The Radius | Book 2 | Living In The Radius

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The Radius | Book 2 | Living In The Radius Page 29

by Muga, D. M.

  “Yes, Sheriff Reilly. The Leviathan should not be able to see where we are, for now.” Burke replies.

  “So, it sounds like you want to help us now, instead of kill us and rule over us with tyranny. Got any plans on how to help us stand a chance against your futuristic and sadistic tyrant?” Uncle Steven responds.

  “My designation is merely logistics and supply, but I do have several years of combat training from my early service years… and I do have some supplies for you, that should assist us in reducing casualties.” Burke replies as she walks to the side of the ship where the door was and starts reaching toward one of the many panels along the wall.

  “Alicia, just how old are you and the rest of your people?” Eileen asks her.

  Ben looks to Eileen and then back to Burke, curious of the answer.

  “I'm only 57 years old, with this having been my seventh year as a full-fledged citizen of E2.” Burke answers as she turns a knob and pulls a lever.

  What?! She only looks to be around her early twenties, no older than 22 or 23! What’s up with these people?! And citizenship at 50?! What kinds of backwards ass laws do they have?!

  Ben’s focus is then shifted to the panel that receded upward, revealing several large shelves lined with vests exactly like the one that Burke and the other Federalists were wearing. She then walks closer toward where Eileen and himself were standing, turns a knob and pulls another lever. This one displaying several smaller shelves lined with MECCUs.

  Ben looks at the MECCUs in astonishment.

  There’s enough for each one of us and then some…

  “This should assist us with reducing casualties and help us survive against Abraham and the others that mean to do you harm.” Burke says with a solemn face.

  Ben nods at the newfound weapons and defensive device. “Just who the hell are you people and what are we up against?” Ben asks her.

  She looks at him and nods. “I’ll explain more about us and Earth Two while I assist you with calibrating your MECCU to your individual-selves.”

  She walks over to Eileen first with an MECCU, “Here, Eileen. If you would allow me to install this on your right forearm.”

  “Actually, you may want to install that on her left arm, Burke. So, she can still use her gun.” Ben advises her.

  Burke looks at him in confusion. “But why would you need your antique weapons any longer, with our MECCUs?”

  Ben looks at her and smiles. “After you are done telling us about your kind, I’ll tell you some things your history books may have left out about our kind.”

  Ben sees a faint smile from Burke and then she focuses her attention back on Eileen and places the MECCU over her left forearm.

  “Ow! What the hell! That hurts!” Eileen blurts out as the MECCU is placed over her left forearm.

  Great, this sounds like it's going to feel lovely…

  “Hey Burke… Can you open up the door on this spaceship?” Ben asks.

  Burke looks up at him from placing the MECCU on Eileen’s arm. “Yes, but why?”

  Ben rolls his eyes. “Well, I don’t see any bathrooms in this STARU, so I planned on relieving myself behind one of those rocks in this big ass cave. Is that alright with you? Does your kind from the future still have to piss and poop?”

  Ben sees that she turns a light shade of red. “Yes, Benjamin Reilly. We do, actually… There is one toilet aboard each STARU, that extends out when needed. But I bloody doubt anyone is going to want to relieve themselves in front of the whole lot of you.” She replies as she taps a button and turns a knob along the wall and the opening appears next to him.

  “Alright then, I’ll be back in a few... If anyone else needs to go, now’s the time people. No stopping along the way to Crestline and sounds like we may have a fight on our hands when we get there.” Ben says back into the STARU as he walks out into the Upana Caves.

  He makes his way to find a secluded area of the cave and looks back to see most of the others shuffling out of the STARU.

  We have enough crap to worry about as it is. I don’t need to worry about pissing or having to crap myself if we end up in another big ass battle… this time against space invaders instead of thugs and gangsters. Yay for us! Ben thinks, grinning to himself.


  Eileen Rivera

  Shielded from the scanners of the Leviathan, Eileen and the others listen to Alicia Burke as she goes over a crash course on how to use the MECCUs... particularly their IMDs (Individual MECCU Dozers) and their AEs (Armored Enclosures). Despite the instance that the MECCUs hurt like hell when they are placed onto your arm, the process was relatively smooth. The pain was swift and then a cooling sensation eased the pain just as quickly as it had begun. It was painful, yes... but more shocking than anything.

  “You could have warned me, Alicia!” Eileen had blurted out, since she was the first to receive a MECCU and go through the bonding process.

  Alicia explained that the burning sensation was actually transmitters being placed into their arms to create a bond between the user and the MECCU, making it individually reactive to the user. Alicia went on to explain something about an additional procedure that their kind undergoes shortly after birth. It had to do something with cognitive development and also assisted with better communication and reaction time between the MECCU and the user. Alicia assured them that with practice and time, they would bridge the gap.

  Eileen found the MECCUs relatively user friendly and figured that with time, she would get used to the added 32 ounces, or two pounds, to her arm. Alicia assured them that the weight would feel like close to nothing in time.

  With the added weight to her left arm, she was excited to find that the vests from Earth Two were much lighter than their own bullet-proof vests. What is more, the vests from Earth Two formed with their owner and provided coverage wherever the vest was. She was amazed to find that the vest felt just like a cross between dri-fit and a winter jacket. She was more than glad to trade out her old vest, and it appeared that everyone else was as well. Brianna and Christian more so, since they didn’t even have one to start off with.

  Ben had questioned the integrity of the vest and Burke explained that they could withstand most projectiles from “our” antique weapons. Ben asked several other questions and seemed overall happy about the exchange. He did refer to it as an upgrade to their previous armor.

  Eileen did ask why they needed them with the force fields. Burke explained that they were a last line of defense, in case “our” ancient weapons were able to penetrate “their” AEs. When asked about why they hadn't armored their MECCUs, she simply shrugged and answered that the operation and design of the MECCUs was not her designation. She did say that it was likely an oversight on their part.

  “An oversight? That was one helpful oversight!” Ben had replied back and laughed. This in turn, gained laughter from everyone except Burke. It helped with lightening up the mood, despite the real concept of a looming battle.

  Eileen found it interesting that people from 1,410 years into the future still made the same mistakes that they did. Oversight on certain crucial areas that could cause harm and somehow this Abraham guy had thought that being a dictator would work out in the long run. She had wondered if they taught people of Earth Two the history of “her” Earth, or if Abraham just didn’t pay attention on that day or heed their warnings.

  Eileen’s rather happy with herself and feels confident with her new vest and MECCU, but still is curious if it will be enough to go against Abraham and the rest of the Federalists from the future.

  When this doubtful thought crosses her mind, she looks to ask Ben what he thinks. Before she can ask him, the transparent screen changes from the map of North America and their location to that of the Leviathan and to the face of Captain Abraham Jackson.

  “What the shit?!” Ben blurts out.

  Eileen looks to Burke, with eyes of shock. “I thought he couldn’t locate us, Alicia?!”

  Burke shakes her head. “He can
’t… rest assured. This is a message sent out to all STARUs attached to the Leviathan.”

  “Are you sure he doesn’t know where we are, Burke?” Steven asks.

  “I'm sure, Sheriff Reilly.”

  At that moment, the giant head version of Abraham Jackson begins to speak. “Sheriff Reilly and the rest of your barbarians. We offered your kind our technology and medicine and you spat in our faces. It seems you want to continue to live on as cretins. Lucky for the rest of your kind, I will bring them salvation and the ways of the Federalist Legion. However, for your treacherous group of barbarians, your lives are now forfeit!”

  The camera that’s filming Abraham pans out, revealing a portion of the Leviathan in the background, displaying Abraham on a platform outside of the Leviathan, hovering over Lake Gregory. Alongside Abraham are five Federalists to his right, and five more Federalists to his left. In front of him are six men on their knees at the edge of the platform.

  “Oh no!” Eileen says as she gasps and tries to see if she recognizes any of the men on the edge of the platform on their knees. After a quick moment she’s relieved that she doesn’t know any of them but is still horrified about what will likely come next.

  Abraham continues speaking. “My loyal Federalists are still locating and acquiring the citizens of your small settlement, but we have attained most of them already in the last hour. For every hour that you do not return and face your executions, I will execute citizens of your settlement, and to provide validation of my word…”

  Eileen watches in horror as six arms raise from the Federalists at Abraham’s sides, with blue orbs forming from their IMDs. A second later, the six men on their knees are each covered in a blue flash and they fall off the edge of the platform, into the lake.

  “You bastard!” Ben shouts at the screen.

  “He cannot hear you, Ben Reilly…” Alicia replies.

  She watches Ben look at Alicia with eyes of rage and then turns his head back to face the screen.

  “He’s still a fucking bastard! Dammit! I really hate this guy!” Ben shouts out.

  No one else in the STARU speaks, likely from shock and being stunned with horror, just like her.

  “By your time, it is 1101. You have until 1200 to surrender yourselves to your execution and this loss of life… valuable lives to sustain our survival as a species, I must add... will cease. You have my word. And to show you further validation of my word, you can even view the next group of barbarians to take your place if you are too cowardly to surrender yourselves for your crimes against the Federalist Legion.” Abraham says as he looks to his right.

  The camera shifts away from Abraham and his Federalists to another platform. This platform has several Federalists standing behind a group of people. The group’s larger than the first, and mostly made up of men, all but two…

  “Oh my gosh!” Eileen says aloud.

  “Son of a fucking bitch!” Ben yells.

  “Oh, sweet baby Jesus! No!” Steven adds.

  The rest of the DFC members and Burke are silent as they stare at the next group of people scheduled to be executed in less than an hour if they don't turn themselves in.

  On the platform, there are about a dozen people from Crestline. Eileen recognizes three of the people on the platform, and obviously Ben and Steven do as well. In the middle of the group, stand Alexander with Mia and Isabelle in front of him, with his arms over the girls.

  Eileen watches as Alexander shakes his head and mouths what she thinks is “I’m sorry.”

  The camera shifts back toward Abraham, who’s now smiling.

  I really hate this guy too! If he does anything to Alexander and those poor girls, I’m going to make him wish that he was fucking dead! Eileen screams inside her head.

  “Whereas, it would be a great loss to our species if we lost Dr. Alexander Mathis... I believe his life and the life of your two adopted orphans will provide the incentive required for you rebel barbarians to surrender yourselves to your undeniable fates. Please don't force me to take away one of the greatest minds left of your kind. The choice is yours. You now have 56 minutes to return to your settlement. We are positioned upon your local lake. The STARU that you stole, along with Sergeant Burke, will be able to get here within that time frame, regardless of where you are on this Earth. Time is of the essence.” Abraham finishes saying, as the video screen goes back to the map of North America, with their own location marked and the location of the Leviathan in Crestline.

  “That piece of shit needs to die…” Ben says, grinding his teeth.

  “Agreed…” Eileen says, meeting his gaze and nodding.

  This gets a lot of agreeing “yeahs” and shouts from the others, except from Steven and Burke. Eileen looks over at Steven, trying to figure out what he’s thinking. Once everyone’s done claiming their hatred and despise for Captain Abraham Jackson, Steven turns to Alicia.

  “Hey Burke.” Steven says to her.

  Alicia looks over to him. “How many did you say they had left? I mean of your Federalists?”

  “There are 84 Federalists remaining, Sheriff Reilly.” Alicia replies.

  “I thought you said, there were 85 Federalists left?” Steven replies.

  Alicia nods. “There were 85 left, when I was one of them. I no longer am.”

  That a girl!… Eileen thinks. I knew I liked you! I trust you about as much as a politician, but it's a start, Alicia.

  “Good on you, Burke… Now, what exactly can this STARU of yours do?” Stevens asks.

  “What exactly did you have in mind, Sheriff?” Alicia replies, with a tilt of her head.

  “You’re from the future, so I'm hoping you have some sort of cloaking technology. Like in all of our Sci-Fi movies…” Steven responds.

  This gets a curious look from just about everyone inside the spacecraft.

  What are you cooking up in that head of yours, Steven?

  “Yes, Sheriff. The STARUs are able to avoid detection from the human eye and our radar systems. How do you propose we use this to our advantage?” Alicia replies.

  “Well… I propose that we swing by my cabin real quick, undetected, and then I’m going to go ahead and surrender myself to Abraham, and only me because you all are already dead… or so I’ll tell that asshole…” Steven explains.

  “I don’t understand, Sheriff Reilly.” Alicia replies.

  “What?...” What do you mean, Steven?” Eileen questions.

  “Yeah?! What the crap, Uncle?!” Ben adds.

  “Everybody just calm down, now… I’ll explain everything on the way to my cabin. We don’t have time to waste. Now get this flying freight car back into the sky and make sure no one can see us, Burke.” Steven says, looking at the whole group, and then to Alicia.

  Alicia sighs with confusion and nods, heading over to the transparent screen. Within a few moments, their STARU is out of the Upana Caves and back into the sky.

  Eileen then turns to Steven. “Just what do you have cooked up in the head of yours, Steven?”

  “Yeah, Uncle! What exactly are we doing?” Ben says, adding his question into the mix.

  “Let me explain, and make sure to listen carefully… we only have time to go over this once.” Steven begins...

  As the STARU lands in front of their cabin, Steven finishes explaining his grand plan to the group.

  “What the hell, Uncle?! What kind of plan is that? You go in there by yourself and hope for the best?!” Ben says to his Uncle, with obvious concern for his well-being.

  “Yeah, Steven… I’d have to agree with Ben…” Eileen adds.

  “Are you sure, Sheriff?” Joseph questions. “It’s rather risky…”

  “Yes, I'm sure. It’s the best way to get the upper hand on this POS. And make it much more likely that we come out of this alive.” Steven explains.

  “Yeah, most of us may end up alive! But it doesn’t sound good for you! Seriously, Uncle… I’m not okay with this plan.” Ben says, trying to explain his concern for his Unc
le again.

  “I hear you nephew, but we are out of time, and this plan does make sense. Back me up here, Burke…” Steven says to his nephew and then turns to Burke.

  “Now hold tight and I’ll be right back. I just need my coat to cover up this damn brick on my arm.” Steven says, as he leaves through the opening that just appeared on the side of the STARU heading into his cabin.

  Eileen turns to Alicia. “Alicia, we have to have other options here. You said you know Abraham well. What other options do we have?”

  “Whereas the plan is hastily developed… it’s a logical approach. Captain Abraham Jackson will be caught off guard and he won’t expect your kind to be smart enough to outsmart him.” Alicia replies.

  “So, you’re saying it’ll work then, and we can get them out of here and leave them stranded without the Leviathan?” Ben questions her.

  “I'm inferring that it can work, not that it will. And we still need to be overly concerned with boarding the Leviathan. Again, my designation is logistics and supply. I can get you to the control center, if most of the other Federalists are outside with Abraham… like your Uncle thinks they will be. It does make logical sense, considering our… their low numbers and wanting to show a great force to your kind of this settlement. They are easily outnumbered… but I'm concerned about that part.” Alicia explains.

  “About what part, Alicia?” Eileen asks.

  “Captain Jackson and the rest of the Federalists being outnumbered…” Alicia replies.

  “That’s a good thing, Burke… don’t forget what Abraham tried to do to you.” Ben advises.

  “No, Ben Reilly. It’s not that. It’s the instance that Captain Jackson knows he’s outnumbered. Our previous scans showed 7,101 souls living in your small settlement. Captain Jackson knows this and that’s what concerns me…” Alicia explains more clearly.

  “Okaaaaay. But Burke… What are the chances of my Uncle making it out of this alive?” Ben questions.


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