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The Girl at Cobhurst

Page 34

by Frank Richard Stockton



  Since her drive home from Thorbury with Ralph Haverley, Cicely Drane hadnot ceased to consider the hypothesis which had been suggested to herthat day by La Fleur; but this consideration was accompanied by no planof action, no defined hopes, no fears, no suspicions, and no change inher manner toward the young man, except that in accordance with hermother's prudential notions, which had been indicated to her in asomewhat general way, she had restricted herself in the matter oftete-a-tetes and dual rambles.

  She looked upon the relations between Ralph and herself in the mostsimple and natural manner possible. She was enjoying life at Cobhurst. Itdelighted her to see her mother so contented and so well. She was greatlyinterested in her work, for she was a girl of keen intelligence, andthoroughly appreciated and enjoyed the novel theories and reflections ofDr. Tolbridge. She thought it the jolliest thing in the world to have LaFleur here with them. She was growing extremely fond of Miriam, who,although a good deal younger than herself, appeared to be growing olderwith wonderful rapidity, and every day to be growing nearer and dearer toher, and she liked Ralph better than any man she had ever met. She knewbut little of Dora Bannister and had no reason to suppose that anymatrimonial connection between her and Mr. Haverley had ever been thoughtof; in fact, in the sincerity and naturalness of her disposition, shecould see no reason why she should not continue to like Mr. Haverley, tolike him better and better, if he gave her reason to do so, and more thanthat, not to forget the hypothesis regarding him.

  La Fleur was not capable of comprehending the situation with the sagacityand insight of Miss Panney, but she was a woman of sense, and was nowwell convinced that it would never do to speak again to Miss Cicely inthe way she had spoken to her in Dr. Tolbridge's hall. In her affectionand enthusiasm, she had gone too far that time, and she knew that anyfurther suggestions of the sort would be apt to make the girl fly awaylike a startled bird. Whatever was to be done must be done without thecooeperation of the young lady.

  Miss Panney's letter to Dora Bannister contained some mild reproachesfor the latter's departure from Thorbury without notice to her oldestfriend, but her scolding was not severe, and there was as much pleasantinformation and inquiry as the writer could think of. Moreover, theepistle contained the suggestion that Dora should invite MiriamHaverley to come down and spend some time with her while she was at theseashore. This suggestion none but a very old friend would be likely tomake, but Miss Panney was old enough for anything, in friendship or inany other way.

  "My mind was on Miriam Haverley," the old lady wrote, "at the moment Iheard that you had gone to Barport, and it struck me that a trip of thesort is exactly what that young person needs. She is shut up in thenarrowest place in which a girl can be put, with responsibilitiesentirely beyond her years, and which help to cramp her mind and herideas. She should have a total change; she should see how the world,outside of her school and her country home, lives and acts--in fact, sheneeds exactly what Barport and you and Mrs. Bannister can give her. I donot believe that you can bestow a greater benefit upon a fellow-beingthan to ask Miriam to pay you a visit while you are at the seaside. Thinkof this, I beg of you, my dear Dora."

  This letter was read and re-read with earnest attention. Dora was fondof Miriam in a way, and would be very glad to give her a glimpse ofseaside life. Moreover, Miriam's companionship would be desirable; foralthough Miss Bannister did not expect to lack acquaintances, therewould be times when she could not call upon these, and Miriam couldalways be called upon.

  After a consultation with Mrs. Bannister, who was pleased with the ideaof having some one to go about with Dora, when she did not feel likeit,--which was almost all the time,--Dora wrote to Miriam, asking her tocome and visit her during the rest of her stay at Barport. Whilewriting, Dora was not at all annoyed by the thought which made her stopfor a few minutes and look out of the window,--that possibly Miriammight not like to make the journey alone, and that her brother mightcome with her. She did not, however, mention this contingency, butsmiled as she went on writing.

  Miriam, attired in her teaberry gown, came up from the Cobhurst kitchen,and walked out toward the garden. She was not in good spirits. She hadalready found that La Fleur was a woman superior to influences from anypower derived from the wearing of Judith Pacewalk's pink chintz dress.She was convinced that at this moment that eminent cook was preparing adinner for the benefit of the Dranes, without any thought of the tastesor desires of the mistress of the house or its master. And yet she couldfind nothing to say in opposition to this; consequently, she had walkedaway unprotesting, and that act was so contrary to her disposition thatit saddened her. If she had supposed that a bad meal would be the resultof the bland autocracy she had just encountered, she would have beenbetter satisfied; but, as she knew the case would be quite otherwise, herspirits continued to fall. Even the meat, that morning, had been orderedwithout consultation with her.

  As Miriam walked dolefully toward the garden gate, Ralph came riding fromThorbury with the mail-bag, and in it was the letter from Dora.

  "Oh, Ralph!" cried Miriam, when, with her young soul glowing in her face,she thrust the open letter into her brother's hand, "may I go? I neversaw the sea!"

  Of Ralph's decision there could be no question, and the Cobhurst familywas instantly in a flurry. Mrs. Drane, Cicely, and Miriam gave all theirthoughts and every available moment of time to the work necessary on thesimple outfit that was all that Miriam needed or desired; and in two daysshe was ready for the journey. Ralph was glad to do anything he could tohelp in the good work, but, as this was little, he was obliged to contenthimself with encomiums upon the noble character of Dora Bannister. Thatshe should even think of offering such an inexpressible delight andbenefit to his sister was sufficient proof of Miss Bannister's solidworth and tender, gracious nature. These remarks made to the ladies ingeneral really did help in the good work, for, while Ralph was talking inthis way, Cicely bent more earnestly over her sewing and stitched faster.Until now, she had never thought much about Miss Bannister; but, withoutintending it, or in the least desiring it, she began to think a good dealabout her, even when Ralph was not there.

  Miriam herself settled the manner of her journey. She had thought for amoment of Ralph as an escort, but this would cause him trouble and lossof time, which was not at all necessary, and--what was veryimportant--would at least double the expenses of the trip; so she wroteto Miss Pender, the head teacher in her late school, begging that shemight come to her and be shipped to Barport. Miss Pender had great skilland experience in the shipping of girls from the school to destinationsin all parts of the country. Despatched by Miss Pender, the wildest orthe vaguest school-girl would go safely to her home, or to whatever spotshe might be sent.

  As this was vacation, and she happened to be resting idly at school,Miss Pender gladly undertook the congenial task offered her; andwelcomed Miriam, and then shipped her to Barport with even more than herusual success.

  When the dear girl had gone, everybody greatly missed her,--even LaFleur, for of certain sweets the child had eaten twice as much as any oneelse in the house. But all were happy over her great pleasure, includingthe cook, who hated to have even the nicest girls come into her kitchen.

  Thus far Miss Panney's plan worked admirably, but one idea she had inregard to Miriam's departure never came into the mind of any one atCobhurst. That the Dranes should go away because Miriam, as mistressof the establishment, was gone, was not thought of for an instant.With La Fleur and Mrs. Drane in the house, was there any reason whydomestic and all other affairs should not go on as usual duringMiriam's brief absence?

  Everything did indeed go on pretty much as it had gone on before,although it might have been thought that Ralph was now living with theDranes. La Fleur expanded herself into all departments of the household,and insisted upon doing many little things that Cicely had been in thehabit of doing for herself and her mother; and, with the assistance ofMike, who
was always glad to help the good Mrs. Flower whenever shewanted him--which was always--and did it whenever he had a chance--whichwas often--the household wheels moved smoothly.

  In one feature of the life at Cobhurst there was a change. The absence ofMiriam threw Cicely and Ralph much more together. For instance, theybreakfasted by themselves, for Mrs. Drane had always been late in comingdown in the morning, and it was difficult for her to change her habits.Moreover, it now happened frequently that Cicely and Ralph found thateach must be the sole companion of the other; and in this regard morethan in any other was Miriam missed. But to say that in this regard morethan any other her absence was regretted would be inaccurate.

  Cicely felt that she ought to regret it, but she did not. To be so muchwith Ralph was contrary to her own plans of action, and to what shebelieved to be her mother's notions on the subject; but she could nothelp it without being rude to the young man, and this she did not intendto be. He was lonely and wanted a companion; and in truth, she was gladto fill the position. If he had not talked to her so much about DoraBannister's great goodness, she would have been better pleased. But shecould nearly always turn this sort of conversation upon Miriam's virtues,and on that subject the two were in perfect accord.

  Mrs. Drane intended now to get up sooner in the morning, but she did notdo it; and she resolved that she would not drop asleep in her chair earlyin the evening, as she had felt perfectly free to do when Miriam was withthem; but she calmly dozed all the same.

  There was another obstacle to Mrs. Drane's good intentions, of which sheknew nothing. This was the craft of La Fleur, who frequently made it apoint to call upon the good lady for advice or consultation, and who wasmost apt to do this at times when her interview with Mrs. Drane wouldleave Ralph and Cicely together. It was wonderful how skilfully thisaccomplished culinary artist planned some of these situations.

  Ralph was surprised to find that he could so well bear the absence ofhis sister. He would not have believed it had he been told it inadvance. He considered it a great piece of luck that Miriam should beable to go to the seashore, but it was also wonderful luck that MissDrane should happen to be here while Miriam was away. Had both gone, hewould have had a doleful time of it. As it was, his time was not at alldoleful. All the chickens, hens, cats, calves, and flowers that Miriamhad had under her especial care were now attended to most sedulously byCicely, and in these good works Ralph gave willing and constantassistance. In fact, he found that he could do a great deal more forCicely than Miriam had been willing he should do for her. Thiscooeperation was very pleasing to him, for Cicely was a girl who knewlittle about things rural but wanted to know much, and Ralph was a youngfellow who liked to teach such girls as Cicely.


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