Failsafe Query

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by Michael Jenkins

  ‘Meet me in my room in thirty minutes,’ Natalie instructed. ‘It’s number 247 on the second floor. I have something that might interest you.’ She stood up and, as she began to leave, placed a small piece of paper on the table with a photo on it. It was a photo of Melissa with Gregory – and a morning paper with the date clearly shown. They had taken Melissa and she looked unconscious.

  ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck,’ Sean thought. He crumpled the paper and clenched his fists under the table, searing with inner rage.

  At that moment he felt as though he’d botched every decision in the previous few years, and he was not overly confident that he could put this one right. His mind went into overdrive and he felt sick in his stomach. He was devastated. ‘What a fucking mess,’ he mumbled, continuing his inner rage. He wondered what Melissa’s fate would be.

  He composed his mind quickly, went into the garden and walked down to the flower beds. He felt numb. His trauma was fierce. His hands were shaking. How had he let himself turn his back and fail to secure her?

  He texted Jugsy and told him to leave for the farm without him. He would catch them up.

  Chapter 31

  Pall Mall, London, 23 April 2016

  Jack sat next to Dominic for lunch with an elderly gentleman in the Carlton Club in St James’s. They occupied a quiet corner of the exquisite Wellington dining room, very content with the discreet manner of the waiters, who were impeccable in their service.

  The gentleman was a hugely popular Member of Parliament and a very powerful figure in the Cabinet.

  Dominic chose claret for lunch, with a dessert wine for later. Jack knew Dominic expected high standards of service and the waiters’ distant vigilance meant that they were ready to give him dedicated service. Jack had primed the waiters about this highly important lunch, letting them know that Dominic expected people to serve him and serve him well.

  Jack sat quietly, observing how Dominic would handle this delicate gathering.

  ‘Things are moving along nicely, sir,’ Dominic began. ‘I expect we can put this unhelpful issue to bed quite soon.’

  ‘Splendid. I knew you would understand the commotion, Dominic – which of course is a damned unwelcome distraction. Do please tell me more.’

  ‘Jack, why don’t you explain to the Minister what we have so far?’

  ‘Well sir, the entire operation is under control at this stage,’ Jack said, looking at the Minister. ‘The police investigation has been shaped as we want it to be, and the media are conforming nicely. We have traced where the intelligence officer has been and I’m very confident we will find the files quite soon.’

  ‘Very good. I’m grateful for your excellent efforts. What about government circles?’ the Minister asked.

  ‘Dominic has covered the internal avenues I believe,’ Jack answered, glancing over to Dominic.

  Jack knew that Dominic was the gatekeeper for government circles on everything to do with national security. And so he fed him occasional disinformation, knowing Dominic would push it out to wider circles. Dominic had his finger on all that was briefed to the Cabinet Office, Number 10 and the Home Office. Jack revelled in the fact that he was mastering each strand of critical intelligence brought to Dominic and his ministers, and relished the fact that each sought Dominic’s judgement first before trusting their civil service mandarins or intelligence chiefs. Intelligence chiefs were not to be trusted after the debacle of the Iraq dossier some years previously. But Jack was also savvy enough to know that Dominic needed his own powerful allies too – especially if he was ever to achieve his life’s ambition of becoming Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service.

  Dominic smiled at Jack before assuring the Minister. ‘Everything’s currently fine internally and you have my word that I’ll tidy this all up in a timely fashion.’

  ‘Good. This is very, very messy for me, Dominic,’ the elderly gentleman said. ‘It needs fixing, or I lose a lifetime’s reputation. I’ll personally make sure you are both rewarded for this. And Dominic, I’ll make sure you’re lined up for Chief of Service if this awful thing is made to go away.’

  Jack knew that the elderly gentleman was hugely popular with the public, and was seen as a man of the people and as someone with great character and humour. He had the ear of many equally powerful figures in the government and had spent his lifetime generating a first-class reputation as being a shrewd politician, adept at the bluffs and deceptions of his world, and a master of political tactics that could sway prime ministers and lobbyists alike. His influence meant that he was seen as the alternative powerhouse to Number 10 and his chums followed his lead with utter loyalty. He carried huge sway in the murky workings of politics and was masterful at smear campaigns against his detractors. He also had a closely entwined team who magnified his appeal to the public using a very carefully devised publicity campaign.

  ‘It really was a long time ago you know, and no one would ever understand, Dominic. I was a young man then…’ the Minister said.

  Dominic used his napkin to wipe his mouth. ‘So far as I can tell, this wayward intelligence officer has left a very difficult trail to follow,’ Dominic said. ‘The police are nowhere near finding him – but Jack here has uncovered a full set of clues. I don’t think any other agencies are onto what we are doing but do let me know if you hear any whispers emanating from your people in the services.’

  The Minister approved. ‘It’s only one file you need to find, gentlemen. One file that will create utter mayhem in my world and other people’s worlds. Just find the file that incriminates me – and all will be well for you, Dominic.’

  Jack saw the anxiety on the Minister’s face, knowing him to be a Russian spy. He could see that fear was rooted in every vein of his body.

  Chapter 32

  Porte Vendres, 23 April 2016

  Sean had no idea who had kidnapped Melissa – nor which agency was on his trail. His mind was thrown into a maelstrom as he fought to make sense of it all. Melissa’s life was in critical danger, and he was devastated by that. And who was this woman with the posh British accent?

  ‘Get probing amongst your sources in MI5 and 6,’ Sean demanded on his call to Jack. ‘Any idea who’s onto me?’

  ‘None at all, Sean. I’ve tasked Swartz and an SAS team to fly out this afternoon to try and find her. I’ve also scrambled all our signals intelligence teams and I’ll make Dominic bring to bear all the power we need. Don’t worry: we’re primed and will chase this down quickly.’

  Jack reminded Sean that finding the files – and now one in particular – was vital. He didn’t need to encourage Sean to spin a tale to buy him time with the kidnappers – that was obvious to both of them. They had played this game long enough to know the dark world of cross and double-cross. Jack explained he would get Swartz on the case immediately to find Melissa, but that Sean must concentrate on getting the file.

  They both agreed the only rational reason for taking Melissa was to carry out an extortion operation on Sean. They wanted something, and Sean had it. Or so they thought. Melissa would doubtless be interrogated but she was the collateral to make Sean hand over what they wanted, which was most probably the elusive and incriminating mole file.


  Sean knocked on room 247. He calmed himself for this encounter. He buried his disdain and hatred. Tamped them down, hid them somewhere inside – in a drawer he could close. Regulating and surviving came as second nature to him.

  Natalie opened the door. ‘Come on in Sean,’ she said. ‘We have plenty to discuss.’

  Sean noticed that Natalie had changed and was now wearing a red dress cut above the knee, black high heels and her hair up in a bun. She ushered him to a round table next to the window and offered him some bottled water, which he declined. Natalie sat down opposite Sean and began.

  ‘We both know there is an easy way out and a hard way out,’ she said. ‘And you know I need to get the files that Alfie has hidden somewhere. I’m sure we can come to some sort of arrangement
you know.’

  Sean was still fuming inside. His face was tense, but he controlled his angst with professional calm.

  ‘I’m not exactly sure who you’re working for,’ Sean began. ‘But Melissa is hardly the key to all this you know. You’ll be very aware that I don’t need her to do my job – but I’ll happily listen to your proposal.’ Sean kept his resolve, determined more than ever to manage this conundrum in a number of ways.

  ‘That may be so Sean – but it’s so obvious to me you have feelings for Melissa. You can have her back totally unharmed if you help me get what I need. I’m sure there is a way it can work for both of us.’

  ‘OK, and what might that be then?’

  ‘We both have our own motivations here – so we just need to find a common way. We probably just need to talk it through and I’m sure you know it makes sense at this stage to work with me rather than against.’ Sean felt Natalie’s flirtatiousness and the sly grin on her face hardly cloaked her ruthlessness. He sensed her narcissistic ways immediately, but also wondered how much she knew. And he wanted to extract that from her.

  ‘OK, let’s talk. What do you know so far?’ Sean said. ‘And what do you want?’

  Natalie sat back in the dining chair and crossed her legs. ‘Well I know that you are not flavour of the month in the corridors of Whitehall. Nor indeed anywhere else in your beloved ministry, never mind Box or Six,’ Natalie teased. ‘I suspect you’ve been deceived by them a little, and so your motivation here is to find an exit strategy. I can help you with that.’

  ‘You seem to know me rather well.’

  ‘I think so, yes. You don’t really care any more about protecting these morally corrupt bastards and I don’t care for them either. I simply want the information Alfie held and was going to disclose to the world. I’m sure you understand my resolve here Sean – and of course, a woman’s needs.’

  Natalie smiled, looking Sean in the eye. Sean held her gaze and it was only the sun shining through the window that caused her to concede. Sean glanced at her legs, and watched her gaze down at his.

  ‘So, you see, if we really think about it, we both have something we desire,’ Natalie said. ‘I shall ensure you are well reimbursed and that Melissa goes free. I can see you both living rather happily together,’ she smirked sarcastically. Sean was conscious that Natalie was pulling on all his strings – very skilfully. She knew of Sean’s inner disdain for the establishment and what it had done to him. Once a hugely loyal Crown servant, he had been betrayed by the powers that be. Hung out to dry. Why should he do this job for anything other than his own needs? He had puzzled over his options for some time and of what to do once he had found Alfie. Natalie’s proposal was not all that unattractive anyway and she knew that.

  ‘So, what’s in this for you, Natalie? What are your needs? Why is this so damned important and why should I trust you?’

  ‘Oh, you know my needs, Sean. Very well I’d imagine. I’m young and ambitious as you can see.’

  ‘Indeed – that comes across rather shamelessly.’

  ‘I’m sure you recall being just as cut-throat and clinical. My bosses will reward me with the success I want. My woman’s need is of course for prestige and recognition – as well as some power, you understand?’

  ‘Perfectly clear and obvious.’

  ‘And I have nothing against you or Melissa, indeed I find her rather attractive too, in all honesty. Why would I need to do anything to both of you if you hand over the special goods? Neither of you present me with any danger to my future, you see.’

  Natalie’s confidence grew – her tone charming and thoroughly influential. Her female influence coupled with persistent conceit shone through. ‘You both want to go your own ways, having an easy life not being pestered, and I know you’re not arrogant enough to want to pursue any other motive, Sean. Your time has come, hasn’t it?’

  Natalie’s argument was compelling. She poured some water and continued. Sean caught a whiff of her perfume as she walked behind him.

  ‘I’ll set you up to move forward, Sean. I’ll set you up with a good sum of money and whatever you need – anywhere in the world. I’m sure you can tell a simple story to stop your side probing about what’s happening here.’

  Sean smiled just very slightly – a contrite smile. The thought of just disappearing with a good sum of money was very attractive to him. ‘That all sounds very tempting – but there’s one small delicate problem I’m afraid.’

  ‘And what’s that Sean?’

  ‘Quite simply I don’t have the special goods to give you. I don’t actually have anything to give you. I have found nothing so far. And I can’t guarantee I’ll find what you want.’

  ‘Well, I know you better than that – you haven’t been brought here to fail and I’m sure you’re very close to finding what we both need. No need to delay me Sean. Neither of us are fools. I know every delaying tactic in the book.’

  ‘OK, so let’s view this as some sort of purchase then,’ Sean intimated. ‘You pay me for the goods if I find them and I shall ensure you get what you need. It actually seems quite a simple way to finish all this off.’

  ‘I’m very glad you agree. And be under no illusion – of the files he has, I only need one. It contains some specific information that my chef de mission needs protecting.’

  ‘I see. Well, here’s the story,’ Sean began. ‘I think Alfie left a trail of clues but it’s proving difficult to follow them. This won’t be finished quickly and it could take some weeks you know. And I know you need the list of Russian moles that he had. That’s all quite obvious.’

  Sean kept all of his options open. He could take the money and run but needed some assurance that Natalie would deliver. Or he could hope Swartz found Melissa first and then he could deliver the file to Jack as agreed. He still had another financial arrangement in the bag with Dominic if he delivered. He had plenty of options, so that he could swing whichever way he felt was right.

  ‘I need to see some genuine goodwill here and a large deposit, so I know I can trust you,’ Sean said, leaning over for a pencil and paper. He wrote down the details of two bank accounts and asked for deposits to be made to each of them. He wanted €1 million in each account first, to act as a retainer.

  ‘I’ll arrange for €100,000, but no more at this stage,’ Natalie said. ‘And my goodwill will extend a little further too.’ She leant forward, providing Sean with a glimpse of her cleavage.

  ‘So, if you didn’t kill Alfie who did?’ Sean asked. Natalie smiled and sat back.

  ‘We would have killed him if we’d got to him first – he knew too much, and the price was too big not to have him sidelined. Just find the files and hand them over, Sean, and then walk away. It’s a simple and clean option.’

  Sean looked over to the window, stood up and walked across to the curtains to pull them shut.

  ‘OK, I’ll do it. Just don’t harm Melissa. I’ve interrogated her, and she knows fuck all. There’s no need to hurt her and my motivation will change if you fuck her around. No need to get me to turn and come after you, is there now Natalie?’

  Natalie walked a few paces and stood right in front of Sean. She was immaculately dressed, wore expensive jewellery and red lipstick and smelt divine – she was a woman who was clearly very adept at getting what she wanted from a man.

  Natalie turned and suggested they should spend some time dealing with the details. Sean agreed, watching her undress.

  Chapter 33

  London and Cheltenham, 23 April 2016

  Jack continued to monitor the operation from Thames House and instructed Samantha to begin pulling the rescue operation together. He wanted a full team of GCHQ cyber analysts on the case, and brought in Swartz with a full team of SAS troopers. Jack ran the operation from his large side office, in which Samantha was now fully ensconced.

  ‘Get Sean on regular communications please, Samantha,’ Jack asked. ‘And get a message to him that we’re tasking all of our assets to come and
play for this.’

  ‘I’m on it,’ she said, juggling with a couple of phones and looking at a bank of screens she had established as the basis of a mini ops room in Jack’s side office.

  Samantha started her communications log and contacted Sean by encrypted text.

  ‘Why haven’t you asked me to come onto the ground yet – are you with a tart?’

  It took Sean less than ten minutes to reply.

  ‘Too busy. Big job, as you know. Need immediate help.’


  ‘Standby. I’ll send full details in the next hour.’

  ‘I’m always on bloody standby for you.’

  ‘I know. I’m sorry. This is important. Lives at stake.’

  ‘OK. I’m standing my teams up and Swartz is en route. With two armed surveillance teams. You have full capability now – go well.’

  She tasked a high-readiness cyber team at GCHQ in Cheltenham to monitor all outgoing phone calls from the hotel that afternoon and evening. They looked at every single social media transmission, every mobile phone call and text and every landline phone making calls out of the building. They were tenacious in looking at every single transmission, following up every destination for calls or texts and converting their analysis into triangulated locations from telecoms masts around the country.

  They monitored specific mobile phones and sent a telecoms message to each mobile phone which placed an unknown app right in the heart of each phone. The app, once initiated, allowed the communications experts to download and analyse every single text and phone message and internal documents, including all social media messages. They had infiltrated thirty-seven mobile phones within the hotel and worked through the night to establish which was Natalie’s phone, where and who she had called, who her contacts were and who she had sent texts to. Jack retrieved the various locations and forwarded them to Swartz, who now had a team of eight SAS soldiers on their way to a bolt-hole in the wilds of south-east France to chase down Melissa’s location.


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