The Affair (The Evolution Of Sin #1)

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The Affair (The Evolution Of Sin #1) Page 8

by Giana Darling

  I nodded. “I’m sorry, I realize it was deceitful of me.”

  His brow furrowed and I somehow resisted the urge to smooth it with my fingers.

  “I don’t know if it would have changed anything,” he admitted softly.

  Joy unfurled in my chest and I smiled at him prettily. “It doesn’t have to change anything now. I quite liked it.”

  He lifted his head to raise a cool eyebrow at my attitude but I only grinned at him.

  “You quite liked it?” he repeated and his voice was deceptively reserved.

  I giggled as he leaned once more on his elbow to look at me. “Well, yes. Didn’t you?”

  He shook his head at me and ran his other hand through the tumbled mass of chestnut hair falling around his ears. “I more than liked it. Despite myself, I’m already thinking about all the other ways that I can have you.”

  I noticed his frown and this time I didn’t quell the urge to iron it away with my touch. He allowed me to touch him though he tensed under the caress and grabbed my hand.

  “I may have been a virgin, Sinclair, but I wasn’t completely inexperienced. I have had a boyfriend before and we did do things.” It was not pleasant to think my sexual encounters before Mark but I wanted him to know. “And before that, I did things with a man. Things I’m not really proud of and would prefer not to talk about, but I just want you to know. I’m not pure, or anything.”

  Sinclair rolled over me, bracing his weight on his knees, straddling my legs with his forearms bracketing my face. His gaze was somber but one hand played almost absently with a strand of my hair.

  “Not pure? Regardless of whatever happened before and of your conventional virginity, I noticed your purity right away.” He pressed a finger to my lips when I tried to protest. “I don’t mean you seemed young to me, or naïve. I mean that there is a grace, a serenity to you that speaks of purity. It has nothing to do with sexuality.” His grin was self-depreciating. “Though obviously I noticed that too.”

  “You are just being nice.” I squirmed beneath him, uncomfortable with his compliment.

  “I don’t have time to be nice,” he reminded me curtly but his eyes were dancing as I looked into them. When I smiled back, he sighed happily. “There. You are mine for five more days, Elle, and I fully expect you to smile and graciously receive my flattery whenever I desire it. Understood?”

  I laughed. “Yes, sir.”

  His eyes darkened suddenly and I felt him twitch against my thigh. “Are you sore?”

  I mentally checked my erogenous zones for discomfort but other than a slightly swollen sex, I felt fine, extraordinary even. “No.”

  I slid my arm around his neck, aware for the first time that he was naked in my arms. My fingers boldly explored the play of muscles in his back, my nails scratched lightly down his sides so that he hissed and when I brought them between us to run my hand down his beautifully defined torso, he hummed with pleasure.

  I squealed as he wrapped his arms around me and flipped over onto his back so that I was straddling him. I blinked down at him a view times as he smiled and placed his arms behind his head.

  “You wanted to explore,” he reminded me. “Feel free.”

  I bit my lip and he frowned, his voice hardening. “Do not be shy with me, Elle. We have five days together and I assure you, this will be the tamest of those five nights. There are so many things I want to do with you, for you, to you.” His hand reached up and cupped my full breasts, his thumbs flicking over my distended nipples.

  Emboldened by his words, I leaned over and softly kissed the hollow at the base of his throat. I readjusted my position over him so that I could reach one of his small brown nipples with my lips. Sucking it into my mouth, I gently ran my teeth over it and was rewarded with his hands sliding into my hair, urging me on. As I trailed sweet kisses down his chest – my nails raking his skin harder now so that his breath came in pants – I realized how powerful sex could be. There was nothing in my world but Sinclair’s body, laid out like a dusky skinned Adonis for me to worship.

  My lips found his jutting erection and I mirrored my other chaste kisses by planting a gentle kiss to the flared crown. A bead of moisture rested there and as Sinclair looked down at me with fevered eyes, I deliberately licked the salty sweet substance, smacking my lips as I hummed my approval. His hands tightened in my hair but the mild pain only heightened the experience. I was his, to do with as he pleased. The idea was so arousing, I moaned around him as I took his length past my lips, deep into the back of my mouth. The taste of him was intoxicating and I was tempted to reach one of my hands down to play with my soaking sex but I was too dedicated to his pleasure to do so. Instead, I wrapped one hand around the base of him, squeezing firmly each time my lips descended to my grip and with the other, I cupped his soft sack drawn up with desire.

  “Make me come this way,” he said through his teeth.

  I murmured my consent as I took him from my warm mouth to run my tongue along the length of him, wondering at his size, loving his girth. I hesitated at the root and wondered if he would like his balls touched in the same way. At the first tentative brush of my tongue his muscles contracted and when I rolled one experimentally in my mouth, his groan reverberated through my core.

  “Yes,” he hissed and he tugged on my hair almost painfully so that I moaned too.

  I could feel my wetness trail down my leg but I was so focused on Sinclair that I barely registered my own needs. His release would be better than my own.

  Suddenly desperate for the taste of him spilling into my mouth, I took him swiftly to the back of my throat, relaxing so that I wouldn’t gag as he began to pump back and forth in my mouth. I relaxed my jaw, flicking my tongue over his tip whenever he retreated and waited breathlessly for my reward. I could feel his climax the moment it shuddered through his body. The muscles in his legs and stomach grew taut and his fingers twitched before clenching tightly in my hair. A feral groan ripped from his chest as he spent himself across my tongue. I quickly lapped up his release, surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

  He lay exhausted as I straightened from my slightly uncomfortable position but his arms tightened around me as he brought me to his chest so that he could press a kiss into my hair.

  “You are magnificent,” he murmured, and I wondered if I imagined the reverence in his words.

  I closed my eyes and absorbed his praise. We lay silently for a time and I wondered if he had perhaps fallen asleep. Maybe I should leave, I thought with sudden anxiety. This was a holiday affair; he wouldn’t want to spend the night with me. I chewed the inside of my cheek as I considered my options but his sleep-roughened voice interrupted my reverie.

  “What are you thinking about so loudly?”

  I sighed, deciding to tell him the truth. “I was wondering if I should leave now.”

  Instantly, his corded arms tightened like a vice around me but his voice was casual as he said, “If you’d like.”

  My heart dropped into my stomach but I nodded against my chest and tried to push myself from his embrace. “No problem.”

  “But,” he continued mildly, and when I looked down at him, his eyes were still closed, “I would prefer it if you stayed.”

  Relief flooded me, reheating every place that he had spent the night coaxing to life inside of me. My hand splayed across his chest, furrowing in his spare chest hair. I could feel the calming beat of his heart against my palm.

  “I’d like that too,” I whispered looking down at the most handsome man in the world.

  His thick, dark eyelashes rested on his sharp cheeks, casting long shadows over his dusky gold skin. He wasn’t too tanned yet but there was a depth to the color of his skin that suggested his forefathers had been something other than white and his hair was a richer shade of mahogany than I had ever seen. My throat ached from his beauty.

  His eyes fluttered open and I froze under his brilliant gaze. “What are you looking at?”

  “You,” I said simply. “
I love the way you look.”

  His smile moved slowly across his face, tilting his firm lips and creasing the corners of his eyes with crow’s feet. “Let me take you on an adventure tomorrow.”

  I laughed at his abrupt change of direction and the boyish glee in his eyes. “An adventure?”


  “What kind of an adventure?”

  “One that is a surprise.”

  I looked down at him with wide eyes, delighted by his carefree mood. “And if I don’t like surprises?”

  His shrug dislodged me slightly from the side of his body and he was quick to tuck me back into his arm, pressing my head gently against his chest once more. “You’ll like this one.”

  I didn’t doubt it and as an unattractive yawn completely distorted my features, I wondered sleepily if it was possible for me to dislike anything about this man.

  “Sleep,” he encouraged, a hand smoothing over my hair. “I’ll wake you up in the morning when it’s time to go.”

  I snuggled closer to him and wondered if I had ever been happier. It was silly, I knew, to think such things when I only had another five days with him but it was hard to ground myself in reality when Sinclair could show me such wicked fantasies. As sleep descended, I remembered the girlfriend waiting at home for him and my heart jerked uncomfortably. It didn’t matter if I was emotionally battered at the end of the affair, I would let him go back to his partner and I would move to New York with no regrets. But even as dreams began to flicker behind my closed lids, I knew that wouldn’t be the case.

  Chapter Eight.

  I woke up slowly, stretching my arms over my head and twisting my hips to work the kinks out of my lower body as I groaned into awareness. Without opening my eyes, I smiled because I knew what had wakened me.

  “Hi,” I said softly.

  Rough tipped fingers traced the side of my face and when I opened my eyes Sinclair was looking down on me. “Elle, are you ready for our adventure?”

  I smiled welcomingly at him from under my lashes and gently pushed the duvet back in order to expose my breasts, which instantly drew tight in the cool air. “I had a different adventure in mind.”

  He shook his head and his voice was almost sad when he replied but I could tell he was pleased with me too. “I’ve unleashed a monster.”

  I pouted playfully. “That doesn’t sound very flattering.”

  “A siren then.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed, already fully dressed in a thick light blue sweater that complimented his eyes and white linen shorts. His overlong hair was still damp from the shower and his fragrance drifted over me, rich and manly.

  My mouth watered just looking at him. Though I was slightly sore, my sex clenched at the thought of being with him again. And again.

  His eyes sparked on the fire in my gaze but he only shook his head again and moved off the bed, walking away into the bathroom. “We have to leave in twenty minutes. You’re welcome to have a shower here and we can swing by your room on our way out.”

  As much as the idea of a shower in his room, preferably with him, appealed to me, it made more sense for me to return to my room in order to shower and change. When I told him so he nodded and patted my bottom as I walked past him to dress.

  “Meet me in the lobby in fifteen. Wear something comfortable,” he ordered over his shoulder before leaving the bedroom.

  I walked back to my room in a state of hyper awareness, as if my happiness was magnifying my senses. My bare feet kissed the cool marble floor of the lobby and the soft skirt of my dress swished over my tingling thighs. Despite the lack of sleep, I was awake and eager for more.

  Sinclair consumed my thoughts as I peeled off my party clothes and stepped into the shower. The hot water stung the sensitive skin between my legs but the pounding spray massaged my aching muscles.

  I was amazed by the way he had undressed my conservatism, laid bare the heart of my sexuality. With Mark, I had been awkward and bumbling under his sweetness and it was a revelation to have someone so confident and experienced drive the action. I thought about the way he had ordered me to bend over, commanded me to orgasm. I shuddered at the memory as I lathered my hair with my honey-scented shampoo. His cool words echoed in my head and a resulting tightness in my gut belied my attraction to his controlling nature.

  I was also grateful for his reaction to my virginity. Really, I had been sexually active for years and it had felt wrong to misled Sinclair by labeling myself a novice. But I was also loath to validate those sexual experiences, the hands and face and acts of a man who had used me for years. I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against the tiles, letting the water sluice down my head and back. Was it foolish to believe that Sinclair could erase those memories? I could still feel his hands on my skin so it was easy to believe in their potential power to eradicate all touches before them.

  Regardless, I had five more days with the man, and ignoring the shadow of foresight at the corner of my bliss, I vowed to enjoy every moment of it.

  When I arrived in the lobby ten minutes later, Sinclair was frowning at the screen of his Blackberry. I stopped for a minute to study him, the way his gleaming chestnut hair fell over his forehead and the deliciously narrow set of his hips. He looked up suddenly, straightening to his full height as if he was a hunter that had just scented his prey. The look that sparked in his blue eyes was just as feral, triumphant. If I could have teared my eyes away from the sight of him, I would have checked to make sure no one was staring. As he stalked towards me, I could feel my heartbeat kick up and the absurd desire to flee seized me.

  “Hi,” I breathed when he came to a stop just before me. I had to tilt my head to continue looking into his vivid gaze, the only windows into his otherwise inscrutable expression.

  “Hello, yourself.” One of his fingers smoothed down my neck, tickling the heavy beat of my pulse there. “Nervous?”

  My laugh was unusually shrill but I rolled my shoulders and forced myself to relax. This was a man that had just been inside me; why the hell was I behaving like an awkward stranger?

  Sinclair’s eyes narrowed and his fingers threaded through my hair and tugged until my head was forced back and he towered over me. “Tell me what is going on behind those grays, Elle, or I’ll take you over my knee and we can forget all about the surprise adventure.”

  A shiver of excitement raced up my spine and I bit my lip at the thought of being spread over his lap, exposed like I had been last night. He must have felt the shudder and his brows rose in silent question but I shook my head.

  “I don’t know why but I feel shy around you this morning,” I said.

  His head tilted as he studied me, his fingers now firmly massaging my scalp. Each stroke of his fingers released one of the knots of tension pinching my shoulders together.

  “We are no longer strangers but we aren’t lovers yet, not after one night. Normally, this might be awkward but not for us, not when I own you.” He marked the downward quirk of my mouth and responded with a sharp tug on the roots of my hair. “You are embarrassed because you liked it, being taken by a stranger, being ordered to come.”

  I shifted restlessly on my sandaled feet as liquid desire pooled between my legs.

  A slight smirk tilted his lips as he leaned forward to speak against my lips. “Are you wet now, Elle? Just from hearing my voice?”

  I groaned, unwilling to admit the power he held over me.

  A couple passed by us, talking happily as they dragged their suitcases into the lobby. The man, a short, older gentleman with a thick helmet of grey hair, turned to us sharply and his nostrils flared as if he could smell me. Sinclair turned his head slightly to stare at him and used his free hand to tug my bottom until I was pressed against him. The grey haired stranger smiled and winked at me before patting his own partner’s bum affectionately.

  When he was gone, I tried to push Sinclair away. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  His grip was firm and the lines o
f his body against mine were made of steel. I wanted to rub up against him like a cat, scratch him and nuzzle him until he stroked me.

  Somehow, he had read my thoughts. “I can do whatever I want to you. The night you agreed to our holiday affair, you knowingly entered into my world.”

  I briefly remembered his words, “You belong to me for the next six days,” and my anxiety upped another notch.

  I licked my parched lips. “That doesn’t sound very fair.”

  “No,” he mused. “It isn’t. No mortal man should hold a siren in his arms, but you’ve given me the opportunity of a life time.”

  My heart tapped a quick dance against my rib cage, delighted and surprised by his poetry but as I watched his eyes darken, the beat moved lower, pulsing now in my belly.

  “I want to push you, Elle, see how far I can take you. By day seven, you’ll be begging for me to take you in ways you can’t even imagine now.”

  I gasped, my mind racing with possibilities. I was so preoccupied that I almost stumbled when he suddenly pulled away from me. He frowned at me, catching my hand and winding it around his arm.

  “Sore?” he asked and though there was no hint of emotion in his beautiful profile, he sounded a little amused, maybe even smug.

  I blushed and tried to take my hand from him. “Not a bit.”

  Unable to even wriggle under his strong fingers, I sighed and allowed myself to be pulled outside the main doors to the front of the resort. The same long black car from the night before idled in front of us. Sinclair opened the door for me to slip in so that I faced him, backwards to the momentum of the car. He was quiet for the duration of the drive, his eyes on the glowing screen of his phone as he read emails and conducted business but I was glad for the quiet.

  I rested my head against the plush seat and stared out at the blurring colors of Los Cabos slipping by. My camera was strapped across my body and without hesitation, I swung it into my hands to snap the abstract smear of Mexican scenery.


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