Chasing Xander

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Chasing Xander Page 2

by Lexi Lawton

  Celeste shrugged. “I don’t know. It sounds like fun, and next year we could move out of the dorms and into a sorority house. I’d like to check out a few rush parties.”

  Kylie nodded. “I’m game.”

  “This is going to be the best year ever!” Celeste looped her arm through Kylie’s.

  She couldn’t have agreed more.

  Chapter Two

  Xander bounced his leg and snuck another look at his cell phone—6:41 p.m. Brad, the fraternity president, had been droning on for almost an hour now. Was he ever going to shut up?

  “So, as I said, our goal is to increase our membership by ten percent, double our charity and fundraising efforts, and try to beat last year’s cumulative house GPA,” Brad said.

  If he repeated the same information one more time, Xander was going to get up and walk out. The thought of doing so brought a smile to his face. That would really piss off Brad. He hated dissent.

  “And we’re going to have some kick-ass parties, too!” Finn shouted and pumped his fist in the air.

  The room erupted in whoops and hollers of agreement. Rho Alpha Theta was known for two things: its high GPA and its parties. The fact the fraternity could successfully do both was a mystery to almost everyone on campus, Xander included. Although, with the grades he’d gotten last semester, it was a miracle the overall house GPA didn’t tank.

  “The activities fair is tomorrow afternoon in the quad. We have a booth and will be recruiting, but we could use a couple volunteers to walk around and direct people our way.”

  Xander’s hand shot up. “Finn and I will do it.” He glanced over at Finn and grinned.

  Brad sighed. But when no one else volunteered, he waved his hand dismissively. “Fine, Xander. You and Finn can do it, but I expect you to be there and stay there. No ditching the event to go hang out with some girl like you did last semester.”

  Laughter rippled through the room. Xander straightened and saluted. “Yes, sir.” That earned him even more laughs and a dirty look from their fearless leader.

  Brad’s face turned red, and he banged the gavel on the table. “All right, settle down.” He smoothed his hands over his sweater vest and cleared his throat. “I believe that’s it for now. We’ll meet again next Thursday and go over our plans for rush week. You’re dismissed.”

  About damn time. Xander stood and stretched. His stomach growled.

  “Finn, Xander, could I see you two for a moment?” Brad waved them over.

  What the hell does he want now? All Xander wanted to do was go eat, have a couple beers, and relax. Between moving in and the intense basketball game earlier, his ass was dragging. Although, meeting Kylie had been fun—and unexpected. She was gorgeous and a little feisty, and she had an innocence about her that he couldn’t quite explain.

  “We need to make a good first impression tomorrow, so I expect you two to be dressed appropriately. Khaki pants or shorts and the polo shirt with the house logo,” Brad said sternly.

  Xander half expected Brad to wave his finger at them like a father scolding a child.

  “You do both still have your house shirts, don’t you?” Brad crossed his arms, his tone condescending.

  “Yep,” Xander said. “Are we done now? I need to go eat.”

  Brad dropped his arms to his sides and balled his hands into fists. “I’m not screwing around, Xander. If you’re not going to take the activities fair seriously, I’ll—”

  “Chill, Brad. We got this. It’ll be fine. Right, Finn?” Xander nudged him.

  “Right, of course.” Finn nodded.

  “Eight a.m. tomorrow.” He pointed at each of them in turn. “Don’t make me regret this.” Brad walked away.

  “He acts like we’re complete morons,” Xander muttered.

  “Don’t let him get to you. It’s Brad being Brad. You know how he is.” Finn shrugged. “He thinks being fraternity president is the most important thing in the world.”

  “When can we vote him out?” Xander laughed. Brad used to be the vice president, but when the previous president suddenly dropped out without any real explanation, the brothers voted to let Brad step up into the position so there wouldn’t be too much disruption. And then no one ever opposed his position.

  “Why? You thinking about running against him?” Finn playfully punched Xander in the arm and laughed.

  “Maybe.” The thought had crossed his mind a time or two, but between his low grades and his father’s ultimatum, running for RAT house president was out of the question. “Or maybe I’ll nominate you.”

  “The fuck you will. I don’t want to be responsible for this house. I just like living here.”

  Xander smiled. Finn was the brother who took Xander under his wing and acted as a mentor. It helped they had a lot in common and quickly became friends. “Want to go grab some food? I’m pretty sure Nelson is open, and it’s close by.”

  Finn scrunched up his nose. “That place is going to be packed.”

  “Want to order a pizza instead?” Not that he really wanted to wait an hour for food, but if he didn’t make a decision soon, he was going to start chewing on his own arm.

  “Nah, let’s get out of here.”

  They left and headed toward the dining hall.

  “So, you never did tell me what happened with the underwear girl today. You get her number?” Finn asked.

  “No.” He’d wanted to, but he had a feeling she wouldn’t have given it to him, considering she’d acted like she hadn’t even wanted to give her name.

  “I’m sure she’ll show up at one of our parties. Most freshmen do.”

  “Wait, she’s a freshman? How do you know that?”

  “Branson Hall is a freshman-only dorm. You didn’t know that?” Finn shoved his hand in his pockets.

  “No.” Xander opened the door to the dining hall.

  Finn walked inside and got in line. “Why’d you volunteer us for the activity fair tomorrow, anyway? I had big plans to do nothing.”

  “Figured we could check out the incoming freshmen, and helping out will go toward our required monthly volunteer time. All we have to do is walk around, hand out some flyers, and talk to people. It’s an easy gig. Quit your bitching.”

  “You just want to use it as an opportunity to scope out chicks.” Finn chuckled. “You’ve got a one-track mind.”

  “Dude, fuck you.” Xander laughed. It was true, though. He wanted to see who was on campus, but not for a random hookup. Those were getting old and boring. He was ready to settle down; maybe not as settled down as his brother, Tanner, but more so than he’d been since starting college.

  “Hey, isn’t that the girl from earlier?” Finn pointed across the dining hall.

  Kylie sat at a table near the wall. She was with another girl, and they were smiling. His heart raced. The memory of her laughter swirled through his mind, tugging at something deep inside of him, urging him to go to her.

  “Who’s that with her?” Finn asked, snapping Xander from his thoughts.

  “I have no idea. Roommate, maybe?”

  “She’s hot.”

  Xander grinned. “C’mon, let’s go talk to them.”

  “I thought you wanted food?” Finn muttered.

  He did want food, but he wanted to talk to Kylie more. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure Finn was with him and then picked up his pace, weaving through the dining hall and around the tables. As he approached, he heard Kylie’s friend say, “He did not! He really said that’s the fastest he’s ever gotten into a girl’s panties?”

  “Yes!” Kylie grinned. “I don’t know if it was a pickup line or not, but it was definitely the most…unique thing any guy has ever said to me.”

  The friend laughed. “It’s the cheesiest line I’ve ever heard.”

  “Cheesy or not, it totally worked.” Kylie popped a french fry in her mouth.

  Xander couldn’t help the arrogant grin that pulled at his lips. Kylie was telling her friend about him?

  “But you didn
’t get his number?” The friend raised a brow. “Do you even know his name?”

  Finn nudged his arm and nodded at the two girls as if to say, “Are you going to introduce me or what?”

  “Yes,” Kylie said. “His name is Xander. Isn’t that sexy?”

  “At your service,” he said, pulling out the chair next to Kylie and sitting.

  Kylie jerked around to look at him. His breath caught. She had the purest green eyes he’d ever seen, and the way they sparkled now was like a punch in the gut. She’d done a hell of a job avoiding eye contact earlier, so he hadn’t noticed them before. But now, he couldn’t stop staring.

  “What’re you doing here?” Her gaze darted to her friend, up to Finn, then back to him. “How long were you standing there?”

  “Long enough to know you think I’m hot and to hear your friend call my line cheesy. I thought it was quite clever.” He smiled, then extended his hand across the table. “Xander Collins.”

  “Celeste Anderson,” she said slowly, shaking his hand.

  “Nice to meet you. This is Finn.” Xander nodded at him. “Finn, meet Celeste and Kylie.”

  “Do you mind?” Finn asked, touching the back of the chair next to Celeste.

  “No, not at all. Please, sit.” Celeste smiled up at Finn, and he promptly sat.

  Kylie cleared her throat. “Um, I mind. We were having a private conversation.”

  “About me,” Xander said. “Therefore, it stands to reason I should be a part of said conversation, don’t you think?”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head. “If we wanted you to be a part of the conversation, we would’ve invited you.” Her lips twitched as if she wanted to smile, but then she pressed her mouth shut.

  Xander let out a sharp laugh. “Would you like us to leave?”

  Kylie stared at him for a moment, and he held his breath, fully expecting her to say yes. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d been shot down by a girl. He refused to look away, though, and that’s when he noticed the light dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her face reddened, making the freckles pop. Goddamn that was sexy as all get out.

  But instead of answering his question, she lurched forward, said “ow,” and then reached under the table to rub her leg. “Did you just kick me?” she said to Celeste.

  “Sorry my friend is being so rude.” Celeste gave Kylie a dirty look, then smiled at Finn. “You two are welcome to stay. If you don’t mind us eating in front of you.”

  “Actually, we’re planning to eat, too,” Finn said. He stood. “We’ll go get some food, give you two a few minutes.” He motioned for Xander to get up.

  Standing, Xander leaned down so his mouth was near Kylie’s ear, and he whispered, “I can massage your leg if you want, get rid of the pain. I’m very good with my hands.”

  She turned her head so her mouth was inches from his. Then she raised one perfectly arched brow. “I certainly hope your massages are better than your pickup lines.”

  He pulled back, momentarily stunned. “You mean the pickup lines that, and I quote, ‘totally worked’?” He straightened, smiling at the shocked expression on her face. “We’ll be back in a minute. Save our seats?” He directed the question at Celeste, who was trying not to laugh.

  “Sure thing,” she said.

  Xander slipped his hands into his pockets and whistled as he followed Finn toward the food. Running into Kylie had been sheer luck, but now that he had, he was going to make the most of it.

  Chapter Three

  “What is wrong with you?” Celeste whispered as soon as Xander and Finn were out of earshot.

  “What’s wrong with me? You’re the one using my leg as a punching bag for your foot.” Kylie reached down and rubbed her shin again. “That really hurt.” An uncontrollable shiver worked its way through her at the idea of Xander massaging her leg.

  “You just got done telling me how hot Xander is and how you wanted to see him again. Well, he’s here, so stop being rude.”

  “I’m not being rude.” Kylie sat back and crossed her arms.

  Celeste stared at her accusingly.

  “Okay, fine, so maybe I was a little rude. But put yourself in my situation. That super-hot guy watched me chase tampons down the sidewalk while he picked up my underwear. How am I supposed to act around him?” She shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you try acting normal? If he was half as embarrassed as you are, he wouldn’t have come over here to talk to you. Just relax, okay?”

  She sighed. “I suppose you’re right.” She glanced toward the food line. Xander and Finn stood near the cash register, deep in conversation, oblivious to the fact they were being watched.

  “Finn is hot.” Celeste propped her elbow on the table, dropped her chin into her hand, and stared. Finn had the classic surfer look: shaggy, sandy-blond hair, blue-gray eyes, tall and tanned, but not quite as muscular as Xander.

  “He’s not bad, but Xander is hotter.”

  “Yeah, if you like that sort of thing.” Celeste tore her gaze from the guys and tossed a french fry at her.

  Kylie laughed. “You mean muscles and chiseled abs and dimples and dark, brooding eyes… Yeah, who wouldn’t like that?”

  “Who wouldn’t like what?” Finn asked as he sat.

  “This delicious dining-hall food,” Kylie said, holding up a pickle. “It’s so good.”

  Xander laughed and took the seat next to her. “You’ve got a strange sense of humor.”

  She shrugged. “You must like it. You keep coming back for more.”

  He twisted the top off his water and took a long drink. “I’m a glutton for punishment, I guess.” He sliced a glance at her, and she didn’t miss the mischievous glint in his eye.

  Her breath caught, and she had to look away. He had a quick comeback for everything she said, and for some strange reason that sent ripples of excitement coursing through her.

  “So, did you get all moved in?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “We got everything into our room, but we still have a lot to unpack and put away.” She picked at her fries, her appetite dwindling.

  “You two are roommates?” Finn asked as he squirted ketchup onto his chicken patty.

  “Yup,” Celeste said.

  “I take it you two knew each other before this?” Xander took a large bite of his taco salad.

  “We’ve been best friends since the fifth grade.” Kylie pushed her tray away and folded her arms on the table.

  Finn whistled. “Nice.”

  “What about you two?” Kylie found herself leaning toward Xander as if her body had a mind of its own and was trying to get closer to him. He smelled of soap and the outdoors. It was a heady combination that left her slightly dizzy.

  “We met three years ago when I pledged RAT house,” Xander said.

  “So, you’re both juniors?” Celeste asked.

  Finn shook his head. “I’m a senior. Xander’s a junior.”

  “Lucky you.” Celeste smiled.

  Kylie’s heart sank. He was an upperclassman. There was no way he’d be interested in an underclassman. More than likely, he’d felt sorry for her earlier and was simply being nice, helping out the klutzy freshman. She was silly to think he’d been flirting with her.

  “You two got any big plans for tonight?” Xander took another drink and then leveled his dark eyes on her.

  One look was all it took for her heart to beat against her chest like a caged animal. “No, not really. We were going to wander around campus, check it out, see if there’s anything happening.”

  “There’s not.” Xander chewed another bite. “The fun won’t start until next weekend.”

  “What’s next weekend?” Kylie asked.

  “Rush parties. Activities at the Student Union. Clubs will start meeting.” Xander shrugged. “Typical college stuff.”

  Celeste perked up, sitting straighter in her seat. “You mentioned you two are in a frat?”


  “What’s it like?” Kylie asked, propping her elbow on the table and dropping her chin into her hand. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it,” Xander said. His face seemed to light up, his eyes dancing with joy. “It’s literally living in a house full of people you’ve handpicked. No matter what happens, you know they’ve got your back. You can’t really find that anywhere else.”

  “That sounds great.” Kylie smiled.

  “We’re thinking about pledging a sorority,” Celeste said.

  “Oh yeah? Which one?” Finn asked.

  Kylie noticed how close those two were sitting, and how when one of them would speak, they had the other’s undivided attention. She didn’t know Finn at all, but she knew Celeste, and she was crushing on him. Hard.

  “Not sure, but we’re going to check out a few of them.” Celeste chewed another fry. “My mom was a Sigma gal, so I guess that makes me a legacy.”

  Xander froze with his fork halfway to his mouth, and a look of concern passed between him and Finn. Kylie tilted her head. What’s that all about? “Is there something we should know about Sigma?”

  Clearing his throat, he shook his head. “I knew a girl from Sigma. She was…trouble.”

  The way he’d said that… It had the hairs on her arms standing on edge. She wanted to ask a dozen more questions, but doing so seemed inappropriate. She barely knew him, and she wasn’t about to pry into his past like that.

  “How’s your leg?” Xander nudged her shoulder. “Still want that massage?”

  She laughed. “I don’t recall ever saying I wanted one in the first place.”

  “Oh, you want it. You know you do.” He winked. “It’s okay to say so. We’re all friends here.”

  Finn laughed and shook his head. “Ignore him. He thinks he’s God’s gift to women.”

  Xander flipped his middle finger in the air, but his gaze was still trained on her as if he were challenging her to deny what he’d said. She couldn’t.

  “We could always go to the meet and greet our RA planned,” Celeste said, interrupting Kylie’s silent stare-off with Xander.

  “I remember those.” Finn nodded. “They were always so lame.”


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