Like Magic (Miracle Book 6)

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Like Magic (Miracle Book 6) Page 8

by Shea Balik

If the thought of having to ride in a vehicle again was bad, it was a million times worse to imagine going over that driveway. “I’ll walk,” he said.

  He smacked his mate on the chest when Draco chuckled at his declaration. “It’s not funny,” he insisted.

  Draco kissed his sore temple. “You’re right, gràdh. It isn’t.” He then took Ryland’s hand in his and led him to the General Store. “Come on. Let me introduce you to Iniko.”

  They walked inside and he had to admit he was impressed. The store didn’t look that big from outside but it was quite spacious. He’d assumed when they’d driven up that the second story would have been storage, but instead, Iniko had created a grocery store on the first level, with everything else upstairs.

  As they made their way up the steps, he couldn’t believe just how much fit inside. Half of the upstairs was camping gear. The other half, home goods. The man clearly had been thinking when he’d opened this store. Everyone in town was either camping as they built homes for them to live in, or they were having to furnish the homes they’d just built.

  “Draco, good to see you,” A small man practically bounced over to them with a smile on his face. “Jari mentioned you all were back. Do you happen to know where Chadwick is? I’m putting in an order and he wanted me to add another load of lumber, but I’m not sure what he needs.”

  “He left the farm before we did but, if I had to guess, he went to check in with Edrick,” Draco told him.

  It still seemed a little weird that there was more than one Alpha in Miracle. Edrick was the Alpha of the town, having been the one to buy it with his friends when they’d run from their previous pack for being gay. From what Draco had told him, there were more than just Edrick and Saber who were alphas that lived here, but they didn’t have a problem deferring to Edrick when it came to running the town.

  Even Saber had told Ryland he didn’t have any issues with Edrick leading the town and those who lived there. Although, that might have something to do with Saber having a full platter now that he was Chief of the Shifter Council. Ryland couldn’t imagine that could be an easy job.

  Iniko stuck his hand out to Ryland. “I’m Iniko. I run this place. If I don’t have something you’re looking for, just let me know and I’ll get it in for you. Well, unless it’s a mate, because no matter how many men I’ve met, I have yet to find my mate.”

  Ryland wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that. He shook the man’s hand and said, “Uhm, thanks.”

  Draco wrapped his arm around Ryland. “Actually, we’ve just mated.”

  Iniko sighed. “Figures.” Then he sniffed the air. “Wait.” He cocked his head and sniffed again. “Aren’t you human?” he asked, his gaze pinning Ryland as if he had somehow lied to Iniko.

  Not about to apologize for who he was, Ryland arched a brow at Iniko. “Yes, I am. Is that going to be a problem for you?”

  Not that he gave a damn if it was. This town will have to deal with the fact that he was a human in a town of shifters because Ryland was done allowing anyone to treat him like he was somehow inferior.

  But instead of Iniko telling him it was a problem, the man grinned like he’d just discovered the most interesting thing in the world. “No. In fact, if you have time, I’d like to take you to lunch at the Mouse Trap.”

  Ryland had no idea why Iniko wanted to do that, but he wasn’t one to turn down a free meal, especially since he had no money. Being a slave for the past eight years tended to leave a person broke when he finally was freed. “Sounds good. Now, what do you have for tents?”

  An hour later, Iniko locked the front door and flipped the sign that said he would be back in an hour while Draco put their tent, bed rolls, and the few cooking utensils they’d purchased in the back of his truck.

  He hadn’t known what to expect, but the small man with the big attitude hadn’t been it. The longer Ryland was around Iniko, the more he liked the man. Some of the most outrageous things came out of his mouth, but it reminded Ryland of the person he had once been and was working to become again.

  Once Draco joined them again, they walked to the next store and entered the town’s one restaurant, Mouse Trap. It was a small café and Iniko assured him his friend Jari made the most delicious food.

  Iniko opened the door and shouted, “Jari, you owe me a free meal.”

  Another man, nearly as short as Iniko, came out of the kitchen wiping his hands on a towel. “Did you hit your head on something again, Iniko? Because there is no way you are conning me out of a free meal.”

  Ryland already liked this Jari guy. The man wasn’t being malicious but he also wasn’t taking any crap. That was Ryland’s kind of friend.

  “Your mate bet me that there weren’t any human mates.” With a flourish Iniko waved his arms at Ryland. “Let me introduce you to Draco’s mate, Ryland.” Iniko smirked at Jari. “And he happens to be human. Boo-yah.”

  Then he started to shake his ass and dance to the music that was playing on the old fashioned jukebox. “I get a free meal. I get a free meal.”

  Ryland, Draco, and Jari were all staring at Iniko’s antics for at least a full minute. But then Jari burst his little bubble. “Sorry to tell you, but that bet was with Lucca. Take it up with him. And since he’s not here to buy your meal, if you want to eat, you’re paying.”

  Iniko stopped mid shake. His mouth dropping open in dismay. “But, you’re his mate.”

  “I’m still not settling his bets.” Then Jari walked over to Ryland and stuck his hand out. “I’m Jari, by the way. It’s nice to meet you.” Then he looked over at Draco. “Congratulations to you both on your mating.”

  “Thank you, Jari.” Draco once more put his arm around Ryland’s waist, something Ryland was beginning to crave.

  It wasn’t that he had to have Draco touching him, but Ryland did feel more...settled?... No, that wasn’t quite the word. If he had to pick one, he guessed it would be peaceful, whenever Draco was simply touching him.

  Draco had tried to warn him what it would be like, but Ryland hadn’t really believed him. Yet, even being in the same room wasn’t close enough. There were times when they were across the room, talking to other people, and Ryland had to stop himself from running over to Draco just to touch him.

  “Why don’t you have a seat,” Jari suggested. There was only a half dozen tables with customers at them. “Fortunately, the lunch rush just finished, although there will be a second rush soon, so make sure to order quickly.”

  When Jari returned to the kitchen, a waiter came over and handed them menus. The man’s nametag said Jude. He blushed as he took their order. Why Jude decided to become a waiter when he was clearly shy, was anyone’s guess.

  Jari had been right, by the time their food had arrived every table was once more full, even the seats at the counter were taken. Since this was the only restaurant, that wasn’t exactly a surprise, but it was when he took a bit of his Philly cheesesteak that Ryland understood why this place was full.

  “I told you it was good,” Iniko said with a grin as he took a bite of his Reuben.

  Ryland had to admit to being worried when he’d seen just how small the town actually was, but Draco was right, they had everything a person could need. Plus, he’d made friends. As far as Ryland was concerned the name fit. This place really was a Miracle.


  With each passing day, Ryland wanted to scream in frustration. He loved being mated to Draco. He even loved the town. He’d made more than just a few friends and cherished each new relationship he’d formed. Why couldn’t he just let himself be happy?

  But he couldn’t.

  It was like a piece of his soul was missing.

  A piece he had no idea how to find.

  “Are you ready to tell me what has you down?”

  Ryland’s heart sped up as he heard Draco’s voice on the edge of the clearing. He turned, the happiness at being mated to this man shoving all the doubt and uncertainty to the side. When Draco put his strong arms around
Ryland and pulled him close, his negative feelings disappeared altogether.

  “How can I be down when I have you in my life?” It was something Ryland had been asking himself each time he went into the same funk. None of it made any sense, yet it still seemed to happen.

  But Draco wasn’t going to be put off this time. “Gràdh, please talk to me.”

  How could Ryland deny his mate such a simple thing. If only he didn’t hate himself for being such a failure it would be so much easier to talk about. But he had to try. He owed it to his mate. “I guess I’m having a hard time.” Can you say understatement?

  “Are you not happy being mated to me?” The worry lines that appeared around Draco’s eyes made Ryland want to cry for putting this amazing man through this.

  He should have just manned up and admitted what was wrong from the beginning. Reaching up, Ryland smoothed out those lines on Draco’s face with his fingers. “God, no,” he insisted. “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “Then what is it, gràdh?”

  Ryland let out a long sigh. It was time to put his big boy panties on. “I hate being a failure.”

  Draco looked at him as if he’d lost his damn mind. “What are you talking about? You haven’t failed at anything.”

  But he had. He’d just been too chicken to admit it. “I’ve been here for two weeks and I still haven’t found anything I’m good at.” He looked down at his feet and mumbled, “Maybe I should just suck it up and ask Jari if I can work for him.”

  When Draco didn’t say anything after a few minutes, Ryland looked up to find him with that same look on his face that said Ryland was crazy. “You think you’re a failure because you don’t have a job?” His mate’s voice seemed perplexed. “I don’t get it. I don’t have a job either. Does that make me a failure?”

  “What?” Ryland had no idea what Draco was talking about. “You have a job. You’ve been helping with the construction of this place.” Already they had one house built and were working on the finishing touches inside another house over halfway built. “You’re also Saber’s second.’

  “Edrick is the alpha, not Saber, so being his second doesn’t actually constitute a job. As for the construction, we aren’t getting paid. We’re all helping each other in order to get all our homes built.” Draco leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips. “So, no, gràdh, I don’t have a job either.”

  “Huh.” Ryland hadn’t really thought of it like that. But whether Draco was paid or not, didn’t make much of a difference. “Okay. So you technically don’t have a job, but you do have a purpose.” Too frustrated to remain in Draco’s arms, Ryland stepped back and started pacing. “Me? I can’t seem to do anything around here.”

  He’d tried. He did. But each time he did, he only proved he would never measure up to a shifter. “I can’t lift as much as everyone else can. Everyone else seems to be able to climb into the rafters with little effort and no safety harnesses, while I nearly broke my neck when I tried to climb to the second story.”

  That had been embarrassing. Not to mention terrifying. Thankfully, Draco had been nearby and caught him before he’d been hurt, or worse. “I also tried to work for Nole, but someone came in with a bone sticking out of his body.” Just remembering that had Ryland’s stomach roiling once more. “I fainted.” If only that had been the worst of it. Ryland threw his hands up in despair as he told the rest of the story. “But not before throwing up all over Nole’s office, including Nole and the patient.”

  A noise that sounded suspiciously like muffled laughter had him spinning around to face his mate. Even though Draco wasn’t laughing, his eyes sparkled with merriment. “That wasn’t funny,” he demanded with a stomp of his foot. “According to Iniko, who loves bringing it up whenever anyone is around, the guy who was hurt, Kurt I think his name was, had to help Nole clean up enough of the office so Nole could pop the bone back into place.”

  Ryland didn’t think he’d ever be able to face Nole or Kurt again. “Then, after he was treated, Kurt had to help Nole pick me off the floor so Nole could make sure I wasn’t hurt.”

  Draco didn’t bother to hold back his laughter this time. Pissed that his mate would laugh at him, Ryland turned on his heel and stalked away from him.

  “Oh come on, gràdh. You have to admit that was funny,” Draco tried to say, although it was hard to understand him around the laughter. When it was obvious Ryland wasn’t amused, Draco sobered up. “I’m sorry, Ryland. You’re right, I shouldn’t laugh.”

  Ryland didn’t stick around to accept his mate’s apology as he continued walking away. Too bad, like everything else, shifters had no trouble keeping up with him.

  “Come on, gràdh.” Draco grabbed Ryland’s arm and spun him around. But it was Draco cupping his face that had Ryland completely forgetting why he was mad at his mate to begin with. It was annoying that it just required a loving touch for Ryland to forgive and forget whatever they were arguing about. Although, he had to admit, it came in handy when he was the one needing to be forgiven.

  “I think you need to give yourself a break,” Draco said after he placed a soft kiss upon Ryland’s lips. “I think the problem isn’t that you aren’t good at those jobs, but that you don’t want to do them. Maybe you should try something you enjoy. You seem to love being outdoors and being around nature.”

  One would think, but apparently that wasn’t true either. “I tried helping Pryor and Wray but after nearly wiping out an entire crop of potatoes, which they claim was nearly impossible, they said I’ve got a black thumb and won’t let me anywhere near the crops.” Pryor and Wray were two of Saber’s men who had been busy getting the farm back up and running.

  It hadn’t seemed like a difficult job and, like Draco said, it involved being outside and working with nature, so Ryland had asked the two men if he could help. They had welcomed the help until he’d accidently ran over the potato patch with a tiller and destroyed nearly half of what they had managed to plant.

  That job had only lasted two hours before he was once more told he was a failure, not that either man had said those words, but Ryland had heard them just as clearly as if they had. Maybe he wasn’t good at anything.

  “Before Refugio imprisoned you, what did you do?” Draco asked.

  Ryland shrugged. “Nothing. I had only just graduated high school the year before and I was working any job I could find to earn enough money so I’d be able to go to college.”

  Draco’s eyes lit up. “Why don’t you go to college?”

  If only. But that just wasn’t possible. “In case you’ve missed it, we live in the middle of nowhere. The nearest campus is at least two hours from here.”

  Draco narrowed his gaze at Ryland. “There is such a thing as taking classes online, you know?”

  He did. But that wasn’t an option either. “I can’t afford the classes, or the computer to take the classes without a job.” Depressed, he leaned his head against Draco’s shoulder. “Which leads us back to the fact that I can’t seem to do any job without screwing up.”

  “Ah, gràdh, that isn’t true.” His mate held him closer, giving Ryland comfort. “As for paying for it, we have more than enough money.”

  “No. You have enough money.” There was no way Ryland was going to be some sort of kept mate. He was going to earn his way. “I have nothing.”

  This time it was Draco who pulled away from him and Ryland wasn’t so sure he liked that, especially when he saw the wounded look on Draco’s face. “But we’re mates,” Draco said as if that explained everything.

  “It doesn’t change the fact that it was you who earned that money, not me,” Ryland insisted.

  “So, if it was you who had made the money, you wouldn’t share it with me?” Draco asked.

  Damn his logic. Ryland was really getting sick of having to argue with logic. It made all his points harder to win. “Of course, I would,” he said. “But it’s bad enough I’m not good at anything, I’m not going to let anyone accuse
me of not being able to make my own way. It would take me years to pay you back if I went to college.”

  His mate sighed. “Ryland, you do understand you’ve mated a shifter, right?”

  Ryland blinked up at his mate, not having any idea what in the hell that was supposed to mean. “Of course, I know that.”

  It was Draco shaking his head from side to side that indicated his mate could tell Ryland wasn’t understanding something. “Your lifespan will now match mine and I’ve already lived more than a millennium. You will have plenty of time in your life to work and make money.”

  “A millennium,” Ryland repeated. Sure, he’d known how old Draco was, but somehow he had missed that by mating Draco he was going to live as long as him. “Just how long do dragons live?”

  Draco’s shoulder went up in a half shrug. “We’ve been known to reach ten millennia.”

  Ryland’s knees went weak and he started to sink to the ground but, like he had since they’d met, Draco was there to catch him.

  “Will you please agree to using our money to go to college?” Draco asked.

  Too stunned to be able to think, Ryland nodded his head. He probably would have agreed to anything at that point. Although, if he were honest, deep down, he knew Draco was right. They were mated. It was time for him to learn to lean on someone.


  Draco was relieved when Ryland actually signed up for classes on his brand new computer. Since classes weren’t actually starting for two months, he’d been afraid Ryland would change his mind. Thankfully, the deadline to sign up had only been half that.

  In order to encourage his mate, Draco had taken him into the nearest decent sized town with a computer store and helped him to pick out something that would help him with his classes. Ryland had practically fainted when the salesperson had given them the total.

  When they had taken the computer home, Ryland had refused to take it out of the box. When his mate had debated returning it, Draco had opened the box himself. For a moment, Ryland had just stared at the opened box in shock.


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