The Radius | Book 2 | Living In The Radius

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The Radius | Book 2 | Living In The Radius Page 13

by Muga, D. M.

  “Oh, yeah? And who gets to decide that, Uncle?” Ben asks.

  His Uncle smiles and looks at Alexander. “Alexander, want to help me out here?”

  Alexander nods and turns to Ben. “We will Ben, and so will they. The eight of us will decide with whomever is left of Crestline’s Village Council. We will look at the volunteers. All will be accepted for the militia basis, but we will look more closely for the deputizing part of the process. There is no room for bad apples or corruption in these times. We need to make sure that we vet them, and they understand the consequences for corruption and abuse of power.”

  Ben nods, lightly. “Alright, I’m with you so far…”

  “Don’t you see, Ben. We have a chance to improve what we had before. We can start over, without really starting over. We can make sure that we have a collective of people making decisions, not the masses and not just one person. And with swift justice and consequences, we avoid long term corruption and the greed that plagued our politics and judicial system, before all of this.” Ben’s Uncle explains.

  “Okay… let’s say this works. What if one of us becomes part of this problem of greed and corruption. What will you say then?” Ben asks.

  His Uncle laughs again. “Well, if I ever become corrupt and try to steal from these people… then I would rather be dead than let myself go further down that road.” He chuckles some more. “I don’t really see that happening, Ben, but if those in power… like us… abuse that power, we should be dealt with swiftly.”

  Ben nods, starting to buy into the whole idea of this modified small republic. “Okay… who gets to be the judge and jury?”

  “Ah, you are starting to see it then…” Uncle Steven replies. “We will be the judge and jury for the militia and the civilians. We, being the Deputies and the Council Members. And the people will be our judge and jury… if any one of us gets out of line, we will be arrested and tried.”

  “What if we all get out of line?” Ben questions further.

  “You really are a paranoid one. If I recall correctly, you didn't have the greatest trust in our previous government either, nephew?” Uncle Steven replies.

  Ben shrugs. “These will be questions that the people have, too.”

  “And the people are the answer, Ben. If all of the Council members have survived up to this point, with our combined Deputies, that’s 14 people making the major decisions. If by some chance that all of us get out of line and become corrupt, it’s 14 versus close to 7,000. How long do you think we will last?” Uncle Steven responds.

  Ben thinks about this for a moment. 14 versus 7,000… that's pretty damn scary. I guess it's in our best interest to not be greedy or corrupt.

  Ben smiles. “I suppose that might work. Is that what this whole meeting is for?”

  “Yeppum. But you won’t be there.” Uncle Steven replies.

  Ben looks confused. “What? Why? What will I be doing?”

  Uncle Steven nods to Alexander. “You and Alexander are heading down the mountain to pick up some livestock. You two and Deputy Joseph Gomez.”

  Ben thinks about the Deputy that he met by the fire of burning MS13 bodies during the first few days after the Blue Hole Radius. He also remembers how sore he still is from getting shot yesterday.

  It may have hit the vest, but it still hurts like a mother...

  “Why us, exactly?” Ben asks.

  “Well, no offense… but you and Alexander are new to this whole Deputy thing. So, Joseph is going to sort of show you the ropes and give you some insights. Plus, he has a box trailer for the livestock.” His Uncle explains.

  “Okay. Fair enough. But do we really need a box trailer for four chickens and two piglets?” Ben asks.

  Alexander chimes in. “Well, the numbers are larger now. Your Uncle and I have been bartering deals between last night and earlier this morning. Last I knew we were up to five stops between here and close to Temecula, totaling up to twenty-four chickens, three roosters, five piglets, and even three sheep.”

  Ben is amazed. “Oh wow… nice! How much is that going to set us back?”

  “Eighteen Gold American Eagles…” Uncle Steven Replies. “But now it’s six stops and three more piglets. I was able to make another deal this morning, after my watch shift.”

  “Well, son of a biscuit! That’s a lot of coin, but that’s also a lot of food.” Ben replies.

  “Damn right it is! And if we play our cards right, it'll turn into much more food over time.” Uncle Steven replies.

  “Just how long is this trip going to take and do you think it’s a good idea to send Ben off, out on his own? Shouldn’t I tag along, just in case he needs saving again?” Eileen says, as she walks into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

  Ben and the others look to Eileen. “Good morning!” Ben says.

  “Good morning, Eileen.” Alexander adds.

  “Good morning!” Uncle Steven responds. “And I would rather have you with me, Eileen, at the meeting. Having you and Deputy Janice Fuller there with the rest of us may help our numbers of female volunteers. I want to get enough of both sexes to show community strength.”

  Ben sees Eileen nod and she replies. “Fair point, Steven. But I'm not sure how I feel about sending Ben out on his own. Have you seen his track record for getting himself into trouble?”

  This gets a laugh from Alexander and his Uncle and a “Hey!” from Ben.

  “Ms. Eileen. He'll have myself and Deputy Joseph Gomez. Additionally, with the six stops and distance from here, it should take us only the day. By my estimation, it should take anywhere from five to ten hours. It’s a wide gap of time because we don't know all of the variables.” Alexander explains.

  “Alexander is right, Eileen. Ben should be back by dinner time, if they get going soon. And they have the seasoned Deputy Gomez to stop Ben from making any rash decisions.” Uncle Steven adds.

  “Hey! What about Alexander? He’s new to this whole Deputy thing, too!” Ben says defensively.

  “Yes, honey.” Eileen replies. “But… you are the one that keeps getting shot and almost dying. You are starting to turn out to be a disaster magnet.”

  This gets a round of laughter from the group, even Ben.

  “I suppose it’s a good idea, though. Especially if it’s for that much livestock and food.” Eileen says. “But, Alexander, please… please watch over my Ben.”

  “Not a problem Ms. Eileen. I have grown quite fond of him, too. I’ll make sure he returns to you safely.” Alexander promises her.

  “Thank you.” Eileen replies.

  “Hey Uncle. That seems like more food than we need though. Are you sure we need all of that for just us?” Ben questions.

  “Ben, you’re still missing the bigger picture… it’s not all for us. We can divide up the livestock between us and the Bradley families in the beginning. And as time moves forward, and more chickens, pigs and sheep are born, we can start giving them out to other families, then they can raise them and do the same in return. The goal is for all of us to be able to sustain ourselves down the road.” His Uncle explains.

  “Wow, Uncle. That's a pretty grand plan and is going to take some time and planning to figure out who gets what and when…” Ben replies.

  “Yeah.” His Uncle scratches the back of his head “We are still figuring out all of the logistics, but we have the time.”

  We have the time… what a funny way of putting it. Ben thinks.

  “I think it sounds like a great idea, Steven and Alexander. It sounds like it will give people hope. I think we should even mention this at the meeting today, to help give them hope.” Eileen adds.

  “And see… that’s why you are coming along with me to the meeting, Eileen.” Uncle Steven says to her. “We need that sort of compassion and understanding and from who better than a nurse that is now one of our Deputies.”

  Ben watches Eileen blush and takes another sip of her coffee. “Thank you, Steven… So, when's the big town meeting?”

  Uncle S
teven nods. “It's at noon. But we need you boys to get some food in you and start heading over to go pick up Deputy Gomez. You all are already burning daylight.”

  The group agrees to get ready and get started for the day. After they all make breakfast, they sit down at the dining table and discuss the possibilities for the meeting and the upcoming months, and the routes to take to pick up the livestock along the eastern border of the Blue Hole Radius.

  After about an hour, Alexander and Ben are ready to leave to go pick up Deputy Joseph Gomez and head down the mountain to pick up the chickens, roosters, pigs, and sheep. They made sure to pack two day-packs, put on their vests, along with their sidearms. Alexander opted for a Springfield 5.56 SAINT AR, which he was obviously getting used to. Ben opted for another 5.56 SAINT AR, to keep the ammunition the same, just in case they ran into trouble. Both men loaded themselves up with five spare magazines and one loaded into the rifles.

  Eileen reminded them to pack extra food and water, just in case their trip had to take a detour. So, Ben did, all the while trying to assure her that everything would be alright.

  He could tell that she was worried, but she wasn’t the type of worried that was frantic and crying about him leaving. She understood the need for this trip and why she wasn’t on it.

  She really is tough as nails, that woman. He thinks to himself.

  As they load up Ben’s truck for the day trip, he looks to her. “And if you get stressed out or worried, we still have our phones. Call me and I’ll call you guys to check in with each stop we make.”

  “Sounds like a plan, cowboy. Just don’t go running off into anymore firefights.” She says smiling.

  “Don't worry, Eileen. I’ll get him back home to you.” Alexander replies.

  “I know you will, Alexander. Thanks, and I want you all to come home safe… for the record.” Eileen replies.

  “Yes, all three of you get your asses back here safe. You hear me?” Uncle Steven adds.

  “Sure thing, Uncle. Good luck with your big town meeting.” Ben replies.

  They all say their goodbyes, and Ben pulls out of the driveway, heading toward Deputy Gomez’s home.

  “And away we go, Alexander.’ Ben says as he navigates through the small town of Crestline.

  After about ten minutes of driving, Ben stops in front of a cabin that’s on the north end of Lake Gregory. Before Ben can honk his horn. Deputy Joseph Gomez comes walking out of the cabin with his pack, a vest on, a sidearm on his hip, and rifle slung over his right shoulder.

  He opens up the door behind Alexander and throws his gear into the back-cab. “Good morning, gents. Let’s get this trailer hooked up so we can get this show on the road.”

  After they get the box trailer hooked up to Ben’s tow hitch, the three men pull away from the cabin and start making their way back toward the main highway and back to the 330 Highway.

  Making their way down the mountain, the drive is relatively smooth down the 330.

  “So far, so good. Where’s our first stop, Alexander?” Ben says.

  “Well, that depends if you want to start outward and work our ways back or pick them up as we go along.” Alexander replies.

  “We should pick them up as we go, just in case we hit trouble and need to turn around quickly.” Deputy Joseph Gomez answers.

  “Good thinking, Deputy Gomez.” Ben replies.

  “Just call me Joseph, Ben. You are a Deputy now, too.” He says and grins from the backseat.

  “I suppose you're right… Joseph.” Ben says. “Alright, Alexander. Where are we going?”

  Alexander nods. “We have six stops in total. One in Yucaipa and one in Calimesa. Then we’ll jump on the 60 West to connect with the 215 South. We then have two stops in Perris and two more in Menifee.”

  “Sounds good. Just let me know when we get close to each stop.” Ben replies.

  “Will do, Ben.” Alexander answers.

  Ben looks at the clock on the dashboard. It reads 0740.

  “Alright, let's do this. Smooth and steady.” Ben says as he heads to the first stop for livestock.

  The trio make their way to their first stop in a small city called Yucaipa. The family that they meet is very nice and everything goes smoothly. They traded two Gold American Eagles for four chickens, and two piglets. The second stop is at the bordering small city of Calimesa. There, they find another friendly family and a successful trade. They traded seven Gold American Eagles for eight chickens, a rooster, and four piglets.

  After the first two stops, they guide back to the freeways and jump on the 60 West. Aside from going around crashed, burned, and broken-down vehicles, the 60 West Freeway is a smooth drive. Pulling on the 215 South Freeway, the trio has to pull over to the shoulder of the road while another earthquake lasts about three full minutes.

  The earthquake was the only real concern on the trip to Perris, aside from driving around stalled vehicles. Ben enjoyed the country scenery, driving through the area. There was a great deal of wide-open land, and the three talked about what was left after the Blue Hole Radius.

  They had arrived in the city of Perris by 1130 and were at the third stop. Their third and fourth stops were much like the first two. Ben and the others were excited to see some other people doing “okay” during these times. The third stop was to an old couple's home. They traded three Gold American Eagles for four chickens, two roosters, and one piglet. The fourth stop was to an old man’s home. They traded two Gold American Eagles for four chickens, and one piglet.

  Afterward, the trio was back on the 215 South, navigating around the broken-down vehicles and heading toward the last two stops. The group had only seen two other cars out on the roads the entire day.

  Ben and the others had discussed how many people that they thought were left and how many would actually be able to keep on going. There were obviously people in these small towns and cities, but people were not traveling much, yet. Ben and the others agreed that this was likely out of fear from raiders and thieves. It appeared that many of the people out this way were simply keeping to themselves.

  The trio reached the small city of Menifee by 1300, pulling up to their fifth stop, which was another older couple. They traded one Gold American Eagle for four chickens. As they were saying their goodbyes, the older man warned them to stay off of the 215 and the 15 freeways.

  Ben asked why and the man responded. “Well, you all should be fine… since there’s no women in your group, but better safe than sorry.” The older man went back into the house and the three men talked about it on their way to the sixth and final stop.

  “What do you suppose that was about, Joseph?” Ben asks.

  “If I had to take a guess, it sounds like a group of men may be rounding up women. Just because it’s a new world, doesn’t mean that sex trafficking won’t still be alive and well.” Joseph replies.

  “Sex trafficking, here?” Alexander questions.

  “Yes, sir. Sex trafficking was a major issue in the United States prior to all of this Blue Hole Radius bullshit. In fact, it’s been a problem with humanity since the dawn of humanity. There’s no reason to think it won’t be a problem in the future.” Joseph explains.

  “Makes sense, but sure as hell doesn't make it right.” Ben replies.

  “Couldn’t agree more, brother.” Joseph replies.

  Ben pulls into the driveway of the last stop and sees a man with a shotgun, pointed directly at them.

  “Shit!” Ben says.

  “Quick! Backup and just go!” Joseph states.

  Ben looks into his sideview mirrors to try and back out and sees two ATV’s pull alongside them, one on each side and each with a passenger pointing a rifle at them.

  “Double shit!” Ben blurts out.

  “Gentleman, I do believe we are boxed in. I see another truck coming up behind us.” Alexander adds.

  “Get the fuck out of the truck, with your hands up! This shit ends now you fucking scumbags! Give us back our wives and our daughters!” Th
e man in front of them yells.

  “What did he just say? Wives and daughters?” Ben asks.

  “Best to get out with our hands up, gents. Then you can ask him that, Ben.” Joseph replies.

  “I think he has a point, Ben.” Alexander adds.

  “I don’t think we really have a choice in the matter, now do we?” Ben sighs.

  “Let’s go figure out what the crap is going on now…” Ben says as he shuts off the engine and exits his truck with his hands in the air.


  Eileen Rivera

  Eileen looks upon the crowd in front of them. She was standing in front of a truck bed, with Steven Reilly behind her in the truck bed. There was another truck parked next to them with the remaining council members in the back of that truck bed.

  To her concern, as well as Steven’s, only three council members had survived. Jeffery Dobbs, Sheryl Nobles, and Colt Fowler. One was out on holiday when everything started. One went to go check on their family members down the mountain, and never returned. The last one, opted for suicide instead of trying to survive in this new world.

  That meant that they may have to fill three seats on the council. Steven, the Deputies, and the remaining council members had discussed this stipulation to great extent. They had all agreed that elections could be tricky during a time like this. However, they had also all agreed that they were necessary to maintain their way of life.

  “The right way is not usually the easiest way.” Steven had said.

  Standing in a line in front of the truck bed with the other deputies, Eileen was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that she was a Deputy now. It seemed so surreal. Nonetheless, she trusted Steven Reilly and his instincts.

  There was a ten-foot gap between the Deputies and the new Sheriff, as well as the council members. The crowd kept their distance of close to ten feet away from Eileen and the other Deputies, Jose, Janice, and Todd. She was standing next to Todd, in front of Steven, Jose and Janice were in front of the council members.


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