3. Report on Operations, August 24, 1938, NA, WO 32/9497.
4. Report on Operations, Aug. 24, 1938, NA, WO 32/9497; Anglim (2005), 14; Hughes (2009), 352; Memorandum on the Comparative Treatment.
5. Note of conference at the Colonial Office on Sept. 7, 1938, NA, AIR 2/3312; Michael J. Cohen (1978), 66, 189; Howard (1989), 137.
6. MacMichael to MacDonald, report 10, Oct. 24, 1938, NA, CO 935/21.
7. Bowden (1977), 233–34; Keith-Roach (1994), 197; Marlowe (1946), 202; Shepherd (1999), 209.
8. Michael J. Cohen (1978), 51; Esco (1947), 2:879; Marlowe (1946), 203; Morris (2001), 150; Shepherd (1999), 210; Hurewitz (1976), 94; Keith-Roach (1994), 201; Knight (2008), 306; Sykes (1959), 131; RIIA (1976), 116.
9. RIIA (1976), 116–17; Morris (2001), 150; Porath (1977), 2:240.
10. Bowden (1977), 249; Hurewitz (1976), 94–95; RIIA (1976), 116; Porath (1977), 2:240–41; Despatch on Operations, April 24, 1939, NA, WO 32/9499.
11. Gilbert (2007), 143–44; CP 7 (39), Jan. 16, 1939, NA, CAB 24/282; Michael J. Cohen (1978), 94, 97–102; Michael J. Cohen (1988), 94, 102; Howard (1989), 127–28, 137–38; Chaim Weizmann (1949), 2:401; MacDonald to MacMichael, letter, Feb. 24, 1939, Tegart Papers, II/2; 94, 102; MacDonald to Haining, letter, Oct. 15, 1938, Haining Papers, I/2.
12. CAB 60 (38), Dec. 21, 1938, NA, CAB 23/96.
13. Gilbert (1978), 201; Porath (1977), 2:277–78; Palestine Partition Commission: Report, Cmd. 5854, Oct. 1938; Marlowe (1946), 150; Porath (1977), 2:280; Palestine: Statement by His Majesty’s Government, Cmd. 5893, Oct. 1938.
14. Bauer (1973), 16–40; Michael J. Cohen (1978), 72–87, 94–102; Cabinet 60 (38), Dec. 21, 1938, NA, CAB 23/96; Porath (1977), 2:281–94; RIIA (1976), 119–26; Michael J. Cohen (1972), 169; CP 56 (39), Feb. 27, 1939, NA, CAB 24/284; CP 89 (39), April 21, 1939, NA, CAB 24/285; CP 56 (39), Feb. 27, 1939, NA, CAB 24/284; Teveth (1987), 670.
15. Bauer (1973), 20, 27; CP 56 (39), Feb. 27, 1939, NA, CAB 24/284; CP 89 (39), April 21, 1939, NA, CAB 24/285.
16. Hurewitz (1976), 100; RIIA (1976), 123–24; Chaim Weizmann (1949), 2:402, 407; Evans (2005), 683–84; Teveth (1987), 704.
17. British White Paper: Statement of Policy, Cmd. 6019, May 1939; British White Paper: Summary of Land Transfer Regulations, Cmd. 6180, Feb. 1940.
18. Hurewitz (1976), 102–3; Porath (1977), 2:292; Sherman (1997), 125; Esco (1947), 2:908; Wadsworth to Secretary of State, letter, May 29, 1939, RG 165, NARA; Anglim (2009), 15; Morris (2001), 157–58; Niv (1975), 2:233; Memorandum on the Comparative Treatment; Morris (2001), 157.
19. Krämer (2008), 294; CP 56 (39), Feb. 27, 1939, NA, CAB 24/284; CP 89 (39), April 21, 1939, NA, CAB 24/285; MacMichael to MacDonald, telegram, May 8, 1939, Cabinet 27 (39) May 10, 1939, app. 2, NA, CAB 23/99; Army Intelligence, Probable Local Reaction to Government Policy, May 15, 1939, NA, CO 733/406/75872/12.
20. Esco (1947), 2:909–10; Debates, House of Commons, vol. 347, cols. 1626–27 (MacDonald), May 18, 1939; Palestine Post, May 19 and 20, 1939; Niv (1975), 2:232; Teveth (1987), 719; Trevor (1948), 37–38; Bauer (1973), 66.
21. Wadsworth to Secretary of State, letter, May 29, 1939; Palestine Post, May 20, 1939; Esco (1947), 2:910; Teveth (1987), 719–20.
22. Laqueur (1969), 76–77; Who’s Who of Palestine, 54; Bar-Zohar (1968), 62–63; Kurzman (1983), 224; Teveth (1987), 721; Bauer (1973), 47–48.
23. Teveth (1987), 722–23; Kurzman (1983), 224.
24. Bauer (1973), 53–61; Bauer (1966), 190–91; Niv (1975), 2:246–47; Segev (2000), 386.
25. Bauer (1973), 53–61; Bauer (1966), 190–91; Niv (1975), 2:246–47.
26. Teveth (1987), 721–22; Bar-Zohar (1968), 36.
27. Levine (1991), 163, 166–75; Niv (1975), 2:228–29, 232–36, 238–41.
28. Niv (1975), 2:238–41; Palestine Post, June 2, 1939.
29. MacMichael to MacDonald, report 3, July 21, 1939, NA, CO 935/22; Palestine Post, June 3, 9, and 11, 1939; Niv (1975), 2:241–42.
30. Wadsworth to Secretary of State, letter, June 28, 1939, in FRUS, 1939, 4:780; Wadsworth to Secretary of State, July 28, 1939, RG 165, NARA; Borisov (1947), 14–15; Tavin and Alexander (1982), 92; Stern (1978), 11–14.
31. Wasserstein (2003), 105–6; Tavin and Alexander (1982), 89–93.
32. Niv (1975), 2:247–48; Debates, House of Commons, vol. 349, col. 404 (MacDonald), June 28, 1939; Wadsworth to Secretary of State, letter, June 28, 1939, in FRUS, 4:780; MacMichael to MacDonald, report 3, July 21, 1939; Wadsworth to Secretary of State, letter, July 28, 1939; Palestine Post, June 20, 1939; Pedahzur and Perliger (2009), 13.
33. Wadsworth to Secretary of State, letters, June 13 and 29, 1939, RG 165, NARA; Niv (1975), 2:245–46.
34. Irgun Press, no. 1/5, Aug. 1939, K-4 4/15, JI.
35. Debates, House of Commons, vol. 349, col. 448 (MacDonald), June 28, 1939; Memorandum on the Comparative Treatment; Morton (1957), 60; Golan (2003), 133; Ben-Yehuda (1993), 155; Niv (1975), 2:272, 275.
36. Niv (1975), 2:275–76; Morton (1957), 61; Ben-Yehuda (1993), 156.
37. Bethell (1979), 73; Levine (1991), 177; Niv (1975), 2:276, 281–82; Shindler (2010), 216–17.
38. Palestine Post, Sept. 4, 1939; Sykes (1965), 246.
39. “A Word of the Irgun Ha’Zvai Ha’Le’umi to the Hebrew Yishuv,” in Niv (1975), 3:19; “Irgun Zva’i Leumi Statement on Crisis.”
40. New Zionist Organization to Sir Harold MacMichael, letter, Sept. 5, 1939, NA, FO 371/23240; Schechtman (1961), 484–85; Niv (1975), 3:13–19; Palestine Post, Sept. 11, 1939; Levine (1991), 181–82; Shindler (2010), 218.
41. Baxter, minute, Jan. 31, 1939, NA, FO 371/23221.
42. Chaim Weizmann (1949), 2:405; Haining to Shuckburgh, letter, Aug. 13, 1939, NA, CO 733/395; Debates, House of Commons, vol. 347, col. 1997, May 22, 1939.
43. Hurewitz (1976), 124; Sykes (1965), 247; Eyres, minute, Oct. 11, 1939, NA, FO 371/23240 E6852/6/31.
1. CID, HQ, Palestine Police, The Stern Group, Oct. 14, 1941, 47/11, HA; Bell (1977), 52; Heller (1995a), 61; Levine (1991), 183; Niv (1975), 3:15.
2. Heller (1995a), 59–60; CID, HQ, Palestine Police, Stern Group, Oct. 14, 1941; CID, HQ, Palestine Police, July 9, 1940, 97/115 S.o.I. 9, HA; Niv (1975), 3:15.
3. Heller (1995a), 60, 62–63, 66–69, 79–80; Niv (1975), 3:34–35, 39; Shindler (2010), 192; Jabotinsky (1975), 177; Shindler (2010), 196, 218; Brenner (1982), 114–15; Heller (1995b), 94–96.
4. David Brinn, “In Baghdad: The Story of David Raziel,” Jerusalem Post, March 23, 1991; OSS R&A Report 2717, Dec. 1, 1944, RG 226, NARA; The Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, American Friends of FFI (n.d.), G-12/Z3, JI; Note on Jewish Illegal Organisations, Their Activities and Finances, MacMichael to Moyne, letter, Oct. 16, 1941, NA, FO 371/31378; Intelligence Review 13, HQ Palestine, Feb. 18, 1942, NA, WO 169/4334; Brenner (1982), 116; Frank (1963), 91; Golan (2003), 202; Heller (1995a), 84, 86; Heller (1995b), 94–95, 98–99; Hurewitz (1976), 165; Marton (1994), 48; Ha’aretz, Nov. 3, 1991; Shamir (1994), 32–35; Levine (1991), 185; Geula Cohen (1966), 7–8.
5. Alfasi (1991), 71; Heller (1995a), 61–62; Hurewitz (1976), 127; Levine (1991), 183–84; Niv (1975), 3:40–41; Sherman (1997), 152; Slutsky (1972), 125; Colonial Secretary, report, Jan. 1–31, 1940, WP (R) (40) 47, NA, CAB 68/4; CID, HQ, Palestine Police, Stern Group, Oct. 14, 1941; extract from PIC Paper, July 1945, NA, KV 2/2375, Jan. 22, 1946.
6. Brenner (1982), 116; Hurewitz (1976), 127; Levine (1991), 185, 187; Sherman (1997), 152; CID, HQ, Palestine Police, July 9, 1940; Heller (1995a), 62; Niv (1975), 3:34–38, 42–43; CID, Irgun Zvai Leumi (n.d.), 47/61, HA; intelligence summary, July 23, 1940, NA, WO 169/147; Bauer (1973), 133.
7. Heller (1995a), 71; Niv (1975), 3:45–46.
8. Niv (1975), 3:44; Frank (1963), 91; Baumel (2005), 8–13; Heller (1995a), 73–74.
9. Marton (1994); Geula Cohen (1966), 8; Lankin (1992); Shamir (1994), 33.
10. OSS R&A Report 2717; Intelligence Review 13, Feb. 18, 19
42; Heller (1995a), 62; Shindler (2010), 189–90; Sir Isaiah Berlin, interview with the author, All Souls College, Oxford, April 1979; Golan (2003), 200; Baumel (2005), 13–14; Marton (1994), 49.
11. Bell (1977), 53; Heller (1995a), 74–75; Niv (1975), 3:47–51; Levine (1991), 188, 190; Schechtman (1961), 398; Jerusalem Post, March 23, 1991.
12. Levine (1991), 192; Alfasi (1991); Morton (1957), 112, 136; Geula Cohen (1966), 1, 232–33; Marton (1994), 51; Yalin-Mor (1973), 76–84; Heller (1995b), 90, 100, 103; Hoffman (2006), 5–7; Broido (1977), 198–203; Ford (1985), 224–30; Ivianski (1989), 146; Heller (1995a), 80.
13. OSS R&A Report 2717; Fighters for the Freedom of Israel; Heller (1995a), 79–80, 84, 86; Heller (1995b), 94–95, 98–99, 103; Hurewitz (1976), 165; Shamir (1994), 32–35; Shindler (2010), 145–47; Jabotinsky (1975), 177.
14. Heller (1995b), 85, 105; Heller (1995a), 83; Golan (2003), 199; Stern (1978), 58–59.
15. OSS R&A Report 2717; Geula Cohen (1966), 232–33; Frank (1963), 102–3; Heller (1995a), 79, 103; Heller (1995b), 105.
16. OSS R&A Report 2717; Geula Cohen (1966), 273; Lankin (1992), 29, 37; Shamir (1994), 23, 34; Heller (1995b), 91, 103; Marton (1994), 56.
17. Shamir (1994), 33; Marton (1994), 51–52; General Staff Intelligence, Palestine, Jan. 1–31, 1942, NA, WO 169/4334; Office of the Area Security Officer, Jaffa, “Irgun Zvei [sic] Leumi and the Stern Group,” Aug. 22, 1941, 47/62, HA.
18. OSS R&A Report 2717; intelligence summary, Jan. 22, 1941, NA, WO 169/1037; Brenner (1982), 117; Golan (2003), 205–7; Heller (1995b), 98; CID, HQ, Palestine Police, July 9, 1940; CID, Intelligence Summary 31/41, Dec. 18, 1941, 47/125, HA; Saunders to MacPherson, Most Secret Memo: The Stern Group, Feb. 20, 1942, 47/7, HA; Palestine Post, Sept. 18, 1940; Hurewitz (1976), 165; Morton (1957), 112; Keith-Roach (1994), 212.
19. Palestine Post, Sept. 7, 8, and 11, 1940; Times, Sept. 22, 1940; Heller (1995a), 78; Jackson (2006), 101, 142; Sherman (1997), 153; Liddell Hart (1970), 109–11.
20. Heller (1995b), 91; Marton (1994), 50.
21. Brenner (1982), 115; Heller (1995a), 78–79; Morton (1957), 131; OSS R&A Report 2717.
22. CID, HQ, Palestine Police, Stern Group, Oct. 14, 1941; Heller (1995a), 84; Heller (1995b), 101; CID, HQ, Palestine Police, Intelligence Summary 23/40, March 21, 1940, 47/109, HA; Levine (1991), 186.
23. OSS R&A Report 2717; Shamir (1994), 34; Marton (1994), 56; Bell (1977), 64–65; Bethell (1979), 126.
24. Heller (1995a), 85–88; Marton (1994), 54–55.
25. Heller (1995a), 88; Marton (1994), 55; Nazi Report Regarding Establishment of Jewish State in Syria and Palestine, June 6, 1941, RG 59 890D.01/533, NARA.
26. Marton (1994), 55.
27. Liddell Hart (1970), 137, 172.
28. CID, HQ, Palestine Police, Stern Group, Oct. 14, 1941; General Staff Intelligence (GSI) Monthly Intelligence Summary 3, Jan. 1–31, 1942, NA, WO 169/4334; Golan (2003), 215–17, 228; Heller (1995a), 89; Hurewitz (1976), 165.
29. CID, HQ, Palestine Police, Stern Group, Oct. 14, 1941; Brenner (1982), 117; Golan (2003), 217; CID, HQ, Palestine Police, July 9, 1940; Note on Jewish Illegal Organisations; intelligence summaries, Jan. 22 and May 1, 1941, NA, WO 169/1037; Monthly Intelligence Summaries 3 and 4, Jan. 1–31 and Feb. 1–28, 1942, NA, WO 169/4334; Debates, House of Lords, vol. 123, cols. 68–69 (Lord Snell), June 2, 1942; Andrew (2009), 138; Security Summary 2, Dec. 5, 1941, NA, WO 208/1560.
30. Golan (2003), 217; Heller (1995a), 90–91; Memo: The Stern Group, Feb. 20, 1942, 47/7, HA; GSI Monthly Intelligence Summary 3, Jan. 1–31, 1942; Marton (1994), 55.
31. Memo: The Stern Group, Feb. 20, 1942; GSI Monthly Intelligence Summary 3, Jan. 1–31, 1942; Morton (1957), 136; Golan (2003), 222.
32. Golan (2003), 223–25; GSI Monthly Intelligence Summary 3, Jan. 1–31, 1942; Memo: The Stern Group, Feb. 20, 1942; SIME Summary 17, Jan. 29, 1942, NA, WO 169/1561; Heller (1995a), 96; Hurewitz (1976), 165; Morton (1957), 187.
33. Morton (1957), 110, 118, 137–40; Shamir (1994), 35; GSI Monthly Intelligence Summary 3, Jan. 1–31, 1942; Golan (2003), 224; Intelligence Review 9, Jan. 31, 1942, NA, WO 169/4334.
34. Morton (1957), 137–40; Bell (1977), 71; Golan (2003), 224; Shertok to Saunders, letter, Jan. 21, 1942, Z 4/15413 (490), CZA; Brenner (1982), 117.
35. Ha’aretz, Sept. 20, 2002; SIME Security Summary 17, Jan. 29, 1942; Intelligence Review 9, Jan. 31, 1942; Shertok to Saunders, letter, Jan. 21, 1942; Palestine Post, Jan. 27, 1942; Heller (1995a), 97.
36. Morton (1957), 141; Memo: The Stern Group, Feb. 20, 1942; Intelligence Report 12, Feb. 11, 1942, NA, WO 169/4334; Palestine Post, Jan. 27 and Feb. 3, 1942; Golan (2003), 226–27; Heller (1995a), 97; Ha’aretz, Sept. 20, 2002.
37. Ha’aretz, Sept. 20, 2002; Bell (1977), 71–72; Heller (1995a), 97; Keith-Roach (1994), 214; Golan (2003), 228.
38. Memo: The Stern Group, Feb. 20, 1942; Intelligence Review 13, Feb. 18, 1942, NA, WO 169/4334; Morton (1957), 144–45; Ha’aretz, Sept. 20, 2002.
39. Memo: The Stern Group, Feb. 20, 1942; Intelligence Summary 4, Feb. 1–28, 1942; Palestine Post, Feb. 13, 1942; Intelligence Summary 14, Feb. 25, 1942, NA, WO 169/4334 app. A; Fighters for the Freedom of Israel; Shamir (1994), 40–41; Ha’aretz, Sept. 20, 2002; Bell (1977), 72, 101n5; Bethell (1979), 128; Marton (1994), 58; Morton (1957), 146; Golan (2003), 232–33; Debates, House of Lords, vol. 123, cols. 68–69 (Lord Snell), June 2, 1942.
40. Palestine Post, Feb. 13, 1942; Shamir (1994), 41; Yalin-Mor (1973), 77; Bethell (1979), 128–29; Saunders to MacPherson, Memo: The Stern Group, Feb. 20, 1942, 47/7, HA.
41. OSS R&A Report 2717; Hurewitz (1976), 165–66; Bauer (1973), 132–33; Office of the Area Security Officer, Jaffa, “Irgun Zvei Leumi and the Stern Group”; New Zionist Organization’s Offer a Month Ago to Cooperate in Weeding Out German Agents (n.d.), 47/111, HA; Levine (1991), 198–99.
42. Levine and Shimoni (1972), 225; Niv (1975), 3:71–73; Zweig (1986), 97; Chavkin (2009), 30, 40–42; Dayan (1976), 42–51; Jeffery (2010), 353; Segev (2000), 452; Shepherd (1999), 216–17.
43. Saunders to Colonel Jennings, letter, June 12, 1942, NA, HS 9/1446/8; Chavkin (2009), 41; Jackson (2006), 110; Shepherd (1999), 217; Major H. Grant-Taylor (n.d.), NA, HS 9/1446/8.
44. Chavkin (2009), 41–42; Levine (1991), 198–99; Niv (1975), 3:73–74.
45. Jerusalem Post, March 23, 1991; Levine (1991), 198–99; Niv (1975), 3:73–74; Schechtman (1965), 95–114; Mattar (1988), 86–94.
46. Niv (1975), 3:74–76; Bauer (1973), 135; Jerusalem Post, March 23, 1991; Levine (1991), 200–201; Mattar (1988), 95.
47. Jerusalem Post, March 23, 1991; Levine and Shimoni (1972), 225; Mattar (1988), 97–107; Niv (1975), 3:76; Schechtman (1965), 114–66.
48. Niv (1975), 3:75–76; Jerusalem Post, March 23, 1991.
1. CID, HQ, Palestine Police, Intelligence Summary 20/42, Nov. 2, 1942, 47/129, HA.
2. Gervasi (1979), 215; Times and Independent, March 10, 1992; Kushner (2003), 181; Begin (1977a), 123–25. According to Borisov (1947), 29, the reward was initially set at £8,000.
3. Sofer (1988), 4–7; Jerusalem Post, March 10, 1992; Perlmutter (1987), 11, 24; Shindler (2010), 19; “Estimated Number of Jews Killed in the Final Solution.”
4. Haber (1978), 22; Hurwitz (1977), 12–13; Sofer (1979), 6; Perlmutter (1987), 34; Begin (1977b), 17–18.
5. Independent, March 10, 1992; Haber (1978), 23; Sofer (1988), 5.
6. OSS Report XL 18461, Subject: Biographical Information—Menahem [sic] Begin, Sept. 11, 1945, RG 226, NARA (an L or XL prefix to OSS documents indicates that the distribution of such material was restricted to only the U.S. government or military); Haber (1978), 24; Hurwitz (1977), 12; Perlmutter (1987), 40–41, 50, 53, 76; Times, Jerusalem Post, and Independent, March 10, 1992; Shindler (2010), 17; Begin (1977b), 53; Sofer (1988), 6–7.
7. Shindler (2010), 7, 184–85; Haber (1978), 46; Jerusalem Post, March 10, 1992; Perlmutter (1987), 57, 78; OSS Report XL 18461; Haber (19
78), 47.
8. Times, March 10, 1992; Shindler (2010), 187, 204.
9. Shindler (2010), 206, 211; Gervasi (1979), 93–95; Haber (1978), 48–51; Independent, March 10, 1992; Perlmutter (1987), 85–89.
10. Shindler (2010), 7–9, 17, 215; Haber (1978), 51, 58–74; Niv (1975), 3:273; Perlmutter (1989), 103, 107–17; Gervasi (1979), 93–108, 113–24; Hurwitz (1977), 13; Sofer (1988), 11–13; Begin (1977a), 25; Begin (1977b), 128–29.
11. Begin (1977a), 23, 25; Begin (1977b), 216–18; Korbonski (1979), 375–76; Haber (1978), 85; Perlmutter (1987), 118–29; Sofer (1988), 57, 61.
12. Kochanski (2012), 191; Begin (1977a), 24–25.
13. Begin (1977a), 24–25; OSS Report XL 18461; Haber (1978), 85; Niv (1975), 3:274, 276; Sofer (1988), 57–58; Samuel Katz (1968), 83; Korbonski (1979), 376–77; Lankin (1992), 65; Independent, Times, and Jerusalem Post, March 10, 1992; Perlmutter (1987), 131–33.
14. Samuel Katz (1968), 82; Perlmutter (1987), 134–35; Lankin (1992), 47–60; Niv (1975), 3:270–72; Bell (1977), 56–58; Sofer (1988), 59; Jerusalem Post, March 10, 1992.
15. Niv (1975), 3:277; Haber (1978), 88; Times, July 28, 1995; Perlmutter (1987), 131–35; Shindler (2010), 218–19; Sofer (1988), 59; Jerusalem Post, March 10, 1992.
16. Begin (1977a), 25; Niv (1975), 3:274; Perlmutter (1987), 131–33, 135–36; Lankin (1992), 65–66; OSS Report XL 18461; Sofer (1988), 59, 62; Haber (1978), 96.
17. Hoffman (2006), 53; Marighella (1971), 61–97; Foley (1964), 47; Alistair Horne (1977), 95; Hacker (1976), 73; Wright (2006), 303; Niv (1975), 4:12.
18. Begin (1977a), 52; MacMichael to Stanley, telegram, Feb. 19, 1944, NA, FO 371/40125.
19. Begin (1977a), 38, 43–44, 46; Sofer (1988), 63; Jerusalem Post, March 10, 1992; Sika-Aharoni (2002), 71 (Sika-Aharoni was then a member of the Irgun who favored renewing the revolt); DSO Intelligence Summary 44, June 1–30, 1943, 47/149, HA.
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