Hers To Command (Cyborg Sizzle Book 8)

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Hers To Command (Cyborg Sizzle Book 8) Page 15

by Cynthia Sax

  He was ridiculously happy.

  Because she insisted on reviewing their plans.

  That didn’t make sense, which was unlike her reason-based warrior. And it wouldn’t change her stance. She wanted to know everything.

  “I don’t care what those other beings did or didn’t do.” Carys tugged at the cuffs of her chest covering, her movements sharp. “Your lives are at stake. I’m reviewing your plans, all of them, in detail.”

  “That’s exactly it, Commander.” Thrasher appeared as happy as Ace was. “You care.”

  “The others didn’t care,” Ace expanded. “Not the way you do.”

  “Of course, I care about you.” She rolled her eyes. How could they question that? “You’re my males.”

  She realized her mistake when their eyes widened.

  “We’re your males,” they said in unison.

  One moment, Carys was standing, her booted feet planted squarely on the floor. The next moment, she was being swung around the chamber by two endearingly joyous warriors.

  “We’re your males, your males.” They repeated that refrain over and over again, spinning her faster and faster. The chamber’s walls blurred around her. Lights stretched into one continuous stream.

  She attempted to retain her dignity, as was befitting a commander of a battle station. They made it impossible, their happiness feeding hers. Laughter, fueled by stress, lit by love, bubbled up her throat and spilled out her mouth.

  Thrasher joined in, throwing back his head in wild abandon. Even Ace chuckled, his reserved mirth escalating hers.

  She laughed until her stomach hurt and she couldn’t laugh any more. The spinning slowed and stopped. Her booted feet touched the floor.

  Carys swayed, feeling dizzy, the chamber continuing to move. She clutched her warriors’ arms, trusting them to keep her upright, knowing they would never let her fall.

  “We’re your males.” Ace smacked his lips against her forehead.

  “And you’re our female.” Thrasher kissed her as enthusiastically.

  “I’m your female in here, in private.” Carys held up her right index finger. She might not be a commander for long, but while she held the position, she would be respected. “Call me your female in front of my crew and you’ll never leave our chambers again.”

  “Yes, Commander.” They grinned.

  “Our female,” Thrasher added.

  “Our female.” Ace’s voice was soft with satisfaction.

  Stars. She loved her males. Carys struggled to maintain a serious expression. “How are you planning to board the battle station?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Several shifts later, Ace stood at their Commander’s right hand as she communicated with her counterpart through the viewscreen. Thrasher protected her left side, standing tall, his shoulders straight, his form clothed in his body armor.

  Pigment gleamed on his cheeks, as it must be gleaming on Ace’s. They’d reapplied the concealment once they reached their chambers. Not even a hint of their model numbers showed through the black.

  They were taking all precautions possible. The other Rebel commanders might pay the same attention to details as their Carys did. Ace and Thrasher wouldn’t risk jeopardizing the upcoming battle, the safety of their brethren, or the life of their female.

  They had guarded her while she had briefly slept, monitoring the area around her, and they’d accompanied her to the bridge where she had changed their battle station’s course, steering them toward the inevitable interception with their Humanoid Alliance target.

  She’d decided to return to their chambers to talk in private with the other commanders. They’d followed her.

  Ace wasn’t letting her out of his sight, not until he had to, not until it was time to complete their mission—setting explosives on the enemy’s vessel.

  If it was his choice, Thrasher would stay on board the battle station also. That would ensure both of the beings he cared for remained safe.

  But it wasn’t his choice. The male was a fellow warrior. Missing a fight would be painful for him, might damage his emotional system.

  And their Commander wouldn’t allow either of them to undertake the mission alone. She worried about them.

  Because they were her males.

  His big cyborg heart had almost burst out of his chest when she told them that. Their female had finally claimed them verbally.

  Soon she would say the human love words, making him the happiest of warriors.

  Right now, she was talking about the upcoming battles with one of her counterparts, reassuring the older male. “Your strategy is sound. It should work.”

  “It should…providing they don’t have assistance.” The commander’s jowls jiggled as he spoke. “My scans detect another battle station positioned close to our target.” His battle station was positioned in a distant galaxy. “Should I be concerned about them joining the fight?”

  The gray-haired bearded male sported scars and was twice her size yet he looked to their Carys for guidance. She was fierce. Ace’s chest expanded with pride.

  Their Carys looked toward him. “Warrior?”

  He muted the transmission. “The male commander has no reason to be concerned. The other battle station contains our brethren.”

  Once they’ve freed themselves and have killed all on board, they’ll turn their attention to the target battle station, assisting the male commander in his fight, Thrasher transmitted. No warrior would miss a battle like that.

  Those aren’t their orders. But Ace privately agreed. He and his brethren loved to kill and yearned for vengeance. The warriors would seek to end as many Humanoid Alliance lifespans as possible before voyaging to the Cyborg Homeland.

  “I’ll reassure him.” Their female’s authoritative tone hardened Ace’s cock.

  He unmuted the transmission.

  “There’s no need to be concerned about the other battle station, Commander.” She met the older male’s gaze through the viewscreen. “It won’t be a factor.”

  The lines between the male’s eyebrows deepened. “We have no other battle stations in the sector.”

  “We’re aware of that.” Their Commander said nothing more.

  “If the second battle station joins the fight, we don’t stand a chance.”

  “It won’t join the fight.” Her voice was firm. “I give you my word of honor.”

  “Your word of honor?” The male stared at her.

  “Yes.” She held his gaze, showing no doubt.

  Their female trusted them completely, staking her reputation and the lifespans of all beings on board the other battle station on their word.

  Ace would protect that trust in them as vigorously as he protected their female.

  “That’s good enough for me.” The other commander released a deep breath, his shoulders lowering. “We’ll eliminate our target. It will be challenging, but hey, we haven’t lost a battle yet.” His lips quirked upward. If the male had lost a battle, he’d be dead. All of them were acutely aware of the price of failure. “We’ll share a victory drink after this. The Fates be willing.”

  “I look forward to that.” Their Carys relaxed her stance. “Is that all?”

  “That’s all.” The male commander confirmed. “Ending transmission.”

  The viewscreen went black, his image disappearing.

  “They all trust me.” Her lips twisted. The lines on her beautiful face communicated her concerns. “They’re counting on me to relay the right information.”

  “You won’t betray their trust.” Thrasher was the first to wrap his arms around her waist.

  Ace was the second, the knot in his stomach loosening as soon as he touched her. “They have the best information we can provide.”

  “Some of them will still die.” She rested her head on Thrasher’s shoulder and placed her right palm on Ace’s upper thigh, tightening the physical connection between them. “And it will be my fault.”

  “It will be our fault but yes, so
me of them will die.” Ace couldn’t lie to her. He was a cyborg and didn’t have that ability. And he wouldn’t hide the truth. Their female wouldn’t appreciate that. “Beings die in war.”

  “But you won’t die.” She turned, facing them. “You’re cyborgs, the most skilled warriors in the universe.” She cupped their faces, her warmth soaking into Ace’s skin. “You’ll return to me.”

  They’d do everything within their power to obey her command.

  “I’ll give you an incentive to return.” She unfastened her chest covering, revealing her pale skin, bountiful breasts, tight pink nipples, one for each of them.

  “One more moment with you is the only incentive we need.” Thrasher dragged his lips over her left shoulder, across her collarbone.

  “You’re all we need, our female.” Ace skimmed his fingers along her side, circled her right breast, drawing closer and closer to the sensitive tip. She arched into his hand, sweetly responsive, generous with her passion.

  He squeezed and released, squeezed and released. She fit his palm perfectly, made for him, for them.

  Thrasher moved lower, laved the swell of her left breast with his tongue, marking her with his nanocybotics. His chest rumbled with need.

  Ace wanted to taste their female too. He licked, following the path his hand had previously mapped, savoring her contrasts. She was hardness and softness, tight nipples surrounded by supple breasts, strong female guarding a caring heart.

  Ace sucked, drawing her into his mouth, tugging and pulling. Thrasher did the same.

  “Suckle on my breasts, my warriors.” Their Carys held them to her bosom, threading her fingertips through their hair, curving her hands over their scalps. “Take all you want from me.”

  Ace wanted everything, all of her. Their female’s scent teased his nostrils. Her salt seasoned his tongue.

  Thrasher ran one of his hands over Ace’s body armor-clad back. The pressure, the connection was exquisite, but Ace needed more. He craved skin-on-skin contact with the male.

  His desire for Thrasher was wrong. Ace’s processors still retained that communication, a remnant of the Humanoid Alliance’s training. But it wasn’t core, wasn’t prominent.

  And it was offset by the knowledge that their female accepted their bond, encouraged it. It pleased her, no, it excited her when they touched each other.

  Their female was a commander, one of the top human warriors. Other warriors bowed to her experience, her knowledge.

  They should obey her also. Ace pulled on his body armor. Pieces fell to the floor. Cool air swept over his heated skin.

  Thrasher’s rumbling grew louder, the male approving of his actions.

  Ace peeled the body armor away from his groin. His cock sprang free but the pressure on his balls didn’t ease. He was too aroused, already too far gone.

  Thrasher stripped as quickly, revealing golden skin over defined muscle. Ace bumped against him, the contact jarring both of them.

  Thrasher slapped Ace’s back, leaving his hand on his form, his fingers splayed. Ace rolled his shoulders back, making his muscles ripple under Thrasher’s palm.

  While Ace teased Thrasher and Thrasher teased Ace, seducing, exploring, they also erotically tormented their female, sucking at her breasts as though they were offspring and she was their only source of nourishment.

  It was the truth. She had fed their souls, their hearts, showing them the beauty of an otherwise grim and hostile world.

  Ace’s cock pulsed to the same tempo as their lips, his circuits surging with their building passion, his processors lighting up. Thrasher massaged his back, rubbing his fingertips into his skin.

  It wasn’t mock fighting, wasn’t the stealth feels they’d exchanged before claiming their female. It was sensual, serious, conveying emotions both softer and more savage than mere brotherhood.

  Ace didn’t protest, didn’t deny himself the pleasure. Thrasher was his, as was their Carys. The three of them were manufactured to fit as one, their systems designed to link.

  Their Carys shifted against them. “I need a cock inside me.” She kicked off her boots. They were naked. Other than the discarded footwear, their female remained fully clothed.

  “We’ll give you what you need, our female.” Thrasher unfastened her ass coverings, pulled them down to her ankles, releasing a wave of mouth-watering aroma.

  Ace could almost taste her arousal. It made him lightheaded with desire.

  “I want to breed with your breasts.” Thrasher made his preference known. “I plan to cover you with my cum.” He smacked his lips against her rounded stomach. The markings from her daughter’s birthing radiated like a sun’s rays from her navel, accentuating the unique beauty of her form. “You’ll have my scent on your skin when you battle the Humanoid Alliance.”

  “I want to breed with your pussy.” Ace scooped their little human female into his arms and transferred her to the sleeping support. “You’ll have my cum dripping down your legs when you stand at the helm of your battle station.”

  “At our battle station.” Her correction filled him with joy. Their female had fought for the right to call the battle station hers. To share the honor with them was more proof of her love. “The scent of my pussy will cling to your cock, Ace.”

  She spread her legs. Her delicate pink folds were slick with her juices. She was wet and ready for him, now and always.

  “Thrasher, I plan to lick your cock clean.” She flicked her tongue, giving them a demonstration. “You’ll remember the feel of my lips around your shaft when you run through the Humanoid Alliance’s corridors, rushing back to me, back to this.”

  She cupped her breasts, lifting them for the male’s inspection.

  “Frag, yes, our Commander.” Thrasher swung his leg over her, straddling their female. His long hard cock rested in the deep valley between her breasts.

  Their Carys squeezed her curves around his shaft, enveloping him completely, and the warrior groaned, his ass cheeks clenching. Ace admired the image of them together. Thrasher rocked, sliding his cock in and out of that makeshift tunnel. Their female undulated, her lush form moving against the male’s unrelenting physique.

  “You like watching us, don’t you, Ace?” She gazed at him, her brown eyes sparkling with that knowledge. “You like watching your male fuck your female.”

  “Breed, not fuck.” And he did like watching them.

  “You like watching your male breed with your female,” she revised. “After you’ve completed your mission and have returned to me, we’ll put on a show for you.”

  She gave him an additional incentive, one he didn’t require. Being with her was enough.

  “Come and claim us now.” She bent her knees, creating a cradle for him. “We need you.”

  Claim them. They needed him.

  Ace stalked forward, fully aware of the significance of her words, of his actions. By taking this step, he was declaring that Thrasher was his, that his bond with the male was as important, as key as his bond with their Carys.

  He was ready. He wanted to do this, to claim his female and his male.

  Ace gripped their Carys’ hips, prodded her pussy with his cock. She moaned and wiggled her ass. He pushed inside her.

  His systems flickered. There was nothing in the universe that compared to their female’s wet heat, her snug hold around him.

  Ace paused with his tip inside her, feeling her inner walls stretched around him, relishing the experience. Thrasher continued to ride their female’s chest, his ass cheeks tensing and relaxing, an almost hypnotic movement.

  “All of it, Ace,” their female, their Commander barked.

  Ace jerked. So did Thrasher. Her authority turned both of them on.

  Ace pushed deeper and deeper, burying his shaft up to his base. He was covered with liquid warmth, with softness. Their female rolled her hips, her breeding gentle, the action shallow.

  “Thrasher, pin me to the sleeping support,” their Carys instructed. “Don’t allow me to shift
on it.”

  “Yes, Commander.” Thrasher closed his thighs, holding her still with his legs.

  “Ace, grasp Thrasher’s hips, and fuck…breed with me hard.” Her voice was husky. “I want my breasts to jiggle and Thrasher to feel it.”

  Her orders excited Ace. He complied, folding his fingers gingerly over Thrasher’s hips.

  You have the grip of a human offspring, the warrior mocked him.

  Frag you. Ace tightened his grip, whitening the skin around his fingers. For that comment, I’ll ensure you wear my bruises for planet rotations, genius.

  I’m a cyborg, ass. I’ll heal before you’re done bellowing my name.

  Ace glared at the warrior’s back. I’ll be bellowing our female’s name, not yours.

  She won’t be bellowing anyone’s name. Not with you remaining motionless.

  Frag. Sometimes he wanted to strangle Thrasher. Ace pulled out of their female’s tight pussy and thrust hard. The sleeping support shook.

  Their female remained securely on the surface, a challenge Ace couldn’t resist.

  He withdrew and drove into her with more intensity. Thrasher swayed. Their female gasped. Her juices bathed Ace’s shaft, dripping between his balls.

  He set a punishing pace, his view consisting of their Carys’ pale legs and generous hips, Thrasher’s toned ass, his broad shoulders, the back of the warrior’s head.

  “Yes, harder, harder,” their female called out to both of them.

  She was captured, unable to lift her hips, but she wasn’t entirely motionless. Their Carys massaged Ace with her inner walls, rippling her flesh over his shaft.

  Their desire spiraled quickly upward, progressing faster than a blast of Erinomean Green Fire, burning everything in its path, scorching Ace’s control. Pressure formed low on his spine. Their female’s pussy constricted around his cock. The muscles on Thrasher’s back flexed to the breaking point.

  “I need. I need.” Their Commander was at a loss for words, unable to give them instructions.

  They didn’t require them.

  On the count of three, pinch her nipples, Ace transmitted to Thrasher.


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