Moonlight and Margaritas

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Moonlight and Margaritas Page 18

by Stark, Cindy

  Cassie nudged her with an elbow. "Looks like you have an impatient customer, Mom."

  Elena glanced past the older couple and their terrier walking ahead of them to see a man leaning against the front door of her shop.

  "Cute one, too."

  Elena stumbled, sloshing coffee down the side of her cup. "Dear God."

  Joe had found her.


  "Careful, Mom," Cassie replied, thinking Elena had been worried about the spilled coffee.

  Elena wanted to tell her daughter about Joe, explain who the man was and what he meant to her, but she couldn't form words at the moment.

  Joe picked that instant to notice them, too, and he stepped away from the door, facing them. His gaze connected with hers, and he trapped her with his dark eyes.

  She drank in the sight of him. Dear God, she'd missed him. She'd missed everything about him. The way his eyebrows slanted over sexy eyes. The way he could make her laugh and feel alive. More than that, she'd missed the sweet taste of his kiss and the heavenly feel of his arms around her.

  There was no running or hiding now. He'd breached the distance barrier she'd erected, and she had to face delicious temptation all over again.

  A tentative smile hovered on his lips as they approached. "Elena." His hair was a little shorter, and his island clothes had been replaced with a leather jacket and jeans, but he still looked as dangerous and sexy to her as ever.

  "Joe." She gave him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. "What are you doing here?"

  His gaze shifted to Cassie and then back to her. "I was in the area. Thought I'd stop by."

  The moment grew awkward, and he seemed unsure what else to say. Ditto for her. "Joe, I'd like you to meet Cassie. Honey, this is Joe Stephens."

  "Hello, Mr. Stephens." Her daughter extended a confident hand.

  "Nice to meet you, Cassie. I've heard you're an aspiring artist with amazing talent."

  "Thank you." Cassie blinked and looked at Elena. She turned back to Joe. "Have you known my mother long?"

  "I—" Elena began.

  "No." Joe cut her off. "We met not long ago in Cabo San Lucas."

  A smug smile crept across her daughter's lips. She replied with a long, drawn out "oh". "So, you're the one." She nudged her mother.

  Elena's cheeks erupted with heat. "Cassie, please. Could Joe and I have a moment alone?"

  Her daughter held up her hand. "Sure. I'll just go in and open the shop. You two can take your time." Cassie unlocked the door and opened it before taking Elena's coffee from her. "I hope to see you again, Mr. Stephens."

  He released an uncertain breath. "Me, too."

  "Here's your chance, Mom." She tossed the words out the door before closing it.

  Elena narrowed her eyes at her daughter as she peeked through the door's window. Why did fate keep throwing this man in her path? It wasn't fair. "There's a park just across the way. Let's talk there."

  She glanced at him as they walked, her emotions bouncing all over the place. He looked good in his leather jacket with his dark hair cut shorter. Wow. The man she couldn't stop dreaming about was there, right in front of her. He'd come to find her, which thrilled her and left her anxious because she'd have to face all her fears again.

  "I hope it's okay that I dropped by," he said, as he matched her stride. "I wasn't certain how you'd react to seeing me after the way we parted."

  "Of course, it's fine. It's really good to see you." She meant that. She didn't know what the hell to do with him, but still her heart pounded with wild excitement.

  They stepped off the pavement and into a small park sheltered by trees. It was unoccupied at the moment and afforded them a small amount of privacy. The smell of pine hung in the air, adding ambience for anyone looking for a quiet spot to rest.

  She sat on a cozy bench tucked into a group of faded rose bushes, and Joe sat next to her. She wished she could have predicted his visit so she would have had time to consider how to handle things. "What are you doing in Carmel?"

  "Business. I've been checking out buildings down the coastline, looking for an appropriate site for a new venture I'm considering."

  "Sounds interesting." She studied his eyes, remembering the gold flakes hidden in the dark depths. She could happily lose herself in them for hours. "Are you in town for the day, the weekend, or what?" It had been thirty-five days since she'd left him in Mexico, and it felt like a lifetime.

  His genuine smile warmed her. "I’m glad you're not kicking me to the curb. I wasn't sure if you'd think I was stalking you."

  "Of course not. I told you to stop in if you were ever in town."

  "I'm only here for a couple of hours, but I'm back in Santa Cruz, full time now. Back to the family business."

  Santa Cruz was only an hour from Carmel. That could be a good thing or a bad thing. "You never did mention exactly what your family business was while we were in Cabo."

  "We own a shipping company. I'm sorry I didn't mention it. I was trying to forget that part of my life for a while and seek some enjoyment." His smile turned sensuous. "Which I definitely found."

  Heat warmed her cheeks. "I guess we were kind of busy having fun." Was that why he was there? For another quick fling?

  An amused look lit his dark eyes. "Fun might be an understatement."

  They both laughed, and Elena couldn't ignore how much she'd missed his smile, the sound of his voice and his touch. Now here he was in the flesh, making her heart crash like the wild surf against the rocky Carmel hillside. It was hard not to reach out and touch him.

  His expression grew serious as he took her hand, burying it between his. "I came here to tell you that you lied to me."

  She drew her brows in confusion and tilted her head, trying to focus on what he was saying and not how good it felt to have him hold her hand again. "What do you mean?" She might not have told him everything about her, but she hadn't lied.

  "You said the memory of you would fade." He turned on the bench, fully facing her. He lifted a hand and ran his thumb across her bottom lip, setting off a million tiny explosions inside her. "But I can't forget the taste of your kiss."

  "Oh…" The word slipped from her lips as the air rushed out of her lungs. She released a nervous laugh. "I don't know what to say to that."

  He curved his mouth into a sexy grin. "I have a proposition for you."

  "Another one?" She couldn't resist the tease. Their last agreement had resulted in a sexy island fling, which had given her some of the most memorable times of her life, but also a fair amount of anxiety.

  "I think we should date. Santa Cruz isn't that far from Carmel, and I'd really like the chance to spend more time with you."

  The way he said "date" raised her guard. "Date? Are you proposing that we continue our no-strings affair?"

  "Yes and no." He smiled and took her hands again. "I think we should get to know each other a little better."

  She tried to stifle the uncertainty building inside her. "With what outcome in mind?"

  He shrugged. "I don't know. I mean does anyone ever really know what the outcome will be when they date?"

  She looked down. How did she handle this? "Joe, I…"

  He cradled her face between his hands and she looked up, finding him watching her with the most intense look. "I know the thought of any kind of a commitment makes you nervous. I get that. But I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to spend a little more time with you, okay?"

  She tried to think, but he was too close. He tilted his head and leaned toward her. Everything inside her stilled in anticipation of his kiss. His lips were firm and warm as they brushed across hers with a softness that made her insides quiver. He searched her eyes and then kissed her again.

  She couldn't stop him. Didn't want to stop him. Within seconds, her desire caught fire. Her hunger matched his. She wrapped her arms around his waist, splaying her hands across his back, her fingers instantly remembering the sweet feel of his bare skin.

  He pul
led back, and she inhaled, trying to reclaim some oxygen and clear the crazy thoughts that filled her head.

  "You can't ignore that, Elena. I know you feel it, too."

  "I do, but…"

  "Then date me."

  How did she reconcile this? "I don't want to hurt you, Joe, and I certainly don't want to lose you, but you know I can't commit to anything right now." The idea scared the hell out of her. It was one thing to enjoy her time with him in Cabo when she didn't have anything else that required her attention, but now he was here, in her personal space, asking for more.

  He leaned back and nodded. "You're still going to try to play this off as something casual."

  Elena glanced around the park edged by shrubs and trees, feeling trapped by the walls of greenery. "I don't know what to say. I…I loved our time together, too. But things in my life have been thrown into a tailspin, and I need to focus on that right now." She stood, needing some breathing room. She didn't want to push him away, but she couldn't think with him so close.

  He stood as well, placing his hands on her upper arms. "Elena, love doesn't wait until life's perfect to drop in. It happens when it happens."

  Whoa. That sent her stumbling. "Are you saying you're in love with me?" Mentally, she scrambled to get her feet under her. She scoffed and took a step back. "We barely know each other."

  He put up a hand, shaking his head. "I didn't mean it like that. But I do have strong feelings for you, and I'd love the chance to get to know you better."

  He wasn't making this easy. "You don't, Joe. Trust me." She tried to calm her pounding heart. "My life is filled with aggravating construction companies and an insolent ex-husband. Plus, I'm a workaholic. I spend all of my time at my shop. Currently, I'm trying to focus on new ways to drum up business to offset my losses from the construction without losing my sanity in the process. I don't have time to invest in a relationship."

  "I noticed the construction going on in front of your building. Is it cutting into your profits that much?"

  She sighed with relief, glad that he understood her dilemma. "Yes. I'm barely breaking even as we speak. If I lose more, I'll have to lay off employees. I don't even want to think about what will happen if business continues to falter."

  "Anything I can do to help?"

  She smiled. "Thank you, but short of the construction company only working when I'm closed, I don't know what can help. I've already talked to the city about limiting working hours, but apparently they're happy with their current schedule."

  "That's rough."

  "It is, and now you can see why I need to spend my time at work."

  "You can't work twenty-four hours a day. Trust me. I've tried it, and it will kill you."

  She faltered. "Well, I don't work twenty-four hours, but it does take up most of my time."

  "So, you're admitting that you do have some free hours in your day?"

  She sighed, knowing he'd cornered her. "You're good. Did you ever think of going into negotiating for corporate takeovers or a hostage's release?"

  He shook his head, keeping her gaze trapped beneath his. "Trying to lighten the situation isn't going to deter me. Do you or don't you have one free hour in your day that you could spend with me from time to time? I’m not asking for much."

  "This is crazy, Joe. You can't possibly care that much about seeing me. I know nothing about you. You know nothing about me. I think you're trying to recreate the magic we found in Cabo, but I don't think it's possible."

  "So, you admit it was magic." A spark of triumph flared in his expression, and she knew she'd exposed the weakness in her armor.

  "It doesn't matter. That was there. This is reality."

  "It does matter. You matter." He pulled her into his arms, running a thumb across her bottom lip, his eyes searching her face. "Tell me there's nothing between us, and I'll disappear forever."

  She couldn't, and he knew it. "Damn it, Joe. It's not fair to ask me for this. I've given you my reasons."

  "I'm not asking for a commitment. I just want to spend some time with you."

  "I don't have time." She needed to focus on her business, on her livelihood, not to mention, she didn't want to open herself up to more hurt. Not after the incident she'd just had with Richard.

  "One hour. One date. No expectations beyond that. Just dinner. You know you have to eat, so it's really not costing you any extra time. Think about it, you have nothing to lose."

  Except her heart. She studied his hauntingly dark eyes, before dropping to his sensual lips. Did she really believe one date would be enough? He'd been so warm and strong next to her during the most unforgettable nights. While her brain told her to set him free, her heart couldn't let go.

  She shifted her gaze to a grouping of hostas and impatiens that grew close to their shady bench, trying to give herself space to think.

  One hour.

  That didn't sound too scary, and if she were careful, she'd be able to keep her focus on her business. She had to admit Joe was already occupying a good portion of her thoughts anyway.

  A gentle breeze blew through the trees, sending a few leaves tumbling toward the ground. In time, who knew what might happen. Maybe they'd tire of each other and fall apart. Or later when Cassie had her own family, maybe she could consider something more serious. Maybe.

  She didn't need to worry about those future thoughts now. Her counselor had told her she'd thought she'd healed enough to pursue another relationship if she wanted to. But Elena didn't feel healed. Vulnerable was more like it.

  She took a deep breath, feeling as though she stood on the edge of a high cliff overlooking the Pacific, ready to jump. "Okay. I'll agree to one date. But there are no promises, no expectations of a future. I can't give you those. Not now. Maybe not ever." Her nerves spiraled as if she'd taken the plunge and was free-falling.

  A victorious grin curved his lips. She could hear her counselor talking in the back of her head, reminding her that most men wanted to share a life and not control hers. "I'm good with that. For now. Though I reserve the right to try to change your mind later on."

  Her heart lurched. She'd given him an inch, and already he was asking for more. "I can't think about that, Joe." If things became too involved, if her control slipped, she'd end it. She took a step back, and a thorn from the rosebush scratched her arm. "I need you to understand that you can't expect anything from me."

  He moved closer. "Agreed, as long as you understand that I intend to make you fall in love with me."

  She shook her head as she shivered. That seemed like such an impossibility. It was a fairy tale idea that he'd be able to ease into her life, providing love and support without demanding control. Lovely, but not likely. She'd seen too many instances to the contrary, including one very painful one of her own.

  She folded her arms and stood her ground. "You can claim your intentions, but know that I have no intention of falling in love with anyone for a very long time." If ever again. She wouldn't say that out loud because people would dismiss her sincerity, telling her she would find someone in time…but she didn't know that. She couldn't be certain if her heart would ever heal enough to let her trust someone that much again.

  The corners of his mouth lifted. "It sounds like we have an understanding." He put a hand on each side of her waist, pulling her to him, trapping her folded arms between them. "Here's your first chance to tell me no." He leaned closer, his lips almost touching hers. "Do you want me to back off now?" The scent of his familiar cologne instantly took her back to their sultry nights, and her body heated in response.

  Her heart warred with her brain. It wasn't fair. This was what she wanted. Every cell of her ached for him. He was here, flesh and blood. No longer a fantasy, no longer a dream. She wanted him.

  She held his gaze and shook her head. "No, I don't want you to back off."

  He needed no further encouragement. His lips touched hers, and she was lost. Lost in his demanding kiss. Now that they'd hammered out their expectations, she
allowed herself to relax. All thoughts of control were replaced by need. She wiggled her arms free, wrapping them around his neck, running her fingers over his new haircut. He held her to him, one hand on the back of her neck, the other firmly on her backside.

  Having spent the last several weeks apart intensified her yearning. She took what she needed from him, what she'd been wanting from the moment she'd left Mexico, and she didn't regret it for an instant. He seemed eager to give, so she didn't stop. She wanted more.

  He found his way under her silk shirt, caressing the sensitive skin on her back. He slid his other hand up the back of her neck, burying it in her hair. She shivered, feeling the tug as he messed with her updo.

  "I missed you," she whispered between heated kisses.

  "I missed you, too."

  She couldn't believe how much she wanted him. "Joe…"

  "Get a room, for hell's sake."

  They jerked apart as an elderly man garbed in a thin blue sweater hobbled toward them, intruding on their secluded park. Stunned, she watched as he walked with a newspaper in one hand and a cane in the other. A surly look wrinkled his features as he sat on a bench near them, eyeing them with annoyance. "This city's full of inns. Go find one. I'd like to read in peace." He sat down and snapped open his paper, dismissing them.

  Elena didn't know if she should laugh or cry. She'd been so caught up in Joe that she'd forgotten time and place. Her conscience warned her to be cautious. This man was capable of making her do things she'd never consider otherwise.

  "Come on." Joe tugged on her hand, and she followed him to the edge of the park. "Let's find someplace else."

  But the moment was lost. Reality jumped in, and she'd been reminded they were no longer in Cabo. "Joe, I can't. I have to work today." She glanced at her watch. She'd been gone for a half-hour already. "Cassie opened the shop, but she's expecting me to return."

  "Just for a while?" His eyes pleaded with her. "Let's wander around Carmel, and I'll buy you lunch."

  So much for him letting her have control. No, she had to set the standard now. She shook her head. "I have to work. After that, I promised to spend the rest of the day with Cassie."


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