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Sexiest Couple Alive (Knight Fashion #2)

Page 17

by M. Clarke

  “It’s okay,” I assured her. “You don’t have to explain, Olie. I can see how it’s making you upset.” I kissed her forehead. “I’ve got you. You’re safe now. I’m going to take care of you.”

  She inhaled a deep breath. “We’re supposed to visit your parents this weekend. I think I can look decent in a few days.”

  I caressed her cheek. “Olie...” I paused, trying to use the right words to be sensitive to this situation. “We’re not going to be able to keep this a secret in our little circle. Troy is going to go to trial, and you’re going to have to testify, along with Isla. You’re going to have to tell your mom. And I’m going to inform my parents. But I assure you my family won’t judge you. I’m going to tell you a thousand times if I have to, but this isn’t your fault. You have nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. I’m with you and so are your friends and your mom and everyone that loves you. You’re going to be all right. This will pass.”

  Olie nodded, looking so small and vulnerable. She didn’t have much choice. This would leak out in the media, if it hadn’t already. Troy wasn’t just any photographer. He was huge in the fashion industry. After Olie signed some papers, I took her back to her apartment.

  Chapter 28


  Isla and I had spoken on the ride back to the apartment about the incident. I worried about her state of mind, but she assured me she was fine. When we entered, Nate took me straight to bed and made sure Isla was comfortable. Then Nate went to the living area, straightened the sofa, and cleaned up the shattered glass. He also ordered some Chinese takeout since none of us had eaten since breakfast. After we ate, Nate lay next to me in bed.

  He fidgeted with the blanket to cover me. “You didn’t eat much. I saved the leftovers so you can try again later. Let me know if you’re hungry.”

  “Thank you.” I snuggled closer to him. “You don’t have to lie here all day with me.”

  “It’s almost six, Olie. This is where I would be anyway. Would you like for me to step out so you can rest?”

  “No.” I wrung a fistful of his sweater, afraid he would leave me. “Don’t you have other commitments?”

  Nate’s fingers slipped through my hair, brushing them away from my face. “I’m done with the cologne shoot. I’m yours. I’m going to take care of you every which way you want me to.” He waggled his eyebrows, making me smile. “Is there anything you would like for me to do?”

  “I would like to take a shower with you,” I said shyly. “I just want you there beside me.”

  “Your wish is my command.” He got off the bed, scooped me in his arms, and took me to the bathroom.


  After I ran the water, I helped Olie unbutton her jeans and ease out of her clothes. She seemed slow and stiff. Though I couldn’t see any bruises, besides the evidence in her eyes and her neck, her body must have taken a toll from the struggles she had to endure. Then I undressed and guided her into the shower under the perfect warm water.

  We didn’t speak at first, just Olie and me, gazing into each other’s eyes with our affectionate loving smiles for one another. Then she closed her eyes under the soothing water. Squeezing soap on her hair, I began to softly massage her head as the familiar scent I loved drifted to my nose. She smiled and allowed me to tend to her needs. Guiding her head back, I let the water wash away the shampoo. I even used my hand to wipe away the suds on her face. Then I used the gel soap and ran my hands from the tip of her neck, over her shoulders, cupping her breasts—she gasped softly and quivered at my touch—then down her stomach, around her fine ass, and lower to the length of her legs.

  The steam fogged the glass doors and around us. Being with her in the shower wasn’t new, but it was the first time since we got back together. And my need for her grew. But I had to put aside the erotic feeling. Olie didn’t want that right then. She needed to know how much I loved her, that I would be there for her. So, I tamed myself and thought only of what Olie needed. After I washed her, I switched us around so the water gushed down my back and quickly washed my hair. Trying to tame my lust wasn’t working so well when Olie’s hands roamed about my body with liquid soap. Did she not know what she did to me? I didn’t want to, but I seized her hands and placed them on my shoulders instead.

  “Nate.” Her lips quivered as her words spilled out. “Troy said he had a gun to your head. He said you were dead if I didn’t go with him.” Olie’s hands slid down and squeezed my arms, as if to steady herself as tears dampened her eyes. Her words tumbled out in a state of panic. “I thought I lost you. I don’t ever want to live without you, Nate. Please, don’t let anything—”

  “Shhh.” I held her in my arms, reminding her I was there, alive, as water splashed on both of us. “I’m here, Olie. He didn’t have a gun on my head. I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got you.”

  “Okay.” She sobbed as her body trembled under my hold.

  I held her until she was ready to let go. After we dried off and changed into something comfortable, we sat in the living area with Isla.

  Isla scrolled through her phone to read a message from her text. “Nathan, Josh says he would help you kill Troy.” Isla shook her head and snorted. After she took a sip of her tea, she set her mug down. “If you need him, he said he’ll fly to New York. I told him everything was under control. Troy is in jail.”

  “He’ll make bail,” Olie threw in with a sudden realization.

  “We’ll make sure the restraining order is active.” I snaked my arm behind Olie’s back, letting her know silently I wouldn’t let him near her ever again. “This time we have enough evidence so they can’t deny our request.”

  Olie blinked, realizing I was right. “Oh, okay. That’s good.” She slumped back and eased into my arms again.

  Isla placed her phone down, and her wide smile faded. “What’s going to happen next?”

  I rubbed my jaw, contemplating how to answer her question. There were so many things to do. “Olie and I are going to visit my family for the weekend, and then we’re flying back to LA. Olie and I haven’t discussed this yet. I would feel better if she stayed with me, but she has her mom to think about. So, I’m going to hire bodyguards to be stationed at the front of the apartment building to keep news reporters and paparazzi away. I’ll also be moving into our new home. I plan to have an alarm system as well as security cameras set around the perimeter. Meanwhile, as far as Troy, there isn’t much we can do. The court will set the dates for his bail and his trial. What are your plans?”

  “Well, I can’t afford to rent this place on my own, so either I’ll have to seek a new roommate or...Josh did offer a bedroom in his house. I mean—” She slyly looked down. “—I told him I would pay for my share of the rent, but I don’t know if I want to have a guy for a roommate. I’m sure he would be terrific, but what if he brings home...I’m not sure—”

  “How you would feel if he brought home other girls,” I said for her.

  “Yes.” She nodded, biting her lip, then froze. “No,” she drawled. “Of course I don’t care. It would be weird. And what if I get serious with a guy? Maybe it would bother him.”

  “I say, if that guy you date really cares about you, those things wouldn’t matter to him. And if you were serious with him, you would be mostly at his place.”

  “I have to agree with Nate.” Olie gazed at me with a smile. “Unless, you’re worried when Josh brings home other girls it would bother you.”

  Isla waved her hand if to swat a fly. “No. We’re just friends.”

  “Hey, Isla.” Olie’s tone changed. “The doctor told me if I felt the need, I should see a therapist, and he said you might want to see one as well. You know, because of the trauma.”

  “I’m fine, Olie.” She gave a warm smile. “I have to admit, it was scary as shit. I thought I lost you.” She took a moment to pause and to collect herself. “But maybe it would be a good idea if you saw one.”

  Olie gazed out the window. “I’ll think about it.”

/>   “First thing tomorrow morning, you’ll have to call your agent and let her know what happened,” I suggested.

  “I should call my mom before she hears it on the news,” Olie sighed.

  “I’ll call Matthew and my agent,” I continued. “News gets around fast. He might already know. Isla, maybe you should go visit Josh or your family when Olie and I leave to visit my parents. What do you think? I would feel uncomfortable leaving you here alone. Not that Troy could do anything about it.”

  Isla glanced at Olie, as if to seek permission. When Olie nodded, she said, “I think I’ll head to LA and visit my brother and then consider moving in with Josh. First, I want to see his place.”

  I idly caressed Olie’s shoulder. “I’ve been at his place before. It’s nice. You might not ever want to move out.”

  “Hmmm. Now I’m really curious.” She twitched her lips.

  “Well, it’s time for me to take Olie to bed. See you in the morning, Isla.”

  “Goodnight,” Isla said. “I should go to bed too.”

  I got up first and helped Olie up. “You had a long, traumatic day. Both of you need to get some rest.” I darted my eyes at Isla and then at Olie. “Either you come or I’m going to pick you up. Your choice.”

  Chapter 29


  My eyes set on dim light seeping through the half-opened blinds. I wondered what time it was. Parched from thirst, I decided to get a drink. Slowly peeling Nate’s arm off my waist, I carefully got out of bed so as not to disturb him. As I tiptoed out of the room, leaving the door wide open, thoughts of Troy invaded my mind.

  I wouldn’t let Troy affect my happiness, and I wouldn’t let him make me lose my mind. But when I passed the living area to head to the kitchen, I shuddered and my blood pressure soared up as I relived the moment I thought my life ended. Touching the wall, feeling for the switch, I turned on the kitchen light. My eyes squinted in the brightness. I couldn’t see a thing.

  After I poured a glass of water, I gulped it down, but it didn’t help my thirst. Thinking I needed more, I drank another cupful, but it burned as it went down. Maybe I needed to see a doctor again. As I put the cup down, light footsteps startled me. Nate must have been worried about me, but why was the creak coming by the front door?

  “Nate?” I whispered.

  No answer.

  “Nate?” My voice carried a little louder.

  Isla’s bedroom was nearby. Surely she was fast asleep and I wouldn’t disturb her, so I called even louder. When the footsteps stopped and Nate didn’t answer, I panicked. Cold chills skidded down my spine so fast I flushed with a blistering, painful heat. I had no cause to be worried, so why was I feeling that way? My imagination was getting the best of me after all that I had endured. I needed to shake the feeling away.

  I reached to turn off the light and rounded the corner back to my room when my heart leaped out of my chest. An arm gripped my neck and something cold planted on my temple.

  “Don’t make a sound,” he hissed. “I’ll shoot you in the head.”

  Air caught in my throat, and fear slammed into me. Though the voice was low and harsh, I knew it—it thundered loud and clear. This couldn’t be happening. Oh, God! How did he get in? How did he get out so fast? He had connections. He always bragged about how many people he knew.

  “Troy, please,” I whimpered, pushing my body against his to stop him from going to the bedroom. “I’ll go with you right now, anywhere you want.” I had to distract him away from Nate.

  “Shut up,” he growled, and practically dragged me.

  “Na—!” I tried to call out, but Troy yanked my hair and hit my head with the gun. Pain ripped through me, stopping me mid-cry. His hold on my neck tightened. My arms flailed. I tried to kick him, but he only squeezed me harder. Shaking, I searched for something to do or say, anything to focus on me, but I was too frightened; I couldn’t move, let alone think. But I had to do it for Nate.

  Troy tugged me to Nate’s side of the bed. The light from the kitchen spilled over his face. Pointing the gun at Nate sleeping, Troy gritted through his teeth, “I told you I would tell you when it’s over, and I told you I would destroy the man you love. No one can have you but me. And nobody double crosses me and gets away with it. Say goodbye to your lover.” Every word slithered out of him like poison, full of hate and vengeance.

  “No!” I screamed as tears streamed down my face in horror. I managed to shove Troy, hoping he would miss Nate, and that the stumble would make enough noise to wake him up. But the gun’s blast echoed in the darkness, and I knew I was too late.

  “Nate!” I hollered. My heart ripped into shreds as blood seeped out from his chest. “Nate, Nate, Nate.” Tears streamed down fast, blinding me. Gasping for air and trying to grasp what had happened, I looked down at Nate’s blood smeared on my hands. “No, no, no. I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” I sobbed, holding him in my arms.

  “Olie, Olie, Olie.”

  A voice vibrated through my ears, sounding so close, yet echoing from off in the distance. But my much pain, so much emptiness. I ached all over, feeling like I too had just died.

  “Olie, wake up babe. I’m right here.”

  A hand wiped my tears and arms secured around me.

  “Wake up, Olie.”

  Nate? My eyes flashed open. Tears still blinded my vision, but my beloved’s blurry face hovered over me. “Nate?” I whimpered.

  Elation at seeing Nate alive overwhelmed me, and I threw my arms around him. “Nate, Nate, Nate.” My voice muffled against his chest. “You’re here. You’re alive.”

  Nate brushed the strands of hair away from my face. “Of course I’m here. I haven’t left. You were dreaming, Olie. Must have been some wild dream.” He snorted. “You were crying my name. Either you had one hell of a sex dream, and I made you scream my name, or something bad happened to me. But it was only a dream, Olie.”

  He had no idea the intensity of my nightmare. I crushed my body to his, needing to feel all of him, needing to confirm that he was really there. “Troy killed you. He shot you. much blood.” My lips quivered, my body trembled, and my voice sounded frantic. “I thought...I thought you were—”

  “Shhh...It’s okay. It was just a nightmare.” Nate kissed my forehead, then my cheeks, and then gently placed his lips on mine. “I’m right here.” Then he lowered himself, holding me, our bodies touching with no space between. “Close your eyes and think of our happy future. No more bad thoughts. He doesn’t deserve your thoughts.”

  My lingering gasps and hiccups soon faded, and I drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning, after Nate forced me to eat breakfast, I made the dreadful phone call to my agent, Matthew, and my mom. She freaked out, but quickly calmed down when I told her I was fine and that I was coming home. Of course, I hid some facts. I thought it would be better to explain to her in person than over the phone. Nate also made some phone calls to his agent, Matthew, and his family. Afterward, we stayed indoors and packed.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Shifting my position on the sofa, I leaned back into the cushion. I worried about Isla. She acted fine and seemed fine, but I was certain she needed to talk about the traumatic experience. I was not the only one affected by Troy that day. And Troy would surely have killed Isla if he’d had the chance.

  Isla sighed and kicked up her feet on the coffee table. “I’m fine,” she grumbled. “I’m not going to let that bastard affect my life. In general, people aren’t that crazy. The first thing I’m going to do is buy a Taser.”

  Nate brought out my suitcase from the bedroom and placed it by the door. “I’ll buy you the Taser, exactly the same and as powerful as Olivia’s.”

  Isla’s eyes twinkled and her lips spread into an amusing grin. “Seriously? But that’s okay. I asked Josh to go Taser shopping with me. I told him I needed to practice on him.” She snorted.

  Nate crossed his arms and tugged his lips into a crooked grin. “What
did he say?”

  “He said as long as I don’t kill him, he would be my bait.”

  “Don’t kill him. He’s one of the few in this industry I trust and like.”

  Isla winked. “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of him.” Isla must have felt my smirk on her. She turned to me. “I didn’t mean it that way.” Her cheeks flushed pink.

  I raised my hands to surrender. “I didn’t imply anything.”

  She changed the subject. “Anyway. You two have a great time. Nathan’s family is going to love you. Don’t you need to get going?”

  I glanced at Nate to get an answer. He looked at his watch and looked up at me. “We should get going. It’s better to be early. I’m not sure how the traffic will be.”

  I stood and buttoned my coat against the cold that awaited us outside. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the airport with us?”

  Isla draped her arms around my shoulders. “I’m fine, Olivia. Besides, I don’t fly until late afternoon, and Josh is going to pick me up at the airport.”

  My small steps matched hers as we slowly headed for the front door. In a way, we were both stalling. Isla had given the landlord our thirty-day notice. Though we didn’t intend to live there, we still had to honor the contract. Today was our last day together in a place where we had created memories to be cherished for a lifetime, minus Troy.

  “Have you decided if you’re going to be Josh’s roommate?”

  Isla gave me a small smile. “I’m really considering it, but it won’t be the same without you.”

  Oh, gosh. There came the inevitable tears. When you’re at that moment when something ends, the wall you put up so you wouldn’t cry comes crumbling down. I wiped away the tears gathering at the corners of my eyes.


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