Chasing Xander

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Chasing Xander Page 8

by Lexi Lawton

  “What? No.” He shook his head adamantly, seemingly as shocked as she was. Then he laughed. “It’s a drink that tastes a little like chocolate milk. But hey, if you’re game for an actual blow job, I’m not gonna say no.”

  She laughed nervously. “I’m sure you wouldn’t.”

  “I’m also partial to Slippery Nipples and Redheaded Sluts, preferably together.”

  Her jaw hung open. “Please tell me those are drinks, too.”

  He flung his head back and laughed. “Yes, they’re all drinks. I don’t know who comes up with the names, but there are a lot of dirty-sounding drinks out there.”

  “Really? Like what?”

  “Blue Balls. Anus Burner. The Leg Spreader. Liquid Viagra. Suck, Bang, and Blow. Mountain Dew Me.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “Angel’s Tit. Sex on My Face. Adios Motherfucker. Cock Sucking Cowboy…”

  “Okay, okay, stop!” She was laughing so hard she could barely breathe. She clutched her stomach and took a deep, calming breath. “I’m afraid to ask how you know all of that.”

  “That’s probably smart.” He rubbed his hands up her legs, then back down, once again settling on her knees, leaving her body screaming for more. “How about we stick with an oldie but goodie?”

  “What do you have in mind?” She hoped her voice was sexy and her expression seductive.

  Xander’s eyes darkened, and she knew she’d succeeded. A smile pulled at her lips. There was no way he wouldn’t make a move now. She was giving him all the signs, and if she gave him anymore, she might as well beat him over the head, which she very well might have to do because he clearly wasn’t picking up what she was putting down.

  “Tequila,” he said.

  She’d never had so much as a sip of tequila before, but she knew it was hard liquor. Slowly, she nodded, although she didn’t know why. She had a gut feeling she wasn’t going to like it, and knowing it was the one drink her father never touched didn’t help, either. He said it would fuck you up worse than taking a semi straight up the ass, whatever the hell that meant.

  After telling Eric what they wanted, Xander turned his attention back to her. “You ever done this before?”

  She shook her head, feeling like the slow kid among a group of geniuses. “Hard liquor really isn’t my thing.”

  “Hmm. Maybe tequila isn’t a good choice, then. We should stick with something…easier.”

  She narrowed her eyes. Was he saying that because he was genuinely concerned, or was he subtly mocking her for not being a seasoned drinker? “No, I want to try it.” It was pure stubbornness that made her say that, and as soon as the words were out of her mouth, she wanted to take them back. But that would make her look stupid, and she didn’t want that, either.

  “Are you sure?” His dark eyes sparkled again, and she was lost in his gaze. Did he make his eyes do that on purpose?

  “Yeah.” She chewed on her bottom lip. “It’s not that bad, is it?”

  “Here you go.” Eric set two shot glasses on the bar along with a salt shaker and a sliced lime.

  Okay, what the hell was going on?

  Xander took her hand and flipped it so her palm was up. Keeping his eyes on hers, he brought her hand to his mouth and licked the inside of her wrist. She froze, her heart beating so loudly she couldn’t hear anything but the erratic thump thump. He grabbed the salt and shook some of it onto her wrist. Then he licked her again, only this time he lingered, his lips puckering against her sensitive skin almost like he was sucking on it. Desire pooled between her legs. His lips were so soft, his tongue so warm. She drew a shaky breath, unable to pull away.

  After another moment, he lifted his head, releasing his hold on her wrist, and downed the tequila before snatching a lime wedge and sucking on that. Kylie couldn’t stop staring. Who knew taking a shot of liquor could be so complicated? And hot? Before she could stop herself, she fanned her face with her hand, which made him grin with triumph.

  “Still want to try it?” he asked, his voice deep and raspy.

  Good Lord. How could she ever deny him when he spoke like that? He was sex personified, a walking, talking, teasing orgasm. And heaven help her, she wanted to tackle him to the floor and let him show her what else he was capable of with that tongue of his.

  Kylie cleared her throat and took the salt shaker, forcing her hand to remain steady when all it wanted to do was tremble. She could still feel his mouth on her wrist, his hot breath, his soft lips and wet tongue. Suppressing a groan, she stared at him, thankful she was fuzzy from the two Sex on the Beach shots she’d done.

  “Where do you want it?” She waved the salt shaker.

  His full lips parted into a panty-melting smile. “Wherever you want to put it, sweetheart.”

  Thank fucking God she was sitting because she swore every bone in her body melted, leaving her a quivering mess of unquenched need. And then his words sunk in. He’d given her complete freedom to pour salt wherever she wanted on his body. A slow grin tugged at her mouth, and she stood, her knees wobbly.

  She stepped forward and stood between his parted legs. “I’m pretty sure we’d need privacy for what I’m thinking.”

  Xander’s eyes widened, but only briefly, and then he was back to his smoldering, arrogant, collected self. “Lucky for us, I have a room upstairs.”

  She didn’t respond to that right away because she knew if she did, she’d be upstairs, naked, and in his bed before she could blink. While the idea was tempting, she was a chickenshit. And she didn’t want her first time to be during a frat party with a guy she barely knew. Granted, she wanted Xander in the worst way, but not here and not tonight. She ran her fingers through his hair, tilting his head to the side, and then she licked his neck. She prayed her tongue was as sexy and erotic as his had been, but she was afraid it felt more like a slobbering dog.

  He put his hands on her waist, squeezing enough to cause her to step closer, and then he groaned. That was hands down the sexiest sound she had ever heard. “Interesting choice,” he said, keeping his head tilted. There was a playful edge to his voice.

  With a trembling hand, she shook the salt onto his neck, licked her lips, and lowered her head. She licked the salt from him and then placed several quick, featherlight kisses to his neck. He groaned again, this time a little louder, and she smiled against his skin. Reluctantly, she pulled away and reached for the tequila. But before she could get it, Xander snatched it and tossed it back. She stared at him, eyes wide. He made a face, then reached for the lime and put it in his mouth.

  He held the lime between his teeth and raised both brows, daring her. When she hesitated, unsure what he wanted, he crooked his finger at her. She closed the distance between them and put her lips around the lime, taking it from his mouth. Or rather, she tried, but he didn’t let go, and so she sucked on the fruit, their lips almost touching, but not quite. When she pulled away, he placed the rind on the bar.

  “You took my shot,” she said lamely.

  “You wouldn’t have liked it.” He put his hands on her waist again. “And I don’t want you to get sick.”

  Before he could respond, a tall brunette stumbled over and flung her arms around his neck, knocking Kylie out of the way. “Xander!” the girl shrieked. “I’ve been looking all over for you.” She planted a kiss right on his lips.

  Kylie’s stomach clenched, and she worried the alcohol she’d consumed was going to make a reappearance. She cupped her hand over her mouth until the urge to vomit passed, and she sat back down on her barstool.

  Xander physically removed the girl’s arms from around his neck and gave her a dirty look. “Christ, Lora. How much have you had?”

  Lora giggled. “Enough to keep up with you.” She winked, then nudged him, their unspoken relationship flashing like a neon sign in Kylie’s face.

  There was no way she was going to sit here and watch them. Kylie stood and grabbed the bowl of rice that contained her cell phone. “I’m going home. Thanks for the shots.” Her gaze lingered on him
for a moment, then sliced to Lora. She wanted to gouge the bitch’s eyes out.

  “You’re leaving?” He stood, his back to Lora as if he didn’t care that she was there.

  Nodding, Kylie said, “Yeah, don’t want to ruin your plans or anything.”

  He crossed his arms. “You leaving definitely ruins my plans.” His gaze roamed down her body like a heated caress, making her breath catch and her heart flutter.

  They stood staring at each other, neither of them speaking. Finally, after several moments, his expression softened, and he dropped his arms to his sides. “Can I walk you home at least?”

  “Yes.” She was grateful for his offer because she didn’t want to be wandering around campus alone at night.

  “I’ll go get your stuff from my room.” He disappeared upstairs.

  “I didn’t realize Xander was here with a date,” the girl said, her eyes cold and hard.

  “Oh, I’m not his date.” Am I? Those words were sharp and jagged, cutting into her deeply.

  “Hmm.” Lora glanced over her shoulder, then back at Kylie. “Good. A word of advice. Don’t get involved with Xander Collins. He’s not the boyfriend type. Trust me, I know. He and I have been hooking up for almost a year now, and he won’t commit. You’re better off with someone else.”

  Kylie narrowed her eyes and glared at her. “Thanks for the warning.” She shook her head. What the hell was this girl’s problem?

  Xander returned with her wet shirt and bra. He’d rolled them up in the towel she’d used and tucked it under his arm. “Ready?”

  Kylie nodded.

  “I’ll be here when you get back,” Lora called after him.

  He grunted and mumbled something under his breath that sounded an awful lot like, “Then I won’t be coming back.”

  Kylie smiled to herself and let Xander lead her out of the frat house.

  Chapter Ten

  Xander tried to keep the smile from his face as he ushered Kylie out the door. She looked absolutely adorable. Her auburn hair, mostly dry now, was wild and frizzy, loose strands blowing around her face. She practically hugged the bowl of rice to her chest. His shirt was way too big for her and hung almost to her knees, but damn if she didn’t look good. And all he could think about was getting her out of those jeans. There wasn’t anything sexier than a woman in a man’s shirt and nothing else. Oddly, he’d never given a woman any of his clothes before, but she could have every piece of clothing he owned if that’s what she wanted.

  His steps faltered. What the fuck? First he offered to buy her a new cell phone, and now he was willing to give her his clothes? Maybe he’d had more to drink than he thought. Why else would he want to give her things he’d never wanted to give another woman?

  “Who was that girl?” she asked suddenly.

  “You mean the girl from the party?”

  Kylie nodded.

  He shrugged. “I guess you could call her an ex.”

  She gave him a disbelieving look. “Apparently she didn’t get the breakup text.”

  Xander let out a surprised laugh, and then he frowned. “What did she say to you?” His stomach clenched. He’d hooked up with Lora for less than two weeks, and she hadn’t left him alone since. She was always texting him and showing up at the house, hoping he’d be drunk and alone so she could jump into his bed again. Biggest mistake of his life getting involved with her.

  “Short version? You’re trouble, and I should stay away from you. Then she rambled about you two hooking up on and off for about a year. I don’t know. I stopped listening to her.”

  The tips of his ears burned with anger. “I can promise you it wasn’t a year. Not even close. And I haven’t been with her in almost six months.” Looked like he was going to have to tell Lora—again—that he wasn’t interested in her. “Trust me, I’m single.” He needed her to know that.

  “Not really my business.” She climbed the steps to her residence hall, then stopped. “Thanks for walking me home.”

  He plastered a smile on his face to hide the growing panic taking root in his chest. He didn’t want to leave her yet. “I don’t mind walking you all the way up to your door. Unless you don’t trust me.”

  If they’d only had more time at the house, he was positive he could’ve convinced her to go up to his room with him. Of course, Lora had ruined that. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing, though. At least this way, he could get to know Kylie better and not rush into having sex with her like he had with every other woman he’d been with. Kylie was special—he’d known that the moment he’d met her—and she deserved more than his normal one-night hookup. She wasn’t a “one and done” kind of girl.

  She narrowed her eyes, and then a smile lit up her face. “Ah, now I get it.”

  He cocked his head. “Get what?”

  She sauntered down the steps and stood directly in front of him; the only thing separating them was the bowl of rice. “Why you kept ordering shots.” She grabbed some rice and playfully tossed it at his chest. Her lips twitched as if she were trying not to laugh. “You were hoping to get me drunk so you could take advantage of me.”

  “First of all…” Chuckling, he brushed off the rice that stuck to his shirt, tempted to throw some at her, too. “I wasn’t trying to get you drunk. I was trying to make sure you didn’t. And second of all, I don’t need to take advantage of you, or anyone else for that matter.” He reached up and brushed a strand of hair from her face, tucking the soft locks behind her ear. “You would have come willingly.”

  She picked a stray piece of rice from his shirt and patted his chest. “Guess we’ll see about that, won’t we?” With a shrug, she turned on her heel and let herself into the residence hall.

  He rushed to catch up to her, barely squeezing through the door before it closed and locked him out. Her words swirled in his mind. Was she going to invite him into her room? The idea she might excited him. Shit. Did he have a condom with him? He followed her up to the second floor.

  “Oh great.” Kylie stopped outside her door.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Celeste isn’t alone.” She motioned toward the bright pink sock on the doorknob.

  Smiling, he shook his head, then flung his arm around her shoulders and turned her away from the door. “C’mon. She’s with Finn, and I’m not about to cock block a brother.”

  “No way.” She shook her head. “Celeste wouldn’t hook up with some guy she’s only known for a week. She’s not like that.”

  He stopped and dropped his arm from around her. “Then, by all means, walk in and prove me wrong.”

  She glanced back and forth between him and the closed door, then sighed. She scrunched up her face. “I was really hoping to get out of these wet jeans.”

  He raised a brow and leaned closer, desire curling around his shaft and squeezing. “Now I know I can help you with that.” His palms itched at the thought of undoing the button and easing down the zipper before he peeled the denim from her legs.

  A short, surprised burst of laughter escaped before she slapped her hand over her mouth. Her face reddened, making her adorable freckles more prominent. “Too bad my room is occupied.”

  “Mine’s not.”

  “I take it we’re going back to the party, then?”

  Holy shit! Her response had him taking a small step back. He never expected her to agree. In fact, he wasn’t prepared for her to, which had his mind racing. His entire body was on edge, demanding he march her back to his room and spend the night fucking her, but… He sighed and dragged a hand through his hair, knowing he was probably going to regret this in the morning. “Actually, I was thinking we’d go get some breakfast. If you want to.”

  “I’d really like to get some dry pants—these are so uncomfortable—but I’m not going to interrupt them.” She inclined her head toward the closed door.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, it’s fine. Where did you want to go?”

  “There’s a great, twenty-four-hour restaurant not f
ar from here. Best eggs and bacon ever. We’ll take my car.”

  “That’s good because I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t like my car.”

  “Why’s that?” When they made their way back to the lobby, Xander held open the door for her.

  “Because it’s invisible.” She grinned, then brushed against him on her way out the door.

  The much too brief contact left him questioning his decision to give her food instead of something more intimate. He wanted to grab her and pin her against the building, to have her tongue in his mouth instead of on his neck… “Wait, what? You don’t have a car?” He followed her outside.

  “Nope. Letting me drive is a bad idea, anyway. I’d give you one hell of a ride you’d never forget.”

  “Told ya you’d come willingly.” He winked and walked with her toward his car, grateful her residence hall wasn’t too far from his frat house and even closer to the parking lot he used.

  “My God.” She laughed. “You’re a certified pervert, aren’t you?”

  “I prefer sexually charming.”

  “Of course you do.” She rolled her eyes, but he saw the smile she tried to hide from him. “Let me guess. You probably have some macho name for your junk, too.”

  “My junk?”

  “Yeah, you know…” Her gaze darted to his crotch, then back up to his face, her eyes wide. “Your junk.”

  Xander let out a loud laugh. That was honestly the first time anyone had ever asked him that question. She’d shocked him more than once with the things she said, but she hadn’t been this snarky before. His smile didn’t fade as he thought about spending more time with her and hearing what else would come out of her mouth.

  “What kind of car do you have? Probably something big, huh? Jacked up with chrome spinners. Tinted windows. Smoke stacks. Killer radio with obnoxiously large speakers.” She shifted the bowl in her arms. “You do know what a guy’s car says about him, don’t you?”

  He shook his head, still smiling. “No, I don’t.”

  “The bigger the car, the smaller the dick.”


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