Raiya: Starter Zone - A LitRPG Saga: Archon's Chosen - Book One

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Raiya: Starter Zone - A LitRPG Saga: Archon's Chosen - Book One Page 10

by Russell Wilbinski

  Sawbones has requested you continue your pledge to defend his people and assist them if possible in recovering their people, heirlooms or history.

  Reward: increased reputation with Sawbones and the Blue Stone Clan

  Additional rewards: unknown.

  Do you accept? YES or NO?

  Without hesitation he selected yes and dismissed the prompt. He placed his hand on the Kobolds shoulder, looking him directly in the eyes.

  “Sawbones, you are my friend, my ally and the first and only person I know on this island. I swore to be the champion of the Blue Stone Clan. I did not take my vow lightly, you did not need to ask.”

  He gently squeezed his shoulder. “Even if I was not the champion, I would not allow innocents to suffer at the hands of evil. I will do everything I can to restore OUR people to their former glory.”

  He looked to the elders and nodded. They chirped excitedly before bowing and then leaving the cavern. Skree smiled down at his friend. “Now that that is settled, I need to prepare to leave.”

  The Kobold leader looked at him, a hint of sadness in his eyes. “Already? I know you desire to explore the island further, but another few days couldn’t hurt.”

  Skree shook his head. “No, I should get going as soon as possible. If more Blue Stone Kobolds are out there, I need to find them. The map also showed me some points to check out though the details are lacking and lastly, there is an enormous lizard out there that has a hot date with some cold steel.”

  Sawbones started to ask a question, but Skree cut him off. “It’s a human saying.”

  “Speaking of steel,” Sawbones said excitedly “I think you will really like what Carver has come up with for your new weapons. Follow me.”

  Sawbones walked out of the cavern, through the stone hut and walked straight through the village toward another low stone building, one that was built into a recessed cavern wall.

  Upon entering, Skree was amazed at the hustle and bustle of the workshop. When he had first seen the Kobold warren, it looked like most of the Kobolds were just laying around, waiting for someone to tell them what to do. This was a drastic change of pace from what he was expecting.

  Sawbones barked a few orders and a large wooden chest was pulled away from the wall, and dragged to the center of the work area. The two Kobolds who dragged it over, pulled open the heavy lid revealing a tangle of leather straps and assorted bits of metal.

  The older of the two Kobolds barked an order. “Human tall, must kneel so we can dress you.” His words were less refined than Sawbones, but not as bad as when he had first met the small Chieftain.

  Skree didn't see any point in arguing, so he dropped to his knees, watching the old Kobold. He used Analyze since he didn't know his name.

  Name: Carver, Kobold level 28

  Profession: Leatherworker







  Disposition: Admiration.

  “Kobolds are a primarily subterranean race, most are of low intelligence but are crafty and resourceful. They are not inherently evil but are antagonistic to most races on Raiya. Kobolds receive 2 stat points and 2 skill points per level.”

  His eyes went wide with surprise when he saw a profession listed. What in the world was that? He blurted out his question. “Your profession is leatherworker?”

  Carver nodded as he sized up his human mannequin. Skree continued “How did you get a profession?”

  Carver pulled a tangled set of straps that were adorned with metal rivets and began strapping it around his chest in a X shape. The Kobold made quick work of the fitting and Skree looked down. The straps fit nearly perfectly, contouring between his pecs and down around his ribcage.

  Carver took a step back, tilting his head from side to side, contemplatively. He dug a thicker strap out of the box, and pulled it around his waist. Using some clips, he fastened the leather straps to the belt creating a perfect harness.

  Carver again took a step back, looking him over with an appraising eye and nodding. He sighed contentedly. “Champion, I am leatherworker long time. Make many cloaks, straps, harnesses. When you reach level 20 and have basic skills, you can start training for profession.”

  Skree took in the information and nodded. That was good to know.

  Carver pulled a few metal hooks from the chest and used a pair of crude pliers to affix them to the belt. Without breaking his concentration, Carver snapped his fingers and a nearby Kobold rushed over, carrying two large hatchets that Skree immediately recognized. The younger Kobold handed them over to Carver, who placed them on the new metal hooks, allowing them to hang from the belt.

  Skree looked down and smiled. This was terrific work! He wiggled and the hatchets flopped side to side, but overall the movement was very minimal.

  The old leatherworker tutted with irritation and grabbed Skree by his hips, stopping him from wiggling. “Be still.” The Kobold snapped at him. Skree immediately stopped moving, properly chastised. Carver pulled a few more leather bits from his box, using them to create some tie strips, firmly securing the hatchets in place.

  “NOW wiggle.” Carver said with a tone that brooked no argument. Skree shook back and forth and was very happy to see the hatchets remained firmly in place, barely even feeling their weight.

  Carver nodded again, moving to stand behind Skree. He fiddled with straps here and there, making small adjustments using his rusted pliers. Skree felt the harness tighten, then it just sort of settled around him like a second skin. Any loose spots were gone and the weight of the hatchets seemed to nearly disappear.

  Surprised, Skree looked down at the harness and was presented with a prompt.

  You have found Kobold Warrior harness (modified). Rarity: Common, Quality: Superb, Durability: 120/120

  Kobold Warrior harnesses are made for warriors of the Kobold tribes. This particular harness has been modified to fit a human. This harness reduces the weight of three equipped weapons.

  Skree read the prompt, confused by the description. He saw where he could attach two weapons but could not for the life of him find a spot for a third. He checked the belt, feeling around the back side, but the smooth leather was featureless.

  Carver, noticing his confusion spoke slowly. “Watch. Pay attention.” He leaned in close, moving a blade behind Skree’s back. Skree tensed at having a strange creature holding a blade this close, but he trusted Sawbones and he had to trust Carver. He heard a subtle plink as the sword magnetically locked into place on the back of the harness.

  Skree shook his body aggressively, the blade remaining firmly in place. He reached over his shoulder and tried to pull it free, but the magnetic pull was too strong, even for him. Carver sighed, reaching up and removing the blade with ease.

  “Only the owner of the blade can remove. Use your own blade.” he explained. Skree pulled his own Glittersteel Short Sword, sheathing it behind him like a samurai. He felt the pull of the magnetism snap the blade into place. He gave a firm tug and the blade came free, rolling over his shoulder in a fluid motion.

  “Wow Carver, this is amazing!” Skree exclaimed with genuine excitement. The hatchets now hanging perfectly at his waist were well made and would serve him very well and most of all, the magnetic blade attachment was mind blowing. “I cannot thank you enough, if you ever need anything, all you have to do is ask.”

  Carver grunted in response. “Carver always looking for rare materials. Bring me special leather and we even.”

  While Skree was considering what Carver might consider special leather when a prompt appeared.

  You have been offered a quest - “Pay Your Debts”

  You have promised Carver of the Blue Stone Clan that you would do anything to repay his favor, in return Carver has requested “Special Leather.” Will you bring Carver something special - YES or NO?

  Rewards - Relationship points with Carver and the Blue Stone Clan.

  The p
rompt was closed before he finished reading. He owed Carver, and he was definitely a man who paid his debts. “Carver, you have my word. Any special leather I find, I will bring to you.”

  Carver rubbed his hands together greedily. “Will be here, better be good.” With that, he snapped his fingers again and the two younger Kobolds rushed to put away the crate, the wood grating loudly on the stone floor. Carver moved to the back of the workshop and started telling a few of his younger apprentices to get back to work.

  Skree looked to Sawbones. “Your people are very generous. This was not something I expected of you, just so you know.” He smiled warmly at his friend. “But this gift is extremely appreciated my friend.”

  Sawbones clasped his hands behind his back, a wolfish grin parting his lizard lips. “But Skree, I haven't given you my personal gift. You followed me into danger, freed my people and restored us to a semblance of what we once were. I am the one who cannot be grateful enough.”

  He started walking, nodding for Skree to follow. “You remember that giant sword that Gertrude was carrying? It appears you like the hatchets but what about the Great Sword?”

  Skree nodded then shrugged. “I had not really given it much thought. It's pretty big and I don't know if it really suits my fighting style. I might just leave it with you, if that’s all right?”

  The Kobold nodded. “I had assumed you might say that, but I have a different idea.”


  After a short walk through the warrens, they came to an archway that was festooned with glyphs and other assorted rune script. Sawbones bowed deeply before entering, then carried on into the holy area. As Skree passed under the arch, he felt… something wash over him.

  “What is this place?” he asked the Kobold.

  Sawbones clucked, then sighed. “It’s a special place that my people have revered for a long time. Even when we had lost our way, we still felt a connection to this place.”

  They continued down the path until they reached a type of subterranean grove. He could see a small waterfall coming from one of the rocky outcroppings. It pooled in the center and must be draining away naturally since it hadn't flooded the cavern. Small spindly trees lined the water’s edge.

  In the center of the pool was a statue, A fearsome looking… Human? “Sawbones, is that a human statue?”

  Sawbones chuckled. “I see you are very observant.” Skree feigned offense, returning his gaze to the statue. It was magnificent craftsmanship, the statue radiated pride and authority.

  “Who is it?” Skree asked. Sawbones just shook his head. “It is a question we have asked ourselves for a long time. We have never determined where it came from or why it is alone in the depths of the Island.” Sawbones knelt by the water, staring up at the imposing figure.

  Skree followed his lead, kneeling beside his friend. He too looked at the figure with awe. It was the most realistic statue he had ever seen. The man was holding a massive great sword and wearing extremely fine heavy armor.

  He drank in every detail, the cloak the statue wore almost seemed to be moving in a nonexistent breeze. The hair somewhat moist from the mist seemed to reflect sunlight like it was bright day. It was magical, simply enthralling.

  Time passed, but he couldn’t fathom how long as he basked euphorically in the statues aura. His mind began to wander, visions of grandeur playing across his thoughts. He saw himself as a great warrior, a leader of men. The vision changed, and he saw himself as a King, entire countries bent to his will.

  Time passed, the visions moving ever faster through his mind. He was a master of magic, decimating armies with immense arcane power. He was an assassin, feared by royalty and peasants alike. He was a necromancer watching his horde of demons and undead tear helpless people apart.

  He was everything! Good, Evil and everything in between.

  A prompt appeared, snapping him out of his visions. This one was gilded, bordered in a glowing gold frame. The text was flowing, glowing with a subtle light. He read with something approaching reverence.

  “Behold your destiny, for it is limitless. You are truly free and a myriad of fates sprawls before you. You have seen a glimpse of what you can become, the choices you make always able to change your path through Raiya. Very few individuals can withstand the visions of the Archons and for surviving you have been granted a boon.”

  Congratulations, you have knelt at the foot of an Archon of Destiny, revealing your infinite potential. You have unlocked a new Trait - Archons Chosen.

  The trait Archons Chosen allows you to claim rifts of destiny, allowing you to establish settlements and grow them into kingdoms of immense power and prestige. Once claimed, a settlement will need strong leadership to become grow and only someone of immense skill, focus and willpower will see them become a force of change in Raiya.

  Will you use this power for Good or succumb to the lure of Evil? Only your choices will decide. Go forth Archons Chosen and shape the world in your own image!

  Skree was rocked by the prompt. He could become a leader of a kingdom? How awesome! He didn't know what a rift of destiny was or how to find one but decided that this was something he really wanted to accomplish and sooner rather than later.

  A shouting, raspy voice drew him out of his reverie. “SKREE! Skree are you okay?” His Kobold friend was shouting, shaking him vigorously. He shook off the fog in his mind, the world coming back into focus. His friend wore a look of sheer terror on his face, surprising him.

  “Bones, buddy, I’m fine. What’s wrong?” Skree asked with concern.

  The Kobold looked at him, concern creasing his features. “You were kneeling at the base of the statue when your body started to glow. Then you started convulsing and blood was coming from your nose, ears and eyes!”

  Skree reached up and gingerly felt around his nostrils. He felt warm sticky fluid and when he pulled his hand away sure enough it was blood, bright red blood.

  He nodded to Sawbones, then stood. He didn't feel any different, but he recalled the words in the prompt. Few can survive the visions of the Archons. Had he almost died? Shrugging, he moved over to the pool, splashing water on his face and scrubbing the blood from his face and hands.

  Once he had finished, he stretched deeply, his joints cracking as he worked out the kinks in his neck. “Why did you bring me here Sawbones?”

  “I thought…” he trailed off. “I thought I would show you this statue, with the large sword and heavy armor, show you that you could be just like this mysterious human. What happened to you?”

  Skree shook his head, not sure how to explain what had happened to him. “Have you ever heard of an Archon of Destiny?” he asked the Chieftain.

  The Kobold looked puzzled but eventually shook his head. “I have never heard of that. Is it related to the statue?” the Kobold asked.

  Skree nodded then explained what had happened to him. How he saw hundreds of versions of himself before being told he was a chosen of the Archons. Sawbones listened intently, his eyes going wide at certain points.

  “A rift of destiny?” Sawbones asked confusedly. “That sounds familiar, but I can’t tell you why. Regardless, I hope you won’t hold this against me.”

  Skree laughed, patting the Kobold on the shoulder. “Against you?” He asked with exuberance. “I could kiss you!” Sawbones took a step back, worried that Skree was serious. “This is wonderful! I have to find one of these rifts and see what it’s all about.”

  Sawbones shrugged, then signaled for Skree to follow him. They left the strange statue standing alone in the dark, heading back into the warren. Skree marveled at the sight of hundreds of Kobolds scurrying about, much more animated than the first time he had seen the warrens.

  Whatever this blue stone ring was, it was critically linked to these Kobolds and their well being. He wondered about things like genetics and more, but since he was just a computer nerd, he didn't put too much faith in his ability to understand magical creature physiology.

  After a bri
ef walk, they reached a tunnel entrance, surrounded by Kobolds. They appeared to be waiting for them to arrive. Upon reaching the exit to the warren, Skree noticed a pile of gear that looked familiar, along with his satchel, now much improved. He shook his head and sighed. Probably another masterpiece from Carver. He really hoped he could find something special to repay the master leatherworker.

  “This tunnel will take you to the surface, and we have prepared a few basics for you. Just some roasted meats and vegetables.” He dragged the satchel away from the wall, handing to Skree. “It's all yours my friend. Please be careful out there and know that you are always welcome in the Warren.”

  Sawbones extended his hand, like Skree had done when they first met. Skree took his hand and shook it, grinning happily that his friend had picked up something during their time together.

  He released the Kobold’s hand and gathered up the gear and his bow. He threw the satchel over his shoulder, grabbed the massive sword from the ground and snapped it onto the back of his harness. It clicked into place and he felt the weight of the blade lessen, becoming much lighter. He threw the quiver and bow over his shoulder as well, finding that he was quickly gaining too much gear.

  He removed his spear, Glittersteel sword and all of the armor he had received from Gertrude. He dropped it in a pile, gesturing toward the assorted gear. “Watch that for me?” he asked Sawbones.

  “Of course, my friend. It will be here in your room.” Sawbones replied. Skree nodded, turning to leave. He walked a few feet into the tunnel, looking back with a devilish grin and in his best terminator impression he said, “I’ll be back.”

  Sawbones exchanged glances with a few of the elders, all looking confused, watching the human leave the warren. “Humans are weird.”


  After a ten-minute walk, Skree saw a bright light at the end of the tunnel. He increased his pace slightly and winced as his eyes struggled to adjust to the light. After days in the darkened tunnels, bright sunlight was very painful.


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