An Eye for an Eye (The Santorno Stories 2): The Santorno Stories

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An Eye for an Eye (The Santorno Stories 2): The Santorno Stories Page 17

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “I don’t know what to say, Dad.”

  Damon broke in. “Isabelle, just meet her. Then you can make your own decision about how to continue, all right?”

  “Okay, Grandpa.” Isabelle looked at Stefan. “Does Dad know?”

  “Yes, he does. He can’t go with us, though. He has too many obligations. Your grandfather and I will be your charming travel companions.”

  Isabelle simultaneously smiled and rolled her eyes, something Jordan ridiculously began referring to as ‘smrolling’ when she was a teenager. “For how long? I told Jacob I would spend the summer with him.”

  “Just a week. Antonio and Marco will be there, too. I’m sure Jacob will appreciate that you will be thoroughly surrounded by men he trusts.”


  They left for Malta the next day and were enthusiastically greeted on arrival by Antonio and Marco.

  “Stefano!” Antonio engulfed the smaller man in his famous bear hug.

  “Jesus, Antonio, did you get bigger?” Stefan laughed, his voice smothered by the huge man’s chest.

  Antonio released him and clapped him on the back, knocking Stefan forward. “You say the funniest things to me!”

  Marco hugged Isabelle. “You’re more beautiful every time I see you, my Isabelle.”

  “Oh, Marco!” Isabelle blushed.

  They settled in and Damon made the phone call to Isabelle’s mother.

  “She’s on her way. We’re here for you, Isabelle.” Damon smiled at his granddaughter.

  “Don’t leave me alone with her okay, Dad?” Isabelle whispered.

  “I won’t, baby,” Stefan promised. He hated that his daughter was so nervous but it was nice to know that his brilliant, self-assured daughter still needed her father.

  Antonio announced the woman’s arrival. “Damon, Stefano — Sophia Robino has arrived.”

  “Send her in, Antonio.”

  Damon shot a glance at Marco. The big man nodded and discreetly patted the small of his back.

  The woman who entered looked like an older version of Isabelle. She smiled at the younger woman.

  “I knew you would be beautiful!” She rushed to Isabelle, who edged back into Stefan’s safe arms.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you,” Isabelle offered by way of explanation.

  “I know, and I hope to change that.” Sofia smiled, but to Isabelle it didn’t quite make it to her eyes.

  “I’m only meeting you to appease you. This is my father. He and my dad will always be my fathers. They raised me, loved me. They are my parents. I have no idea who you are.”

  “I hope someday we can be close, Isabelle,” Sophia said, managing to sound wounded to her soul.

  “Honestly? I don’t think so. I’m sorry but I don’t want to know you. You gave me up.”

  “If we could spend some time alone together…” Sophia began.

  Stefan moved protectively in front of his daughter. “That’s not going to happen. I allowed you to meet her, but I was very clear. You will never be alone with my daughter. Do I need to be more specific?”

  Sophia spat at Stefan’s feet. “She is MY daughter!”

  Stefan stepped closer. “No, she is MY daughter. You agreed to this, Sophia! You have met her. Now go.”

  Sophia took a step toward Stefan, and Marco took a step forward. Stefan put his hand up.

  “No, it’s okay, Marco. Sophia was just leaving. Weren’t you?” Stefan narrowed his gaze at Sophia.

  Sophia looked into Stefan’s eyes. Something just beneath the surface scared her.

  “Isabelle, please?” Sophia pleaded with her daughter.

  “No. I don’t want to know you.” Isabelle took Stefan’s hand.

  “You have not seen the last of me!” Sophia left in a rage.

  Isabelle hugged Stefan tight. “Oh, Daddy, please don’t make me see her again!”

  “I won’t, baby, I won’t. I promise.” Stefan hugged her tightly.

  “Antonio, Marco! I want her followed,” Damon ordered.

  They left and Damon approached his son. “I don’t like this, Stefano.”

  “I know, Dad. I have a bad feeling.”


  Sophia knew she was being followed. In fact, she'd counted on it. She headed for the rented cottage and slipped inside. She grabbed a chair at the table and looked at the men assembled.

  “This is going to take time. We cannot tip our hand, but the plan has been put into place.”

  She smiled. Soon she would have everything she wanted, the Santornos be damned.


  When they arrived back in Fort Worth, Isabelle flew into Jordan’s arms at the airport.


  “Oh, baby, I missed you!” Jordan hugged her tight.

  “I missed you so much, Daddy!” Isabelle’s arms cut off his air.

  “Honey, can’t breathe.”

  “Oh, sorry!” Isabelle giggled.

  “You okay, honey?” Jordan pushed her hair back and stroked her cheek.

  “I am now.” She smiled.

  “Let’s go home.” Jordan kissed Stefan and took his hand.


  “So, what do you think, Stefan?” Jordan looked worriedly at Stefan as he paced the bedroom floor.

  “This isn’t about her loving Isabelle. This is something else. She wants something, Jordan.”

  “Do you think she would try to kidnap Isabelle?” Jordan asked quickly.

  “That’s what Damon thinks. Antonio and Marco came back with us. They’re at Damon’s.”

  “Really? Antonio’s here?” Jordan’s face lit up.

  “You know if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a crush on him.” Stefan narrowed his eyes at his husband.

  “Well, who wouldn’t? Just look at him.” Jordan smiled wickedly.

  “Oh, this is payback for the Caleb comment, isn’t it?” Stefan narrowed his eyes.

  “Hmmmm…maybe.” Jordan winked. “But am I wrong?”

  Stefan prowled slowly toward Jordan. He grabbed his T-shirt and ripped it.


  Jordan looked at his shirt. “Really?”

  Stefan ripped the shirt the rest of the way and grinned. He took Jordan’s pants off and then threw him on the bed.

  “Put your ass in the air, Jordan,” he fairly growled.

  Jordan got on his hands and knees.

  Stefan lubed himself up and grabbed Jordan’s hips. “It’s payback time!”

  He thrust hard into his husband, pulling him in by his hips.

  “SHIT!” Jordan yelled.

  Stefan pounded him, his hands working Jordan’s hips as he thrust harder and harder. Each time Jordan let out a grunt.

  “You like it, don’t you?” Stefan continued to slam into him.

  “Fuck, yes!” Jordan grabbed the sheets. His hand went to his cock.

  “Yeah, stroke it faster!” Stefan watched as Jordan got himself off. Jesus, it was turning him on even more. He smacked Jordan’s ass hard, leaving a handprint.


  “You want another one, baby?” Stefan cooed.

  “Fuck, yes!”

  Stefan smacked him again, much harder, as he hammered Jordan into the mattress. He was about to come.

  “Fuck, Jordan! I’m coming!”

  All Jordan could do was growl.

  Stefan let loose with an animalistic cry and Jordan came on the bedspread. “Jesus, Stefan!”

  Stefan pulled out and flopped next to Jordan on the bed, covered in sweat. He pulled Jordan on top of him and kissed him.

  “I love you.” He smiled sweetly.

  He did devil to angel so well. Jordan loved it.

  “I’m going to be sore for days.” Jordan kissed him.

  “Now you know how I felt.” Stefan brushed his fingers across Jordan’s lips.

  “I love you too, Stefan.” He squeezed his husband close. “Look, whatever is going on with this Sophia, we will handle it. Trust me?”

  “Okay.” Stefan kissed him. He knew Jordan would back him up. He just didn’t know how far it would go.


  Stefan, Jordan, Damon, Marco and Antonio were in the kitchen discussing Sophia Robino over coffee when Heath came bursting through the door, Caleb on his heels.

  “Okay what’s going on?” Heath was trying to catch his breath.

  The five men looked up in surprise.

  “Excuse me?” Stefan asked innocently.

  “I know when I’m being watched, Dad. Grandpa taught me well. Oh, hey, Antonio! Marco!” Heath nodded and smiled a hello to them.

  Stefan looked at Jordan and got a small nod in return. He told them the story of Isabelle’s biological mother as the younger men listened carefully.

  “Okay, now it makes sense,” Heath sighed.

  “I can’t risk any of you being taken, Heath. I won’t apologize for keeping my children safe.”

  “Wait, why would they take Heath, Mr. Youngblood?” Caleb looked from Stefan to Heath.

  “Because my son is a Santorno, Caleb. Therefore he can be kidnapped and held for ransom at any time.” Stefan said seriously, gauging Caleb’s reaction.

  “Wait, Santorno? As in Damon Santorno?” Caleb looked from Stefan to Heath to Damon.

  “Yes, I am Damon Santorno.” Damon put his hand out and Caleb shook it.

  “Oh, I thought you were…wow. I don’t know what I thought,” Caleb finished awkwardly.

  “It’s all right. I guess you and my grandson have not gotten to that talk yet.” Damon smiled.

  “No, I mean I’ve heard of you, but since Heath is a Youngblood, I guess I just didn’t make the connection.” Caleb laughed as he trailed off, looking to anyone for help.

  “You’ve heard of me and yet you are still here?” Damon cocked an eyebrow.

  “Of course. I prefer to make up my own mind about people,” Caleb explained.

  “I like this young man, Stefano.” Damon winked.

  “Stefano?” Caleb directed the question at Stefan.

  “That’s another story,” Stefan laughed.

  “So, Heath has to be watched. Why can’t I do it?” Caleb addressed the men gathered.

  “Because, Caleb, you would have to carry a gun, and if it comes down to it, shoot someone.” Stefan studied Caleb’s face.

  “Fine, I’m in,” Caleb announced.

  Heath turned and stared. “What?!”

  “I already own a gun and I have a license to carry it. I’m not going to let anything happen to you, Heath.” Caleb crossed his arms and fixed Heath with a look that said ‘try me.’

  “Okay, so Heath has Caleb and the other guard who was obviously seen.” Stefan looked askance at Damon.

  “Well, not everyone is trained to spot my men. This is Heath we’re talking about — I’d be disappointed if he didn’t spot a tail.” Damon smiled.

  “Moving on. Damon is covered. He’ll be home from football camp tomorrow and once school starts we’ll place men there.” Jordan was looking at the list. “We need to tell him.”

  “Charlie has two guards. I’m sure she’ll pick up on that soon.” Stefan looked at Jordan. “You should tell her.”

  “Isabelle has Jacob. He has been informed and is making arrangements with one of my men as well.” Damon looked at Stefan. “I think we have covered everything.”

  “Let’s hope so, Dad. I sure as hell don’t want any surprises,” Stefan sighed.


  Caleb and Heath were at the pond, holding hands, walking in silence.

  “So, Santorno, huh?” Caleb smiled at him.

  “I never brought that up?” Heath pretended to think hard.

  “Nope, I think I would have remembered that convo, dude.”

  “I’m sorry. I just didn’t think — I don’t know. I can’t lose you and I never know how someone will react to my extended family.”

  “Hey, this changes nothing. I love you.” Caleb pulled Heath into him. “I’ll protect you with my life, Heath.”

  “Don’t say that! I don’t want anything to happen to you!” Heath hugged Caleb tightly.

  “Hey, nothing’s going to happen to me. I’m more worried about you.” Caleb kissed him.

  “Promise me you’ll be careful. Please?” Heath pleaded.

  “Hey, hey — everything’s going to be fine, okay?” Caleb kissed Heath again.

  “It better be.”


  Damon had finally come back from football camp and got the full story from his father. He was not happy.

  “Oh, come on! I’m gay and now I have bodyguards, too? Way to single me out Dad!” Damon banged his head on the counter.

  “Oh calm down, Damon! Are you sure I didn’t send you to drama camp?” He looked at his son with exasperation. “I will not apologize for protecting you.”

  “Fine.” Damon suddenly slapped his palms onto the counter. “Oooh, I’ll bet Charlie was pissed!”

  “She took it…well.” Stefan hedged.


  Jordan’s conversation with Charlie…

  “WHAT? Oh, come on!” Charlie was livid. “I have to be followed around by Dumb and Dumber?”

  “Charlie…” Jordan’s tone was a warning.

  “Fine, but I am NOT happy!”

  Jordan could hear Steve’s voice in the background.

  “Duly noted. What did Steve say?”

  “Nothing, Dad. He said nothing.”

  “He agrees with me doesn’t he, Charlie?”

  “Fine. Yes, he does. But that doesn’t change anything. I’M NOT HAPPY!”

  “Uh huh, got that. Love you, Charlie. Talk soon!!” Jordan hung up quickly. He could still hear Charlie arguing as he hung up the phone.


  School was back in session, which meant Damon and Tyler were on the field for early morning football practice. The coach approached with a new player.

  “Here we go again,” Damon laughed. “I thought that since we were on the varsity now, we wouldn’t have to do that anymore.”

  “Hey, as long as you aren’t the one babysitting him,” Tyler pointed a finger at his boyfriend.

  “I thought you trusted me?”

  “I do, but holy hell!” Tyler took in the new guy from head to toe and back up.

  “Hey!” Damon smacked him.

  “Oh stop, you know I only have eyes for you, baby.” Tyler batted his lashes at Damon.

  “Damon, Tyler, this is Tanner McKinley. You know the drill.” Coach smiled at them.

  The boys shook hands and Damon got the conversation rolling.

  “Which school did you come from, Tanner?”

  “Sabino.” Tanner smiled broadly.

  “Oh, so you migrated to the better school. Smart parents.” Tyler laughed.

  “Yeah, I heard all about you, Damon,” Tanner snorted.

  “Yeah, which part? The gay part?”

  “Well there’s that. And the fight at the bowling alley.” Tanner seemed prepared to go on.

  “Yeah, that story seems to get around a lot. It gets more play than the gay part,” Damon cracked up.

  “Hey, Damon?” Mark headed their way with the playbook. “Coach says he wants us to run these today.” He looked up and his eyes met Tanner’s. He stopped and stared.

  “Mark?” Damon waved a hand in front of his friend’s face.

  “Oh, sorry.” Mark blushed.

  “Mark, this is Tanner. Tanner, Mark.”

  Tanner held his hand out while looking Mark over head to toe. “Hi.”

  Mark blushed over the scrutiny his body was getting. “Hi.”

  “What position do you play, Mark?” Tanner slowly let his eyes wander again over Mark’s physique.

  “Tight end.”

  “Fuck, I bet,” Tanner laughed.

  Mark blushed crimson and Damon and Tyler busted out laughing.

  “I hear you had a group discussion with the team when you came out.” Tanner looked curiously at Damon.

“Yeah well, they’re my friends first. And since we work as a team it made sense to make sure everything was good between us.”

  “One of the reasons I left Sabino is that most of the students are a bunch of bigots. My own team turned on me when I came out.” Tanner shook his head sadly.

  “Well you came to the right place. You won’t be judged here, not by this team. Unless, of course, you suck as a football player.” Damon cracked up when Tanner flipped him off.

  Mark had been staring at Tanner the whole time; he couldn’t help it. He was fucking gorgeous.


  Mark snapped out of his daze and zoned in on the voice saying his name. It was Tanner.


  “If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll expect a dinner out of it.” Tanner flashed a brilliant smile.

  “Oh, God! I’m sorry.” Mark blushed.

  “Don’t be. I’m hungry anyway. How about lunch with me today?” Tanner invited.

  “Okay.” Mark ducked his head.

  Tanner smacked Mark’s ass. “Okay, let’s practice!”

  They all ended up having lunch together, talking about the incoming freshmen and remembering how their own freshman year had been. Tanner was telling them that he finally came out when his team was bashing Damon one day at a practice.

  “They were talking smack and I pointed out that the gay guy they were calling a ‘pansy-ass’ had kicked their collective asses.” Tanner guffawed. “Then I came out. It went badly. I transferred.”

  “Well, you’ll have the chance to get even with them this year.” Tyler smiled.

  “Oh, I can’t wait.” Tanner rubbed his hands together gleefully.

  “You two have fun. Tyler and I need to get to class early.” Damon smiled. “Glad to have you with us, Tanner.”

  “We’ll see you two later.” Tyler winked at Mark.

  Damon and Tyler left holding hands.

  “So they’re out and proud, huh?” Tanner asked.

  “Oh, yeah. When Damon came out to the team, Tyler came out with him.” Mark looked at Tanner. Dammit, he couldn’t stop.

  “Are you still hungry?” Tanner looked at Mark with a sly smile.

  “Huh?” Mark asked in confusion.


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