I'm Nothing (The Family Book 2)

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I'm Nothing (The Family Book 2) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “What are we celebrating?” Tonio asked, walking into the apartment.

  Zara left the kitchen and rushed to his side. She didn’t care who saw them. Jumping into his arms, she took his lips.

  Tonio stumbled against the wall, his hands gripping her ass while he righted himself.

  “Woman, you could have hurt yourself.”

  “Nope, I knew you’d protect me. I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too.”

  She let go of his body, and slid down to stand in front of him. They just stared at each other for the longest time until someone cleared their throat. She turned to see Charlene with her daughter. “We’re going to head out. Talk to you later.”

  “You too.”

  Jake, Donnie, and Luiz had already gone to the kitchen, and she heard them all talking.

  “Is everything going well?” she asked.

  “I’ll talk to you later about it. What are you cooking tonight?” he asked.

  They made their way toward the kitchen, and she saw Paige was now sitting on Donnie’s lap, and he rubbed her stomach.

  Luiz was texting on his phone, and Jake was grabbing a beer.

  “I have some steaks that I’m going to grill. Potato salad and some greens, does that sound good?” she asked.

  “Better than a sandwich or noodles.”

  She left him to talk while she started working on dinner. It was nice to finally be around friends, and people she got along with. Her mother was always pestering her, telling her how to work when her mother couldn’t even cook. That used to piss her off. She was spending every spare second of the day working at the pizza place, and her mother couldn’t fry an egg.

  “So, Zara, tell us, how is it to finally be getting serious with the guy who used to copy your answers?” Jake asked.

  She pulled the steaks out of the fridge to get to room temperature. “I like it. He’s making up for everything he’s ever done in other ways.” Putting her hand on her hip, she winked at Tonio, delighted when he did the same to her.

  “You’re good for each other,” Donnie said.

  “I’m glad. You’re not getting rid of me, ever. I hope to have you all addicted. Paige, honey, when you’re no longer pregnant, I expect you here beside me. Us girls need to stick together.”

  “Consider it a date. I’ll have a baby on my hip, but I love being in the kitchen. This Neanderthal doesn’t like me standing at the stove though,” Paige said, pouting.

  “The doctor ordered you to rest. Cooking is work, and I’m not going to have you fall ill on me just to have a nice meal.”

  “If it wasn’t for Zara you’d still be ordering out.”

  “I used the best restaurants. You never suffered.”

  “You two are so cute together,” Zara said. “How much long until the baby is due?”

  “Another week or so. I can’t wait until it’s out of me. Honestly, I feel like a beached whale I’m that big.” Paige puffed out her cheeks.

  “You’re adorable.”

  “Yeah, you just want to make sure you get some when it’s all over.”

  Zara kept on cooking as the banter continued. They changed topics faster than anything, Luiz turning the conversation away from Paige’s baby, and Donnie’s obsession with her.

  She liked this family, and she didn’t want to lose them, none of them.

  Chapter Ten

  Later that night, Tonio entered the shower, moving up behind Zara who was using most of the hot water. He didn’t mind, enjoying the excuse to be close to her. “All the guys adore you.”

  “I’m an adorable woman. I should be worshipped.” Zara tilted her head back, closing her eyes, and he watched her. He always enjoyed watching her. Seeing her appreciate the simple things in life made him happy.

  “Would you do my back?” she asked, holding out the soap to him.

  He purposefully dropped the soap. “Sure, pick it up, and I’ll wash your back.”

  She bent down with her ass in the air, and he caught her hips, holding her steady. “You little sneak.”

  “Baby, don’t fight it. I bet this pretty pussy is already wet for me.” He slid a finger between her slit, finding her already soaked. “Have you been thinking about me?”

  “This is what you do to me, Tonio.”

  He used to fingers to pump them inside her. “Well, next time give me a call, I’d have been here a lot sooner.” Pulling out of her pussy, he slid them forward, to touch her clit.

  “Do you want me to get the soap?”

  “No. I’ll use that in a moment. First, I want to make you feel so good.”

  She moaned, and he pressed a thumb into her cunt as he stroked her clit, finding her pussy squeezing him. She’d be so damn tight around his dick. He didn’t have a condom, but he wasn’t about to stop to go and get one.

  “I’m clean, baby, and I’ll pull out.”

  “Yes, Tonio, please,” she said.

  Removing his thumb from her pussy, he placed the tip at her entrance, and watched as she opened up for him, taking his cock. She was so damn warm, and he moaned as the heat surrounded him.

  “Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” It was much better without the condom, and he wanted it. He wanted to fuck her so hard, and spill his spunk inside her tight cunt, and watch as it spilled from the lips of her pussy. He wanted to claim her, own her, possess her in every way that he could.

  “Tonio,” she said, gasping his name.

  “I’ve got you, baby, I’ve got you.” He teased her clit, still holding her hip to keep her steady.

  “It feels so good.”

  “I’m only just getting started, baby. You’re in for a long night.” He stared down at his cock, and he slammed into her pussy feeling her tighten around him. Pulling out of her, he stared down at her gaping cunt. Pushing back inside, he teased her clit, loving the feel of her tightening around him. “Fuck, baby, you’re amazing.”

  He pulled all the way out of her and spun her around, taking possession of her lips. Pressing her up against the back of the wall, he grabbed her hands, lifting them above her head. “You don’t think I know that you’ve been teasing me with all of those porn movies you’ve been leaving me to find.”

  “So? I wanted to inspire you.”

  “Honey, seeing you naked inspires me. Knowing I’m the only dick that has been inside you, inspires me.” Using one of his hands to hold both of hers above her head, he glided his fingers down her body, stroking over her nipple, then moving down to cup her pussy. He pushed two fingers inside her, finding her wet. “Do you like it when you belong to me?”


  “I’m not going to let you go now, Zara. I’ve told the guys you belong to me, and that means you’re mine for life.”

  “You don’t see me running, Tonio.” She spread her legs. “I’m yours to take.”

  He released her hands, gripped her hips, and lifted her up. Slowly, he slid her down his length, watching as they joined together. She was so fucking slick and hot, and he wanted her.

  “You’re going to drop me.” She wrapped her arms around him, holding on tightly.

  “I’d never drop you, baby.” Cupping her ass, he spread her cheeks, wishing he had a third hand to tease that puckered hole. Soon, he’d do it soon.

  With her pressed against the wall, he started to fuck her, driving his cock in deep.

  “Tell me to fuck you, Zara. Tell me how much you want my dick in this hot little pussy.”

  “I want it, Tonio. I want you. I want your cock. You make me need you.”

  “Tell me what you want, don’t leave anything back.” He wanted to hear her words, to know exactly what she wanted.

  “I want you to fuck me, hard, so every time I move I remember you inside me. I want you to come inside me, and to know what it’s like to feel you dripping down my thighs. I loved swallowing you, Tonio. I love the way you taste.” Her pussy squeezed him.

  Her cream made it easy for him to fuck her. “Is that it?” he asked.
br />   “No. I want you to fuck my ass. I like watching it, and I want it. I want you to own every part of me, only you.”

  She knew exactly what to say to drive him over the edge. At the last minute, he remembered that he wasn’t protected, and he doubted she was. They were not ready to have a kid just yet.

  As he quickly pulled out of her, she placed her legs on the floor, and he pumped his shaft, spilling his cum on her stomach. With his other hand, he tilted her head back, claiming her lips as his orgasm completed.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  He reached for the bar of soap.

  Tonio pressed the soap to her stomach, washing off his cum. “I told you I’ve got a long night planned. That was just the start, and you didn’t come yet. Before the night is over, I want you to be so damn tired you fall asleep exhausted, screaming my name.”

  He finished washing them with the soap, and turned off the warm water. Grabbing a towel, he wrapped it around his waist, then held another out for her.

  She wrapped it around her body, and he took her hand, leading her back into the bedroom.

  Cupping her ass, he pulled her close, kissing her deeply.

  Zara tugged at his towel, and it fell to the floor. His cock was still flaccid, and he needed some time before he’d get hard again. She cupped his dick, running her hand up and down his length. “Don’t you want me?” she asked.

  “Oh, I want you, but you milked me in the shower. That’s okay, I’ve got other plans for you.” He walked her back to the bed, and waited for her to fall down on the soft surface. Removing her towel, he pressed her back and lifted her legs. He knelt on the floor, opening the lips of her sex.

  Her pussy was creamy, and she’d trimmed the hair away so that only a small thatch remained at the top of. His mouth watered as the scent of her wafted up, invading his senses. She was clean, the good part of his life.

  Plunging his tongue into her pussy, he mouth-fucked her, relishing her taste and the sweet sounds coming from her lips. Pulling her to the edge of the bed, he glided his tongue up to the clit, and used his fingers to coat them in her wetness. He got his fingers nice and wet before pushing them back to tease her ass.

  She moaned, and as she tensed up from his touch, he sucked her clit deep into his mouth to distract her.


  “Sh, it’s what you want.” He’d give her anything she ever wanted. All she had to do was stay with him, love him. Tonio fucking needed her. She had given him a reason to live. When her ass was nice and slick, he started to press a finger to it.

  Tonio had waited some time to take her ass so that he’d be prepared to do everything right. He’d gotten lube, which he’d use to take her. Many of the websites he’d been to had advised that he tease her first with his fingers, make her feel good, and that was what he intended to do.

  Her tight muscles kept him out, but Tonio continued to push until she finally gave way, and his finger pressed inside her.

  She gave a startled gasp, and he left her pussy. “Are you okay?” he asked. His finger remained within her. If she really didn’t like it, he’d stop.

  “Yeah, it’s just, erm, it’s weird.”

  “Good weird or bad weird?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, weird.” She looked down at him, and chuckled. “You have a finger in my ass, and I think it’s weird. Should this be awkward or embarrassing?”

  “I don’t know what it should be, but I’m not going to stop.”

  “Good. I don’t want you to.”


  Lying back down on the bed, Zara stared up at the ceiling. She pressed her hands to her head, focusing on the dual pain and pleasure of his finger. His tongue flicked over her clit, and she loved the way he teased her pussy.

  The finger in her ass was hard, unyielding, and he pulled out only to press back inside.

  At first, Tonio pumped his finger in her ass, letting her get used to the feel of him there. She was aroused, there was no denying that. Zara wanted this, and she wanted Tonio. She was totally in love with him, but then, she had to admit she’d had a crush on him in school. Zara had been fooling herself to think that she didn’t. Who wouldn’t have a crush on him? He was a hot guy.

  What she had come to learn about him had sealed the fate on her heart. Tonio was not only a hot guy, he was sweet and charming, and he made her laugh. There was just so much about him, and he knew what he was doing in the bedroom, which was always a plus. She did love that part of being with him. Then after sex, when they cuddled together was her favorite. She enjoyed the sex as it got her into his arms, where he held her.

  “I’m going to add the second finger.”

  She tensed up, and then gasped as he started to fuck inside her with his tongue, assaulting her body with such immense pleasure that she didn’t care about the bite of pain as a second finger fucked into her ass.

  He started to stretch her ass.

  Tonio stopped licking her pussy, and she gazed down at him. “Give me your hand.”

  She did as he asked, and he placed it over her pussy. “Touch your clit, tease it. Trust me.”

  Zara began to touch her pussy, stroking through her wetness, and moaning as the pleasure rushed over her. Tonio plunged two fingers inside her pussy, and his tongue stroked over her fingers, teasing her clit.

  He was everywhere, her ass, her pussy, and on her clit.

  The pleasure was out of this world.

  Tonio used her distraction to start stretching her ass, getting her ready to have his cock. She was so aroused, her cheeks heated as she felt her own cream slide between the cheeks of her ass.

  “I love the way your tits look when they shake.”

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked.

  “I’m getting you ready to have a mind-blowing orgasm, and then after you come all over my hand, and it’s sliding between my fingers and down your ass cheeks, I’m going to fuck you hard.”

  “Oh, yes, I want that.”

  He chuckled. “I thought you might.”

  She lifted up to watch him licking her pussy at the same time that she was teasing herself. It was by far better than any porn movie she’d watched. Tonio stretched her ass, and she moaned as the pain turns to pleasure that she’d never thought she would experience.

  “Your ass is so tight. It’s good that I bought extra lube,” he said.

  “Please, Tonio.”

  His fingers fucked her ass and pussy, his tongue stroking her clit, and she couldn’t control it. Zara cried out as her orgasm rushes through her with a power that startled her. She’d never had anything so strong, so powerful before.

  Tonio flicked her clit one final time making her shudder.

  He pulled out of her ass and pussy, standing up. “Get on your knees with your ass in the air.”

  She watched him leave the bathroom, and didn’t waste any time.

  Going to her knees, she waited for him to come back.

  “Baby, I wish you could see how good you look.” She moved her head, to watch him go to the far drawer beside the closet.

  He pulled out a large tube, and came back to the bed.

  The bed dipped as he moved up behind her.

  Tonio gripped her hips, and his cock slammed to the hilt inside her pussy. “I’ll never grow bored of fucking you.”

  He pounded inside her for several thrusts, and finally paused within her.

  Seconds later something cool landed on her anus, and she yelped.

  “It’s okay, Zara. It’s just the lube. We need plenty of it so you’re not in any kind of pain.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Do you really think I’d try something on you before I knew if it would hurt you?”

  This was what he didn’t understand, and Zara hoped with time that he’d see how he wasn’t a monster. It didn’t matter what his father did to him. Deep down, Tonio was a good person. He was stronger than he believed.

  His fingers spread the lube over her ass, and he fina
lly pushed his fingers inside her. With his dick inside her pussy, and his fingers within her, she felt full, and he’d not even got his cock inside her.

  Tonio’s cock left her pussy, and she heard the sound of the gel being rubbed into his cock.

  I can do this.

  She wanted to do this, and had found herself turned on so many times by watching it.

  “Let me know if it gets too much for you, baby,” he said.

  Zara nodded, unable to voice her feelings. She was nervous but aroused.

  The tip of his cock pressed against her anus, and she tensed up. One of his hands stroked up her back, and down.

  “Push out, baby.”

  She pressed out, and the tip of his cock began to ease inside her. At first, it burned as the pressure was too much. She fisted her hands, wincing as the pain seemed to surround her. Just as she was about to tell him to stop, Tonio teased her clit, driving the pleasure higher than the pain that had begun.

  Tonio stayed still, teasing her clit as she got used to the feel of his dick inside her ass.

  Seconds passed, maybe even minutes, and she wanted him to push more inside her.

  “Please, Tonio, more.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, please, I’ll tell you to stop if it gets too much.”

  His hand left her pussy, and he guided his dick deeper into her ass. Whenever it got too much, he paused and teased her clit. The pleasure and pain combined together so she didn’t know which one was the stronger sensation. She only knew she didn’t want it to end.

  Finally, his cock was inside her, and the pain was gone. The pleasure was the stronger of the two feelings.

  “Your ass is so tight.”

  She moaned, and he spread her ass.

  “Are you ready for me to fuck you?”


  Tonio took his time, making love to her ass slowly. He’d taken her virginity in the same way, and now he was taking her ass with the same kind of tenderness that startled her. His length was large, and everything he did only turned her on even more.

  He pulled out of her ass with only the tip inside, and then thrust in her, each thrust slow and steady, making her want him to go faster. He reached between them and teased her clit.


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