A Heart Reborn

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A Heart Reborn Page 31

by BK Harrell

  Coop reached out and pulled Sarah into his embrace. “It’s okay, because I probably still would’ve reacted like an ass. We had a good Christmas, and I don’t regret our time together. I just hate that I have to leave so soon.”

  “I know. It kinda sucks, but we have Skype and Facetime and we’re coming to visit. Thank you for being so understanding, and for what it’s worth, I think you’re going to make an amazing dad. Who knows, maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get a chance to be around for an entire pregnancy.”

  “Are you trying to tell me something.”

  “What??? Hell, no. I just meant if we end up together, I imagine we’ll have another one. That is, if you want one.”

  “I want a little girl who looks just like you.”

  Sarah blushed. “I just want a healthy baby, if we have one.” Sarah could hear Coop’s heartbeat as she snuggled close to his chest. “I love you, Coop.”

  “I love you, too. Now, go get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon at practice.” Coop said as he playfully swatted Sarah’s ass. “Sleep tight.”

  Sarah watched Coop drive away, feeling hopeful for their future.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next two weeks passed in a blur. They spent all the time they could together. Lunch with Coop’s family went better than she could have asked, and they continued to date, but not have sex. Sarah was frustrated beyond belief. She felt they had already done the deed, so why not continue to enjoy the physical, but as Coop had said time and time again, he wanted this to be special and to court her properly. Shit, what was this the nineteenth century? Anyway, she knew her frustration was just going to grow worse, and with him leaving there was no relief in sight. Crap, her battery-operated boyfriend was burning through AA batteries like they were free at Sam’s Club.

  Here Sarah stood as she watched Harry and Coop say goodbye. She knew it was hard on both, since they had just found each other. She made sure that Harry knew they would see him soon. When they were finished Sarah walked over to Coop and hugged him for all she was worth. Running her fingers through his hair, she pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him. Her tongue darted between his lips, tasting his minty mouth wash and the orange juice, he had for breakfast. She broke the kiss and had tears in her eyes. “I’m going to miss you, Coop, more than I you can imagine.”

  “Not possible. You only have to miss me, I have to miss both of you.”

  “True. We’ll see you in two weeks for winter break, and then we’ll be down for another weekend and catch a few games. Have fun with the boys and don’t get into any trouble.”

  “Rhett and I’ll behave.”

  Coop hugged and kissed Sarah and Harry goodbye. He had a long trip ahead of him. Usually he looked forward to spring training and reconnecting with the other guys and meeting his new teammates. However, this year he was dreading going to Orlando. He wanted to spend more time with Sarah and Harry. As he drove away, he saw the tears in both of their eyes and had to fight back tears of his own. Coop was not an emotional guy, but this was the hardest thing he had done in a long time.

  Coop got to Orlando and called Sarah and Harry to let them know he arrived okay. Unlike the rookies and the non-roster invites, the veterans tended to rent apartments for the time they were there. Coop looked around his usual space and it felt empty. He unpacked his bags, and headed to the stadium to get his locker ready.

  Walking into the training facility, he was assaulted by the usual smells of sweat and hard work. He smiled knowing that he got to play a game for a living, and he was looking forward to this season, not because of the promise of a World Series ring, but because he was going to be playing for his son and Sarah. Coop walked to his locker and sat down. He looked up to see his number thirteen proudly displayed in his locker. As he sat there contemplating the season to come, he felt a hand on his back and turned to see Rhett standing there.

  “So, how’s fatherhood treating you?”

  “Leaving today was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I wanted to turn around so many times and go back, but I know this is my job.”

  “I feel you brother. This was the first-time I didn’t want to leave home and come down here. Emily is growing so much, and it seems like every day she is doing something new. I hated leaving Alexa but the nanny is there full-time now to help her out.”

  “I love Emily and Alexa. I didn’t realize the bond you had with them until I had Harry in my life. Even though it has only been a few weeks, I love him more than anything I could imagine.”

  “How are things going with Sarah?”

  “They’re good. I’m courting here properly, and we haven’t had sex since New Year’s. It’s killing me, but it’ll be worth it in the end. They’re coming down in a few weeks, and I can’t wait.”

  “I tried to get Alexa to come down, but with Em being so young, she didn’t want to expose her to any unnecessary germs or too much sun. So, it’ll be six long weeks before I get to see them again.”

  Coop and Rhett continued to unpack their gear, when he saw Coach Griggs stop by his locker.

  “I should have known that kid belonged to you, the way he fielded the ball and man could he hit. How’s fatherhood?”

  “Great. I miss him so much already. He’ll be down here in a few weeks so you can work with him again.”

  “I can’t wait. That kid has some real talent.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let him know you asked about him.”

  “See you on the field tomorrow.”

  Coop finished unpacking his gear and walked around the clubhouse seeing all the old guys and meeting his new teammates. He was happy that the new owners had no problem signing some top pitchers to go along with their power hitters. They were fortunate to have signed Chris Jefferies and last year’s Cy Young winner Dale Bradford. That was forty-five wins between the two of them and then the addition of Chris Manning in their bullpen gave him hope for being better than the last few years and maybe even a division title. Coop made arrangements to go out to dinner with the new guys in the hopes of building some team comradery.

  The next morning, Coop was glad to get down to business. At least playing ball, he was able to keep his mind from thinking about Sarah and Harry. The smack of the bat as Coop took batting practice was music to his ears. He sent ball after ball sailing over the fence. After batting practice, Coop felt exhilarated and ready for more. He could hardly wait to talk to Sarah and Harry about his day. Before leaving, he made plans with Rhett for dinner. This would be his new norm for the next six weeks. At least, it gave him a good excuse for not hanging out with the single guys and dealing with their whoring ways.

  After dinner and saying good night to Rhett, who couldn’t wait to talk to his family, Coop sat out on his patio smoking a cigar and enjoying his bourbon. Coop hadn’t felt this alone since his rookie season with the club. Going out with the guys had lost its luster, and he started to wonder how much longer he could do this. He was a young man still, but he figured this would be his last contract. He would be thirty-nine when his contract was up and then Harry would be going off to college. Shaking off his thoughts, he picked up the phone to call Sarah and Harry.

  Coop felt much better after talking to Sarah, and especially Harry. It was so different hearing about Harry’s day. In a sense, it made him a little sad because he wasn’t there, but it also excited him that he would get to live through these years and watch him grow up through his formative years. When he talked to Sarah, she sounded somewhat sad that he wasn’t there, but she seemed more relaxed, than she had since they had gotten back together. As he drained the last of his bourbon and finished his cigar, he thought only two weeks until I can see them again.

  The next two weeks were excruciating for Coop. He had slacked off on his workouts the last month spending time with Harry and Sarah, but he wouldn’t trade that time. His muscles ached and he could hardly lift his arms by the end of practice. At least his hitting hadn’t suffered. The team seemed to be gelling well and the bullpen
was the talk of the team. Watching the pitching take shape, gave Coop hope that this season could be special.

  Coop sat in the ice bath treating his aches and pains, but nothing, even the temperature of the water, could dim his spirits. As soon as he was through with practice, he knew that Sarah and Harry would be waiting for him at his apartment. He wanted to rush through his post-practice routine, but he couldn’t afford an injury this early in camp with the season looming. He was planning on taking them to Café Tu Tu Tango for dinner. He had asked around and found that it was a fun place to take kids, and the food was supposed to be really good. Finally finished with his ice bath, Coop had his massage and changed his clothes before heading out.

  Coop had barely walked in the door when he heard an excited knock on the door. He opened it and was almost bowled over by an exuberant Harry. Coop opened his arms and took Sarah into the group hug and smiled for the first time since he left Atlanta.

  “Dad, it’s so good to see you. I missed you so much. School has been fine, but practice has been awesome. The dance lessons make me feel a little girlish, but they have helped my footwork. Oh, and I’ve been blasting the ball over the wall every time I take batting practice.”

  Coop shook his head. How could one kid say so much without taking a breath. “I’m so happy for you. I’ve missed you too, slugger. Have you been minding your mom?”

  “Yes, sir. I’ve been doing my school work and behaving at school. I met a girl and her name is Jenny. She’s awesome and loves baseball. Mom, said we could go to the movies together if her parents said it was okay.”

  Coop arched an eyebrow. “Really, you met a girl who loves baseball.”

  “Yes, sir. She plays fast pitch softball and can hit almost as good as I can.”

  Coop laughed as he put his arm around Sarah. “Well, as long as you still hit better than she does. So, what about you Sarah? Did you meet any guys who can hit the ball as good as I can?”

  “Not even close.” Sarah said as she kissed Coop.

  “Really, guys. Impressionable ten-year-old here.”

  Sarah and Coop broke apart laughing. They both looked each other and bent over double. They had just been put in their place by their son.

  “You’re right, Harry. Your dad and I will refrain from that icky stuff when you’re around.”

  Sarah told Harry to pick out a room before she took Coop’s hand and pulled him out to the car to help her with the luggage. Not that she couldn’t get the luggage herself, but she wanted a few minutes alone with Coop to kiss him senseless. When they finally came up for air, Sarah wanted to drag Coop to the master bedroom and have her way with him. He may not think they’re ready, but after Harry went to bed tonight, there would be no way he could deny her with the surprise she had in store for him.

  Once they were all settled, Coop drove them to the restaurant he’d picked out. True to the word of those that told him it was indeed kid friendly, but not to the point of being uncomfortable for adults. They enjoyed a wonderful meal, especially catching up on what they had missed in the last two weeks.

  By the time, they arrived back at the apartment, Harry was exhausted from the trip down and all the excitement of seeing his dad again. Her mom was flying down in a couple of days because she couldn’t change her work schedule around. After making sure Harry was in bed, Sarah and Coop went to sit on the patio to smoke a cigar. Sarah had missed this alone time with Coop. Her evenings working on her cigar smoking just wasn’t the same without Coop. Like the gentleman that he was, Coop cut her cigar and lit it for her while she brought them out a glass of bourbon for him and cabernet for her. Sarah thought that she could easily get used to this weather in early March. They had a cold spell at home the last two weeks and the temps had hovered near freezing. While they sat on the patio, Sarah tried every flirtatious move she knew to try to get Coop to initiate something, but he wouldn’t seem to budge. Frustrated beyond belief, Sarah excused herself from the private patio and went inside.

  Sarah walked into the bedroom and fished her surprise out of her suitcase. Walking into the bathroom, she made quick work of putting her hair into the side way buns and changed into the gold lame bikini. Sarah looked at her reflection in the mirror and said, “Eat your heart out Coop.” She left the bedroom and walked back to the sliding glass door. She saw Coop staring out into the night and stepped out onto the patio.

  “Do you know a strong hero who could save me from that nasty villain?”

  Coop turned his head, and Sarah wished she had a camera to capture the look of absolute shock and lust on his face. She nearly laughed when his tongue rolled out of his mouth and lolled over to one side.

  Coop couldn’t believe Sarah was standing there in front of him dressed as his fantasy girl growing up. They’d bonded over their mutual love of Star Wars in college, and had been fortunate to see all the films on the big screen. He stood up and crossed the patio in two strides scooping Sarah up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. “I think, I’m here to rescue a princess in distress” Coop said just before his lips crashed down on hers.

  Thank God Sarah thought, as his hands roamed over her body and his fingers deftly untied her bikini top exposing her breasts to the cool air causing her nipples to bead to painful points. Sarah wanted his warm mouth to capture her nipples. She ached for the touch of his lips on her skin.

  Coop kissed Sarah’s neck, and worked his way down to her beaded nipples, taking one in his mouth and savoring the soft feel against his tongue. As he nipped at her areola, he heard Sarah moan softly trying to restrain herself, since Harry was just down the hall. Coop continued to lave her breast as his fingers pinched and rolled her other nipple causing her to grind against him with wanton desire and need. His lips left her breast and blazed a path down her abdomen. Coop pulled the strings releasing her bikini bottoms and slid them off. He kissed back up her legs, pausing at the apex of her thighs, inhaling her slightly musky scent. Her scent had always intoxicated him, and he took a long swipe with his tongue tasting the wetness on her glistening lips. Coop had no idea how he had managed to last this long without tasting Sarah. He used his thumb to gently circle her engorged nub as his tongue continued its calculated ministrations. Coop could hear Sarah’s breathing pick-up as she fought to stay quiet.

  Sarah struggled on the bed, fisting the sheets and biting her lip so hard she was afraid she would draw blood. God, how she had missed his talented tongue. He could bring her to completion so fast that her head would spin. Just as she was reaching her apex, she felt Coop thrust two fingers in and stroke her g-spot, causing her to fracture into a million points of light. Sarah felt like she was having an out of body experience as she floated back down to earth, but before she could even catch her breath, Coop was inside her in one long thrust.

  As much as Coop loved the taste of Sarah on his lips and tongue, he felt at home inside of her. Coop didn’t know how long he could hold out, but he was going to take it slow and make sweet, sweet love to Sarah. He didn’t know where he ended and she began. He felt as if they were one entity, not two people joined in an intimate act. With sweat forming on his brow and slowly dropping onto Sarah’s chest, Coop loved the way her slim fingers stroked his back and urged him on. Finally, unable to delay the inevitable, Coop felt his orgasm start to tingle at the base of his spine and race through him into a glorious release. Rolling to his side, he pulled Sarah with him to cuddle her to his chest.

  “So, worth the wait. I love you, Sarah Buckley, with all my heart.”

  “I love you, too, Harrison Cooper. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  They fell asleep holding each other. Both slept better than they had, since New Year’s Eve. The alarm woke Coop up early, and even though he had slept very little, he felt more refreshed than he had in a while. He kissed Sarah as he slid out of the bed leaving her to sleep. Coop showered and left a note for Sarah and Harry telling them they could meet him at the stadium and watch practice.

  Sarah rol
led over and felt the cold spot where Coop had been sleeping. She smiled as she ached in delicious places that she hadn’t ached in weeks. Slowly stretching her body, she realized she was naked and needed to get some clothes on before Harry came rushing in. Sarah decided that she would go ahead and get showered and ready for the day. She wanted to let Harry sleep as late as he could. After getting dressed, Sarah went to the kitchen and fixed breakfast. Once she was finished, she saw Harry shuffle into the kitchen looking sleepy and bedraggled.

  “Morning, sleepyhead. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Are we going to see dad today?”

  “As soon as you eat, and get dressed.”

  Sarah watched Harry scarf down his breakfast, and race to his room to get ready. Sarah drove them to the stadium and went to the family entrance, where their names were on the list for admission. They found their way to a set of seats down by the field. Sarah watched in awe as the players took batting practice. She watched Rhett hit ball after ball, out of the park and drive them into the gaps. Sarah wanted to applaud but wasn’t sure of the etiquette, but when Coop stepped into the batter’s box, Sarah was on her feet yelling and screaming, which elicited a smile and wave from Coop. Sarah watched as he stepped out of the batter’s box and ran over to the railing giving Harry a high five and stealing a quick kiss from Sarah.

  Coop trotted back to the plate with a huge smile on his face. With a little extra adrenalin, Coop put on a show for the fans but mostly for Sarah and Harry. When he was done, Skip caught him on his way out of the cage and told him if they caused him to hit like that, then he needed to have them at all the home games. Coop smiled because that was exactly what he intended. After batting practice, they moved out into the field. Coop handled everything hit at him with ease. He didn’t understand why everything seemed easier today, other than he wanted to look good for Sarah and Harry.

  Just before practice officially ended, he sent the clubhouse attendant to get Harry and take him to the clubhouse to change clothes.


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