Rescuing His Heart

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Rescuing His Heart Page 1

by Melanie Shawn

  Rescuing His Heart



  Melanie Shawn © 2018

  Google Play Edition

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this book. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission in writing from Melanie Shawn. Exceptions are limited to reviewers who may use brief quotations in connection with reviews. No part of this book can be transmitted, scanned, reproduced, or distributed in any written or electronic form without written permission from Melanie Shawn.

  This book is a work of fiction. Places, names, characters and events are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older.

  Cover Design by Wildcat Dezigns

  Copyedit by CookieLynn Publishing

  Book Design by BB eBooks

  Published by Red Hot Reads Publishing

  Rev. 1.0



  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36


  Excerpt: Rocking Her Heart

  Other Titles by Melanie Shawn

  About the Author


  Genevieve lounged back against the motel room pillows, her raven-black hair cascading over the white cotton of the pillowcase, basking in the glow of a little afternoon delight. She stretched her arms over her head, as content as a cat in sunlight.

  Across the room, Gavin Valentine pulled his boxer briefs up over his finely sculpted ass, and she gave a low wolf-whistle. “Damn, boy. Your glutes get harder every time I see you. That military regimen agrees with your booty.”

  He gave her a tight smile over his shoulder. That didn’t bother her. He played his emotions close to the vest. His smiles were always tight. But, then again, so was his body, and since that’s what she was using him for, it worked out.

  She and Gavin had been hooking up since they were in high school. At first she’d wanted to keep it a secret because he was a year behind her and dating a lowerclassman would’ve damaged her cool-girl cred. Then, she was off to college, so it became a summers-and-breaks thing. By the time she graduated, he’d been off to the military, so it was a when-he-was-home-on-leave thing.

  In the end, it just seemed like too much trouble to get everyone else involved in their business, so they kept it under wraps. She hadn’t even told her best friend.

  Oh, Lord! Can you imagine what Ella would think? Sweet, adorable Ella? In her mind, we’d be walking down the aisle by the end of summer!

  Besides, she liked it this way. She smiled to herself, thinking about it. It was so hot. No strings, no responsibilities, no attachments, no feelings… just this torrid, undercover affair only the two of them knew about.

  She feasted her eyes on him as he dressed across the room, taking note of his finer points. Thick, full brown hair. Sculpted jaw. Deep brown eyes. Broad, muscular shoulders. Six-pack abs…

  Her skin flushed, and a distinctive heat grew between her legs, even though they’d just finished.

  Mmmm. Sexy Thoughts About Gavin – 1, Refractory Period – 0.

  “So, how long are you in town this time?” she purred, getting herself even more worked up. “I could stand to do this once or twice more before your leave is up. Or ten.”

  Gavin turned to face her as he buttoned his shirt, and then replied in a casual tone, as if he weren’t dropping a bomb that would blow up her whole world. “Oh, didn’t I tell you? I’m not on leave.”

  She barked out a laugh. “So, what? Are you AWOL? On the run from the MPs? I’m not going to jail for you, just FYI. I’ll sing like a canary.”

  He shook his head. “No. Not AWOL. I’m out. I’m back for good.”

  Chapter 1

  “Gavin! Oh my God, hi!”

  Pride filled Gavin’s chest at the excitement in his little sister Mila’s voice. Being the kind of man the kid could look up to was important to him. It meant he was living with honor, and hearing her thrilled greetings when he walked through the door was one of his favorite things.

  Of course, now that he couldn’t fly anymore, he hoped there’d still be something there for her to be proud of. He was having a little trouble finding something. Maybe she could.

  He walked into the front room of his brother Troy’s house and gave Mila a hug. When their parents had died when she was only five, Troy had stepped up. Gavin gave him a ton of credit for that. He’d made sacrifices – like leaving his pro baseball career and moving home to Valentine Bay.

  Gavin had been in the military at the time. He couldn’t have moved home even if he’d wanted to. Choices like that weren’t his to make. He’d signed those rights away when he’d signed his enlistment papers.

  However, the thing he couldn’t quite admit to himself was he’d been glad it hadn’t been an option. He liked his life of zero commitments and zero responsibilities. Giving it up would’ve been hard as hell, and he was just grateful Troy had done it… so he didn’t have to.

  “Bye, Gavin! See you later!”

  No sooner had she given him a lightning quick hug and a kiss on the cheek than she was slipping past him out the door and bopping down the walkway, waving at him over her shoulder without even looking back.

  He scowled. “Where’s she going?” he asked his brother. “It’s almost dark.”

  Troy laughed. “Calm down, bro. She’s thirteen, and she’s only going across the street. Her friend lives over there, and they’re studying for a history test. Which basically means they’re going to be copying makeup tutorials from YouTube. It’s harmless.”

  Gavin narrowed his eyes. “I haven’t seen her for over a year. I figured she’d at least stick around for dinner.”

  Troy shook his head. “Again. She’s thirteen. It’s going to be years before dinner with her brother holds a candle to makeup tutorials with her friends.”

  Gavin shook his head. Yeah, he’d liked his independent life, but this was the downside. He’d missed his little sister’s childhood, pretty much.

  “Come on,” Troy said. “Grab a beer from the fridge and hang out at the kitchen table while I finish dinner. Donovan should be here any minute.”

  Gavin followed Troy through the archway that led to the kitchen. “I figured we’d be ordering a pizza. Since when do you cook more than mac and cheese?”

  “About a year ago, Mila got on a food kick. Again, the YouTube videos. She started cooking for us. She’s really good, but as she’s been getting busier with scho
ol and extracurriculars, she’s handed the reins to me.”

  “And are you really good?”

  Troy grinned good-naturedly as he stirred a pot on the stove. “Not by a longshot. But I’m okay.”

  Gavin pulled an amber bottle from the fridge and sat at the kitchen table. “I haven’t had a home-cooked meal in God knows how long. Okay sounds pretty good to me.”

  “Well, dammit, if ‘okay’ is the goal, then I think you’re in for a real treat.”

  “Anybody home?” The voice of their other brother, Donovan, echoed through from the entryway.

  “In the kitchen!” Troy called.

  Donovan entered the kitchen. He and Gavin shared a quick hug, and then Donovan held up the twelve pack of beer in his hand. “For later on the deck.”

  Gavin flashed a quick grin. “You’re officially my new favorite brother.”

  “Like that was ever in question. So, what’s for dinner?”

  “Troy’s cooking.”

  “I told him not to expect better than okay.” Troy interjected.

  “Well, then, he shouldn’t be disappointed.” Donovan grinned, a glint in his eyes, and added, “So, while we’re waiting for the food, what do you say we get a start on these beers?”

  Gavin nodded. “I’d say I like your style.”

  Chapter 2

  Just act normal. I mean, things are normal. Right? So just act like it!

  Genevieve squared her shoulders as she prepped herself to walk through the doors of Cupid’s Arrow Bar and Grill. She’d met Ella for drinks roughly 3.76 times per week, every week, since they’d both hit drinking age over a decade ago. This shouldn’t have been a big deal.

  But, oh. It. Was. It definitely freaking was.

  She wasn’t sure why the knowledge that she and Gavin were both going to be calling Valentine Bay home at the same time again was making her so freaking jumpy, but it sure as hell was.

  Nothing had to change. They could go on just being friends with benefits. They could keep the relationship under wraps. Nothing said they couldn’t. No one needed to find out what was—and had been—going on between them.

  But deep down she knew that was utter bullshit. It was bound to come out now, and Ella would find out that her very best friend in the entire world had been lying to her for…well, ever.

  God. That wouldn’t be a cute conversation.

  Just keep your head on straight and get through drinks and you can figure out a plan tomorrow!

  She took a deep breath and entered the bar. She spotted Ella waving and smiling at her from a booth in the corner, and she hurried over, sliding into the opposite side across from the happy, loving face of her friend.

  She studied Ella’s trusting eyes, her rosy cheeks, her blonde curls. Fuck, she looked like a damn Disney princess! How can you lie to a Disney princess?

  “I’ve been sleeping with Gavin,” Gen blurted, the words almost as much a surprise to her as they clearly were to the newly wide-eyed Ella.

  “I’m sorry…what, now?” she breathed.

  Genevieve sighed. Well, the cat was out of the bag. Gen hadn’t intended to let it escape, but that wily little feline bitch had come clawing its way out anyway.

  “Yeah. Me. And Gavin. Doing the horizontal tango. Yep.”

  Ella’s jaw dropped. “When did this happen?”

  Gen snorted. “When didn’t it happen?”

  Ella shook her head, as if to clear it. “Wait. I’m lost. We’re talking about, like, a drunken one-night stand thing, right?”

  Gen tilted her head to the side. “Um, sure. I guess. Except it wasn’t always drunken. And it’s been more like one thousand nights than one. But, other than that, pretty accurate.”

  Ella screwed her face up. “This is the most confusing conversation I’ve ever been a part of, and I’ve had my fair share. Please start at the beginning, and try to resist your natural urge to tell the entire story in sarcastic asides. I know that will kill you, but just give me the unadorned info, if you please.”

  Gen grimaced. That was almost as painful a proposition as telling Ella about her secret trysts had been in the first place. “I’ll do my best,” she mumbled.

  Ella smiled and patted her hand. “Hey, if grudging agreement is all I can get, I will certainly take it.”

  “Gavin and I have been hooking up. Since high school.” She couldn’t bring herself to do more than mumble.

  Ella’s eyes sparked. “You and Gavin hooked up in high school?”

  Gen gave a tight smile. “No, hon. Since high school. One little word apart, but very different concepts.”

  Ella collapsed against the booth and let out a long, low whistle. Gen had always been a little jealous of her ability to do that. It definitely conveyed a particular response that was difficult to get across in words.

  “I can’t believe it. Genevieve Rollins and Gavin Valentine. Damn.” she breathed.

  “Yeah. I kind of figured it would blow your mind.”

  A storm cloud crossed Ella’s normally-sunny face then, and Gen knew the rough part of the conversation was about to start. She sat up straight and stiffened her shoulders. She was tough. She could do this.

  Hurt threaded through Ella’s voice when she said, “More than that, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

  “Sorry, Ell.”

  “Forget sorry! Why would you even want to keep something like that a secret?”

  “I didn’t want everyone all up in our business.”

  “I’m not everyone. I’m your best freaking friend.”

  “Point taken. But are you telling me you would’ve never slipped and told Donovan?”

  Ella dropped her jaw, the very picture of shocked offense. “I would never!”

  Gen tilted her head to the side and gave her an “oh, really?” look. In response, Ella doubled down on her protest. “I wouldn’t! I swear!”

  “Not even if you got drunk?” Ella opened her mouth to answer, but Gen cut her off. “Before you say anything, let me remind you that you married him while you were drunk and didn’t even remember doing it. So your reliability on the topic of what you would or wouldn’t have done with Donovan Valentine while drunk back in high school is…uh…suspect. To say the least.”

  Ella held her position for a moment, looking like she might still try to push through and make her case, but then her cheeks flushed and her face collapsed into a self-deprecating smirk. She folded her arms across her chest and tilted her chin upward. “Fine. I’ll give you that one. But don’t think that makes us even. You still have a long way to go to make it up to me.”

  “I know, girl. And I will.” Gen smiled. The corner had been turned, and she knew Ella was all but over it. One of the things she loved about her good-hearted friend was her almost pathological inability to hold a grudge. It was one of the purest expressions of her sweet heart.

  Of course, Ella’s saintlihood sometimes had the effect of making Gen feel like a shitty human for all of her own faults, but right now it was working in her favor, so she was willing to overlook all of that.

  Ella shook her head and pressed her fingers to her forehead. “Wow. I can’t believe this has been going on right under my nose all of this time, and I never had a clue! How is that even possible?”

  Gen laughed—a short but good-natured bark of amusement. “Because unlike your transparent ass, I actually know how to hide my feelings.”

  Ella flushed an even deeper shade of red. Her long-time crush-turned-love for Donovan had been obvious to Gen since they were all students at Valentine Bay High. And over all of those years, she’d rarely missed an opportunity to point it out, no matter how Ella had protested that it wasn’t true.

  Of course, since the pair had been an official couple for almost six months by that point, Gen’s insistence on the existence of Ella’s feelings had turned into teasing “I told you so” moments, but Ella was so blissed out on love that she didn’t seem to mind.

  Now the tables were turned, and it was Gen’s love
life in the crosshairs of examination, and she didn’t care for it. Not one little bit. As much as she’d always had laser-sharp insights about other people’s lives—and no issue sharing them, thankyouverymuch—she didn’t like to turn that powerful gaze inward. Ever.

  That had worked fine when all of her emotions and impulses had been under tight control. It had worked great, even. She was starting to get the idea, though, that her normal process might be losing some of its effectiveness. Or, like…all of its effectiveness.

  Tomato. Tom-ah-toe.

  “So, here’s the real question…” Ella began.

  “How’s the sex?” Gen jumped in, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

  Ella laughed. “Of course you would classify that as the ‘real’ question. And don’t get me wrong, we’ll be getting to that for sure. But, no, what I really want to know is, why are you telling me now?”

  Gen shrugged. “You’re my best freaking friend, as you were quick to point out.”

  Ella’s eyes narrowed. “Nice deflection. But I’ll try again. Why are you telling me now?”

  Gen took a deep breath. “Oh, right. That. Yeah. Because I just found out he’s moving home. And I think I might…um…”

  She gulped in another deep breath, but it didn’t make the words any easier to spit out.

  Ella’s face lit up, and she leaned forward. “Are you trying to say that you like him, like him?”

  Gen laughed. God, Ella made everything better. “Yes, Ell. That’s probably how I would’ve phrased it in seventh grade… but sure.”


  “Yeah, I think ‘whoa’ kind of hits the nail on the head here.”

  “How does Gavin feel about it?”

  “Screw how Gavin feels about it. I don’t even know I feel about it!”

  “Oh, yeah. You’re definitely ready to be in a relationship.”

  Gen laughed along with her best friend’s good-natured teasing, but inside, her heart dropped into her gut. Ella had unintentionally spoken aloud Gen’s deepest fear—she simply wasn’t cut out for a relationship and never would be.


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