expertly devoured her pickle. Unless her memory provided further insight, she had no idea how to figure out which man was responsible.

  What she needed here was advice. Thankfully she knew the people to give it: two women who, up until last night, suffered the same affliction as her—the disappearance of a working G-spot whenever a man entered the equation. Fiona still suffered that fate anyway. Several months ago, Liz had gotten lucky in a big way and found a man who could make her come a river.

  Kristi had stumbled upon the women while researching new toy design ideas on-line. Soon after, they’d created a private Web group appropriately termed Operation G-Spot. Scattered across the United States as they were, the group allowed them to gather and chat with regularity. Though the G-Spot creed effectively said each woman was responsible for dating and doing every man who came her way in the hopes of finding one capable of getting her off, Kristi had never taken it seriously. Had never even planned to put any effort into asking a guy out. And apparently she hadn’t needed to make the effort, since two men had seemingly arrived in her bed by magic.

  Two men who had her hot thinking about them even now. But, no. It wasn’t the two of them that had her hot. It was the one of them who had given her an orgasm.

  Shivering over the memory of the powerful climax, Kristi went into the spare bedroom she used as her office. She sat down at her iMac, hit the Internet icon, and logged into the Operation G-Spot chat group. She breathed a sigh of relief when she spotted Liz’s name highlighted as being on-line.

  Kristi: Thank God you’re on. I did something bad last night to the tune of 138.

  Liz: 138?

  Kristi: 69 x 2.

  Liz: Nice, twice in one night. So much for Fi’s claim you aren’t trying.

  Kristi: But that’s just it! I didn’t get lucky twice, and I also wasn’t trying. I got lucky with two guys at the same time by accident. Just call me a drunken mutt.

  Liz: Ohmigawd! No way.

  Kristi: Way. And I didn’t remember a friggin’ thing.

  Liz: Then what makes you so sure you did it?

  Kristi: We woke up naked in my bed this morning, and both sides of me feel like they were visited by the Toaster Fairy. These guys do not have teeny weenies.

  Liz: I’m seriously not laughing. Oh, who am I kidding? LMAO!

  Kristi: They strip for a living, Liz!

  Liz: You slept with two strippers?

  Kristi: Yes! And I said I didn’t remember. I do remember now, at least a small part. A really good, small part.

  I had an…get ready…orgasm.

  Liz: You dog! That’s sooo awesome. Are you seeing them again?

  Kristi: Them? Am I seeing them again? They aren’t a package deal. And, no, I am not seeing them again. I still can’t believe I ever “saw” them in the first place.

  Liz: But they gave you an orgasm. That has to mean something.

  Kristi: Yeah, that I was drunk enough to mistake them for a double-headed dildo.

  Liz: What makes you think one of them didn’t give you the orgasm and the other was just there as a bonus?

  Kristi: Actually, that’s what I’m hoping for. But how am I supposed to figure out which one did the job? They don’t remember much either.

  Liz: Fi would suggest the obvious. Do them both individually until one comes through for you, literally. Who knows, maybe one of these guys is your Mr. Right.

  Spencer finished his routine and returned out front to where he’d seen Cai talking with Linda, Shenanigans’ manager, at a table in the back of the semidarkened room. Cai sat alone now, looking over some papers. Out of habit, he took in her outfit: neon green hot pants and a matching tank top that exposed the bulk of her cleavage through a strategically placed open metal ring. He’d been
friends with the Ngos in high school. Fate had reunited them a few years ago when Wild Honey started up a small shop inside the club’s entrance. Cai had dressed as modestly as Kim in school. He couldn’t say he minded the transformation. What he did mind was Cai slipping shit into his drink that landed him in bed with another man.

  Reaching Cai’s table, he jerked a chair out. He turned it around and sat down, with his arms folded over the chair’s back.

  Cai looked up, a feline smile curving lips that matched the pink highlights in her hair. She arched a black eyebrow and supplied an answer before he could ask a question. “You offered to try out Wild Honey’s new products every other time I asked. This time I just didn’t ask. I wanted a guaranteed authentic reaction.”

  “You got it, doll. I not only wound up naked in bed with Jack, but I also can’t remember a goddamned thing.”

  “Sorry about the memory. It sounds like all the bugs aren’t worked out yet.” Amusement shone in her eyes. “As for waking up naked with Jack, you’ve obviously wanted him all along. ‘Tiger’ doesn’t make you do things you don’t want to do; it just gives you the courage to make a move.”

  Spencer growled in the back of his throat. Cai had a reputation for fucking both women and men, and he was fine with her choices. Personally, he would rather be castrated than stick his dick up some guy’s ass. “I didn’t wake up alone with Jack, Cai. I woke up with Jack and that woman you were with last night. She was in between us. I never touched any part of Jack’s body.” He hoped.

  She smacked her lips together. “Mmm…lucky boys. What I wouldn’t do to get my face between those big, beautiful tits.”

  He wanted to forget last night, but the mention of Kristi had him remembering certain parts in a big way. He made it a point not to get involved with sweet women. They wanted things in the long term, and he wasn’t at that stage in his life. He couldn’t deny how appealing she’d been this morning, though, scrambling off the bed, waving her round, dimpled ass in his face. He couldn’t forget the hungry way she eyed his cock either, licking her lips as if she found his shaft scrumptious.


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