Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter collection 11-15

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Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter collection 11-15 Page 193

by Laurell K. Hamilton

  I just stared at him. “How could you not want to learn as much about them as you could?”

  “I live with lions, I don’t need to read about them.”

  “I live with vampires, and raise zombies damn near every night, but I still read my trade publication, and keep abreast of the articles on all the undead.” I shook my head at the level of arrogance he was admitting to. The really scary part was that he didn’t see it as arrogance.

  I couldn’t deal with Auggie anymore. I still felt the pull of his power, but it was just love. I could fight against love. Richard and Jean-Claude had given me lots of practice doing that.

  I patted Nathaniel’s arm. He kissed me on the cheek and let me go. I went to where Noel was waiting on the floor. “Get up, Noel.”

  He got up, eyes flicking behind me toward Auggie. It made me glance back, but the vampire actually wasn’t doing anything but looking at him. I touched Noel’s shoulder, turning him so he couldn’t see Auggie. “What’s up, Noel?”

  “Travis and I need to talk to you.” He tried to glance back at Auggie. I touched his arm, kept him from doing it.

  “Fine, we’ll talk.” I started toward the couch. I herded Noel with me. Micah and Nathaniel came at our backs. I wasn’t sure if they wanted to hear everything, or were covering my back in case Auggie decided to get all weird again.

  Requiem was sitting beside Travis. He had a hand on the man’s forehead. “He is going into shock.”

  I knelt in front of Travis. His face was gray-tinged. “Jesus, Travis, shift and heal this.”

  He gave a small, tight shake of his head. His voice was tight, but breathy. “Give me your beast, make me change.”

  “My beast is fine where it is, Travis.”

  “You need to feed the ardeur on one of us, or give us your beast, Anita, please.”

  I looked into his pain-filled face. “Do you really want to have metaphysical sex while you have a broken arm?”

  He shook his head, grimacing. His upper body folded over his injured arm. He spoke, still bent over. “No, not really, but I also don’t want you making that blue-haired freak our Rex.”

  “I won’t…”

  He stared at me from inches away. His face was beaded with sweat. He was shaky, and hurting, and should have seemed weak, but he didn’t. There was a lot of force in that look. “Anita, if you make him your animal to call, or your Rex to your lioness, then he’ll share in your power. No way would any dominant lion with that much power be able to leave the local pride alone. Lions aren’t like the rest of the big cats. We aren’t live and let live. We’re very much about who’s the biggest cat in the pool. Joseph chose his Regina for love, not power. She’s nice, but she’s his wife, not a power to be reckoned with. If you give that other guy your power, then he won’t be able to leave us alone. The lion in him will be compelled to find us, and conquer us.”

  I looked back across the room at Auggie. “You agree with his assessment of the situation, Auggie?”

  Auggie nodded. “Yes, but I’m not sure that Haven being your Rex is as certain as you and the other cats think. I’ve bound you with my power, Anita; what if your reaction to my lions is so strong because of that? Not just your beast, but my power helping make my lions more appealing.” It was the smartest thing he’d said in a while. It left me wondering which was the real Auggie, thoughtful-guy or sexist-idiot-guy?

  I nodded. “Okay, maybe, how do we test this little theory?”

  “Anita reacted to your lions before you rolled her,” Micah said.

  “Shit,” I said, “Micah’s right. My initial reaction to Pierce and Haven was funky from the beginning, before we had our little power duel.”

  Auggie nodded. “Then perhaps what your lioness is seeking is a dominant. Either way, the way you react to Pierce, as opposed to these two, will tell you something. Either my power has made it worse, or your power seeks stronger prey. Jean-Claude believes that your ardeur seeks stronger prey; why not your beast?”

  I glanced at Jean-Claude. “Getting chatty, are we?”

  “I am seeking answers, ma petite. Augustine may not be trustworthy in all things, but when he gives his word, he keeps it.”

  “So you asked his opinion, after getting his word of honor he wouldn’t tell our secrets anywhere.”

  Jean-Claude nodded.

  I didn’t like it, but I had to trust that Jean-Claude knew what he was doing. Besides, we did need help figuring some of this out. The list of Masters of the City that he trusted at all was damn small. It might be smaller after this visit, if I could vote on the list.

  “Please, Anita,” Travis said, “please, give me your beast. Feed on one of us. Don’t give that freak power over us.”

  “I don’t need to give my beast up, and I don’t want to raise it on purpose. I don’t know how to stop it, once it starts.”

  “Start it, and give it to me.”

  “Travis, just shift.”

  He shook his head stubbornly.

  “Then feed the ardeur on me,” Noel said.

  I looked into his face, those eyes behind his wire-framed glasses. He looked so sincere and so young. “You don’t know what you’re asking, Noel.”

  “Just mark their necks,” Nathaniel said.

  I looked at him. Usually, Nathaniel liked to be the only one that I marked up. He shared with Micah, but he didn’t like it when I marked anyone who was just food. “Usually you complain about that,” I said.

  “The jolt of power with Pierce could happen with anyone who was a preternatural. But what happened with Haven when you tried to touch his neck, that was different. Try to do the vampire greeting thing on their necks, and see if you get a similar reaction.”

  “Beauty and brains,” Auggie said. “Lucky you.”

  I wasn’t sure who he was calling lucky—me, Jean-Claude, or Nathaniel. We all ignored him. “All right, Nathaniel, all right. I’ll try, but if this doesn’t work at all, Travis has to shift and heal that arm.” I looked at Travis as I said it.

  Travis nodded. “If you try it on both of us, and nothing happens, okay.”

  Requiem tucked his black cloak closer around him. The movement made me look at him. “You are master here, Jean-Claude, but before she uses the ardeur again, should we not talk?”

  That made me look back at Jean-Claude. He nodded. “Yes, but perhaps our young lions could go back to Dr. Lillian for a time.”

  Travis gave him a look that said, clearly, he wasn’t moving. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Are you refusing the direct order of the Master of the City?” Auggie asked.

  I raised a hand, and said, “Don’t start that shit again, Auggie. Not your city, not your call.”

  “I don’t think Travis feels well enough to walk back to Dr. Lillian,” Noel said. “What if we give our word that we won’t tell anyone what you say?”

  “You are young and live in a time where you do not truly understand what it means to give your word,” Jean-Claude said.

  “Besides,” Micah said, “if Joseph ordered you to tell him, you’d have no choice.”

  Travis let out a long shaking breath, cradling his arm against his body. “Help me up, Noel.”

  “What can be so private that you’re making him move?” I asked.

  “We could move,” Nathaniel said.

  “Yeah,” I said, “all the able-bodied, except for Noel, follow me.”

  “Are you really going to let her make us all move, so the lion won’t have to?” Auggie said.

  I stopped a few steps beyond the group, because only Nathaniel and Micah were following me. Claudia was looking from Jean-Claude to me, and the rest of the guards were looking to her. We were deep into the pissing contest and Claudia was trying to decide what would help and what would hurt.

  I pointed a finger at Auggie. “I’m getting tired of you.” I switched the finger to Jean-Claude. “Please, tell me you are not going to grandstand to save face in front of Auggie. It will cost us nothing to move down the ha

  “He lost a fight,” Auggie said, “it should hurt.”

  I waved a hand at him, as if waving him away. “I’m not talking to you, I’m talking to my master, thank you very much. Jean-Claude?”

  It wasn’t so much that I could see him think it through, because his face was perfect and unreadable. But I’d been staring at that empty face for years now. It was almost like I could feel him thinking it through.

  He gave a small nod. “Very well.” He went to me, and I held out my hand to reward this show of common sense.

  “I see the local Rex isn’t the only one pussy-whipped around here,” Auggie said.

  I started to get angry, but Jean-Claude pulled on my hand. He told me with a glance that he’d take care of it. He turned those dark-blue eyes on Auggie, and said, “And if you knew that she would cover you in the ardeur, and love your body, would you stay here, or would you go where she wished you to go?”

  Auggie stared at him for a second, then started shaking his head, over and over again. He walked toward us, then kept walking. He walked into the far hallway, and kept walking until he was lost to sight.

  “When he faces us again, ma petite, he will have his people at his back. I do not think he will risk himself alone with us again.”

  I squeezed Jean-Claude’s hand. It made him look at me. “I don’t think he’s afraid of being pussy-whipped,” I said.

  Jean-Claude actually managed to look humble. “Perhaps not.”


  “WHAT DO YOU mean, I was about to bind Requiem to me forever?” We were having our super-secret meeting in the hallway. It was empty, and I didn’t want to walk all the way back to Jean-Claude’s room.

  “I have tried to teach you different ways to feed, ma petite, and you have learned well.”

  I could have argued that, but I let it go. “Just explain what you said, Jean-Claude. You don’t have to protect my ego, just say it.”

  “You have fed on Requiem, but always before you were holding back, or I was so deeply emmeshed with you when you did it, that I was in some way controlling what happened.”

  I nodded. “And?”

  “It is possible to know the innermost desire of a person. The ardeur can give you a glimpse into his soul.”

  “I know that, it happens a lot.”

  He shook his head. “But that is exactly the point, ma petite, it should not happen a lot.”

  “But it does; that’s how the ardeur works when I feed completely.”

  He shook his head again. “Non, ma petite, it is not necessary to know someone’s heart’s desire to feed completely.”

  “It makes a better feeding, more energy, if you know their deepest wish and give it to them.”

  He nodded. “Oui, but what is the rule for all the gifts of my bloodline?”

  I frowned at him. “I don’t…oh, that they’re two-edged swords. All of Belle’s powers cut both ways.”


  I was still staring at him. “If you have a point to make, please make it, because if that was a hint, I don’t get it.”

  “When you first met Micah, what did you need in your life?”

  “Stop trying to make me reason this through, Jean-Claude, just tell me.”

  “You will not like it,” he said.

  “I’m getting that impression, but remember I’m a jerk-the-Band-Aid-off kind of girl. Just tell me.”

  “You needed help with the wereleopards, and with all the other shapeshifters that you were beginning to try to help. It was your willingness to help many kinds of shapeshifters that laid the groundwork for our so-lovely coalition. You yourself said that so much that was wrong with the lycanthrope community could be fixed if they would only talk to each other.”

  “I remember all this, so what?”

  “You needed a man in your life who simply said yes, instead of arguing with you or running his own agenda. You needed someone to put your needs first.” He looked at me, as if he’d been very clear. It wasn’t clear to me.

  “Doesn’t everyone?” I said.

  “I think I get it,” Micah said, softly.

  I turned to him. “Then tell me.”

  “My heart’s desire was safety for my people, and a partner powerful enough, passionate enough, to help me save them. We both got what we wanted most, out of each other.”

  I frowned, trying to think, then said slowly, “Are you saying that I caused Micah to be everything I needed him to be?” I looked at Jean-Claude. “Are you saying that even now, he’s like under my power? That that’s why he never argues with me? That he’s under a spell?” I looked back at Micah, to see if his face was as horrified as mine felt.

  He looked the same as ever, calm, ready to do what was needed. So practical, so…so everything I needed in a man. Shit.

  He smiled at me. “Don’t look so horrified, Anita.”

  “Do you normally argue more than this?”

  He shook his head. “I was always pretty easygoing, and years trapped in Chimera’s group took care of most of my rebellion. It was too expensive to the people around me to be a smart-ass.”

  “Is everything we have just vampire tricks, except I’m the vampire? Is it all a lie?”

  “This was the reaction I feared you would have,” Jean-Claude said.

  “What reaction am I supposed to have?” I asked, and it was almost a yell.

  “You missed part of his point,” Micah said.

  “What part?”

  “If the ardeur made me into your perfect mate, then it made you into mine. It’s a double-edged sword, remember.”

  Was I under a spell? My own spell? It was too complicated for me. I turned back to Jean-Claude. “I don’t understand this. I mean, if this is true, then how could we not have noticed?”

  “But, ma petite, you did notice. Your Nimir-Raj is the first man you have ever had sex with on first meeting. He is the first man you have ever allowed yourself not to push away, is he not?”

  I wanted to argue, and I couldn’t. Damn it, but I couldn’t. “Shit,” I said.

  I turned, and looked at Nathaniel. He gave me a gentle smile, like you’d give someone in the doctor’s office who just got bad news.

  “If this is true about Micah and me, then…”

  “Oui, ma petite, the same would be true of Nathaniel.”

  “No, it was different, very different with both of them.”

  “But they are very different men. One heart’s desire is not the same as another’s.”

  “I resisted Nathaniel for months before we had sex.”

  “Oui, but it was not sex that Nathaniel wanted, not truly; he wanted to be loved and valued for himself, not just for his body. By denying him sex, but loving him, you gave him what he wanted most.”

  I felt like I was choking. I couldn’t breathe. My back hit the wall. I leaned against it, trying to think, and failing.

  “The only two men in my life that I haven’t seen all the way through are you and Richard.”

  Jean-Claude nodded. “I knew how to keep you out, and Richard was strong enough, and conflicted enough, not to know his own heart’s desire.”

  “But everyone else,” I stared at him. “Asher, Damian, maybe even Jason, hell, I don’t know.”

  Requiem spoke then. “I think that your ardeur holds not just lust, Anita, but love, as Belle’s ardeur did. As my Ligeia’s ardeur did.”

  “I’ve been inside Belle’s head. She wouldn’t know real love if it bit her on the ass.”

  He gave a small smile, as if I’d amused him. “She knows the ardeur as a warrior knows his weapon. She knows the art of causing love and devotion, even addiction, in others, without suffering it herself.”

  “Are you saying I’m doing it wrong?”

  He seemed to think about it, then nodded.

  “How do you know?” I asked.

  “There was a moment when you looked deep into me. I felt you see all the way down into my soul, Anita. I felt you caress the deepest pain I own. Be
lle Morte would have coaxed that pain to life and used it to torment me. You were going to try to heal it.”

  “I was supposed to heal you, right?”

  “Physically, ma petite, not emotionally.” He touched my face, staring at me, as if he were trying to read something from my face. “And certainly not his deepest hurt.” He let his hand drop away, but continued to study my face.

  “I don’t know how to do anything halfway, Jean-Claude. It’s all or nothing for me, you should know that by now.”

  He nodded and looked unhappy. “You are quite right, ma petite. I am your master and this is all my fault. I should have seen it.”

  “Seen what, exactly?”

  “You have been obsessed with learning to control the feedings, ma petite. It has made me obsess with you, but there are other things to learn about controlling it. Things I have neglected to teach you.”

  “You could not have taught her control of this, not when the ardeur was fresh, Jean-Claude,” Requiem said. “I was with Ligeia from the moment she gained the power. The first few months are a wild thing. I thought she would go mad with it.” He gripped Jean-Claude’s shoulder. “My understanding is the ardeur rose for the first time with Micah. There was no controlling it.” He looked at me, and at Micah. “It has actually worked out extremely well for all concerned.”

  I turned and looked at Micah, and Nathaniel. “I trapped you both. I rolled you.”

  They exchanged a look, then both looked back at me. “We love you,” Micah said.

  Nathaniel moved in, as if he’d hug me. I moved farther down the wall, out of reach. “But it’s all vampire powers. It’s a lie—doesn’t that ruin it for you? I trapped you. I trapped you both; it’s worse than what Auggie did to us. It’s not fake, it’s like real love. I made you both fall in love with me, that’s like evil.”

  “If you made us fall in love with you, but didn’t love us back, maybe it would be evil,” Micah said, “but you do love us back.”

  “But it’s a lie, Micah. It’s all a lie.”

  He gave me a look, that look that said I was being silly. But I wasn’t being silly, was I? “I’ve been in love before, Anita, remember.”

  “Becky, your high school sweetheart, college fiancée,” I said.


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