Then Came You (Accidentally in Love Book 3)

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Then Came You (Accidentally in Love Book 3) Page 5

by Nicole Falls

  “Believe it or not, my love of baking came from a punishment. Growing up with three older brothers, I stayed getting into shit that I had no business getting into. One day I took it a little too far and as a result, had to sit up under my mama in the kitchen all day one Sunday while she prepared dinner for the family. At first it was torture, but when it came time for making dessert, something in me kinda…well, snapped, really. I was super interested in the process of making the cake from scratch.

  Something about the precision necessary to ensure that the ingredients are combined in certain ways to produce the best results spoke to me. So whenever Mama was baking, I’d find myself in the kitchen somehow, observing. That led to me eventually asking her to teach me her secrets; which she adamantly refused, but she definitely taught me the basics. Then I went full nerd and researched all sorts of aspects of baking from processes to recipes. After a while, dessert became my responsibility for big family dinners, much to the chagrin of my dad and big brothers. They weren’t pleased at first. Many of my early efforts were barely edible. But I got better and more adventurous as the years rolled on.”

  I stopped talking because I could certainly ramble about my story and love for baking for way too long. It didn’t take much to get me going after someone asked me to tell them about my passions.

  “Ok…so the story can’t stop there. How’d you get from Mama’s kitchen to Sweet Thang?”

  “The condensed version? A stint in financial advising, eighteen months in France, a few screw ups, and a move back home to get centered. Enough about me, though…tell me about you?”

  “You’ll have to tell me the more in depth version at another time,” she said, “There’s not much to me. I certainly don’t have an exciting backstory like yours. No international travel or heartstring pulling origin story.”

  “You got jokes, huh? Quit stalling. I wanna know all about Patricia…what’s your middle name?”

  At that question her head turned slightly and brow furrowed in confusion.


  “I figured we’d start simple and work up to the deeper stuff.”

  She laughed, shaking her head, “It’s Cherice. Patricia Cherice Payne. Clearly my parents were not thinking about monogrammed items when they gave me the initials PCP.”

  I barked out a laugh. A little too loudly, if the glare the lady at the table next to us sent in my direction was any indication. Our conversation continued with Patricia telling me about her sister, son, and best friend, Raquel. I could tell that her world centered on these three and everything else came in second. We talked our way through a mammajamma and itty-bitty before making moves to leave Imbibe. It was getting late and the ambiance of the bar was changing over from the laid back, vibey, daytime aura to the music heavy, loungey scene. As we made our way to the door, Patricia stopped suddenly and turned to me.

  “Ooooooh, this is my song! Let’s dance,” she said, grabbing my hand and leading me back to the makeshift dance floor at the back of the space.

  The song wasn’t one I easily recognized or quite frankly had ever heard before. It was mid-tempo with a sultry voiced singer kind of lazily singing the lyrics. Patricia instantly moved in, draping her arms over my shoulders and finding the groove. I moved with her, feeling like we were at a high school dance with our semi-awkward respectably spaced two stepping from side to side. I finally said fuck it and pulled her closer, our hips melding as my hands moved from the appropriate position above her waist to resting on the curve of her thigh. The change in position made Patricia look up at me while she was singing along to the words of the song.

  “I ain't gon' say it again, time to turn what you been asking into actions…” Patricia sang as we slowly ground into one another.

  That song transitioned to another and we kept on moving through about three songs before calling it quits for real this time. I wasn’t quite ready for the night to end, but didn’t want to mess up the groove we had going so far by being a creep and asking her back to my place. We’d barely walked away from Imbibe when Patricia indicated that we’d reached her car.

  “You lucked up with a prime spot. When I got here, there was nothing, I had to park around the corner on Overland,” I said.

  “I…ah…yeah as I was pulling up, someone was pulling out. Good fortune,” she replied, looking away briefly as she searched her bag for her keys.

  “So this was fun. I don’t wanna keep you out too long, I know you have a sitter and it is a school night and everything.”

  “I enjoyed myself, Damon.”

  Drawing her into me for a hug, I responded, “Good. Shoot me a text and let me know when you make it home safe?” I pressed a quick kiss to her temple before releasing her from my hold.

  Before we were completely separated, she tugged my hand, a clear question in her eyes. I leaned in halfway, making sure I was reading the vibe right. She nodded and smiled as I leaned in closer to give her a real kiss. Our mouths fused in a light touch initially, a tentative brush of the lips before I deepened the kiss. I hadn’t planned to get too carried away, but the moment I felt those soft lips against mine, there was no turning back. I ran my tongue along the seam of her lips, requesting entry to which she quickly acquiesced opening immediately and inviting me in to play. I could have kept kissing her all night…would have kept it up all night probably if some loudmouth hadn’t yelled at us to get a room.

  I pulled back, smirking. “You almost made me forget where I was at? Let’s get you in this car before you get me into trouble.”

  Patricia pointed a finger at me, “You’re the one. I was not expecting…all of that.”

  “But you enjoyed it?”

  She smiled and nodded emphatically, “Hell yes I did. Immensely.”

  “Good,” I responded.

  I walked her to the driver side door, opening it and watching her settle in before I closed it behind her. She rolled down the window immediately.

  “Hey...” she hesitated briefly, “…thanks for a good night.”

  “Thanks for the even better company,” I replied before leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to her lips once again. I couldn’t resist. “Don’t forget to let me know when you’ve made it home.” Then I turned and walked away to my car quickly before I offered to follow her home and directly into her bed to make sure she was safe on all counts.

  I’d barely sat in my car before my phone rang. To my surprise it was Patricia. I answered quickly.

  “Hey…is that taste test invitation still good?”


  Despite being the one who initiated coming over to my place, Patricia seemed to be a bit…skittish. Currently we were sitting in my living room staring at one another. I could tell she was nervous because since she’d arrived she been chattering nonstop about inconsequential things.

  “You know what, I’m going to give you an out here.” I said suddenly, interrupting whatever she was prattling on about now. I wanted to put her at ease and not make her feel like she was…obligated to be here because of how we’d come to make these plans.

  “An out?” she asked.

  “Well…actually, more of like…a rain check. I can tell you’re a little…” I trailed off, making sure to take care with my words so I didn’t talk myself outta anything happening with us, ever, “uneasy right now, so if you’re not down for…sampling tonight, we can get together at another time.”

  “So can I keep it real with you?” Patricia said.

  “Always. Please. I welcome it.”

  “So…I’ve never done…this. The whole two strangers meet, hook up at random thing.”


  “Wait. Let me explain. Obviously you know I’m not a virgin. Far from it, actually. You’ve met my boy,” she laughed, “But every…man I’ve been with in that way has literally played another role in my life in some capacity before we took it to an intimate level. So I’ve never really dated in the traditional sense. Although I guess joining a site for one night stand
hookups isn’t actually dating, but you know what I mean. Anyway…so as you can tell…I’m a bit nervous. But. I don’t want to not do this. Because I want you. And I need this.”

  “So…joining JON was outside the box for you?”

  “Way beyond the box. But this just feels right. So…us…tonight? It’s happening. Nerves be damned,” she said with a little laugh.

  I nodded, now understanding her hesitance a little better.

  “So come here then,” I said, reaching a hand across the sofa in her direction.

  She slid closer and I placed my hand behind her neck, bringing her face closer to mine to kiss her. As I lowered my head, lips nearly touching, I asked, “Do you trust me to take care of you?”

  On a sharp intake of breath, Patricia licked her lips before nodding once. I closed the miniscule amount of space between us and placed a series of soft kisses to her lips. Each kiss I lingered a bit longer, pulling back more slowly each time…eliciting a groan from Patricia. She soon grew tired of my teasing and grabbed both sides of my face pulling me into a kiss that resembled our earlier good night parting kiss from earlier in the night. As our tongues dipped and swirled around each other, she moved closer, settling atop me.

  With the change in position, I explored her curves moving my hands from up around her shoulders to settle firmly upon her ass. I gave the twin globes a squeeze, as Patricia settled into a circular grinding motion in my lap. I disengaged from her mouth, licking and suckling her neck as her grinding intensified. I shifted, planting my hands beneath her ass, so I could move us to the bedroom. We were definitely not going to end up having sex on my couch and her little moans and mewls had me ready to strip off that little wrap dress she was wearing and go to town. As I stood up with her in my arms to walk us back to the bedroom, Pat let out a little squeal.

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” she muttered under her breath.

  I chuckled as I quickly made my way down the short hallway, placing her none too gently on the bed and hovered above her. A few beats passed of us just staring at each other before I motioned to the ties holding her dress together.

  “May I?”

  “If you don’t I’m gonna whip this damn thing off like Clark Kent in a quick change booth.”

  I laughed, shaking my head my head at her ridiculous analogy before tugging once and unraveling the ties that held her dress together. I pulled the two sides apart to get up close and personal with the curves my hands had roamed all evening. She lifted up slightly so I could remove the dress completely, leaving her sprawled across the bed clad in black lace. I made no moves to resume what we’d started in the living room, just stared at the playground in front of me, trying to decide where I’d begin. Patricia made the decision for me as she pulled me on top of her and drew me into an excruciatingly slow, almost drugging kiss. She took her time, as if she were savoring the moment and me. Her hands were busy, unbuttoning the shirt I wore and removing it in a quicker fashion than her lazy kisses belied. I shrugged out of the shirt as she moved onto my belt, unbolting it then unbuckling and unzipping my pants.

  I pulled back to place a series a kisses along her collarbone, licking and sucking a path to the swells of her breasts. Removing her bra, I palmed her breasts, using my thumbs to bring her nipples to attention with quick, glancing swipes around her areola. I moved a bit lower, taking her right nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the tip as I teased and pulled at it gently with my teeth. I gave the other breast attention as well, gripping it and pinching the nipple between two fingers as she squirmed, emitting a soft moan. I went back and forth between her breasts, licking, sucking, and nibbling all over them, from the top to bottom, before moving further south.

  Kissing my way down her body, I noticed her belly button was an outie. I placed a gentle kiss on it, swiping my tongue across it once before continuing my descent. When I reached her panty line, I looked up to see her face. She had her eyes closed, biting down on her lower lip as if she was trying to hold back.

  “Hey,” I said, causing her eyelids to flutter before she cut her eyes in my direction.

  “Don’t hold back on me. I want to hear you. If it feels good, let me know. If it doesn’t, tell me what you like.”

  She swallowed, and then nodded. That damned lip still caught between her teeth. I reached up and pulled it free before continuing back to her sweet spot. I made quick work of her underwear and spread her knees apart before settling in between her legs. Using my thumbs, I spread her open, taking in her pretty ass pussy. She was glistening and damn near had me salivating as I lowered my head to move my flattened tongue in a long swipe against her. She tasted so fucking good, just like I knew she would. I swiped my tongue against her again, using the tip of my tongue to work her pearl. That move made her shift slightly, sitting up and grabbing my shoulders. I settled in, working my mouth over her delectable flesh—licking, sucking and slurping my way to delight.

  I pushed her legs higher, face planting into her pussy as her juices flowed. I lapped them all up, not wanting to miss a drop. I could tell that she was close to cumming as she tapped my head, trying to get me to ease up, but that just made me even more ravenous. I used my tongue to fuck her, darting in and out of her slit, as I felt her thighs began to quiver around my ears.

  “Shiiiiiiiiit, Damon,” she moaned, still trying to move away.

  I locked my arms around her thighs, holding her in place as my tongue traveled in long, unhurried strokes over the entirety of her pussy. I closed my lips around her clit, flickering my tongue and sucking it as she screamed, letting herself fall into the orgasm she had been trying to hold off.

  While she recovered I quickly finished undressing and grabbed protection, placing the condom on the bedside table before lying beside Patricia. I softly touched her face, cupping her chin, and bringing her mouth to mine once again. While we kissed, her hands were on the move, running down my chest and abdominal area before moving lower to cup my dick. As soon as her soft fingers wrapped around my shaft, she slowly moved her hand up and down—her movements in direct opposition to the torrid action of our tongues.

  “I need to feel you inside of me…now,” she whispered, using her other hand to gently squeeze my balls as she continued to stroke me to hardness.

  My mama and daddy didn’t raise no fool, so those softly spoken were all it took for me to pull back, quickly sheathing myself in a condom, and sliding into her welcoming warmth. She was so slippery that I eased in with no problem, groaning at how tight she clenched around me. My movements were slow at first, doling out strokes at a pace that would allow me to maintain some semblance of control until Patricia locked her legs around me, whispering in my ear, “Faster. Harder.” Her wish was my command as I sped up the tempo of my strokes, guided by her vocal acrobatics as I pounded into her.

  “You feel so goddamn good,” I muttered into her ear, catching her lobe between my teeth before slowing my strokes into a slow, circular grind, “Is this…good for you?”

  “Yessssss,” she hissed, that quickening in her thighs returning, letting me know that she was on the precipice of once again cumming.

  I slowed even more, pulling almost all the way out of her, then plunging deep, with her knees draped over my elbows. Suddenly, Patricia arched into me, back coming up off the bed as she cried out, sounding like an old school Mariah Carey note that faded into a satisfied moan. I kept stroking her though the orgasm, eventually succumbing to my own pleasure as I sank into her one final time before growling through my release.


  I slipped on my sandals and quietly exited Damon’s house, making sure to use the lightest touch on the door as it closed behind me. He was completely knocked out when I awakened after round three…or was it four? The only thing that I’m sure of that it was the most ridiculously satisfying night of sex of my life. Damon was a pleaser, hands down. He was more worried about making sure I was okay almost to the point of detriment to his own sexual satisfaction. He had
me clawing at the sheets, damn near Flo Jo sprinting away from the immense please he doled out unselfishly.

  Now don’t get me wrong, Tim—my former FWB was cool. We always had a good time and he definitely made sure I came every time, but Damon? This was some otherworldly shit. He manipulated my body in ways that it had not been previously…by anyone…not even Patrick’s father. Damon worked my body as if it was nearing the end of the month and the rent was due. After passing out I’d awakened a stiff mass of completely satisfied bliss. But life goes on and I needed get the hell out of there and home before my son awakened. My neighbor Mrs. Blakely and I had an arrangement that had been in place for quite some time. Whenever I needed someone to watch PJ while I had an appointment, she was who I called. Never Celena if I could help it because I didn’t need her in my business like that. Baby Sis was the starry-eyed, hopeless romantic of the two of us, so if I told her that I had an arrangement with someone she would be ready to head to the local department store to pick out china patterns. I didn’t need those kinds of problems.

  Mrs. Blakely was eager to step in and help me out, no questions asked. She’d been a single parent herself, raising three kids with little help. She said I reminded her of herself and she knew that I needed to have “me time”. So as long as she had advance notice, she’d allow me that space. All of her children were grown and living spread across this country and the world, so I think she used PJ as a substitute for her grandchildren that she rarely got a chance to see in person. And Patrick loved her, so it was really a win-win situation.

  As I walked into the house, Mrs. Blakely was perched in her favorite spot, watching HGTV. The tufted chaise lounge was one of the few relics from my childhood that I’d held onto. It had been reupholstered several times thanks to the clumsy mess that was my baby boy from the ages two through seven.

  “Hey Mrs. Blakely,” I called out as I walked over to settle in on the sofa. I tried keeping my movements normal, but I could tell I failed when instead of replying to my greeting she just looked over at me with a knowing gleam in her eye.


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