Ashes of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms Book 2)

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Ashes of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms Book 2) Page 17

by Amelia Hutchins

  It was symbolic, all things considered. I was Knox’s enemy, and his family was the driving factor for his hatred toward my bloodline. The bed moved with his weight, and before I could even gather the strength to slide away from him, he retrieved the photo, pushing it away from me. His thumb pressed into the wound on my shoulder, causing another scream to escape me.

  “Do not ever fucking use your magic on me again, Aria.”

  “Fuck you,” I groaned, hating that I was helpless to do anything until the spell ended.

  “No, Aria. But when I catch you, I’ll fucking mark you so deeply that no one can erase it from your flesh, ever again. Now get the fuck out of here so I can start hunting you down.”

  He pushed his thumb further into the wound, causing me to scream until everything within me rebelled against the pain. His other hand wrapped around my neck, baring it as he laughed huskily against my throat. I felt his teeth brushing against it, pushing into it as everything inside me went silent. The pain stopped, and the feeling of weightlessness took hold.

  Hands slapped at me, shaking me awake. I gasped while sitting up, slamming my hands against the offender attacking me. My hand flew to my throat, and then my shoulder, finding both smooth and unmarked.

  Knox’s scent clung to me heavily, and the echo of pain as well. I swallowed the sobs, uncertain if I were relieved that the spell had worked, or worried that I’d trespassed against him with magic. He hadn’t been receptive to the intrusion, that much was certain. Knox had responded poorly to me reaching him through the spell, and it had ended in violence.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Esme demanded, glaring at me.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Esme held a dagger in her hand while standing in a defensive pose, ready to strike if the need arose. The tension rolling from her was thick and filled with mistrust. I didn’t blame her, since I could smell the magic thickening in the room, mingling with Knox’s scent that clung to me from the spell.

  “I asked you who the fuck you really are,” Esme hissed coldly, narrowing her eyes while she studied me through angry slits.

  “Aria,” I growled thickly.

  I continued holding my hand against my throat, where Knox had been biting me. Phantom pain persisted, alerting me that while I was out of the dream on my end, he was probably ripping me apart on his. My core clenched, and my eyes widened, shaking it off. I considered what he was probably doing to my dream vagina. Couldn’t he have started the torture with that?

  “Aria, what?” Esme snarled, stepping back, pulling magic around her. “Glamouring yourself into someone else’s reality isn’t a simple spell. You were attacked, were you not? Yet you couldn’t wake up. That means you used magic to project yourself to a different location. You cast a very powerful and dangerous spell that can be traced back to the source by any novice witch.”

  “So it is,” I muttered.

  “That type of spell is something only the most powerful witches can achieve in casting, and only after they’ve reached a certain age. You’re not old enough to have accomplished that spell, let alone understand the consequences of using it, idiot. I could smell him on your flesh, girl. I’m going to ask you one more time, and then I’m going to slit your fucking throat if you don’t tell me the truth.”

  Pounding started, startling us both as Esme swung her attention toward the front door. I shot to my feet, mere seconds before a large man forcefully kicked it in, joining several others that barged into the hut.

  I smirked at their stupidity, lifting my fingers. I whispered a spell that liquefied them and turned them into puddles on the floor. Esme’s violet eyes slid back to me, and I smiled coldly.

  “I suggest you collect the children, and any other witches you deem are worth saving. I think the lord you owe money has grown impatient to fuck you and decided not to extend your deadline. It looks like he’s ready to collect on his payment.” My body arched with power, and the mark of Hecate glowed brightly upon my forehead as Esme took a step away from me. “Open a portal to the Kerrigan Keep, and seek shelter beneath it in the lower rooms, Esme.”

  “A vicious witch who enjoys slaughtering her kind owns that castle!” she snapped without tearing her eyes from the mark on my forehead. “We would all die if we dared trespass against her.”

  “That was true, but she’s no more than ashes now. I slaughtered her and her entire following when they tried to eat another witch’s children. You see, I am Aria Hecate, and I intend to protect and save those who are deserving of it. You’re going to help me, Esmerelda. You’re wrong about me, you know. I’ve met the King of Norvalla, and I don’t intend to bow to him, ever. I am here to save you and the others who have not turned to darkness.”

  “I saved you though because you were weak!” Esme pointed out, slowly pushing her dagger into a leather holster on her thigh before yanking on her hair in frustration. “If you’re supposed to be our savior, we’re fucked! The universe is mental for making me save you! Now there’s goo all over my floor, and I am going to end up on my back for years in servitude to protect the urchins from working in that poisonous mine!” Esme’s face was red from anger as she inhaled, gearing up to say more.

  “I was weakened. I had just attempted to take power from the Keeper of Lightning and failed, but I never intended to take it all.” I let her see the lightning as it lit within my eyes. “I’m not captain-save-a-hoe either. I am here to help you fight, to help prevent your head from becoming a wall fixture. I’ve been here for months, and I’ve only needed saving once!” I huffed, and she frowned, narrowing her gaze on me.

  “Where is your coven hiding?” she asked softly, her hair floating as power slithered through the room.

  “I don’t need one,” I shrugged. “But I am building one. You’re the first witch I have encountered who didn’t try to murder me, Esme. I guess, for now, you’re it. Congratulations.”

  “You’re alone here? I thought there were more of you?” Esme’s head canted to the side, peering at me through calculating slits. I glared back, wondering if she intended to turn me in to save her neck. Her lips tugged into a frown, and her eyes lifted to the patched ceiling filled with holes. “You are alone.”

  “The King of Norvalla marked me,” I admitted, watching her lips tighten with my truth laid bare. “I was inside the human realm, in Haven Falls, when I met him. I was naïve when I experienced my first heat cycle. The elders sent him to our town, or so he’d made us believe. He said the mark would protect me, when in reality, it was a beacon for him to find me. It means I can’t be near my sisters or aunt, not without bringing the head of the rebellion right to them. I chose to be on my own to protect them from my mistake. So, you will take care of the witches I save, and I will make sure you have what is needed. That’s my offer. I expect loyalty. I want your word that you will help those needlessly persecuted for the blood in their veins. I, in turn, will handle the leader of the rebellion, who seeks to end all witches, removing us from this world.”

  “You make it sound so simple.”

  “Have you met that man? Nothing is simple with Knox. He wants to own me, and worse, the monster inside of me, she wants him to own us viscerally, which is why I can’t be around my family.”

  “We all have our demons.”

  I snorted and then laughed as my head shook. “No, I literally have one inside of me. She pops up every once in a while. If my teeth grow, and my fingers turn into talons, just slowly nod and smile while backing away. Hell, you may even like her. Although, she’s pretty driven by the need to eat, fuck, and fight. Luckily, she thinks Knox is one-stop-shopping for all of her needs.”

  “I don’t even know what the hell to say to that,” Esme scoffed, her lips twitching as she watched me.

  “I’m learning to embrace my creature’s chaos. I have it on good authority that this world requires a monster to match the one trying to bring it to its knees. I just happen to have King Norvalla’s match within me, and I’m hoping I can change his perspective view
s on witches in general.”

  “You’re planning on taking him on, even though you’re aware of whom he is?”

  “Absolutely,” I said with conviction.

  “I was wrong,” Esme snorted while searching my face. “You’re not smart. You’re a psycho.”

  I smirked before shrugging my sore shoulders. “Sometimes, you have to be a little insane to play with monsters. It’s not like I’m planning to take Knox on alone. I have a creature he can’t get enough of, and she intends to help me. Most people say they have made peace with their inner demons. I haven’t, not even come close. I do, however, intend to let my demon out to play with his, and then I’m going to bring him to his knees. Once he is there, I’ll change his narrative on who is leaving and staying in this world. I can’t do that and save those who are deserving of it while protecting them during the process. Join me, and I will protect you. You have my word.”

  Shouting sounded outside the hut, and I turned, moving toward the screams. “Save those you know are good and get to the keep. Beneath the upper levels are several tunnels. Once you’re there, keep going through the water until you reach the platforms. Hidden, there is enough supplies and food to feed an army. Don’t speak to the dead; they’re mine. They’ll be joining us for the coming war against those wishing to oppress us.”

  “Holy shit, you’re serious. Aren’t you?”

  I smiled at the door, turning to wink at her over my shoulder. “I’m afraid I am. I am raising the House of Magic, and I intend to do it as Knox watches, helpless to stop me from accomplishing my goals. You’re either on my side, Esme, or in my way. I suggest you choose which one you prefer, quickly. Knox is on his way, arriving within the hour, and I don’t intend to be here.”

  “I’m with you, Aria Hecate. Just don’t let me down.”

  “It’s a deal.” I stepped outside, noting the witches exiting other small shacks along the road as they watched. Power erupted within me, and the mark on my forehead glowed, my hair turning silver and violet. I smiled reassuringly at them. “Run,” I ordered, hearing Esme yell instructions over the men shouting warnings.

  Turning toward the men, I studied their stances, cracked my neck, and lifted my hands into the air, forcing their bodies to hover above the ground. Necks snapped, crunching loudly, and the witches whispered in hushed tones, while the lifeless forms dropped to the ground. My head turned in their direction while I wiggled my brows and hiked a thumb toward where Esme was heading off in the opposite way.

  “I’d follow her if you want to live. King Karnavious is marching this way with his army at his back. Go now, or stay and fight. That choice is yours to make.”

  “Aria, don’t die,” Esme snapped, the dirty orphans holding her hands tightly.

  “I can’t be killed, and he won’t take my head. He intends to wield me as a weapon, and he can’t do that without a trigger to pull, which he will never find. I know what I am dealing with, and he’s a loaded weapon too. Go. Get everyone out while I entertain the lord of the village. I think he needs a reminder why keeping a witch as a pet isn’t a good idea.”

  “Urchins, come!” Esme grabbed a bag and started hazardously stuffing things into the pockets. “Aria, be careful. Tristan isn’t a normal creature. He’s enhanced by the crystals we harvest from the mines.”

  I studied Esme’s posture, watching as she hefted the bag over her shoulder and slowly turned to face me. The sound of horse hooves rushing toward us captured my attention. Esme moved quickly into the shadows with the kids, noting how I walked in the opposite direction, muttering a spell under my breath.

  Men and women walked toward her, but she passed by them until she reached the safety of a dark alley. Her wide, violet eyes slid to where I now stood, and she seemed surprised at my location, but nodded her dark head once before disappearing into the shadows with the children.

  Esme was a fighter with a mouth on her, which I could use. I knew I was in over my head without people who knew the Nine Realms better than I did. I’d been here a moment, which Knox kept reminding me. I agreed with him on that, but I would need witches I could trust to help me wage this war.

  Esme would be a good start, and more would come as I made my way through the other realms and places I needed to go. For now, I needed to prepare to face off against Knox, since he was probably still upset about my uninvited visit last night.

  Men rushed toward me, and I smiled, cracking my neck, readying myself for battle. I would buy Esme enough time to get the others out of town since I couldn’t say who would win. Knox was almost upon this location.

  I could scent his anger driving him toward me relentlessly. Soldiers moved down the street in my direction, and I whistled Gods & Monsters by Lana Del Rey while walking forward, swinging my hips with a pep in my step.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I stood among the slaughtered men as the slumlord, Tristan, moved into the narrow streets he controlled. His guards studied me, sliding their worried gazes between their lord and me as I softly whistled to the music in my head. My body swayed while I listened to my creature as she sang the words, laughing while I danced for her. The moment the men moved forward, I paused, giving them my attention.

  I brushed my knuckles on my shirt, stepping closer to the man in charge as his men closed ranks. Smirking, I winked at one of the men before pausing mere feet from the slumlord who glared at me with something disturbing in his eyes.

  “You dared to trespass against me? Do you have any idea who I am?” he demanded, causing spittle to escape past his yellowing teeth.

  His hair was slicked back with a days’ worth of oil coating each slimy strand. His shirt was open to the waist, revealing a large, protruding belly covered in dark hair. Tristan, the slumlord of the End of the World as Esme had called it, was an overweight, middle-aged male who enjoyed raping witches.

  I could see lust burning in his eyes as he took in my dress, now bathed in blood. The sheer material clung to my body, exposing my curves to his beady eyes. Tristan’s pants tented, proving he was interested in me even though I’d dispatched his soldiers onto the next life, removing their heads to make sure I’d driven home my point.

  “I have an idea who you are. You’re a slumlord. A horrible person who enjoys dominating the weaker sex, and you need a toothbrush, stat.” I smiled as rage filled his face, turning it red as he glared at me.

  Men grabbed me from behind, holding my arms as I continued smiling. Esme hiding in the shadows caught my eye, and I worked to keep the smile in place as worry entered my mind. What the hell was she still doing here? The men shoved me to my knees as warriors entered the street. My gaze slid toward them, brightening a twinge at the sight of the enraged male who glared at me.

  Knox dismounted swiftly, moving through a crowd of onlookers to stand in front of me. He inhaled deeply, smiling coldly as he removed his gauntlets and brushed the back of his knuckles against my cheek. Knox’s attention slid to the men who held me down with swords aimed at my neck.

  “Get your fucking swords away from her throat,” he hissed. “Now, or mine will be at yours before you fucking blink.”

  Knox grabbed me, pulling me up to my feet. His fingers pushed the dress from my shoulder as he continued holding my stare, only moving the fabric to check for damage. Looking to see if he had marked me in my dream, or maybe he was worried someone else had savaged it? His fingers slid over the unmarred skin as heat burned in his oceanic depths.

  “Fancy meeting you here, Knox,” I purred, letting the noise vibrate through me as his eyes narrowed to angry slits. “I hope you had a pleasant dream last night?”

  “No, but I will have one tonight with you, Aria. I may even do a repeat to make sure you understood the seriousness of your slight against me.”

  “Is that right?” I smiled demurely as he scrutinized me.

  “Indeed, it is. I’m pleased to smell you’ve hidden your need better, witch. It still isn’t enough that I cannot scent your heat, Little One. Move, we’re leav
ing now.”

  I deliberately stepped closer to Knox, feeling the lord’s anger, realizing that Knox planned to march me right out of town with no repercussions for my actions.

  It was curious that Knox had found the slum’s location so easily, as if he’d known it was here all along. Or, Esme had been right, and he’d found another witch to connect the dots for him. Swallowing, my gaze slid to the hiding place, finding Esme still concealed within the shadows, watching everything unfold.

  “She slaughtered my men, My King. I am owed reparations for what she has done here. It is the law. Is it not? Or does the law only apply to those who are in your favor these days?” This idiot man jutted his chin forward, challenging Knox. He must have a death wish.

  “I am the fucking law, Tristan,” Knox growled, peering over his shoulder at the middle-aged, bulging-belly slumlord. “Do you question my right to take this witch from here?”

  “I want to be repaid for the men she slaughtered. I cannot maintain control without them,” Tristan whined. “I am owed compensation for what she has done to my army!”

  Lore grunted, peering around at the bodies of soldiers littering the ground in a tangled mess of limbs and positions. Some lost their heads, had broken necks and missing limbs. I cut the others into pieces; their organs hung about the cobblestone street among the refuse and trash. Lore’s gaze slid to me, his lips twitching with mirth, and I winced, slowly taking in the carnage.

  “You should have hired better men to guard your shitty little town,” Brander snorted, glaring at me as his eyes slid down my body. “One tiny little witch kicked your ass and took down your warriors? I’d almost be embarrassed to admit that out loud.”


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