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Stone, Rayna - Safe Haven (Mastering Holly Oaks 2) [Siren Publishing Classic]

Page 13

by Rayna Stone

  All at once, she heard the front door bust open and someone behind her was yelling for Daniel to stop and get down. Daniel spun in a circle, surprise registering on his face. Then he slowly got down on the floor as his face reddened in fury. All she could see was Troy. He had come for her. Troy was standing in the front doorway with his gun drawn like an avenging angel.

  * * * *

  Troy could not believe Kelly had gotten her hand free. He watched in horror as she tried to take Daniel down on her own. He broke down the door a second before he heard Ross give him the okay. Daniel was lying face down on the floor before him, splattered with Kelly’s blood. He wanted to kill him. He couldn’t seem to lower his weapon.

  “Troy, stand down, man. We’ve got him. He’s going to spend the rest of his short life on death row. Don’t do this, Troy. Put your weapon away.” Ross was talking to him, trying to reason with him. How could he let him go? How could he not shoot him? Didn’t Ross see what that bastard had done to his Kelly?

  “Troy, baby, I need you. Let Ross deal with Daniel, Troy. I need you.” Kelly was begging him. He looked up to her for the first time since seeing her kick Daniel. Jesus, she was a mess. And they were both right. This bastard didn’t deserve one more second of his time. Kelly needed him, and he wouldn’t let her down. Troy could hear Ross radioing for help and medics while he gently unhooked the remaining handcuff. Kelly was sobbing in pain and relief as he took off his shirt to cover her, mindful of all her injuries. “I’ve got you, baby. It’s over. I’ve got you.” He peppered her face with kisses and held her as best he could until the medics arrived.


  It was three weeks after the attack and things were finally getting back to normal. Kelly didn’t care for her new scars, or the weeks of healing ahead, but she was grateful to be alive.

  Today her girls were joining her at her spa. It would be her first time back since the day of the attack, and though she didn’t have the courage to go into her office yet, she was going to enjoy all the pampering they’d planned for the day. Tonight they’d head over to the club for a party to celebrate its reopening. Gathering her things to head out, Kelly felt the smile on her face and knew that things would be just fine. Carson was doing better than anyone expected. He followed her to the door and gently wagged his tail when she stooped to scratch his ears. He’d been shot in the shoulder, and though he had some trouble getting up and down, he never whined and he still jumped into the bed to snuggle with Troy every chance he got. The DNA they found in his mouth helped seal Daniel’s fate. Killing a cop was an automatic death sentence in Colorado. And Carson’s attack on Daniel gave Kelly enough time to get that first call off to 911. If they’d had to wait for Alexa’s call, it might have been too late for Kelly. Apparently Carson did know how to be a watch dog. How he knew who was good and who was bad would always be a mystery to Kelly, but she’d be forever grateful to him.

  “You stay here and relax, Carson. Those are orders, mister. Troy’s moving the rest of our things to the new house later and you need to be rested to run the perimeter check.” With a final pat, Kelly headed off the spa. She couldn’t wait to relax with her friends and hopefully sleep in the new house tonight. Officially moving in with Troy felt right, and starting in new home would help her put her ghosts to rest.

  Kelly’s peaceful massage was interrupted when she heard Alexa scream at someone to get the fuck away. Kat was lying next to Kelly getting her facial and giggling. “Looks like somebody just met the Wax Nazi.” Oh, Jesus, had none of these women ever been waxed before?

  Alexa barged into the room with a smiling Lily next to her. She was wielding a wax-covered spatula, and she looked pissed. “All right, I was okay with the leg part, but who the hell told that bitch to attack my girly parts? Seriously? What genius decided that it would be a great idea to rip the hair off the most delicate part of the human body? Because I intend to cause that individual serious bodily damage. I look like I have a split personality! One side says, ‘Hey, I’m all nekkid,’ and the other says, ‘Au natural is the way to go.’ I cannot leave it like this! Can we not just shave and call it a day? What the fuck kind of people are you?”

  Kat sat up. “The Wax Nazi just does her thing, she never asks. But to your little Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde problem, I suggest you just suck it up and let her finish.”

  Just then the little woman Kelly employed for the waxing services entered the room. “I have a name, goddamnit. And I’m very gentle!”

  Kat rolled her eyes. “Yes, Jane, the Wax Nazi, is as gentle as a sadist gets.”

  Jane gave Kat the evil eye. “You’re next, hon, so I’d watch that mouth of yours.” Kat paled and slumped back down, appropriately chastened.

  Alexa lowered her spatula and looked resigned. “Fine. But you should all know I hate you. I expect you to buy me a ton of alcohol tonight. Waxing. I haven’t even had sex in so long I’m pretty sure I’d need a fucking manual, so this is just wrong. Any other freaky shit you girls do together will be explicitly spelled out for me before I agree, got it?” When they all just laughed, Alexa stomped back down the hall, Jane in tow.

  Kat looked at Kelly with glee. “I know the party’s downstairs tonight, but does Alexa even know what happens upstairs?” Kelly shook her head. They both burst out laughing. Oh, yeah, introducing Alexa to their particular freakiness would be awesome.

  * * * *

  Later that night, Kelly’s face broke into a wide grin. The club was packed. Almost everyone had shown up to offer their support. It would take some time to heal, and there might never be the same level of trust within the community, but they would be okay. Life would go on. People were already trying to forget for an evening and simply have fun. Alexa was arguing with James and Ryan over the level of injury one could inflict with a rock hammer. Mac and Jay were keeping Kat from worrying too much about leaving the baby for the first time with a babysitter, and Lily was trying not to stare at Kent. Yeah, things were going to work out just fine.

  Well, they’d all be fine if Troy stopped treating her like spun glass. She’d been thinking about how to push him into a scene all day. She knew he was worried about hurting her, and he wasn’t sure she could emotionally handle anything but gentle vanilla sex, but she was so ready to get a little kinky love that she was panting for it. Enough was enough. As she slipped under the tablecloth, she knew she’d chosen the right incentive. Troy jumped a bit as she nuzzled into his crotch and held on to his hips. She smiled to herself as she listened to the seamless conversation around the table. Only in this club could a woman duck under the table for a little oral action without interrupting the conversation.

  Kelly unbuttoned and unzipped Troy’s pants, admiring the way his boxers were straining over his already fully erect cock. She reached into the slit of material to pull him out and began to kiss every revealed inch. The muscles in his legs were tensing up as she firmly gripped his shaft and licked the head. She loved the taste of him, salty and clean. She salivated just thinking about swallowing him down. She used sucking kisses to work her way up and down his length, occasionally nipping his tender flesh with her teeth. When she sucked him into her mouth, she felt him grip her hair with one hand. Kelly hummed around his cock in satisfaction when she heard him thump the table with his other hand.

  * * * *

  Jesus, God. She was going to kill him. Troy was not expecting Kelly to dive under the table and suck him off with a crowd of their friends surrounding them. Alexa looked so utterly astonished he would have laughed if Kelly hadn’t just dipped her tongue into his slit. He knew she was searching out his cum. She wouldn’t have to search long. He was ready to blow. He’d been so delicate with her since the attack, but right now he felt like a beast. He knew she wanted to play rougher, but until her wounds healed completely, he couldn’t allow himself to lose control with her.

  He smirked to himself as he realized her plan had backfired. He’d been hard as a rock all day for her, ever since he picked up the engagement ring he�
�d selected. She probably thought he’d use this little display to initiate a bit of discipline, maybe tie her down and show her how wild he could be when she taunted him like this. Not happening. He’d make sure she swallowed every drop. It would give him the focus he’d need to make love to her in a safe way. He almost lost her. He wouldn’t risk tearing her back open just because she was a little frustrated. No, he’d put a ring on her finger and make sure to tie her up for the rest of their lives.

  Troy took in a lungful of air and gripped Kelly’s hair tighter. He gently pushed her down on his cock until he could feel her throat close around the head. When she swallowed around him, he pulsed down her throat, not letting her go until she’d sucked him dry. It took everything he had to remain quiet. Even though he hadn’t shouted out like he wanted to, he knew everyone knew what had just happened. Alexa and Kat were positively red. The boys just looked a bit jealous. He smiled at everyone and tapped on the table, laughing when heard Kelly tell him he didn’t need to tap out her dismissal. Mac started laughing as she added an “asshole” to the indignant statement. It was time to take his very frustrated woman home.

  “Kelly, I think it’s time for us to call it a night. I have plans for you that the first floor would frown upon,” he said seriously.

  Kelly’s face perked up from her scowl as she maneuvered out from under the table. “’Bout time.” Poor thing sounded so relieved. He’d make sure she didn’t mind not getting flogged or bound tonight. He could still make her scream even in the most vanilla of circumstances.

  James stood up to say good-bye. “I delivered that little package we talked about. It’s on the back porch with Carson. Don’t forget to bring it in tonight, Kelly. Seriously, that would be extremely bad, okay?”

  * * * *

  Kelly smiled at James and winked at Troy’s confused face. “Thanks, James. I’ll take good care of it, I promise.” With that, she led Troy out of the club and into their car. She couldn’t get to their new home fast enough. She was so hot right now she was squirming in her seat. God, she needed to get fucked, as in yesterday.

  Kelly ran into the house and snuck James’s package into the kitchen before Troy even finished locking up. She wanted to examine it now, but some things had to come first. As soon as Troy turned around she was on him, ripping at his shirt and kissing his neck. Troy tugged on her hair to get her attention. “A little slower, honey. I have some things to discuss with you first.” Fuck! She so did not want to friggin’ talk right now.

  “What? Can we do the talking thing while we undress? I mean, we’re both perfectly capable of multitasking. In fact, I think we could talk while we fuck and manage both extremely well, don’t you?” She was rushing her words and unbuttoning her dress. Well, she could multitask. Troy was just standing there. Come the fuck on, buddy. Focus.

  “Well, I had originally planned to propose to you in a civilized manner. One knee and all that. Then, I thought I’d make love to my very sexy fiancée.” He blew out a breath and shrugged his shoulders. “But if you just want to scream ‘yes’ while I fuck you silly, that works, too.”

  Kelly’s hands suddenly fell numb at her sides. “You…you really want to marry me?”

  Troy winked at her and got down on one knee. “And fuck you silly, but yes, baby…I want to marry you and be with you forever. I want to have babies with you and do all kinds of kinky shit making them. I want to cuddle on the couch and watch TV. I want to argue about Carson’s grooming schedule. I want everything with you, Kelly…if you’ll have me.”

  Kelly felt the tears forming in her eyes. God, this man was good. “Yes, Troy. I want to marry you. God…I want you so much. I love you.” Troy got up and took a ring from his pocket to place on her finger. She didn’t even care to look at it. It was her ring, and Troy had given it to her, so it would be perfect. Troy leaned down and kissed her. He sucked her bottom lip and licked it before plunging into her mouth. They took turns exploring each other, playing with each other. Finally, Troy pulled back and pointed to the bedroom. Kelly didn’t need any further instruction. She smiled and started shedding clothes as she made her way. For the first time since Daniel attacked her, she wasn’t thinking about her new scars. She was only thinking about the man who would love her and take care of her forever.

  “I want you to straddle me and keep your hands on the headboard, baby. I will not put you on your back until it’s completely healed. You move those hands and you don’t get an orgasm, understand?” Troy was already naked and sliding onto the bed.

  “Yes, Troy. I promise, I’ll be good.” Maybe. But damn, she wanted that orgasm. Her nipples were aching to be touched. She climbed on top of him and grabbed the headboard, preparing to impale herself when he stopped her.

  “Not till I say, honey. I want to play first.” God, yes. Play, touch, she just needed him to do something! She lifted herself a bit, placing her breasts right at his mouth. He was reclined, perfectly situated to suck on her nipples. She wanted to shove her chest into his face, but she waited for him to make the decision. Good Lord, sometimes being tied up was so much easier than being able to move but not being allowed to.

  When Troy finally took her nipple into his mouth and started sucking, she dropped her head back. The tug of his mouth felt so good, the little bites to the tip of her hard buds sent zings of pain and pleasure straight to her clit. She wanted to rock against him, anything to get more. He used his fingers to pull and squeeze at her other nipple in time to the action of his mouth. She moaned when he pinched and rolled the tip as he bit down. Her breasts were swollen and tight, so sensitive now that it was almost too painful, but she wanted more.

  Troy released her and leaned over to the end table. “Nipple clamps. I want to be able to focus on your face right now. I think I’ll let these do the work for the time being.” Whatever. She didn’t care what he did as long as something was being done. She was so wet, she could feel her cream oozing down her thighs and slicking the skin where she straddled Troy. He blew cool air on her nipples and attached rubber-tipped clamps. The pinch wasn’t as bad as she imagined. They’d never used these clamps before. She was kind of hoping for something a little more aggressive.

  Just as she was breathing out her slight disappointment and trying to calm her racing heart, the clamps started to vibrate. Holy fuck. How many vibrating toys did this man have? Her eyes popped open and she cried out a startled yip. Troy smiled at her and held up a remote. Kelly was panting for air. The vibrations were so intense that all her nerves were responding. She had goose bumps all over and chills ran down her spine. Her cunt was clamping down, begging to be filled. When the sensation became so intense she was afraid she’d move her hands to rip the clamps off, Troy shut them off.

  Kelly felt Troy’s hands sliding up her thighs, and then he used his forefinger to tap at her opening while his thumb circled her clit. “Don’t move, Kelly, or I’ll stop.” Fuck! How was she supposed to stay still? Her clit was so hard she could feel it pulsing.

  Troy inserted two fingers, hard and fast, just as he flicked over her clit with his thumb. Kelly cried out at the sensation and ground down on his hand. He immediately withdrew his fingers, causing Kelly to jolt back at the loss. “No moving.” She whimpered a bit but straightened up again, willing to obey him. This time when he slid his two fingers into her channel, he found her G-spot and curled his fingers in, rubbing the bundle of nerves and making tight circles around her clit.

  “Oohh…uh, uh. Troy? Baby, please?” He rubbed on her harder and faster, pumping at that spot deep within her so perfectly she felt her whole body start to melt like butter. She was creaming all over his hand and squeezing him tight. She needed him.

  Kelly felt the tension draw to a point in her womb and she shivered over the strength of it, the blood rushing in one wave to pool in her pelvis. Just as she was about to go over, Troy removed his hand and drove his cock deep. The vibrations started on her nipples again as he slammed her hips down to meet his upward thrust. Kelly bent forward a
s much as her position would allow, the muscles in her abdomen pulling together. She broke apart as soon as he ground his pelvis against her clit. The spasms had her screaming out her release. Troy was using his grip on her waist to pump her up and down on his cock, grunting with the effort to last through her orgasm. It took all of Kelly’s energy to hold on to the bedframe and not fall on him. Her thighs were shaking and her cunt was gripping him, unwilling to let him go.

  Finally, she started to ease down, her contractions reduced to gentle waves. Troy stopped the vibrations on her too-sensitive nipples and pulled her to him one last time. He shouted and thumped his head against the headboard as he came in strong pulses within her. She could feel his cum bathe her walls. The sense of satisfaction knowing his seed was deep within her was overwhelming. She used her inner muscles to grip him tighter, pulling from him everything he had to give.

  They rested there for a few minutes, enjoying the connection. Kelly released the headboard to lie on Troy’s chest and listen to the beat of his heart. “I love you forever, Kelly.” She smiled and kissed his neck. Life was really going to be all the things she had given up on. It was almost too much to believe, but she would treasure every minute of it.

  After they started to untangle themselves and clean up, Kelly remembered her package. Jesus, she needed to go check on it. Just thinking about Troy’s reaction had her silently giggling to herself. “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “To show you James’s gift.” Kelly started down the hallway.


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