Baby Daddies: A Me, Myself & I Collection

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Baby Daddies: A Me, Myself & I Collection Page 13

by Fiona Davenport

  My back stiffened at the challenge. Damn it. I’d never been able to back away from a dare. It got me into a lot of trouble while growing up. “I assure you, Dr. Mason. You aren’t as irresistible as you seem to think.”

  He laughed and winked at me before pushing off the desk and standing up. “I’ll have movers at your house this weekend, and you’ll start Monday.” His tone was final, clearly expecting no argument. Sure enough, I was moved by Monday, and for the next six months, Nash had been bent on seduction. His tactics were wearing me down.

  “Aubrey, please come into my office.” Nash’s voice startled me and broke through my reverie. I jumped to my feet and took a deep breath, willing the heat in my cheeks to disappear before I had to face him. Eventually, I walked into his office, calm and collected. He was seated behind his desk, looking over patient files and (swoon) wearing his small, rectangular, black-framed glasses. His head lifted when I entered, and a lazy smile graced his lips. Seriously. Why did he have to be so fucking hot?

  “What can I do for you, Dr. Mason?” I asked, keeping it professional.

  He removed the glasses and his green eyes darkened, the smile turning devilish. “So many things, cherry.” His tone dripped with innuendo, and I rolled my eyes. He’d taken to calling me cherry after he noticed my addiction to cherry Lifesavers. When I brought it up, he said it also suited me because of my reddish hair. I’d told him to knock it off, that it wasn’t appropriate but, of course, he ignored me. “And, as hot as it is to hear you call me Dr. Mason, what’s it going to take to get you to call me Nash?”

  “Let me rephrase, what professional, work-related task would you like me to complete. Dr. Mason?” I emphasized the title with sarcasm.

  He winked at me but pretended to pout. “You’re no fun.”

  “So you’ve told me.”

  “Are you busy tonight?” he asked casually.

  “Why?” I was suspicious but didn’t outright lie (since I was pathetic and never had plans) because sometimes he did actually need me to work late.

  “Ethan and Madison want to go to dinner to celebrate their engagement.” Ethan was Nash’s best friend and college roommate. He was a fertility doctor and owned the suite next to ours in the building. Madison was a former patient of his and well…their story was unusual, to say the least. But, now they were happily engaged.

  I nodded. “Madison mentioned it last week, but they hadn’t picked a date. Apparently, they have some big news to share as well.”

  “Want to be my date?” he asked hopefully. I sighed and put my hands on my hips, glaring at him.

  “Are we really going to do this yet again, Nash?” I didn’t realize I’d used his first name until his face lit up and he grinned at me. Shit.

  “Nope.” He stood and prowled around the desk, looking very much like a predator stalking his prey. Those damn butterflies went bat-shit crazy. He stopped when our toes were only inches apart and stared into my eyes. “We’re done with this dance, baby. I’m fresh out of patience. It’s time for you to stand still and accept what’s between us.”

  My denial stuck in my throat, and I swallowed hard. Before I could form an adequate response, Nash grabbed the back of my neck with one hand, his other went to my waist, and he pulled me close. Then his mouth was on mine. My mind began spinning, and I seemed to have no control over my body because I couldn’t keep it from melting into him. Good grief. He was an amazing kisser. I was so screwed.

  Chapter Two


  Aubrey tasted like the cherry Lifesavers she loved and something addicting that I was sure was all her own. I tugged her closer and placed both of my hands on her neck, using my thumbs to tilt her head back. Then I slanted my mouth over hers and took the kiss even deeper. Aubrey was so responsive. Her arms had snaked around my neck, and her hardened nipples were pressed against my chest. Her body was toned from running, but she had curves in all the right places. I loved that she was tall, but even in her heels, I was still several inches above her. I plunged a hand into her strawberry blond curls and clenched my fist, holding her head right where I wanted it.

  It didn’t take long for me to realize that if I didn’t stop now, we’d never make it to dinner. We’d never make it out of the fucking office before I stripped her naked and worshipped her from head to toe.

  I groaned as I pulled back, immediately regretting my decision. When Aubrey trembled, and a tiny whimper escaped her lips, I almost said fuck it and went for it. But, Ethan was my best friend, and I’d promised to be there to celebrate his engagement. Besides, the rational part of me knew that overwhelming Aubrey’s senses until she gave in to the passion between us would backfire. I needed to take her on a date, romance her, show her that I was serious about us.

  With my hands on her shoulders, I gently pushed, forcing her to take a step back. Then I turned her around and urged her forward. My eyes dropped to her sexy little ass, perfectly displayed in her gray, knee-length skirt, and I couldn’t help giving it a light swat. Aubrey jumped and pivoted to stare at me with her brows arched and her eyes wide.

  “Did you just spank me?” she asked incredulously.

  I shook my head and chuckled. “That was a love tap, baby. You’ll know when I’m spanking you, trust me.”

  Her face flushed, making me grin. Perhaps not the best response to her embarrassment, but she was so damn cute. She snapped her mouth closed, spun around, and flounced out of my office with a huff. Then she stuck her head back in, her expression a little evil. “Turnabout’s fair play, Dr. Mason.” My head fell back as I laughed from deep in my belly.

  “Bring it on, cherry,” I said when I caught my breath and could speak again

  My day was packed with patients, so we didn’t have a chance to talk further. We worked together like a well-oiled machine. Aubrey was extremely intelligent and business savvy, not to mention, she was fantastic with the patients. There were so many things about her that I found attractive. She was beautiful, inside and out.

  She also had a dry wit and clever mind that never ceased to surprise me. Case in point: Throughout the day, after I ushered patients out from my office into the waiting room, she would periodically slap my ass and say, “Good game.” By the end of the day, I wasn’t so sure I wouldn’t have an Aubrey shaped handprint on my butt cheeks. And I wondered why the hell that got me so hot.

  When the last appointment was done, I stood at the door and watched her as she finished her tasks. She kept glancing up at me surreptitiously, her amber eyes growing more resigned as the minutes ticked by.

  “I think you’ve procrastinated as much as you can, cherry,” I told her with an amused smile. Ok, so maybe it was more like a cocky grin.

  “Fine,” she sighed as she stood up and grabbed her light sweater. I had quite the affection for that sweater. The office could get cold during the day, and even though I enjoyed the sight of her pebbled nipples through her blouse, I always thought she looked like a sexy librarian when she wore it, especially with the pencil skirts and fitted tops that she preferred. She just needed some glasses… I shook my head to stop my runaway imagination.

  “Let’s go,” she said with a sigh. I took a step back and held the door open, gesturing for her to go first. Once we were both in the hall, I locked the door and pocketed the keys. My hand went to the small of her back as we made our way down to the lobby. Ethan and Madison were waiting for us by the doors, but they didn’t notice our arrival since Ethan had Madison pressed up against the glass and his tongue was down her throat.

  I shook my head and chuckled. “I’d tell you to get a room, but you’ll make out anywhere, so what’s the point?” I asked drolly.

  “It’s sickening. Seriously.” I hadn’t seen Melody, Ethan’s nurse and Madison’s best friend, standing by the elevators a few feet away. She had a hand propped on her hip, and her face was pinched as though she smelled something unpleasant. “I don’t need to see my boss’s tongue down my best friend’s throat. That’s practically my sister you
’re defiling there, Ethan!”

  Aubrey cough-laughed behind her hand and her cheeks dusted with pink, making me grin at her cuteness. I took her hand and pulled her into my side, so I could lean down and whisper right in her ear. “Shall we show them how it’s done?” A tiny shiver raced through her body when my breath bathed the sensitive skin. But, she shook it off and cleared her throat as she stepped away, putting several inches between us. My brow creased with my frown and when she looked up at me through her lashes, my eyes narrowed in warning.

  Before I could say anything, Ethan unglued his lips from his fiancée’s face and announced we needed to stop wasting time if we wanted to make our reservation. Melody rolled her eyes, I flipped him the bird, and Aubrey outright laughed. The sound went straight to my dick. Everything Aubrey did turned me on. All she had to do was breathe, and I wanted her. But, when she laughed, it was such a beautiful sound; I felt a tug in my chest and a jolt of desire that made me hard as fuck.

  Keeping her hand firmly in mine, I smiled at her and walked her out into the warm summer evening. The restaurant was only a block away, so we walked the short distance. Melody strolled alongside Aubrey who studiously ignored me and our intertwined fingers. I let her live in her safe little bubble for the moment and simply enjoyed the feel of her hand in mine. When we reached our destination, Ethan let the host know we’d arrived, and we were seated immediately. As we approached the table, Ethan finally clocked my grip on Aubrey and he grinned. I pulled out a chair for Aubrey and as I was pushing it in, Ethan walked up behind me and whispered low enough that only we could hear, “It’s about damn time, Mason.” Then he continued leading Madison to the other side where he helped her into her seat before doing the same for Melody who was sitting at the end of the table.

  I relaxed in my seat and draped my arm across the back of Aubrey’s, my fingers playing with her silky curls. Aubrey gave me a sideways glance but didn’t pull away. When the waitress arrived, she immediately ordered a glass of wine before the server could get a word out. I chuckled under my breath and leaned in, so my mouth was practically touching the shell of her ear. “Do I make you nervous, cherry?”

  Aubrey cleared her throat and shifted away, putting a few inches between us. “So, what’s the big news?” she asked. I let her off the hook and face forward again, but kept my arm slung behind her, toying with her mass of strawberry blond hair.

  Ethan took Madison’s hand and his chest puffed out, his expression smug. “Madison’s pregnant.” Melody and Aubrey both gasped before jumping out of their chairs and rushing over to Madison, the three of them hugging and squealing with delight. Ethan and I grinned at each other and stood. We came around our end of the table and did a one-armed, man hug while shaking the other’s hand.

  “Congratulations, man.”

  His face was lit up with happiness and excitement. “Thanks.” He shook his head ruefully. “I’ve been dying to tell you.”

  I laughed and clapped him on the back once before we returned to our seats. “Since we both give our patients the same advice, I completely understand why you waited. Can I assume she’s at least twelve weeks, then?” Most couples waited until the three-month mark to announce they were expecting because the risk of problems with the pregnancy dropped drastically.

  Ethan nodded and re-claimed Madison’s hand now that the girls had separated and sat back down. “Thirteen. We wanted to tell everyone together, so we decided to wait until the night we were celebrating our engagement.”

  The server reappeared with everyone’s drinks, and we put the conversation on hold to order dinner. When she left, the girls started talking about baby names, nurseries, and other baby-related topics. I watched Aubrey talk, taken in by her soft, twinkling eyes and gorgeous smile. After a while, I started to notice the subtle longing in her tone and expression. It started wheels turning in my head and I was so lost in thought, I almost didn’t notice that she’d already downed two full glasses of wine.

  Our entrees arrived and throughout dinner, Aubrey drank another full glass. Her face became a little less guarded, and she started to giggle more often. She was clearly a little tipsy, and I decided to cut her off before she was completely smashed. I had plans for tonight and while I had hoped the alcohol would loosen her up, I didn’t want her drunk.

  I took her empty glass by the stem and slowly slid it over near my place setting, out of her range. When she reached for it and found nothing but air, she frowned and looked around with confusion. Her eyes landed on it and then narrowed as they shifted, and she peered at my face. “Did you take my glass, Dr. Mason?” she accused.

  “I think you’ve had enough for tonight, cherry,” I informed her calmly. She opened her mouth to respond, but Melody interjected, cutting her off.

  “Nash is probably right. I’m not looking forward to tomorrows hangover.” She grimaced, but it was ruined when she swayed and giggled. “Want to share an Uber, Aubrey?”

  “I’ll take her home,” I stated hastily, using a tone that brooked no argument. Aubrey regarded me warily; her honey eyes focused enough that I knew it wouldn’t take much to sober her up. And once she had a clearer head, we were going to get a few things straight.

  Chapter Three


  Nash’s announcement that he would take me home sounded more like a command. I was already extremely annoyed that he’d taken it upon himself to cut me off. I’d been rocking a sweet buzz.

  “I’m a big girl, Nash,” I snipped. “You are not my keeper. I can get myself home just fine.”

  Nash shook his head and eyed me with exasperation. “Let it go, Aubrey. I’m taking you home.” His mouth twisted into a wicked smirk as he leaned closer, keeping eye contact. “And, I am most definitely keeping you, baby.”

  It got real hot, real fast, and I resisted the urge to fan myself. I also didn’t trust myself to speak. Luckily, Madison saved me when she shot to her feet and proposed that we visit the ladies’ room before leaving. She grasped Melody’s hand, who then took mine, and we started toward the back of the restaurant.

  I threw a glare at Nash over my shoulder as Madison dragged me to the bathroom. He just smiled and winked at me. I hated when he did that. It set off butterflies in my stomach and made my panties damp. Yep, totally hated it. Liar, liar…my subconscious started singing. I blew out a breath and tried to ignore the annoying little voice, which was much easier when we were in the restroom and I could no longer see Nash’s ridiculously sexy face.

  “Okay, Aubrey. Spill,” Madison demanded, practically hopping from foot to foot.

  I walked to the mirror and started fussing with my hair, avoiding eye contact with both women. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Bullshit,” Melody scoffed. “Nash has been all over you tonight.”

  “I’ve never seen him be so openly possessive of you, Aubrey,” Madison added.

  I sighed and turned back around. “Apparently, Nash has decided to trample over my insistence that a relationship between us is inappropriate.” I folded my arms and huffed, “He said he’s, and I quote, ‘fresh out of patience.’ He’s unilaterally decided that we are going to be together.”

  Madison’s eyes went as wide as her smile. “It’s about time.” I glared at her and she put her hands on her hips defiantly. “Come on, Aubrey. How long did you think he was going to let you pretend you weren’t interested?”

  I kept my expression and tone neutral. “Who says I’m interested?”

  Melody laughed. Like, throw your head back, ringing against the walls, deep belly laugh. “Girl, the only person you were fooling is yourself,” she said once her laughter had subsided and she could speak. “You’re completely transparent.”

  My jaw dropped, and I gasped. “I am not!”

  Madison crossed her arms and leaned against the sink, staring at me with amusement. “I hate to break it to you, Aubrey. But, when you aren’t staring at him like you want to rip his clothes off, you’re staring at him like you wan
t to have his freaking babies.”

  I swallowed hard and my face heated as I thought about all of the daydreaming I’d done in the months I’d been working for Nash. I’d definitely pictured what he looked like naked more times than I could count. But, I had to admit, there were a few times when I’d also thought about what it would be like to belong to Nash, to be his wife and have his children. It was dumb, but our thoughts aren’t always within our control. Now, the girls were telling me that I hadn’t been able to hide it? Well, shit.

  “Do you think Nash noticed?” I asked, hoping they would say no but knowing it was useless.

  Madison snorted. “Yeah, Aubrey. I think he noticed. Do you really think he would have kept pursuing you if you hadn’t seemed interested?”

  I didn’t have a response for her. We all knew the answer to that question.

  Melody’s cell beeped at that moment and she frantically searched for it in her purse. When she found it, she pulled it out and almost dropped it in her haste to open it. She looked nervous until she read the text, then she sighed in relief, though her face held a note of disappointment.

  I seized the opportunity to move the focus off of myself. “Melody, what’s going on?”

  She shuffled on her feet and looked between us, clearly debating her response. Then she dropped her phone back in her purse and put her head in her hands. “I did something really stupid.”

  Chapter Four


  Ethan’s eyes followed Madison until she disappeared into the ladies’ room. I imagined I was in much the same state, my gaze glued to my own woman. When I glanced back at him, he was staring at me with a raised eyebrow.


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