A Heart Reborn

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A Heart Reborn Page 21

by BK Harrell

  With everyone dressed, Sarah, Nicole, Erin and Cole’s mom all stood around Marcie and her mother admiring how beautiful she was in her dress.

  “You look gorgeous in that dress Marcie, but it seems to be missing a few things.” Sarah said.

  Cole’s mom stepped up first. “This is your something borrowed. Cole’s grandmother wore these pearls on her wedding day as did I, and so shall you.” She said as she stepped behind Marcie and draped the pearls around her neck.

  Marcie’s mom handed her a handkerchief. “This was your great-grandmother’s. Each of the women in our family has carried it on their wedding day.”

  Trying to fight back the tears, Marcie said, “Thanks, mom.”

  Nicole was next. “This is your something blue.” She said as she bent down to slide the blue garter belt up Marcie’s leg.

  Erin said, “Don’t forget your something new.” As she opened a Tiffany’s box to display a new pair of pearl earrings to match the necklace.

  Finally, Sarah said, “And a six-pence for your shoe.” As she bent over and placed the six pence in Marcie’s Louboutin heel. “You know, a sixpence in this day and age was not easy to find, but a little hard work and the internet helped me to find one. Let me tell you that it costs a bit more than six pence.”

  They all watched as Marcie started to tear up. “No. You’ll ruin your makeup.” They all said in unison.

  Marcie smiled at everyone, hugging them all just as a knock came through the door and the priest poked his head in and told them it was time.

  They all lined up as Wagner’s Bridal Chorus began to play. Sarah was fourth in line and would be paired with Jackson when it was all said and done. She took her que and walked down the aisle, instantly spotting Coop sitting on the aisle watching every step she took and never taking his eyes off her. As Sarah stood at the front of the church, she never let her eyes stray from Coop, even as Marcie came down the aisle. She turned her attention to the ceremony up front and had to fight back tears as she watched the love between Cole and Marcie shine. She knew that Marcie was sad because April wasn’t here.

  The priest went through the sacraments of marriage and the blessings of the Virgin Mary before turning to the happy couple and giving them a chance to say their own vows.

  Cole had to fight back the happy tears, he was about to shed as he looked into Marcie’s eyes and held her hands. “Marcie, I thought my life was over and that I would never love again until I met you. You brought the light back into my life, and helped me find love again. I never could’ve imagined that fate would bring us together like it did, but we found each other and found love. You are my heart, my life, and my soul. I can’t imagine a life without you and as I stand here today, I know that I never will. I love you for now and forever.”

  Marcie couldn’t stop the tears from falling. She took a moment to collect herself before she began. “Cole, I fell in love with you the first time we ever danced. The way that I fit into your body, it was as if God had made me for you. Even though we had both lost the same person, you came into my life and taught me how to live again. You have made me your family, but I love you for making Jennifer your family even more. When once we were individuals, now we are a family of three, and honestly, I can’t wait to grow our love and our family. You are my life, my heart, and my love. You will have my love from this day forward and it will only grow stronger. I love you now and forever.”

  Sarah watched as both Cole and Marcie dried their tears and turned back to face the priest. She watched the priest take the rings and present them to each of them.

  “Cole and Marcie have selected their own words to exchange rings.” The priest said.

  “Marcie, with this ring I thee wed. To have and to hold from this day forward. I will always be your rock whether we are healthy or sick and I promise to bring you all the chicken soup you ever need. Whether we are rich or poor, our love will stand the test of time.” With his final words, Cole slid the ring onto Marcie’s finger.

  “Cole, with this ring I thee wed. To have and to hold from this day forward. I will hold you when you’re happy and hold you when you’re sad. I can’t wait to be your partner in sickness and in health, and if we find ourselves poor, I’ll just ask Lincoln for a raise.” A chuckle arose from the congregation. “I will love you until I breathe my last breath.” With her final words, Marcie slid the ring onto Cole’s finger.

  “With the power invested in me by the State of Georgia, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride”

  Cole wrapped his arms around Marcie and dipped her as he kissed her deeply in front of God and the congregation.

  “I present to you for the first time as man and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Cole Ryan. However, we have a special treat for you all today. Jennifer, will you please join Cole and Marcie.”

  Sarah watched as Jennifer got a surprised look on her face and walked up the steps. Just as Jennifer arrived at the top between Marcie and Cole, Sarah watched as a black robed judge stepped up to stand in front of them.

  “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Judge James. I was thrilled when Cole and Marcie asked me to be a part of this wonderfully momentous occasion. You see today, is not just about Marcie and Cole starting their life together, today is about the joining of these three people together to make a family whole. Jennifer, do you want to be legally adopted by Cole and Marcie?”

  Tears gathered in her eyes as she realized the gravity of what was happening. “Yes, with all of my heart.”

  “Do you, Cole and Marcie, pledge to raise Jennifer in a loving household and ensure that she continues to grow into the fine young woman that stands before us today?”

  “We do.” They said in unison.

  “Then by the power vested in me, by the State of Georgia, I legally grant the adoption petition filed by these three people. Congratulations on your adoption.”

  The priest stepped back up and said, “Ladies and gentlemen I proudly present Cole, Marcie and Jennifer Ryan.”

  Everyone stood and applauded as the family made their way back down the aisle to Mendelssohn’s Wedding March.

  Sarah was giddy with excitement as she marched back down the aisle to the front steps of the church. They all stood to the side as Cole and Marcie walked down the steps through an arch of bats that the new team had done for them. Sarah watched as Marcie smiled at Cole. She hoped that one day that would be Coop and her walking through the bat arch.

  Once everyone left for the reception, the wedding party stayed behind to take pictures. Sarah hoped they were quick, because she was starving and ready to be with Coop.

  Finally, the pictures were done, the wedding party made its way to the High Museum of Art for the reception. As they entered the museum, Sarah saw Coop standing off to the side She couldn’t wait to get the receiving line over with so they could get to the fun part of the evening.

  With the receiving line completed, she found Coop and took him to their table, but before she could get them there, Coop pulled him into his chest and kissed her silly.

  “I’ve been waiting to do that all afternoon. God, you taste so good, like champagne and chocolate.”

  “You don’t taste so bad yourself stud.”

  They walked hand in hand to the head table and found their seats. Everything was so beautiful. Marcie was a wizard at planning and they had pulled off a magnificent event. Sarah felt Coop’s hand squeeze hers as they sat there.

  “Thinking about our wedding?”

  “What? Noooo. Just thinking about how great of a job Marcie did planning this. You know they got engaged by the Monet Exhibit. That’s her favorite artist. Rumor has it that her sister wrote her a letter to be opened if she didn’t make it back and the letter said that she hoped she was happy with Cole because she sent her to him to heal and love.”

  “That is either the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard or the creepiest.”

  Sarah laughed. “I know what you mean. If something happens to you please don’t come back
and haunt me.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t come back to haunt you. I love you too much to do that.”

  After they finished dinner, the band started up and Coop led Sarah to the dance floor. He pulled her against him and swayed to the slow song that was promising love and a long life together. One song melted into another and when they finished the set Coop led Sarah over to the bar for drinks.

  They patiently waited for the happy couple to cut the cake. Once the cake was cut and the happy couple left to start their honeymoon, Sarah told Coop she needed to stick around and help collect the presents and make sure everything was taken care of before they left.

  Nicole and Lincoln walked up to them and she said, “You two get out of here. Erin and I can handle this. Plus, we have the girls to help us out. Go enjoy your time together we’ve got this.”

  Coop didn’t need any more encouragement, he swept Sarah off her feet and practically ran out of the museum to their waiting car. He carried her into the car and sat her on his lap kissing her as the car pulled away. “Let’s see if you have any surprises for me tonight.” Coop said as he slid his hand up Sarah’s thigh to find a bare mound weeping with anticipation of his touch. His thumb brushed her clit and he felt her shiver under his touch. He knew they weren’t far from the hotel, so he just kept up his strokes and felt her building towards a climax. Coop felt Sarah bury her head in his neck and bite down on the tendons to muffle her cries of ecstasy. Coop straightened Sarah’s dress and then adjusted himself as not to surprise the valet. He let Sarah precede him out of the car, to block his erection.

  They made it into the hotel without any commotion. Coop was glad there were no autograph seekers to impede their journey. They were in the elevator and then room before either one of them spoke.

  Sarah pulled Coop into the room and pushed his jacket off his shoulders before ripping his shirt open sending his studs flying across the room. Her lips attacked his chest as her hands worked his pants down pulling his boxer briefs with them. Before Sarah could react, her dress was unzipped and pooling at her feet. She wrapped her arms around Coop’s neck and jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his hips and used her hand to guide him home. Sarah used her leverage to pump up and down on Coop’s manhood. She rode him hard, screaming out his name as she finally exploded around him and going limp in his arms.

  Coop pumped twice more before falling over the edge and spilling into Sarah. He carried her over to the bed and laid down cradling her in his arms and pulling her close. After the exhausting day they had, they both fell asleep quickly holding onto each other.

  Sarah awoke the next morning, looking at Coop as he slept, wondering if this could be the last time they would be together like this. If she had her way, she was going to fight for him to the bitter end. With those thoughts, a tear escaped and rolled down her cheeks landing on Coop’s chest.

  “Now, come on sweetheart. Waking up next to me can’t be that bad. I know I need to brush my teeth, but that’s no reason to cry.”

  “I’m just happy. For the first time in a long time I can finally see the finish line to my life and being with you makes me happy. I love you.”

  “I love you too. I’m not going anywhere, baby. I promise. Well except to spring training but I’ll be back. Come on now. Let’s take a shower and then I’ll feed you before you have to head home.” Coop leaned down and took Sarah’s lips in a soft kiss that made her shed even more tears.

  They showered together and enjoyed a couple of more orgasms before getting dressed and checking out of the room.

  Brunch was delicious, but it still managed to sit like a rock in Sarah’s stomach. How many more of these days will we have like this?

  Coop paid for brunch and walked Sarah to her car, where he kissed her goodbye. “I’ll call you later, baby. Drive safely. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Don’t get another ticket. I think they just sit and wait for you to roll into Forsyth County, so they can get you to pay for something else.”

  Coop laughed and kissed her one more time, before closing the door and letting her drive away.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next two weeks seemed to fly by and drag on at the same time. Sarah had three nights of call, which led to some exhaustion from lack of recovery time, but as she closed her computer down on Friday afternoon, she knew she had the next two weeks to just relax and enjoy her family. Sarah was spending Sunday with Coop and his family for their Christmas celebration. They were having it early since his siblings were alternating years, and they were with their spouses’ families this year.

  Sarah wanted so badly to spend Christmas Day with Coop as a family, but she knew if she told him now, that all hell would break lose and everyone would be miserable. No, she just had to stick to her plan and wait until after the New Year. Sarah tried to mentally calculate what presents she had left to buy. She had bought a few things for Coop, but they weren’t exchanging presents until Christmas Eve, Harry was done unless she made an impulse buy. Her mom was done, so she had to buy a few things for Coop’s family. Thankfully, he was going with her tomorrow afternoon to help her shop for those last few presents. She smiled as she thought of the present she bought Coop that he was only going to find when he unwrapped her. As she pulled into her driveway, she suddenly remembered what she needed to ask Coop for. It was a little risky but she had devised a good cover story if she needed it. She wanted to get Harry an autographed bat, ball and jersey if possible. She wasn’t entirely sure she wanted the jersey autographed because she knew Harry would wear it whenever he could. Sarah picked up her phone and called Coop while she was still in her car.

  “This is a pleasant surprise, sweetheart. Did you just get off work?”

  “Just got home is more like it. I’m so excited to have two weeks off. Listen, I hate to ask you for a favor, and don’t worry I’ll make it up to you, but I needed a couple of things from you. I was wondering if I could get you to sign a bat and ball, and get me a number 13 Cooper home jersey.”

  “Sure. I’ll have them for you tomorrow. Are you sure that I can’t entice you to come over for dinner?”

  “I’m sure. Don’t want mom to think I’m abandoning her. We haven’t spent much time together this last month. I wanted to spend tonight with her, since you have me tomorrow and Sunday. Don’t forget we have to go shopping tomorrow.”

  “How could I forget. You know how much I love shopping.”

  “You love anything that gives you time with me.”

  “True. I have to run. I’m going to be late for dinner with Rhett. I love you. Have a good evening.”

  “I love you, too. I’ll try. See you around lunch time tomorrow.”

  Sarah tried to never miss family night, but unfortunately the wedding and her work schedule, had precluded her from being around much the last month. She walked through the door to an exuberant hug from Harry and then her mom.

  “Harry, are you glad school is out for vacation?”

  “Yes, two weeks of sleeping late and playing video games. Plus, a little baseball practice.”

  “Well, we’ll have a lot of time together. I’m so glad to be on vacation for a couple of weeks. Where do you want to go for dinner tonight? We can go anywhere you want.”

  “Let’s go to the Hard Rock.” Harry said with a smile.

  “Okay, Hard Rock it is. Go change clothes and give me a chance to get more presentable and we’ll go. I imagine Nana will want to change as well.” Sarah went upstairs and changed her clothes before taking the family out to dinner.

  As Sarah drove them downtown, she let her mind wander to all the family nights they had in the past, and wondered how many more they would have in the future. Would she be dropping Harry off every other Friday for a weekend with his dad, or would they be going as a family of three or four.

  The night was crisp and cold. Finally, the weather was reflecting the season. They walked quickly from the parking deck to the Hard Rock warding off the chill in the air. Sarah wrapped
her arms around Harry as they walked the last block. She couldn’t believe how big he was getting. She feared she was going to have to get a second job just to pay for shoes at the rate he was growing.

  Harry was so excited, he was talking to the hostess a mile a minute. Sarah just smiled as she let him be the man of the house for the night. She and her mother followed Harry and the hostess to the table.

  Just as they sat down, Sarah watched Lincoln and his family along with Jennifer walk up. “Hey, boss. Enjoying a night out?”

  “The girls asked to come down here, since Cole and Marcie are due back tomorrow. We figured a night out was well deserved. We don’t want to intrude on your evening, but we just wanted to come by and say hello before we left. I hope you enjoy your vacation, and are ready for your meeting after the New Year.”

  “I’ll be ready. I think things are a lot clearer now than they were a few months ago. If I don’t see you again, have a Merry Christmas.”

  “You too, Sarah. Enjoy your dinner.” Lincoln and Nicole said goodbye to everyone as they walked away.

  “What meeting do you have mom?”

  “Nothing important, Harry. Just work. Dealing with the residents and how we’re going to swap chief residents.” Sarah really was going to hell for lying to her son.

  Sarah looked at the menu trying to decide what she wanted, but she always went back to her favorite and ordered the fajitas. Sarah watched as Harry walked around and looked at all the memorabilia. She swore, if he wasn’t such a great baseball player he would end up being a singer.

  Their food arrived, everyone ate like they were starving. When they finished, Sarah knew that they would be eating the fudge brownie sundae for dessert. By the time, they were finished, Sarah felt like she was going to have to waddle back to the car, but she wouldn’t trade the time together with Harry.

  When they arrived back home, Harry took off to the basement to play video games, her mom headed to bed, and Sarah wasn’t far behind her. Her plan was to spend some time Facetiming with Coop before she fell asleep. Sarah got ready for bed and crawled under the warm blanket waiting for Coop’s call. Somehow, all the food and driving had exhausted her more than she had realized and fell asleep waiting for Coop to call. When the phone rang, she was startled awake and fumbled for the phone. She groggily answered the phone. “Hello.”


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