Lost in the Game

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Lost in the Game Page 11

by Christopher Keene

  “Siena, what are you doing?” Frank hissed.

  “You guys stay here,” she replied, not looking back. “I want to see what this is all about.”

  Kristie lowered her hand and Siena caught the strangely blank look in her eyes as she passed her and walked into the dark cloud. Kristie followed her, and after a second the cloud shrank to a pinprick behind them.

  Chapter 14: More Normal

  Frank watched helplessly as Siena entered the Chaos Engine and left them out in the field. One of the Screamers remained with them. Not until the dark cloud vanished did Frank notice that there was something standing on the Screamer’s armored shoulder. It looked like a small person, but it was pitch black, all except for its teeth, which contrasted with its tiny black head.

  The Screamer stepped forward and his own helmet flickered out. Beneath was a handsome young man with long, raven-black hair and a charming grin.

  “Ray,” he said.

  Tessa raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

  “I think that’s his name,” Frank said.

  “I know that!” Tessa snapped. “I was just wondering why he was introducing himself if he’s the enemy.”

  Ray’s smile widened. “You think me an enemy? Very well . . .” The dark wand in his hand flicked up. “If we are enemies as you say, then should it not be our goal to annihilate one another?”

  Frank raised her hand. “Ah, actually, we’re quite happy just waiting around for our teammate.” She then whispered, “Tessa, shut up!”

  Tessa wrinkled up her face. “Why? I mean, he’s got a point. If we’re enemies, why wouldn’t we want to kill each other?”

  “Because . . .” Although she tried to keep her voice low, her anger made her voice audible for even the Screamer to hear. “If you try to fight him, he’s going to do his whole screaming thing and log us out of the game!”

  “Yeah, but I’m a Range, so I can—”

  “Do not concern yourself,” Ray cut in. “I fail to see the fun in simply forcing an opponent to log off. After all, where’s the sportsmanship in that?”

  Tessa nodded. “My thoughts exactly.”

  “In fact, I am eager to try out my new Niche on a few experienced opponents such as yourselves.”

  Frank eyed his avatar and noticed that, aside from being fully armored, it was about the same size as her own: between the height of a Spellcaster and a Warrior. Not just that, but the smiling black figure on his shoulder also held her curiosity.

  “Is that your pet?” she asked.

  “It is.” He peered down at the dog resting at her feet. “And I can see that you chose one of the more common monsters in the game to capture to become your own.”

  So he’s a Tamer, just like me.

  Tessa frowned and pointed at the little black humanoid. “What the heck kind of monster did a pet like that come from?”

  Ray set the little man down on the grass. “It’s a Seebly. Allow me to show you.” He gestured to his side.

  Another Chaos Engine filled the air where he had stretched his hand. However, Frank could tell it wasn’t another portal to the Debug Room, as a giant golden lion with the horns of a bull emerged from it. The little black figure then walked over to it and touched it, seeming to morph and become one with the monster as the lion became a more darkened hue, bordering on onyx.

  “Ah, I’ve heard of this monster,” Tessa called. “It’s a ghost type that possesses other monsters and makes them stronger. Cool.”

  Frank bit her lip. “And combining the use of one as a pet along with Chaos Engines . . . He has basically an infinite number of monsters that he can possess.”

  Ray laughed and gestured to his newly formed pet. “You say that as though it’s a good thing. Remember how Chaos Engines work, after all. The monsters that come from them are random, meaning the weakest creature in the game could be the only thing that comes to my aid, and yet you only need to kill one of my monsters to take my Hit Points down.” He studied the lion monster that came through, its fangs and horns a deep charcoal. “Although I have to say, I did get very lucky this time.”

  Frank bared her teeth and raised her Color Blade. Before she could charge in, however, Ray raised his wand and flicked something on its curved end. A sudden red tag hit her overalls and she gasped as the massive black lion and roared and charged at her. She was used to monsters charging at her, but usually when she did the harder dungeons and she had Siena around to save her. Not this time.

  On instinct, she swung her Color Blade at the monster, but she was used to being a Heavy and the strike of its horns knocked her to the ground. Meanwhile, Tessa began firing her crossbow at the Screamer and Ray simply swapped his wand for a shield to block the bolts. Frank watched him smiling out from under it, as though he was happy just to let his pet do all the work.

  She dove out of the way of another charge from the black lion as Tessa tried to run around Ray’s defenses.

  However, after Tessa saw her pet just standing there, she cried, “You’re a Tamer too, Frank! Why on earth aren’t you using Fenrir?”

  Frank’s eyes widened. She had always been slow, but now she just felt stupid. As the monster came around for another attack, she pulled out a blowgun, brought it to her lips, and shot it with her own tag. In comparison to the red tag stuck to her, Frank’s tag was blue, and as soon as it hit the monster, Fenrir transformed into a massive wolf and charged at it.

  The lion was about to strike her again when the massive wolf collided with it, and the two beasts tangled into a writhing mess of the fangs and fur. The only difference between them was that the lion’s target was her, while Fenrir’s target was the lion itself. For this reason, Fenrir continued gaining the upper hand, as every time the lion went to attack her, Fenrir would simply drag it back into the fray by its back paws.

  She grinned at the wolf. “Good boy.”

  With the monster now busy, Frank re-equipped her Color Blade and ran in to strike down on Ray’s glowing shield. The thing cracked under her strike but held steady. Ray smiled up at her, obviously enjoying himself in the heat of the battle.

  “A beast to match mine and a Color Blade to attack me directly. Very good. Unfortunately, neither of us are Warriors.” Saying this, he withdrew an item that appeared to be a frozen leaf and threw it at her.

  Frank stepped back as a short explosion ripped the leaf to shreds, which fell like feathers around her.

  “What was that?” Frank asked.

  Ray looked over her shoulder. “Catnip.”

  Suddenly Frank felt fangs lift her from the ground, shake her, and toss her to the grass. She rolled over and over as the lion roared and chased her down, and despite Fenrir getting in its way, the wolf did little to slow it down. As she was thrown off, however, Frank was given just enough time to glance back and her mouth dropped. Tessa had managed to get around Ray’s guard and loose an arrow.

  “Got you, you annoying tin can!” she shouted. “Frank, that was a paralysis arrow! Just focus on the kitty!”

  Knowing that only one monster needed her attention now, Frank wedged her Amethyst Edge into the giant feline’s mouth as it was about to bite her again. She then began cutting her way to a standing position. Taking a note from Siena’s book, she continued striking at it relentlessly as Fenrir’s vicious bites took nibbles out of its Hit Points. Finally, one of Tessa’s arrows struck it through the head and it sank to the ground.

  Used to wearing heavy armor, Frank felt busted up from the attack and saw that her Hit Points were in the red. The Screamer must have had more Hit Points than his summoned monster, for his health bar was in a similar reddened condition. However, instead of the monster fading away, the black ghost simply shrank back into the tiny man form again and ran off toward Ray.

  “Tessa, shoot it!” Frank called.

  Tessa fumbled to load her crossbow again and managed to get off another bolt, but it passed right through the little ghost. The Seebly touched Ray’s
armor and appeared to jump into it, turning his Silver Armor a metallic black. Frank watched in fascination as his avatar, which was supposed to be completely paralyzed, rose to his feet and grinned at them in satisfaction.

  His voice changed to add emphasis to their confusion. “Oh yes, my little Seebly can possess player characters and dead NPCs, too.”

  Frank narrowed her eyes at him but then shifted them to Tessa. Although Frank hadn’t seen her get hit, her health bar was the same desperate red as theirs. The next hit would decide the fight and their only true defense was Fenrir. After how he had coped against the black lion, she wasn’t so sure she trusted his ability just yet. She decided to try another tactic.

  “You seem a lot more awake than the other Screamers.”

  “Really now?” Ray raised his brow and flung his long dark fringe aside to reveal a scar that covered the top of his head like a puckered halo. “Well, I guess I did have a lot more work done on me than my fellow compatriots. However, unlike the others, I’m what you would call a willing participant.”

  Tessa made a disgusted face. “You want to be a Screamer?”

  “What I don’t want is to be a vegetable like the others. If they had shown everyone they could be trusted, maybe they would gain the same freedom as I, but alas.” He patted his fringe down over the scar again. “What you see is what you get.”

  “Do you know where he is holding the others?” Frank asked.

  Ray suddenly frowned. “Oh, that’s no good. We were just having fun and now here you are trying to get me to spill the beans.”

  He sighed and another Chaos Engine appeared directly behind him. Then he, or more accurately, his pet, raised his arm to point his re-equipped wand behind him.

  “But as fun as it was, I don’t feel in the mood for talking anymore and will head back to see how things are getting along with your other friend. I suggest you not wait around for her as she will be a while.” His grin turned and another tag shot out behind him into the Chaos Engine. “See ya.”

  With that, his armor made him leap back into the swirling cloud, and before Frank and Tessa could reach it, the Chaos Engine had vanished. They stopped in place, looking at nothing but the distant fields.

  Tessa scratched her shoulder. “What a weirdo.”

  Frank shook her head. “Given how strange the other Screamers have acted, he seemed outright normal in comparison. Eccentric maybe, but at least he could keep up a conversion.”

  Tessa smiled. “You think he’s cute, don’t you?”

  Frank rolled her eyes and turned to leave. “I have a feeling Siena isn’t going to return here,” she said, trying to change the subject.

  Tessa covered her mouth and shouted, “Oh wow, you do!”

  Chapter 15: Windsor’s Warning

  I had been packing my luggage back at the Wona facility when I heard a knock at my door. Packing my raincoat—monsoon season in East Timor would be starting next month—I stood and went to open it. I was a little taken aback when I saw Windsor waiting on the other side.

  “Noah, I heard from Wanda your intention to take some time off in Timor-Leste.” He gestured into my room. “I think we need to talk. Can I come in?”


  I opened the door wider and moved aside to let him through. It wasn’t until he was inside that I realized not only the strangeness of having my boss in my apartment, but that he was holding a large silver briefcase. My first assumption was that he was going to try and cover his tail and make me sign waivers saying I wasn’t traveling on behalf of the company. However, he left what was in it a mystery as he sat down on my white leather couch.

  Having been throwing around clothes while looking for what to pack, I wished I had known about his visit earlier so I could have cleaned the place up. He didn’t seem to mind, for he leaned back on the seat, looking as comfortable on it as though it was his own apartment. For all I knew, he lived in the building in a similar place to this. Considering how extravagant the apartment was, I couldn’t imagine how much better a penthouse version of it would be.

  “So, Noah, I assume it’s no coincidence you’re heading to the place of Wona’s first laboratory.”

  I nodded. “You told us to track down the Screamers. The clues we have found in-game thanks to Chloe’s brother all point to that place.”

  Windsor rubbed the bottom half of his face as though stroking a non-existent beard. “Well, I should warn you before you leave that if you plan on investigating our abandoned lab, you might end up walking into a bit of trouble.”

  I sat down on the couch opposite him so we could talk face-to-face. “What are you trying to say?”

  Windsor raised his palms and looked away. “Let’s just say I keep an eye on all of the properties we’ve owned in the past, and a lot of attention has been given to the property of that lab, particularly lately.” He leaned forward and caught my eyes. “Particularly after the news of Malcolm’s Ghost was announced.”

  I frowned. “You’re serious.”

  He inclined his head. “I always knew there was a risk of delivering the news of the beta testers. When accidents like that come to light, people always look for someone to blame. Luckily, we had one. Now, you’d think most news outlets would just accuse us of using Malcolm as a scapegoat. The only difference is that we had a boatload of evidence we have backed up over the years for this very occurrence.”

  I nodded. “Hence your insistence on collecting everything just in case such an event should occur.”

  “And that’s the problem. When it came to convincing people of Malcolm’s reappearance, we were too convincing. They now know everything we do about him, including the Dream State’s possibility of allowing people to live for forever as Malcolm has.” He leaned back again. “Of course, that’s what the media firestorm was all about. Mostly it was an accusation that we knew more than we were letting on. I’m sure you got this a little yourself when coming in and out of the facility. Luckily the truth soon came to light that we didn’t, and all that came of it was a vague notion that there was a ghost in the game players could hunt down . . . and a few powerful companies honestly believing Malcolm might have had the secret to eternal life.”

  There was silence after this, and I was about to say that he himself thought Malcolm had discovered such a thing, but instead I waited for the inevitable point he was going to make. He didn’t disappoint.

  “Needless to say, these rival companies have been scouring the earth for anything linking to Malcolm Mirth and clamping down on it for their own research.”

  Everything became clear to me then and I finished, “Including his abandoned laboratory.”

  Windsor nodded. “If there were any clues in that place, they have been taken for further research. Sonics has probably hired armed guards to watch the place so that any secrets left behind don’t get stolen. Eternal life is serious business, Noah.”

  “So you’ve come here to warn me not to go?” I asked.

  “No.” He bit his lip and looked down, as though hesitant with what he was about to do. He then lifted the briefcase he had brought with him onto the coffee table between us. “No. I came here give you this.”

  I stared at the briefcase. It looked sturdy and heavy and I was not looking forward to hauling it around with the rest of my luggage.

  “In this briefcase, you will find several devices that will assist you if you decide to infiltrate the lab.”

  My eyes widened and I suddenly sat bolt upright. “Holy crap, are you doing a Q right now?”

  “Of course. To ensure your safety, most of it will be done with state-of-the-art micro-drones, which I have had a Wona specialist design for me.” He spread his arms to elaborate his point. “I call them Ghost Drones.”

  A wide grin crept over my face and I jumped to my feet, my heart racing in pure joy. “Oh my god, you are! This is just like a James Bond movie!”

  Windsor’s brow furrowed. “Noah, be quiet and listen to me. T
his is serious stuff we’re talking about.”

  “Oh, right.” I sat down again and failed to hold down my smile.

  “Of course, this is all untraceable. After all, I can’t have anyone linking this stuff back to the company. The pièce de résistance is a complete map of the facility, including . . .” He eyed me, drawing in my anticipation. “The secret bunker underneath the lab itself.”

  I was about to jump out of my skin hearing this, but I didn’t want Windsor to admonish me again and risk having the suitcase taken away.

  “However.” He patted the case and made his gaze as grave as possible. “I have added my own touches to this case. These aren’t toys, Noah. It might even be safe to say that a whole year of your salary would be invested in this case alone. For that reason, I have rigged a signal to the electronic lock. If you decide to use this equipment, a signal will go out to us that only we can trace. This signal will tell us that you are serious about this mission and ready us to prepare all the documents needed if things were to go wrong. Oh, and they self-destruct if they get caught up while in use.”

  “Self-destruct . . .” I shook my head. “I feel like I’m in a spy game.”

  “This isn’t a game anymore, Noah.” He breathed out through his teeth. “I don’t even know what I’m thinking giving this to you, but I can already see you would do this of your own accord even I if told you not to. For that reason alone, you might as well have all the tools necessary to pull it off.”

  I grabbed hold of the case and looked up at him. “Windsor, I think we can handle it.”

  Windsor grinned. “Where have I heard that before?”

  I remembered the last time I had fed him the line ‘I can handle it.’ It was when I said I could cover Heaven’s opening with just three players on my team. Considering Heaven’s expansion needed a new update afterward, it was clear how that had turned out.


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