A Heart Reborn

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A Heart Reborn Page 11

by BK Harrell

  “Fine, it turned into a booty call. We talked, he touched me, and we were both done.”

  “Well, you had better get to bed. You look worn out and Harry has a game tomorrow afternoon. Get some rest, I’ll see you before lunch.”

  No matter what, Sarah couldn’t erase the smile from her as she peeled off her clothes and took in her commando state. He was definitely going to owe her some new panties, especially if he kept that up.” Sleep came easily, and the dreams were more erotic than she had in a long time.

  The next morning Sarah awoke rested and ready to face the day. She certainly had missed sex, but as hard and fast as it was last night, that wasn’t sex. It was about two people reconnecting and making love. She could feel it in his touch and in the way he held her during and afterwards. No matter what, Sarah couldn’t lose track of what she had to do. She couldn’t get too attached to his touch, because she knew she was going to lose it when he found out about Harry. Showered and dressed for the day, Sarah dreaded the attitude that awaited her downstairs with Harry. As she walked into the kitchen, she heard her mom and Harry laughing about something. She was surprised when Harry hopped off the barstool and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I love you, mom. I’m sorry about the way I acted the last couple of days. Nana and I talked, and though I don’t understand why you did what you did, I respect your decisions, and will wait until you’re ready for me to meet him.”

  Sarah kissed the top of his head, “Thank you, buddy. I love you, too and I promise that it will happen.”

  Sarah sat down, and they ate breakfast together, enjoying their normal family conversation. As soon as they were finished, Harry ran back upstairs to get ready for his game, and Sarah braced herself for more of her mother’s inquisition.

  “So, I take it you slept well.” Her mom said with a wink.

  “Better than I have in a long time. I’m not sorry that I did it. I think it’s what we both needed. There was definitely not a lot of talking. I mean we talked while we ate, and we both said some things that really hit the other square in the heart. We didn’t resolve any long-standing issues, but it felt so good to be in his arms again.”

  “Well, I have faith that you two will eventually find your way back to each other. The road may be rocky, but the end will be worth it.”

  “I hope so, mom. I just think…” Sarah stopped talking when she heard Harry come down the stairs.

  “Are y’all ready to go? The game’s not going to win itself.”

  Sarah laughed and stood as she and her mother gathered their things. With everything that happened last night, she hoped that Coop didn’t make a surprise visit to the ballfield today. She couldn’t easily run away today and she would have a lot of explaining to do.

  As the game ended, Sarah had just about lost her voice from yelling for Harry. He had hit three homeruns and made four excellent plays at third base. They won 20-2 and the game ended after the top of the fifth inning. Thankfully, there had been no Coop sightings at the field.

  After a quick team meeting, they all headed to Dave and Busters for a celebratory lunch. No matter how old Harry got, Sarah always enjoyed watching the thrill in Harry’s eyes as he won tickets playing the various games. She had learned long ago not to accept his challenges, but she still played skeeball with him just for the fun of it. About halfway through their time in the Midway, Sarah felt her phone buzz. Looking at it she was not surprised to see a text from Coop.

  H: Done with the family thing early. Can I fix you dinner tonight? I wanted to see you again before I left town.

  Sarah, stopped walking as she read the text. She wanted to see him again before he left, but would this make her look too eager. To hell with it. Her mom was working tonight and Harry was going to his best friend’s house to spend the night since they were off from school for a teacher’ work day on Monday so she would just be at home alone. Sarah walked over to her mom and showed her the text. “What do you think? Will I look too needy?”

  “I think you both need each other. What were you going to do otherwise, sit around in your yoga pants, eat ice cream, and binge watch Netflix? I think you should go and enjoy each other.”

  S: What time? I can’t be there before seven and I need your address.

  H:Seven is fine. I will plan to have dinner around seven-thirty.

  S:See you then. Bye.

  Sarah’s heartbeat increased as she thought about the night to come. The thought of Coop’s hands on her again dampened her panties and made her flush.

  Her mom looked at her and said, “Honey, you’re too young for hot flashes.” She walked away laughing.

  Shit. That went well. Sarah stood there and mentally calculated the amount of time she had between dropping off Harry and getting to Coop’s. Wanting to make sure she was prepared for the night with Cooper, and she knew there was going to be a long night to come, she quickly called her spa and was able to get a four-thirty appointment for a mani-pedi and a Brazilian. She was going to knock his socks off. The only thing left was to call Wes’s mom and see if Harry could get dropped off around three-forty-five so that she had enough time to get to her appointment. Thankfully, there were no issues with Harry going early, other than the fact that they needed to leave like ten minutes ago, so that he could get a shower and grab his stuff for the night.

  Sarah walked over and found her mom losing at whack-a-mole and said, “Harry, I have something that has come up. I talked to Wes’s mom and she said you can come over whenever you get ready. So, if it is okay with you I thought we would go on and head home.”

  “Sure Mom. Just let me go cash in these tickets.”

  Sarah ruffled his shaggy blonde hair and watched him walk to the ticket redemption area. Before she could move, her mom grabbed her arm and turned her around.

  “Honey, just make sure you wear sexy lingerie. You know everyman goes nuts for sexy lingerie.”

  “Ughh, mom. I’m so not having this conversation with you, but if you must know I have a quick spa thing for a mani-pedi and a Brazilian.”

  “That’s my girl. Smooth as a baby’s bottom is something else I hear that young men like.”

  Sarah blushed, before turning to collect Harry. Somehow, she had to quickly pack a bag and get it in the car without Harry seeing it and asking a lot of questions. She didn’t know if she would spend the night, but she wanted to be prepared for anything.

  After dropping off a clean Harry at Wes’s house, Sarah hurried to the spa for their last appointment of the day. Thankfully, they were ahead of schedule and were able to take her in as soon as she walked in the door. Sarah was happy that her normal spa tech, Kim, was able to fit her in. They chatted about life and what was going on. Sarah was able to get most of the butterflies to calm down by the time she left. Now she just had to make it Coop’s without chickening out.

  Sarah used her GPS and easily found Coop’s house. However, as she walked up to the front door, the butterflies returned full force. Before she could reach the door, it swung open and she was lifted off her feet by Coop as he planted a searing kiss on her lips.

  “I know you’re on time, but I thought you’d never get here. Come on in and make yourself comfortable. I was just getting ready to put the steaks on. I forgot to ask but you still eat meat, don’t you?”

  “Yes, very much and still medium rare.”

  With a peck on the lips, Coop said, “Is there any other way?”


  Sarah followed Coop into the house and she was shocked to see a tastefully well-appointed house that didn’t look like a bachelor pad.

  “My mom and my sister.”


  “You were thinking that this doesn’t look like a bachelor pad. My mom and sister decorated it so that it wouldn’t look like one.”

  “How did you…I mean. Never mind. You always could read my mind.”

  Coop took Sarah’s hand and gave her the grand tour. “I know it seems like a lot of house, but I was planning for
the future. This is the family room that leads out to the veranda and the fire pit and pool. The formal living room is over there, but hardly ever gets used. This is the dining room and the chef’s kitchen. This was the only place, other than the bedroom, that I got any say in. I wanted all stainless steel with an island and a sub-zero refrigerator.

  As they continued the tour, Sarah wondered how many other women he had brought here. She shouldn’t be jealous, but that ugly shade of green just couldn’t be avoided.

  “You’re the first woman, other than my family, that I’ve ever had here. I mean, well, the cleaning lady, but that doesn’t count.”

  “How do you do that?”

  “You had this little look of jealousy developing, so I wanted to put your mind at ease. This has always been my refuge, plus in the beginning I didn’t want any crazy ones to know where I lived. Now it’s just me and this big house. Would you like a glass of wine while we wait? I have a nice bottle of Pinot Noir from Willamette Valley Vineyards. I remembered you were always partial to pinots.”

  “Yes, please.”

  Sarah accepted the wine as she followed Coop and the steaks outside to the outdoor kitchen. “The view is amazing. Do you play golf here?”

  “I’m a member, but it is always so crowded that I usually stick to East Lake or Atlanta National. You still play?”

  “Sparingly. I usually embarrass myself with Aubrey and Jennifer, Nicole and Marcie’s children and humiliate myself when I play with Nicole when she’s in town. They make me wish I had stuck with it when I was younger, but you know my focus was always medicine.”

  “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m an all-star third baseman who’s lucky to break eighty-five. I’d really like to take you to play sometime.”

  “I’d like that too.” Sarah watched as Coop expertly grilled the steaks and asparagus. The scent of the food was making her mouth water and her stomach gave an unceremonious growl causing Coop to chuckle.

  “Good thing I’m feeding you. I wouldn’t want you to dry up and blow away.”

  Sarah punched Coop in the arm and shook her hand, feeling like she had just hit a brick wall. “Dammit Coop. That hurt. Where did all of that muscle come from?”

  “Babe, I work out three hours a day lifting weights and hitting balls. What were you expecting, a dough boy arm?”

  “Nope. You have filled out nicely though.”

  “So have you, Coop. So have you.”

  Coop wanted to say to hell with dinner and drag Sarah upstairs, but he promised himself he was going to take it slow. “Dinner’s ready. I set the corn on low inside and already made the salad. I didn’t have time to make dessert, so I picked up your favorite cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.”

  “Wow, you think of everything.” Sarah helped Coop set the table and then poured them some wine before taking her seat. As she bit into the steak, she moaned in delight as the flavors hit her palate. “My God, Coop, this is amazing. You certainly know how to cook.” Sarah finished her dinner and patted her stomach. She hadn’t had a meal that good in a long time. Her mom was a good cook, but grilling was never her strong suit. Sarah had barely finished her meal when Coop arrived with a large slice of snickers cheesecake. Even though she was full, she wasn’t going to pass up cheesecake.

  They finished eating, and Coop led her outside to the fire pit, turning it on to chase away the night chill. Setting down their wine glasses, Coop sat down in the chaise lounge and pulled Sarah down to sit beside him. He pulled her close and nuzzled her neck with his lips. She tasted like lavender and mint. He felt her shiver in his arms as he slowly kissed his way down the long column of her neck. He brushed her hair away to provide easier access. His lips moved down as he nipped little bites. Sarah moaned as he moved back up to her earlobe.

  “Thank you for dinner.” Sarah said as she turned over to face him. She allowed her fingers to trace his scruffy jaw, before tracing his lips with her index finger. Sarah leaned in, gently placing her lips on his. She traced her tongue over his lips begging entrance which he granted. This kiss was sweet and tender, not like the bruising kiss they shared last night. As she swept the inside of his mouth, she could taste the tartness of the wine. As she continued her gentle exploration, Sarah felt Coop’s hands slide up her arms and cup her breasts. Even though she was kissing him, she moaned as his nimble fingers brushed across her erect nipples. This was the way it always was for them. Gentle and exploratory, a sweet kind of love that was meant to last.

  Coop pulled back from Sarah and stared into the deep rich chocolate eyes that looked up at him through thick lashes. Coop stood up, picking up Sarah in his arms. He took her through the house and to his bedroom.

  Sarah was amazed at his bedroom. The dark cherry wood with the ivory accents provided a contrast to the darkness that lightened the room. She saw the amazing California king-size bed, complete with a burgundy comforter. The comforter was cool to her skin as he laid her down and moved over on top of her. His weight pressed her down into the mattress. Sarah savored the feel of him over her.

  Coop leaned down and kissed Sarah. He relished her taste as her fingers traced the corded muscles of his back. He didn’t want to rush this time with her. Coop leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Can you stay the night?”

  Breathlessly Sarah answered, “Yes. I even brought a bag for work tomorrow.”

  “Thank God, because this is going to take a while.” Coop reached his hands under the hem of her sweater and lifted it over her head. He admired the rose-colored bra she wore. It was set against her pale skin and shone like a beacon. He slowly reached down and unhooked the clasp allowing the cups to fall to the side exposing her breasts to the cool air in the room. If it was possible, her nipples puckered even more. Coop leaned his head down and took her nipple into his mouth and laved the areola while gently nipping at the distended bud. He felt Sarah’s hands grasp his head and pull him tighter to her breast. Coop released her breast and moved to the other one before kissing a trail down her abdomen to the waistband of her jeans. As he popped the button, he felt Sarah’s hand reach out to stop him.

  “Tonight, is about us, but before you go any further I get my turn.” Sarah rolled over pinning Coop beneath her. She pulled his t-shirt free and brought it over his head exposing his muscular chest with a light dusting of blonde hair. Sarah kissed his chest and bit his nipples to return the favor before heading south. Her hands traced the definitions of his abdomen and finally rested on the button of his jeans. She popped the button and slowly lowered the zipper allowing his erection to spring free. Her slim fingers encircled the shaft as she slowly stroked him from root to tip. Her tongue traced the underside of his shaft and circled the velvety crown. Her tongue ran over his slit tasting the first drops of lubricant. He was salty and musky but tasted delicious. Sarah took the head between her lips and slowly slid down the shaft towards the back of her throat. As she swallowed, she massaged his erection and heard the loud moans coming from Coop. His hands found her head and guided her up and down as she continued to tend to his needs. Sarah’s hands moved up and cupped his balls eliciting an even louder moan.

  “Sarah, you have to stop sweetheart. I don’t want to come like this.”

  Unfortunately, Sarah had her own thoughts and doubled her efforts not releasing him. Finally, she felt his balls tighten and his shaft swell before he emptied himself into her mouth. Sarah swallowed every last drop before releasing his erection from her lips.

  Coop looked down at Sarah’s swollen lips and kissed her deeply. He swallowed her moans as his fingers tweaked her nipples. Coop wanted it all. He wanted to taste her and be in her all at once, but right now he wanted to return the favor and get another taste of paradise like he had last night. He worked his way down leaving a trail of kisses between her breasts not stopping until he reached the top of her curve hugging jeans. Unsnapping her jeans, he quickly divested her of them and her rose-colored thong. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he noticed the fresh Bra
zilian wax she was sporting. Smiling he said, “Did you do this for me?” He watched as Sarah could only nod her head. While, he would have loved to take in the mental image of her lying naked in his bed, he just couldn’t resist anymore. Coop deftly trailed his fingers down her inner thigh and spread her knees as his head settled into the space between her thighs. Her scent was overwhelmingly exotic and called to him in the most primal ways. Slowly his tongue reached out and lazily swiped her length before concentrating on her engorged bundle of nerves. He could tell from her swollen lips and dripping fluids that she was ready to go off like a firework display. As Coop focused his efforts on her nub, his fingers parted her fleshy folds and entered her hot, tight, wet channel. Coop stroked her in time with the movements of his tongue, curling his fingers to hit that rough spot, sending her hurdling towards oblivion. It didn’t take long before he felt her tighten around him and squeeze his fingers. Her voice was low and sultry as she called out his name with her release. Coop swore he’d never seen anything more beautiful in his life than watching Sarah come apart in his arms.

  “I think it gets better each time. That was so hot and draining, but, Coop, I need you inside of me now.”

  Not wanting to disappoint the lady, Coop reached over to the nightstand to pluck a condom out of the box, but before he could open it, Sarah took his hand and shook her head.

  “I’m clean and I have an IUD. If you’re good, I want, you inside of me without any barriers. I’ve dreamed about that for so long.”

  “I swear to you I’m clean. I just had my year-end physical, and I’ve never been with anyone and not used a condom.”

  Sarah looked into the depths of his eyes, nodding her head silently, telling him that this was what she wanted.

  Coop brought himself over Sarah, his manhood nudging at the opening to her body. He felt her legs wrap around him and her hips come up to bring him home. As he pushed in inch by excruciating inch, Coop swore he had never felt anything so raw, so connecting, than when he was fully seated inside her. He couldn’t tell where he ended and she began. Coop took a moment to savor the feel of her velvet walls surrounding him. He was close to losing it because of this sensory overload, but when Sarah used her heels to nudge him into action, he didn’t delay. Coop didn’t want a fast, hard pace tonight. Tonight, was all about savoring Sarah. He slowly withdrew before slowly sliding back home. He knew that his heart was done and that Sarah was his. He could see the love and emotions in her eyes as they never left his. Coop was concentrating so hard on not finishing too quickly that as they took their time, their bodies became covered in a fine sheen of perspiration. He felt everything with Sarah. Every emotion, every movement, and especially every finger nail as they bit into his broad shoulders. Finally, just as Coop thought he was going to lose the race, he felt Sarah tighten around him and milk his engorged member pulling him over into the most delicious orgasm he’d ever experienced. He was so thankful that Sarah was wrapped around him, or else he feared that he might have floated away.


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