Raiya: Starter Zone - A LitRPG Saga: Archon's Chosen - Book One

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Raiya: Starter Zone - A LitRPG Saga: Archon's Chosen - Book One Page 18

by Russell Wilbinski

  A prompt appeared in his vision. Congratulations, you have completed the quest "An Old Crown for a New King - Part 1" - You have returned the crown to the rightful king of the Kobolds. The King has requested that you bestow the crown during his coronation, to be forever memorialized in the history of his people for your contributions to the Lizard Folk. Will you accept this honor and become a legend of Kobold history? Yes or No?

  He smiled and selected yes, happy to do this for his friend. "I would be honored Sawbones." He took the crown and placed it back into his satchel.

  "It will probably be a few hours before the rest of the clans arrive. Please take this time to rest while we prepare for the ceremony. I will send some refreshments for you." Sawbones began to leave when Zuka barked playfully at the Kobold. "Don’t worry friend, I will make sure we send something special for you." Zuka barked again, wagging his tail happily. Sawbones shook his head and left the tent, a noticeable bounce in his step.

  Skree leaned back into his chair, kicking his feet up. "What an awesome day this is shaping up to be, eh boy?" He asked Zuka with a stretch. The wolf padded over to him, his claws clicking softly on the polished stone. Zuka placed his head on Skree's leg, his intelligent gaze staring up at his human. Skree couldn’t help but wonder about how well things were going for him. He had been in Raiya less than two weeks and here he was, returning an Ancient Relic, restoring the destiny of an entire race and soon, he would personally crown the new High King of the Kobolds. He really was, damn lucky given the circumstances.

  He vigorously scratched Zuka, really giving him a good once over before closing his eyes and drifting easily to sleep.


  Skree came awake, unsure how much time had passed. He looked around the tent and saw that a table had been veritable stacked with food. His stomach growled and realized he was hungry. He searched for Zuka, spotting the wolf sleeping like a log, surrounded by dozens of bones, little bits of meat still clinging to the skeletal remains.

  "Uncle Sawbones really spoiled you didn't he." He muttered to the sleeping wolf who opened his eyes blearily. He chuckled at the sight and Zuka went back to sleep, ignoring his master. "If he keeps this up, I might have to put you on a diet." A low growl rumbled from the wolf and Skree laughed again. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He said holding his hands up.

  He snatched up a few bits of meat and cheese from the table, poured some water into a crude bowl he assumed was used for drinking and sat down, getting to work on his dinner. Or was it lunch, he couldn't be sure of the time. He had several more helpings until he was nearly bursting at the seams. "I don't know what they use for seasoning, but these little lizards sure know a thing or two about delicious food."

  As he was using a piece of bread to mop up some gravy like substance, a small female Kobold entered the room moving to stand beside him. "Master Skree, Chieftain Sawbones is ready for you. The ceremony will begin very soon. Mother Priestess requests that you come with Kamilla." She waited patiently as he finished chewing.

  "You are Kamilla I assume?" He asked with a smile.

  "I am. Whenever you are ready." She nodded toward the exit.

  "Just a minute. Let me gather my things and my lazy friend here..." another growl came from Zuka. "And we will be happy to go."

  She nodded curtly and moved toward the exit, standing still except for her tail, which was swishing impatiently. Skree wondered for a second; Was it like a cat's tail, something the Kobolds didn’t have full control over as the rapid motion betrayed her calm exterior.

  Skree gathered up his possessions, whistled for Zuka who stood after a deep stretch, a loud yawn revealing sharp rows of fangs. He trotted over to Skree and together they moved to follow the tiny Kobold. She led them from the tent, moving purposefully through the now empty village. There wasn’t a single Kobold left in the warren, giving it an otherworldly feel.

  "Where is everyone?" He asked Kamilla.

  Without looking back, she answered. "Mother Priestess has gathered the Kobold clans before the statue of the Archon. No one wanted to miss this auspicious occasion."

  Skree remembered the statue of the Archon, again wondering why it was here of all places. Shouldn't it be in a city square or even in the temple of the Kobolds? A random cave just seemed so strange. They passed through the warren, moving down a familiar path toward the glittering pool of water where the statue waited.

  As they went deeper, the dull murmur of Kobold voices could be heard echoing up the tunnel. When they reached the chamber, his mouth fell open. There were hundreds, maybe even thousands of Kobolds gathered before the statue. Many of them wore similar clothing while others wore nothing but modest rags. Some of them even wore nothing at all. He observed the differences in size and color, astounded by the variation between them. Some were green, like an iguana while some had red and yellow scales, appearing more like dragons than lizards.

  There were Kobolds that were nearly his equal in size, and Kobolds even smaller than Kamilla who were more than likely the youths of the clans. He even saw a female Kobold holding two infant sized Kobolds as they passed through the crowd. He was both amazed and excited. He was about to be part of something truly special and could not wait to see what happened when Sawbones claimed the Heart of the Island in earnest. Would there be an explosion of magic like Sawbones had recalled from his ancestor’s memories or would it be anticlimactic, with perhaps nothing happening at all.

  Kamilla led him to a granite platform, presenting him to the gathered elders. Sawbones was stripped to the waist, his body covered in colored mud that looked like tribal war paint. Skree was again surprised at how thin and gangly Sawbones was, looking like a nerdy child playing at being a warrior. He knew that inside that skinny chest beat the heart of a lion. They made eye contact briefly before a stout female Kobold grabbed him by the wrist.

  He looked at her, realizing this was the Kobold Priestess who had announced Sawbones challenge to the warren. Thankfully, she seemed much calmer than their first meeting. He nodded to her as she directed him to stand beside the elders. "Champion Skree, stand here and bear witness." He took his position. She moved to Zuka and bowed, who, strangely enough, returned the gesture. "That wolf is too smart for his own good." Skree thought. She pointed to a spot beside Skree and the wolf moved into position, sitting attentively.

  Once done giving orders, the priestess moved to stand before the crowd, signaling for silence. When the assembled crowd had finally quieted, she began to address them, her voice strong and clear.

  "Today the Lizard folk bear witness. Today the Lizard folk regain what was lost. Today the Lizard folk unite." In response, a single unified squawk from all in attendance. "Chieftain Sawbones, step forward to be recognized."

  At her request, Sawbones moved forward. When he had reached the spot she indicated, he lowered himself to his knees, head bowed in reverence. She placed a hand on his head.

  "May the Lizard folk bear witness, May the Lizard folk accept your leadership." She intoned somberly. She opened a box that sat nearby, revealing the Heart of the Island, the relic of destiny. She pulled it from the box and placed it into Sawbones’ hands. "Begin the binding." She ordered the kneeling Kobold.

  He nodded, focusing on the stone. As he did, it began to glow with a beautiful blue light, illuminating the crowded chamber from floor to ceiling. "I, Sawbones, of the Blue Stone Clan claim this destiny, to lead my people from darkness and into the light of destiny. My life is no longer my own, for it belongs only to the Lizard Folk until the last breath escapes my wretched form and I return to the earth from whence I came. I claim this destiny for my people and accept the burden of this choice.”

  He lifted the stone skyward and spoke again, this time the words no longer in a language of sentient beings but words of power that had no meaning to mortal ears. The power of the stone released in a wave of energy that washed over all those present. It expanded away from the Heart like a shockwave, passing through earth and rock as if it w
ere air. The power of the stone enveloped all those present, including Skree and Zuka with a warm blue light. It caressed their flesh, seeping through their minds like warm honey.

  The light encompassed everyone, slowly absorbing into their beings, suffusing every cell in their bodies. The light receded into the stone, twinkling dimly in the darkened chamber. A prompt appeared, grand and ostentatious in his vision. It was far more elaborate than any prompt he had seen since coming to Raiya.

  "Behold, an old destiny has awoken in Raiya. The Kobolds of the Blue Stone Clan have claimed the Heart of the Island, restoring their connection with destiny. The Lizard folk are reborn, an industrious people once brought low by treachery and dark magic can once again find their way. The rebirth of the Kobold clans is upon us."

  Congratulations, you have borne witness to an awakening of destiny. All beings present receive 125,000 experience. In addition, because the Relic of Destiny was claimed by the leader of the Kobold Clans, all Kobolds on the Island will be awarded 20 bonus attribute points to distribute as desired. Additionally, all Kobolds have had their connection to destiny restored, revealing their hidden talents and powers. All non-Kobolds will receive 5 bonus attribute points.

  Skree dismissed the prompt, watching as every Kobold in the room looked at each other in awe. They had just been awarded a mountain of experience and additional stat points, not to mention the hidden talents and powers! Depending on their current level, 125,000 experience could push them all to level 10. He smiled, recounting that he had also received a significant sum of experience. For the Kobold clans, this could change everything.

  The priestess turned, beckoning Skree to come forward. He moved to stand before the priestess. "King Sawbones has requested that you bestow your gift personally for all to behold. Are you prepared to fulfill your promise?" She spoke, the words uttered with calm and clear diction. Skree nodded to the priestess and reached into his satchel, withdrawing the Crown of the High King. He held it up, showing it to all those who had gathered.

  Gasps and muttered whispers washed over the crowd. "I am Skree, Champion of the Blue Stone Clan. I have recovered this crown from an ancient temple. A great evil had stolen the power of the Kobolds and corrupted the Blue Stone with its power, forever diminishing the hearts and minds of the Kobold people." He lowered the crown, holding it before him. "I have slain the demon, or at the very least, banished it back to its realm."

  He turned away from the crowd, facing his friend. "I swore an oath, to champion the cause of the Blue Stone Clan and restore its destiny. With this crown, I consider my oath fulfilled." He placed the crown upon Sawbones head. It was too large by far, but it began to shrink slowly, its size decreasing to fit the Kobolds skull perfectly. The central jewel, a large blue stone began to glow gently with an internal light. It was mesmerizing to behold.

  Extending his hand, he pulled the King to his feet, grabbing his hand and lifting it into the air. He spoke words then, words he had not planned. They came unbidden to his tongue.

  "The folk see, the folk hear, and the folk feel the truth. Speak the words and be bound, to the destiny of the Lizard Folk. Speak the words and be bound, in the warming light of the Blue Stone." He understood, somehow, that he has just asked every Kobold on the Island to swear allegiance to the new king.

  There was a moment of pause as the faces of hundreds of Kobolds went slack, apparently reviewing a new prompt that had appeared in their vision. The priestess beside him spoke first, uttering a simple phrase and kneeling before Sawbones. "I swear this oath." One by one, the Kobolds in the chamber spoke the words before kneeling, until every single form was prostrate before the king.

  Sawbones spoke loudly. "I accept your oaths and offer mine in return. Please, rise." Every Kobold stood, looking at each other with broad grins. A cheer erupted from them, chanting "High King, High King", repeatedly. Eventually, the priestess signaled for be silence. The chanting slowly faded, replaced with a deep silence claimed the chamber. Skree started looking about, thinking someone would call an end when a voice, full and clear began to sing, a melody that filled the air with beautiful sound. It spoke of joy and pride, and of a time yet to come. The melody carried pure emotion as it warbled and trilled.

  After the first verse, more voices joined the song until all the Kobolds were singing, together in unity. The chamber reverberated with the song and he could feel it in his bones. Zuka to howled melodically, his feral sound melding perfectly with the Kobold choir. It overwhelmed him and he wept as he listened to the song of the Kobolds. After a few minutes, the song faded and silence again over took the cavern.

  High King Sawbones yipped loudly, the sound of an excited puppy. "All the clans are reunited. Let us celebrate with a feast and a bacchanalia!" The silence was shattered by a raucous cheer, Kobolds flooding out of the chamber in a wave a jubilant celebration. Sawbones turned to his friend, his crown glittering in the subdued blue light of the cavern.

  "Surely you will not leave us right away and can remain to celebrate with the Lizard Folk for a night?" He asked Skree, his toothy grin giving him an unintentionally savage visage.

  Skree patted him on the back. "And miss a chance to party with a King? No way!" Together they strode from the cavern, leaving the statue of the Archon standing watch in the dim light.


  Congratulations, you have completed the quest - "Friends in low places - part two - a desperate plea." You have earned 76,250 experience. You have earned the undying respect and loyalty of Sawbones, newly crowned High King of the Kobolds. You have returned a relic of incredible importance that will reshape the destiny of the Kobold People, forever changing the world of Raiya.

  Congratulations, you have received 40,000 relationship points with Sawbones - Relationship has improved from Ally (27500) to Revered (67500)

  Be aware - You have chosen to restore the destiny of the Kobold race and sacrificed personal power for the improvement of others. As such, you have been granted the following trait:

  Noble Hero - Rank 1 - You have proved that you are willing to sacrifice for others, making you a truly noble individual. You will now receive 10% increased reputation gains and will find favorable diplomacy easier with positively aligned creatures. 10% increased default reputation when meeting new factions of a positive alignment.

  Congratulations, you have completed the quest - “An Old Crown for a New King - Part 2.” You have earned 33,250 experience. You have returned the Crown of the King to the Kobold people, returning a treasured artifact, and immortalizing yourself in history as the first human to crown a Kobold King.

  Skree reviewed these prompts with excitement. Another day, another increase in his personal power. He wondered what he could have gained by claiming the relic for himself, but only for a moment. He wanted to be a good man in a dangerous world. He would continue to dedicate himself to improving the lives of others and gain as many allies as he could. He smiled to himself seeing the next prompt awaiting him.

  Congratulations you have reached Druid Levels 11, 12 and 13. Through force of will and trials by fire, you have attained 15 attribute points. 20 Attribute points unspent. You have earned 15 Skill points, 15 unspent.

  He stared angrily at the prompt for a moment. The two quests, and the huge bonus from the ritual had netted him nearly 250,000 experience and yet, he had only gained 3 levels? He growled, but since he couldn't change the world, he moved on. He grumpily wished that levels after 10 would start to award more skill points or attribute points but it looked like it would always remain 5 points per level.

  He shrugged away his frustration, considering how best to spend his new points. Going over his recent confrontations, he considered how heavily he had relied on his Greatsword. It was turning out to be a powerful tool in battle, though not the weapon he had planned on using. In most games, he stuck to lighter weapons for their faster attack speed and versatility. Lumbering Greatswords and Battle Axes always felt clumsy and less... exciting. In real life, they w
ere able to decimate opponents with ease and being alive was way more exciting than dying after a prolonged battle.

  He understood that this world, this game was much different. It was, as far as he could tell, completely real. In Raiya, survival was all that mattered, and fun seemed to be a secondary objective. He needed to decide and soon on a weapon type. The hatchets were wonderful, but the sheer brutality and damage he could inflict with the great sword really spoke to him. Fights were about ending them as fast as possible, minimizing the risk to himself and others.

  With that, he decided to fully embrace the Great sword, just like Sawbones had gently suggested. That little lizard was perceptive. He looked at the interface and dumped 7 of his points into strength and 3 more points in intelligence. Magic had been proving its worth, time and time again so not increasing it seemed wasteful. Additionally, he had two new spell books to identify. He had no idea what they were, but he was keeping his fingers crossed for something awesome.

  In addition, he increased his constitution by another 5 points and put 5 more points into Dexterity. More hit points and ranged damage couldn’t be a bad idea.

  He reviewed his updated stats

  Level 13 Druid

  Hit Points


  Mana Points

















  He glanced at his skills, they were also coming along nicely. He had 15 points to spend, but with two new spells right around the corner, he didn't want to miss an opportunity to increase their usefulness right out of the gate. He dismissed the prompt for his skill points, leaving all 15 unspent.


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