An Eye for an Eye (The Santorno Stories 2): The Santorno Stories

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An Eye for an Eye (The Santorno Stories 2): The Santorno Stories Page 2

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Heath got back in the car and noticed the time. “Oh, fuck!” He slammed his head on the steering wheel.

  Stefan and Jordan were at the kitchen table waiting when he walked in.

  “Heath, what happened to your face?” Stefan approached his son and touched the bruise.

  “Nothing really. Got decked at the bowling alley after the game. I’m sorry I’m late. I gave a girl a ride home.”

  Jordan laughed. “That wouldn’t be how you got the bruise would it?”

  “Wow, Dad, you’re so intuitive. Yes, that’s how I got it.” Heath sat down. “Her date was a little too handsy, if you know what I mean.”

  Stefan sat back down. “So you pulled the ‘I’m sorry I’m late’ out, huh?” Stefan smiled.

  “Yep, it works so well on Charlie’s dates I decided to try it,” Heath laughed. “I am sorry I’m late again. I know I keep saying it, but I am.”

  “Well, your brother was asking about you when he got home. Could you stop in and say hi to him?” Jordan asked.

  “Yeah, no prob. Night, Dads.” He kissed Stefan and Jordan and ran to Damon’s room.

  “Hey, lil bro, you up?”

  “Yeah. You’re late again, huh?” Damon laughed. “Get bitched at?”

  “Nah, I got punched at the bowling alley. Bruises get you out of shit with the dads,” Heath chuckled.

  Damon turned on the lamp. “Damn, Heath. Who hit you?”

  “Some asshole. I kinda stole his date.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” Damon grinned.

  “What about you? How was Mark’s party?” Heath sat on the edge of the bed.

  “I had to play “seven minutes in heaven” with Heather McNeil.”

  “She’s a hottie. How was it?”

  “I didn’t feel anything. She was my first kiss and I felt nothing.” Damon looked down at his hands. “But then Mark kissed me.”

  “Yeah? How was that, then?”

  “Wait, you’re not going to freak out?” Damon gave him a questioning look.

  “Um, hello? Gay dads? Who cares if you’re gay? So when Mark kissed you, how did it feel?”

  “My stomach was all tied up in knots,” Damon smiled shyly.

  “Yeah, that’s how I felt tonight when Lisa kissed me.” Heath looked at Damon. “Chill, bro, I love you.” Heath mussed his hair.

  “Love you, too. Goodnight.”

  “Night, Damon. Hey, if anyone messes with you, you tell me, okay. Wait, what the fuck am I saying? Who’s going to mess with you?”

  Damon threw a pillow at him. “Night, Heath.”

  “Oh my God! Will you two shut up?” Charlie screamed from her bedroom.

  “Night, John Boy!!” Heath ran to his room.


  Charlie Youngblood was a genius. She knew exactly where she was going in life and how she was going to get there. Her hair was auburn and long, her eyes icy blue. Everyone said she looked exactly like her father, which was fine by her. All her friends were in love with her dads. She thought it was funny.

  Her friends all had boyfriends, but not her. She had gone out on dates, but the guys were either stupid or boring. None of them ever got a second date.

  She was reading her textbook when Steve Soloman walked into the classroom. He was always talking to her and it drove her crazy. He was good friends with Heath, but she just thought of him as a dumb jock. That didn’t stop her from checking him out now and then. He was quite the hottie. She may be judgmental, but she wasn’t stupid.

  “Hey, Charlie. What’s shakin’?” Steve sat down next to her and smiled.

  “Must we do this every morning, Steve? I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.”

  “Aw, Charlie, you always say the nicest things to me.” Steve beamed.

  She looked at him closely. He was stunningly handsome; she couldn’t say he wasn’t. He had brown hair and green eyes, was six feet tall, and all muscle.

  She sighed loudly and put her book down. “Why can’t you go one day without irritating me?”

  “I’m sharpening my skills for debate.” Steve winked at her.

  Her stomach flipped. “Ugh, you’re infuriating!”

  He lowered his voice seductively. “Oh come on, Charlie, you know you like it.”

  “What makes you think I would find you the least bit attractive?” Charlie looked at him dead on.

  “Because you just blushed,” Steve pointed out.

  “Steve Solomon! Eyes front!” Their teacher came in and began handing out a test. Charlie noticed Steve writing the answers quickly. He got up and turned his test in, sat back down, and opened a book. It was a collection of Edgar Allan Poe poems.

  The bell rang as the last tests were handed in and class was dismissed. Steve followed her down the hall since their lockers were together.

  “So, which one is your favorite?” Charlie wanted to test him.

  “Which what?” Steve glanced at her.

  “Your book, Edgar Allan Poe?”

  “Oh. ‘The Raven.’” He shoved his books in the locker, and shut the door. “Surprised?”

  “Yes.” She leaned into her locker and smiled. “I figured you read MAD Magazine.”

  “Hey, I’ll have you know Don Martin and Al Jaffe were geniuses! ‘Spy vs. Spy’? The back cover fold-in. No one appreciates genius anymore!”

  “Are you crying?” Charlie gaped at him.

  “No.” Steve sniffed. “I have allergies.”

  Charlie rolled her eyes and turned. Steve came up right behind her.

  She could feel his breath on her neck and it sent shivers down her spine. “Yes, well it doesn’t surprise me that you idolize cartoonists.”

  “Would you be surprised if I asked you out? We could do whatever you wanted.” Steve waited for the verbal assault.

  “Whatever I want?” She grinned. This was going to be fun.

  “Of course,” Steve smiled.

  “Okay, Friday night, my place, seven o’clock. And don’t be late.” She walked off.

  Steve was still smiling when Heath found him. “Dude, what’s with the face?”

  “I just asked Charlie out. She said she’d go with me on Friday.” Steve was still smiling.

  “Steve, we have an away game on Friday.” Heath punched his shoulder. “Actually, we’d have a game here otherwise. Man, you’ve got it bad if you forgot that!”

  “Shut it, Youngblood! Oh shit, I have to go talk to her!”

  “Dude, relax. I got Charlie.” Heath walked with Steve to their next class.

  When school got out, Steve looked everywhere for Charlie. He finally found her in the parking lot next to her car.

  “Hey, I’m glad I found you.” He fought to catch his breath.

  “Well I’m not hard to find, Steve. I’m usually right here after school.” Charlie grinned in amusement.

  “Did Heath talk to you?”

  “About what?” She knew what he was going to say. Heath had talked to her but she wanted Steve to squirm.

  “Shit. I’m sorry — I shouldn’t use that language in front of you.” Steve rubbed his hands over his face to hide his rising color.

  “Please, I have two brothers who cuss like truckers. Now, what is it?”

  “I can’t go out on Friday. I have a game — but I can do Saturday, if that’s okay?”

  Charlie pretended to think about it. She loved this. “Okay, I guess so. We’re having a barbecue; you can come to that.”

  “Yeah? Thanks, Charlie.” His smile broadened as he stared at her. God, she was beautiful.

  “Yeah. Now, go get your head kicked in at football practice.” She watched him, grinning as he ran off.


  Isabelle Youngblood watched her business professor as he lectured, moving from one side of the room to the other. He was drop-dead gorgeous. Every woman in the class was madly in love with him, even Isabelle. She took notes and tried not to stare at him. The only time they spoke was when she had a question.

bsp; Her long black hair cascaded over her left shoulder as she wrote. She kept stealing glances at him, admiring his firm jaw, his reddish hair, and bright blue eyes. She could tell he worked out. He had a fabulous ass.

  She let out a little giggle and covered her mouth.

  Tristan O’Conner was twenty-eight. After graduation, he spent several years on the corporate fast track before burning out. He decided to teach business instead of trying to live it.

  He enjoyed teaching. He had great students who wanted to learn. One of them stood out above the rest. She was brilliant and beautiful, and for the last two months, he couldn’t stop looking at her every chance he got. She was in the front row today, wearing jeans and a black shirt. Her long black hair was off to the side, draped over her shoulder. When she looked up, her blue eyes met his and he looked away quickly. She worked part-time at her great aunt’s company.

  Tristan was familiar with it. Who wasn’t?

  When class was over, he noticed a tall, brown-haired man standing in the back. He watched as Isabelle ran to him and gave him a hug. Well, at least now he knew she wasn’t single.

  Tristan perched on the corner of his desk and opened a book. Why would he have thought she would be available? Why would he think she’d date him? She was what — barely twenty? He watched her leave with the man and dropped his head.

  “Uncle Morgan, I’m so glad you came!” She hugged Morgan hard.

  “Hey, I always make time for my niece.” Morgan hugged her back. He missed their conversations. They made their way into a coffee shop. “So, how’s class? Teacher still making you hot?”

  “Uncle Morgan!” she laughed. “Where’s Robert? Is he coming?”

  “Yeah, he’s parking the car.” Morgan gazed at her. She was beautiful, and she was going to break hearts. “I miss you calling me ‘Mo’,” Morgan laughed.

  “Awww, Uncle Mo.” She smiled brightly at him.

  Robert walked in and sat down next to Morgan. They held hands and Robert kissed him lightly.

  “Izzy, how’s school?” Robert eyed her. She had grown up so fast.

  “Oh, it’s great! I’m taking a writing class on the side. Dad said if it’s something I love, I should pursue it.”

  “Stefan’s right. You should.” Morgan smiled at her.

  Isabelle perked up as her professor entered the shop. He glanced at her table and sat down in the corner.

  “I see Professor Hot Stuff is here,” Morgan observed.

  “Come on, Uncle Morgan! Surely you two can see he’s hot.” Isabelle looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

  Morgan and Robert turned and looked. “Oh yeah, he’s hot,” they both said in unison.

  “Shh!” Isabelle laughed. “I have to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.”

  She walked by Tristan into the ladies room, shut the door, and let out a slow breath.

  Tristan watched the two men at Isabelle’s table. They were obviously a couple. Which meant Isabelle was not with the other man, allowing him to relax again.

  When she exited the ladies’ room, she spotted Tristan at the counter. She rejoined Morgan and Robert.

  “Go talk to him, Isabelle.” Morgan nudged her out of the chair.

  “What? He’s my teacher!”

  “Well, teachers talk, too! Just go,” Robert laughed.

  Tristan was leaving but Isabelle caught him outside.

  “Professor O’Conner?” she blurted.

  He stopped and turned slowly. “Yes, Ms. Youngblood?”

  “I was wondering if I could talk you into having coffee with me sometime, you know, to talk about class?”

  Tristan’s lips twitched; it was a start. “I could arrange that. When?”

  “Friday, maybe? If you’re not busy?”

  “Friday it is, Ms. Youngblood.”

  “It’s Isabelle,” she smiled.

  “Friday then, Isabelle.”

  Chapter 2

  Damon had taken too many hits this game. He was so sore; he felt it everywhere. Every time he had turned around, one of the other team’s players was coming at him. But they won.

  He came off the field with the rest of the team and noticed his parents waiting by the lower bleachers, smiling.

  “Hey, we won!” Damon hugged them.

  “You did great, Damon, but you got hit so much. Are you okay?” Stefan eyed his son closely.

  “Dad, stop it; I’m fine. Is it okay if I go out with the guys for pizza?”

  “Of course. You know your curfew and then Heath’s game tomorrow.” Jordan smiled at him.

  “Where is Heath, anyway?” Damon looked around. His family always came to the games.

  “He’s over there with your sisters.” Stefan thumbed behind him.

  Damon waved and Heath whistled at him.

  Heather left her cheerleader friends to hug Damon and plant a kiss on him.

  “Oh my God, we won!” she screamed before running off.

  Damon recovered and noticed Mark, looking hurt. “Mark! Wait.”

  “Go, Damon. Go talk to him.” Jordan pushed him in the direction Mark had gone. “We’ll see you at home.”

  “Love you guys!” Damon hurried to find Mark. He found him sitting in the woods by the tennis courts.

  “Mark, it wasn’t what it looked like.”

  “Can we not talk about this here?” Mark stood up abruptly.

  Damon sighed. “Let’s hit the showers and then go to your house, okay?”

  He drove them to Mark’s in silence. He needed to assure Mark he hadn’t kissed Heather; she had kissed him. He wanted to make things better.

  The house was dark when they arrived. Mark’s parents were out with the rest of the parents, celebrating the win. They headed to Mark’s room and he flipped the light on.

  “Wow, Damon, you have a huge bruise on your jaw.” Mark touched it gingerly.

  Damon took his hand and held it. “I didn’t kiss her, Mark; she kissed me.”

  “I just…I guess I got jealous.” Mark tried to turn away, but Damon had his hand.

  “The only person I want to kiss is you, Mark. Don’t you know that?” Damon leaned forward and lightly kissed him. He pulled away, searching Mark’s face.

  “Really?” Mark gazed into Damon’s eyes.

  “Really.” Damon pulled Mark into his chest and kissed him hard. He tugged Mark’s shirt over his head and ran his hands down his chest. Then he kissed Mark's neck and let his tongue trail his jawline.

  “Shit, Damon! Where did you learn to do that?” Mark rasped.

  “Porn,” Damon laughed.

  Mark removed Damon’s shirt. He admired the firm body and trailed his fingers down his torso. He looked back up into Damon’s bright blue eyes.

  “What do you want to do, Mark?”

  “I want you to touch me. You know…” Mark bit his lip and blushed.

  Damon pushed Mark down on the bed, and followed him down so he was on top of him. He brought their lips together, slid his tongue in and he explored Mark’s mouth lazily, while his hand rubbed the front of Mark’s jeans.

  “Shit, Damon; I’m going to come right now.” Mark’s head went back and Damon’s hand suddenly felt wet. “Wow, I can’t believe we just did that.”

  Damon rolled over to his back; his dick so hard it hurt. He felt Mark’s hand on it, rubbing him slowly. He moaned and his back arched. Mark slowly licked his nipples, and ran his tongue up Damon’s neck before finally finding his lips.

  “Harder,” Damon panted, his breaths coming out faster. He pulled Mark’s head down and kissed him deeply. His hips were rocking with Mark’s hand and he knew he was about to come.

  “Oh fuck.” Damon let loose and kissed Mark hard.

  They both flopped on their backs, sucking in air.


  “No shit,” Mark laughed.

  “I think I need to change. Is some of my stuff still here?” Damon got up and looked in Mark’s closet.

  “Yeah, it’s on the left.” Mark wa
tched him change. “Damon, you’re gorgeous,” Mark whispered.

  Damon turned and blushed. “Thank you. Now you can change.” He threw some pants at Mark. He watched as Mark removed his pants and underwear until he was fully naked in front of him. He walked toward Mark and watched his erection rise. He reached out and curled his hand around Mark’s dick.

  “Jesus, Damon that feels so good.” Mark’s groan was drug out.

  Damon stroked him slowly as he kissed him. He let his tongue slide in and around as he deepened the kiss and stroked faster.

  “Holy shit, I’m going to come again, Damon!”

  Damon felt the warm liquid on his hand. He grabbed his boxers and cleaned his hand and then Mark.

  “Why did you do that?” Mark looked up as he pulled on his pants.

  “I wanted to feel your dick in my hand; see what it felt like to hold it.”

  “What did it feel like?” Mark asked shyly.

  Damon moved closer to Mark and unbuttoned his own pants. He guided Mark’s hand inside. He felt Mark’s hand slide up and down, and he moaned loudly.

  “God, your dick is hard! What do you want me to do, Damon?” Mark kissed him slowly.

  “Stroke it faster,” Damon breathed. He pulled his pants down past his ass. He clutched Mark and kissed him hard. He could feel his orgasm rising.

  “Mark…” Damon shuddered as his cum flowed over Mark’s hand.

  Mark washed his hands and got a towel. He cleaned Damon up and then sat down on the bed. Damon joined him.

  “Hey are you okay, Mark?” He pushed his friend’s hair away from his forehead.

  “I’ve never felt like this. No one’s ever made me feel the way you do.”

  “I know; I feel the same way.”

  “I’ve liked you for so long— but you’re just realizing your feelings.”

  “What do you mean, Mark?”

  “Hell, you could still decide you like girls. I knew I was gay when I was a kid; you’re just figuring it out.”

  “That’s not fair. I knew I didn’t want Heather and when I kissed you, it felt different. I wanted more and I still do.”

  “Look, Damon, I want you to be sure. This is all happening so fast.”


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