Hayden (A Next Generation Carter Brother Novel Book 4)

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Hayden (A Next Generation Carter Brother Novel Book 4) Page 2

by Lisa Helen Gray

  “Who is he?”

  “That guy I said was trying to sell me a vacuum last week.”

  “That weird looking kid who was flirting with you?”

  “Dad,” I groan, wishing he’d drop it.

  “What happened tonight, then?” he asks, his voice hard.

  I smile, bouncing on the balls of my feet. “He cheated,” I cheer.

  “Um, why are you happy? I’m going to rip his balls off and feed them to the pigs.”

  I snort. “We don’t have pigs, Jaxon does,” I tell him, then cringe when I realise who I mentioned, so I rush on before he can go on yet another of his rants. “It’s fine. I caught him and his new neighbour going at it, but before I went in, I made the Maddox Concoction and added a few of my own things. I’ll send you the picture later. Don’t worry, I got my revenge.”

  “That’s my girl,” he hoots, and I hear my mum groan.

  “Thank you.” I beam, even though he can’t see me. “I just hope he doesn’t call the police and sue for damages.”

  “If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll never speak of it again,” Dad growls, and I hear a horn honking loudly in the background. “Fucking move! We don’t have all year; it ends tonight.”

  “Max, calm down,” Mum scolds.

  “Fucking old drivers.”

  “She was in her twenties,” Mum snaps.

  “Guys,” I call out, beginning to shiver. “Why are you coming to get me?”

  “Jaxon is marrying Lily tonight,” Dad explains, shocking me to my core.

  “What?” I screech. “When, how—what?”

  He laughs. “I’m not happy about it, but I love her and want her to be happy. We visited Jaxon tonight, got a few things straight.”

  “You mean you threatened him.”

  Dad sighs, exasperated. “I’m not a violent person, Hayden.” He takes a deep breath when I snort. They nearly killed Jaxon when they overreacted. “Lily doesn’t know and we need all the help we can get.”

  “All right.”

  I’m all for giving Lily a happily ever after. It was my dad, uncles and cousins who hadn’t seen how in love the two were or how happy he made her.

  “Oh, and I’ve done a timeline on who was in the house last week. It’s only you who could have eaten those muffins.”

  “Dad!” I snap, pissed he brought it up. “You can’t prove anything. Whoever ate them—and I’m not saying I did—clearly enjoyed them. They didn’t save you one. You need to move on.”

  “I’ll get you back for this if it was you. Don’t think I’ve forgotten that it was you who ate the last of the pigs in blankets at Christmas.”

  “Dad, just hurry up. The new year starts in a few hours and it seems we have a wedding to plan.”

  “Kids. I told your mum, if we didn’t wrap it—”

  “Dad!” I screech, before ending the call.

  *** *** ***

  I discretely wipe away the tear that slips free. No fucking way am I showing these fuckers the wedding got to me. They’d never let me live it down. I could blame it on all the alcohol I’d consumed, but I’d be lying.

  Seeing Lily find her happy, warms me. She’s always been a kind soul, and just like the rest of our family, I treated her like she was made of glass. I regret that. Because maybe we held her back from finding her freedom. She’s the strongest of us all. And Jaxon made us see that.

  “You know what they say about weddings,” Reid Hayes drawls, stepping in front of me and blocking my view.

  This should be good.

  I cock my eyebrow at him. “If it was a funeral, I’d say, you’re next, because if you spout some cheesy line at me right now, it will be your funeral next.”

  He grins, flashing those pearly whites. “I think they only say ‘you’re next’ to couples at weddings. But if you want to get busy—”

  “The fact you said ‘busy’ puts me off,” I interrupt, not even turning to look at him. Instead, I take in Faith’s home and huge land. It’s a beautiful four-bedroom house. A little outdated, but with the work they’re putting into it, it will have the upgrades it needs to look perfect.

  If it wasn’t for the work they had put into her new practice for stray animals, it would already have been completed. I’m kind of jealous she has it. She’s worked her arse off to get where she is. That said, I’m really glad I’m not the one who has to mow the grass every two weeks.

  Everyone is still partying away, even though Lily and Jaxon left. I thought for sure once the ceremony was over, the Hayes family would have gone home, but their mum, mine, and Aunt Teagan are having an animated conversation near the gazebo, laughing and joking.

  Reid interrupts my musings. I had forgotten he was even here. “You’ll give in eventually. You can’t resist my charm.”

  I size him up, slowly scanning his body, taking in his ripped jeans and black jacket that has been left open to reveal his black T-shirt, his abs tensing under the tight material. His body is lean yet muscular, his tanned skin covered in tattoos. But it’s his eyes that draw you in. His smoky, dark green eyes hold intelligence, and no matter his mood, they always show his easy-going, light personality. They shine bright and are pure sex.

  It’s hypnotising.

  I flick my top lip with the tip of my tongue, drawing his attention to my mouth. “You couldn’t handle me, Hayes.”

  He smirks, raising his hand to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. The touch is gentle, smooth, and I can’t help but look more closely at him, giving him a second thought. “Something tells me you’re too scared. You’re worried you can’t handle me.”

  With a flick of my hair, a flutter of my lashes, I step closer, straightening my back so my breasts jut out, brushing up against him. “Really? Or are you just hoping I don’t say yes, so you don’t make a fool of yourself?” I ask, keeping my voice low, seductive.

  He gulps, gripping my sides, just under my boobs. His thumbs stroke lightly under the soft globes of my breasts. It feels good. Erotic. And I wish he’d go a little higher. “Why don’t we find out,” he rasps.

  Through my peripheral vision, I make sure no one is looking. Seeing the coast is clear, I press closer, leaving no room between us.

  My lashes flutter at the feel of his hardness against my stomach. He’s big. He wasn’t just bragging.

  I have to bite my bottom lip to stop the moan from slipping free.

  I tilt my head up, watching him for a moment, wondering if this is something I can really do. It’s Reid Hayes, a guy who has driven me insane and made me lose my temper on more than one occasion. I’m surprised I haven’t killed him yet.

  On the other hand, I just got cheated on. I need this.

  Fuck it!

  He’s hot, I’m hot, and the sexual tension has always been there, no matter how much he could repulse me at times.

  I rapidly blink up at him, trying to keep my calm. “No one can know,” I warn him.

  He blinks in surprise, clearly not expecting me to agree. “That means you can’t brag to your friends.”

  I snort. “Like that would happen.”

  “Where do you want to do this?” he whispers, caressing my breasts, his thumbs brushing over the hard peaks of my nipples.

  I rise to the balls of my feet, swaying forward at the intimate touch.

  I want more.

  If he can get me this revved up with such a simple move, I want to know what else he can do.

  I grab his hand, surprised to find it warm when it’s so cold tonight. “I swear to God, if you’ve had these down your pants to keep them warm, I’m going to lose it,” I grouch. “And I know a place.”

  He looks around, seeing what I’m seeing: everyone is distracted, all high on the night’s celebrations.

  I pull him towards the side of the main house and head for the outhouse, where Beau works when he’s helping Faith out with the pet sanctuary. It’s also out of sight from the party.

  We stop outside the door and Reid pushes me against it, leaning down
. “Don’t get clingy. I’m only letting you have me once, baby.”

  Snorting, I grip his cock over his jeans, smirking when his mouth falls open and his eyes flash with fear. “Trust me, it won’t be me turning clingy, Reid.” I reach behind me, twisting the handle on the door and pushing it open. “And, Reid?”

  “Yeah?” he croaks huskily.

  “Never call me baby, not if you want to keep your dick.”

  His smirk spreads into a grin as he lifts me up off the ground. My legs wrap around his waist as he kicks the door shut behind us.

  Tilting his head down, he presses his lips to mine, kissing me breathless. My fingers run over the stubble along his jaw as I deepen the kiss.

  He slowly drops me down onto the counter—when something sharp digs into my arse.

  “Fuck!” I squeal, trying to keep as silent as I can. Tears spring to my eyes as he lifts me back up, looking over my shoulder and down. He chuckles, swiping something off the table, which clangs to the floor. I look down, noticing nails all over the floor, and roll my eyes. I should have known nothing would be easy with Reid Hayes.

  “You okay?” he asks, pretending to care.

  I nod, pulling him towards me to continue what we were doing, trying to find that fire that normally ignites between us. So far, there’s nothing, even though I was turned on outside.

  Our teeth smash together and I groan, pulling away. “Jesus, Reid!”

  “Sorry, I was going for hot and heavy.”

  I shake my head, pulling him back, this time slower. The kiss is good, amazing in fact, but it doesn’t exactly make me see stars. There’s no toe curling, no lust. Nothing like we have when we banter back and forth.

  It’s kind of disappointing.

  I’ve thought about fucking Reid more than once, and I wanted to see if it would be as good as I imagined.

  It’s not.

  He stops kissing me when he realises I’m not into it. Pulling back, his eyebrows drawn together, he tilts his head to the side. “What?”

  “Um, this is awkward.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Maybe we’ve had too much to drink?”

  “Maybe,” I mutter, but I don’t think it’s that.

  As hot as he is, I don’t think I’m attracted to him in that way. And it’s kind of a downer, since I really needed the release after tonight.

  The door to the outhouse flies open, and when I look, my dad and mum are standing in the doorway, open-mouthed.

  “Oh my God,” I cry out, shoving Reid away before I straighten my dress, pushing it down my thighs. I jump off the side, giving my mum an appreciative glance when I see she’s holding Dad back.

  “Honey,” Mum calls, tugging his arm back.

  His face is red with anger, and he’s glaring holes at Reid. “It’s not free fucking rein on my daughter, dude. She’s off limits. We might have let the whole Jaxon thing go, and yes, Landon is with your sister, but it ends there. You don’t get to look at my daughter, touch her, or, or, or…” he waves his hand around, flustered.

  Reid smirks. “Fuck her?”

  Dad grits his teeth, taking a step forward, but me and Mum get between the two. I glare up at Reid. “Go! This was a mistake anyway. You’re clearly all mouth.”

  I don’t believe what I’m saying, but it will be good for Reid to have a knock to his ego, especially after pissing my dad off.

  Astonished, his mouth drops open. “I’ll have you know I’m the shit in bed.”

  “No, you’re probably just shit,” I tell him, rolling my eyes.

  “Let’s go, right here, right now. I’ll prove you wrong,” he rushes out, reaching for his belt buckle.

  I smile, patting his head, glad the banter is back between us. I won’t admit it, but I get thrills sparring with him. “It’s okay. I’ll keep it a secret.”

  My dad’s boisterous laughter breaks us apart, and I turn to find him leaning against Mum. “Yep, we’re good here, Lake.”

  “I can’t take you anywhere,” Mum groans, shaking her head at him.

  “I’m not shit in bed!” Reid yells, throwing his hands up.

  We all stop by the door and turn to look at him. I shrug, smiling. “Guess we’ll never know.”


  My job isn’t something I’m exactly proud of. In fact, I’d have more dignity stripping my clothes off than doing some of the degrading things I have to do.

  But I have to do it.

  It isn’t necessarily the job title. I want to be on the radio after all. It’s because it isn’t me.

  I don’t do the whole mushy, girly crap. I’m a rock chick that listens to rap or rock—unless I’m drunk; then I’d rock to Taylor Swift if one of her songs came on.

  I drink rum, swear like a sailor and don’t give a fuck about speaking my mind.

  The only reason I haven’t quit is the anonymity, the pay, and the fact some of these girls really need someone to give it to them straight and not spout some bullshit they think they want to hear.

  What I want to do is what I was promised I would work towards when I first started: a chance to report on real life issues going on in the world right now. I don’t want to give advice about some arsehole who can’t get his shit together.

  I don’t want to tell my family about my job. It isn’t some huge secret like they assume. I just don’t want to deal with the awkwardness that would happen when they become supportive and shit. And having them listening in while I give sex and relationship advice is something that will scar us all.

  Mum thinks I work in a care home, since I work in the home Hope works at when they’re understaffed. Dad is oblivious, probably telling himself I work in a church every time he goes to sleep at night. I’ve got no clue what the others think, but it’s probably just as crazy as what my dad could come up with.

  And to be honest, I like to keep them guessing.

  Chrissy, our floor manager and one of our many producers who help run the different online forums and podcasts, walks into the staff room, shaking me from my thoughts. My gaze zeros in on the McDonalds coffee cup in her hand, and I wish I’d thought to stop off and get one on my way in.

  I’m always jealous of how professional she looks when she comes into work. She makes the corporate style look fashionable and elegant. Her light blonde hair is tied low at her nape today and crowned with a thin black headband. She has on a white shirt with an open collar, showing off her silver necklaces that match her bracelets. Thrown over her blouse, she has on a loose black blazer, the sleeves crumpled to her elbows. And paired with her black suit trousers, she has on black pointed boots. I sigh, knowing I’ll never look that professional. She might be thirty-five, but she looks twenty-five. She’s smoking hot.

  Tonight, I’m wearing ripped jeans and a black T-shirt with ‘AC/DC’ written in washed-out red. They look good with my new biker boots Dad got me after he lost a bet on who could drink the most shots on New Year. What he doesn’t know is some of mine were water.

  “Our new boss, Clayton Cross, starts tonight, and he wants to change things up,” Chrissy greets.

  Hope blossoms in my chest. “Really? Do you think he’ll give me a new angle for the podcast?”

  She bites her bottom lip, her face scrunching up. “I don’t know. We get high ratings through your channel. He won’t want to stop that.”

  I groan, stretching back into the softness of the red armchair. It’s midnight and I’m tired, the past week catching up with me.

  “Have you met him?”

  She shakes her head. “No. Mr Cross had his lawyers deal with the takeover. None of the producers were involved. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to Mr Cross Senior.”

  I snatch the coffee out of her hand, taking a gulp. “I thought for sure when Cross Senior left the company to his son that we’d be able to make some changes. Isn’t his son meant to be young?”

  She tilts her head. “I’m not sure. I think someone said he was in his late twenties. Don’t quote me though.”

There’s a ruckus out in the hallway before Leana, one of our computer experts, comes barrelling inside, slamming the door shut behind her. Out of breath, she bends over, gripping her knees.

  I’m on my feet in seconds, taking a step towards her. However, when she tilts her head up, cheeks flushed, I stop, crossing my arms over my chest and taking a step back.

  I know that look.

  It’s the look she gets when she’s done something… well, Leana.

  “He’s hot,” she pants out, waving her hand at us.

  I glance to Chrissy for answers, but she looks just as confused as me. She shrugs and we both turn to look down at Leana, waiting for her to catch her breath. She’s always been nutty. I think sitting at the computer all day and night didn’t help her form any social skills. She reminds me so much of my cousin Charlotte it’s not even funny. Both girls are intelligent beyond belief, and neither have a filter when it comes to speaking their mind. It’s verbal vomit and there’s nothing they do to avoid it.

  Leana’s hilarious to work with, especially when she gets flustered over some of the questions she has to read on our online forum. Some of them can be downright dirty.

  “Who?” I ask, interested. I’ve waited months for some eye candy to start working here. Ever since Abel left, there’s been no one to ogle.

  “Mr Cross,” she screeches, before taking a deep breath. Her shoulders slump. “I think I made a fool out of myself.”

  I chuckle before even knowing what she’s done, because I can guarantee it’s comical. “What did you do?”

  She glares at my amusement. “One, I’m not liking your tone. Two, it’s nothing.” She tilts her head up, looking to the ceiling.

  “Tell us,” Chrissy coaxes, hiding her amusement better than me.

  Sighing, Leana snatches the coffee cup from me, taking a swig.

  Chrissy groans. “I knew I should have called for all your orders before coming in.”

  I wave her off, staring Leana down. “Come on, spill.”

  “Bloody hell. Okay. I went to go greet our new boss, first impressions and all that. I took some coffee and muffins and forgot to knock on the door. I didn’t think he’d be in yet since we were closed this morning. The main segment doesn’t start for another hour. I wasn’t prepared,” she whisper-hisses, her face turning bright red again.


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