Raiya: Starter Zone - A LitRPG Saga: Archon's Chosen - Book One

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Raiya: Starter Zone - A LitRPG Saga: Archon's Chosen - Book One Page 16

by Russell Wilbinski

  Raiya was a deadly place, he had to accept that fact. The horrifically wounded animal, took a few listless steps and collapsed, its chest heaving weakly. Walking over to his Great sword, he pulled it from the earth and moved to stand over the magnificently deadly predator. It stared up at him weakly, its remaining eye looking around wildly. With a deep breath he hoisted the sword over his head and delivered the killing coup de grace. He drove the tip of the blade through its skull, the length of his weapon disappearing into its head.

  The creature spasmed a few times then lay still, forked tongue hanging limply from its mouth. Fenna sauntered up beside him, staring down at the massive beast. “What a take-down chap. Thanks for the assist.” She held his hatchets out and he took them, securing them to his waist once again.

  Zuka paced up to him, sitting calmly next to him. An intense feeling of hunger and desire to eat meat filled his mind. He looked at the wolf who seemed to be asking a question with its eyes. “Fine, you can have the tail.” He said, pointing to the severed pile of meat. Zuka yipped happily and scampered away, tearing into the flesh with feral glee.

  Fenna and Skree watched the wolf for a moment. She slapped Skree on the back with a grin. “He probably saved my life ya know? That’s a good dog.”

  “He’s a Wolf.”

  “Tomato, Tomotto.” She shrugged. “Good boy either way. Now, let’s cut this thing open and find that Essence Stone.”

  “You know about Essence Stones?” he asked with genuine surprise. “You can use Analyze?”

  “Yeah, but I don't need to, creatures usually don’t get this big unless they have been Mana-Warped.” She replied as if it were common knowledge.

  He looked at her, pulling his dagger from his belt. “Are Mana-Warped creatures common?”

  Her expression gave him the answer. “Definitely not.” She snatched the dagger from his hand, moving with purpose. She cut the softer flesh of its throat open, shoving her arm inside the incision all the way up to her elbow. Skree watched her, his mouth hanging open as she dug around inside the creature without reservation or hesitation like she had done this a hundred times before.

  “I take it you have done this before?” He asked tentatively, watching her straining to reach something he couldn't see, wet slurping sounds making him nauseous.

  “Essence stones are a precious commodity and anyone who goes monster hunting better know how to collect their prize. “

  She tugged on something a few times, wrenching her arm free, a shimmering stone clutched between her fingers. “Yata!” She exclaimed, holding the stone in the air. She held the stone close to her face, observing its luminescent structure. “Looks like your lucky day chap, this one’s pretty ripe.” She tossed it to him, a prompt appearing as his fingers closed around the dripping stone.

  You have found an Essence Stone, Rarity: Epic, Quality: Above Average, Essence: 80/80, Durability: 2000/2000 An essence stone can be used to create powerful enchantments or as an ingredient in powerful elixirs and potions. This stone contains 80 essence points.

  “Epic!” He said, realizing it was actually literal this time instead of just hyperbole. “Are you sure? I mean we both took this thing down and you’re just going to give it to me?”

  She shrugged. “Figured it was only fair, after all this thing…” she poked it with her boot. “Would have killed me if not for your timely arrival.” Zuka barked, looking at her. “You too doggy.” The wolf growled at being called a dog but went back to eating his kill. “Besides, I just hit level 10 and can finally pick a class. That was something I wasn't expecting when we landed on this island.”

  He did a double take. “Wait, you know your level?”

  She gave him another look that just said: Are you the dumbest man alive?

  She answered, speaking slowly. “Yes, everyone can see their own level. Did you take a bump on the noggin?”

  He shook his head, thinking quickly. “I uh, don’t remember much since I woke up on this island including how I got here.” He lied, fairly convincingly.

  She frowned. “You poor thing. How long have you been stuck on this island?”

  “Just a few days, as far as I know.” He answered honestly. He didn’t know the exact number of days thanks to his time in the Kobold warrens. “It has been… rough to say the least.”

  She flicked her arm a few times, shirking off some of the gore. “Would you like to get off this island?” she asked him earnestly.

  He snapped so quickly it surprised her. “Yes! Please!” he said emphatically.

  With a nod, she continued. “My ship’s anchored offshore for a few days while we restock our stores for the journey home. You must be one lucky bastard. What are the odds that we would visit this island that you just happen to be stranded on, after all?” Her voice had just a hint of suspicion. “You sure you ain’t a spy?”

  Skree chuckled. “Honestly? I couldn't answer that even if I wanted to.” He pointed to his head. “Amnesia, remember? Besides, who would I be spying for?”

  “Oh, there are plenty of people who would love to figure out where I live. I mean, not me personally…” she gestured to herself “More like, where Theseldora Cove is.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “What so important about Theseldora Cove?”

  She gave him that look that screamed: you really are daft, aren't you? He was really starting being concerned that she thought he was a complete idiot. “Well chap, you must have Amnesia. Theseldora is only the most famous port of scoundrels, rogues and pirates in the known world! Possibly the unknown parts as well.”

  He shrugged. “Anywhere is better being than being stranded here for the rest of my life. How long before your crew sets sail?” He asked, thinking of Sawbones and the things he needed to take care of before leaving the island.

  She considered his question. “Best guess? Probably 3 days, but I might convince the Captain to wait an extra day or two. Do you think that would be enough time to wrap up any loose ends chap?”

  He reviewed the quests he had left to complete. The most important thing he had to do was return to the Kobolds, deliver the Heart of the Island and the Crown. His estimates put the journey at two days there and two days back if he didn’t linger. It was extremely likely that there would be some kind of ritual, and possibly a celebration with the Kobolds that might keep him tied up another day or two.

  “I imagine that should be enough time, but it would be cutting it close. What if I could bring you and your crew something special, sweeten the pot so to speak?” He asked with a sly grin.

  “You really do know the way to a girl’s heart. I will speak with the Captain, maybe I can buy you a few days.” She answered, returning his grin. “That said, I have a sword to find somewhere in that jungle, so I best be off.” She turned, preparing to head off into the jungle.

  Skree coughed. “One more question…” he said. She turned, placing her hands on her hips impatiently. “How do I find your ship?”

  She scoffed imperiously. “You really are helpless, aren’t you chap?” She tilted her head in the direction of the ocean. “Follow the river to the shore, then head east. Can’t miss it. Mine will be the one with the blue sails.” She turned and started walking. “Be sure to hurry.” She shouted over her shoulder.

  “Its Skree by the way.”

  “What is?” she asked.

  “That’s my name, Skree.”

  “Good to know. See ya soon.”


  Skree spent nearly an hour gathering any parts he figured might be useful from the giant lizard, carved some meat from the corpse and headed back toward his house. Zuka followed him, never leaving his side. The wolf’s maw was still covered in blood from his feast which admittedly gave Skree a bit of the chills. He couldn't be happier that Zuka was by his side. He reviewed the spoils as they walked.

  You have found Mana-Warped Leather X 8, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Superb, Durability: 30/30

  You have found Mana-Warped Fangs X 4, Rarity: Rar
e, Quality: Superb, Durability: 60/60

  You have found Mana-Warped Head Spikes X 10, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Superb, Durability: 100/100

  The Mana-Warped Leather he was certain would fulfill his promise to Carver, the rare material he could use to pay back the crotchety old leatherworker. He wondered if Carver might have a use for the Fangs and Head Spikes as well, perhaps as decorations or something.

  He considered Fenna’s proclamation - that he had better bring some good loot. He didn't know if the Iron ingots were that valuable, but they would be a good start. He made his way quickly back to the house, gathered his precious bag, with the Crown and the Relic, double checked his secret stockpile of iron ingots before leaving his all too temporary domicile on his way to say goodbye to some Kobolds.

  Sticking to routine, he continued gathering plants and herbs as he traveled. He kept a brisk pace, Zuka never slowing no matter how rough the terrain. He wondered if one day he would find a spell that would allow him to change shape, perhaps a wolf like his companion or maybe if he was lucky, a flying creature of some kind.

  While they traveled, he addressed the prompts that had been piling up.

  First up - his latest escapades.

  Congratulations, you have earned 9,640 experience for killing Mana Warped Jungle Lizard, level 20.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 12 in Archery - Ranged damage increased by 12%

  Congratulations, you have reached level 5 and 6 in Great Weapons - 6% more damage with great weapons.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 14 in Light Armor - All light armor is 14% more effective.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 7 in Daggers - 7% more damage with daggers

  He couldn’t help but smile as he saw the skill increases. He was progressing nicely. He checked his experience level, frowning. Going from level 1-10 had been easy, but apparently the levels after that had jumped in experience required by a significant amount. He had just killed a much higher-level monster, discovered an ancient temple, defeated an evil god thing and still he was only 75% of the way to level 11. Looked like grinding monsters was going to be very inefficient.

  That meant the fastest way to level was going to be quests. Luckily, he had a few primo options ready for completion. He dismissed the prompts, deciding to check Zuka’s sheet. Sadly, he was disappointed. It looked like Zuka would only level when he did, which made sense he supposed, since Zuka had been auto-leveled to match his own when they had bonded.

  Regardless of the difficulty he was going to have with leveling, he felt a sense of excitement. He had finally contacted another person, and a human no less, who was offering him a way off the island as well! What an incredibly fortunate turn of fate. Maybe Fenna was right, he was just lucky. Maybe not. He didn’t much care either way. He would finish his quests, return to the ship, and sail into the sunset with a decidedly beautiful woman.

  He had, of course, found her attractive but during the fight with the lizard he had barely registered that fact. Now that he was alone with his thoughts, he found his mind drifting to memories of her. She was tall, at least five feet, ten inches. She had olive skin, a delightful accent that reminded him of an Australian girl he used have a crush on when he was a teenager. Her dark black hair framed her angular features perfectly, even when she when she had been covered in dirt and blood. Her green eyes stood in stark contrast to her tanned skin, radiant emerald gems in a stunning, statuesque face.

  Things were finally starting to look up for old Skree. He carried on through the jungle, whistling as he went. The day passed quickly, the endless expanse of green and brown really helping him space out, allowing the entire day to pass in a blur. He was occasionally pulled from this mindlessness by a particularly interesting herb here and there. Most of them were just basic spices and food stuffs but a particularly strange batch of mushrooms had a different colored aura.

  You have found Salacious Shrooms X8, Rarity: Scarce, Quality: Above Average, Durability: 3/3 - These mushrooms can be used to create potions with interesting effects. Common uses include mind control and love potions. Be warned, use of this mushroom can lead to a powerful emotional addiction, use with care.

  Even though he was deeply concerned with the implications of a mind control potion, these mushrooms could be a very nice gift for this mysterious captain. If his gifts didn't impress, they could decide to leave Skree stranded here forever, and he really didn't want to live here forever. He placed them in his satchel and carried on, eventually entering his mental trance again as they tore through mile after mile. As night started to fall in the jungle, he located a toppled tree and began the work of erecting a simple shelter.

  After a bit of work, he had a decent enough shelter for the night. He built a fire, skewered a few juicy slabs of lizard meat and set them to roasting over the flamed. The calming smell of a wood smoke and cooking meat bringing him a simple kind of enjoyment. The silence and contemplation he had not taken the time to enjoy in his old life was now a highlight of his new one. He recalled memories of camping with his family, of the tasty s'mores and scary ghost stories. He remembered those trips fondly, wondering what had changed as he had grown older and why he had just given up on nature.

  Life moved so fast in the old world, or perhaps he had just refused to slow down. Questions a man might ask himself when he is himself no longer. He passed the time waiting for his dinner to be ready by giving Zuka a much-deserved petting session. He rubbed his ears, gently massaging them like he had always done with his old dog Sir Smashley. Turns out wolves and dogs have a lot in common when it comes to getting pets.

  When the meat was sufficiently cooked, he removed it from the fire, tossing one steak to Zuka and settling down to happily munch his own. They both ate in silence, Zuka finishing in record time while Skree took the time to savor his for much longer than was necessary. Turns out, giant Mana-Warped lizard meat was damn delicious. Once he had eaten his fill, he tossed the leftovers to Zuka, who ate it happily. Settling down for the night, Skree fell fast asleep joined shortly by a gently snoring wolf.


  The night passed calmly, the warm breeze and rustling trees made for an incredible backdrop for a good night’s rest. Just as dawn was breaking through the trees, Skree awoke to a sensation he remembered fondly from his childhood: the wet slobbery sandpaper tongue of a loving pooch.

  “Good morning to you too, Zuka.” Sitting up, he gave the savage creature a few loving strokes and made his way into the brush to relieve himself. After an excruciatingly long morning leak, he gathered his gear and continued on to his destination, the Kobold Warrens.

  After a few more hours of mindless traveling, gathering and talking to Zuka about nonsense they finally reached the entrance to the warren. “Time to pay our debts Zuka. Well, mine at least.” He took a deep breath, exhaling loudly as they walked into the tunnel, prepared to deliver his treasures to his old friend Sawbones.

  Following the familiar path into the depths, eventually making his way to the entrance of the warren, being challenged by a pair of guards that looked vaguely familiar. He held his hands up in surrender, asking Zuka to be calm. The wolf relaxed slightly, but he was a wolf after all so he still appeared rather aggressive. “Friends, I am Skree, Champion of the Blue Stone clan.” He explained, his speech now in perfect Kobold.

  The two guards whispered to each other, then knelt before him. “Clan Champion, welcome to the Warren. We take you to see Chief Sawbones.” They turned, gesturing for him to follow. He obliged, following them as they moved quickly through the throngs of Kobolds going about their day. Trying to get a headcount was impossible, realizing that there were substantially more of the tiny lizard folk than he remembered. He had only been gone a few days, but the warren was definitely showing signs of repairs and improvements.

  “Good for Bones, already doing great work for his people.” he couldn’t help but feel pride. He had helped restore order to the Blue Stone Clan and installed a leader w
ho cared deeply for his people. Soon enough, he would be able to bestow the crown of their ancestors and give Sawbones the real Blue Stone - the Heart of the Island. He positively brimmed with excitement.

  They quickly reached the small stone building that was attached to the cavern wall, the building had been built over a cave entrance, ostensibly making it bigger on the inside. The two guards motioned for him to wait outside. He shrugged, pulling a piece of fruit from his satchel, along with a small bit of meat for Zuka. Nibbling on the juicy flesh, he looked around again. This place was truly bustling now, with hundreds lizard folk cooking food, making baskets and more. He watched with fascination. He never would have associated this kind of industrious behavior to these simple creatures when they had first met. Observing as they hopped about, passing material and, trading goods amongst each other, the enormity of his situation struck him. He has so much to learn about Raiya.

  “Skree!” A high-pitched voice exclaimed. Sawbones stood just outside the tent, hopping excitedly from foot to foot, tiny claws clicking against the stone. He was dressed in much finer clothing than his original rags, a delicate blue silk tunic draped over his scaly chest, his lower half covered in loose fitting trousers made of a quality material that looked like a soft cotton. His tail swished happily back and forth, adorned with small glittering chains.

  “Bones!” He said, rushing over, and embracing his diminutive friend.

  “Why are you trying to crush me?” Sawbones asked with confused interest.

  “Crush you?” Chuckling he considered the word for moment. He supposed technically, a hug was indeed crushing someone… with love. “My people refer to it as a hug, and it is a sign of affection.”


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