Poppy Darke

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Poppy Darke Page 20

by Colin Wraight

  The letters danced around each other as if the controller didn’t know how to spell, and eventually settled for P...L...E...H.

  Poppy rolled her eyes at the ceiling and shook her head slowly. “Back to front Jesse..! You spelt it back to front!” She said and immediately the plastic fridge magnets rearranged themselves into H...E...L...P.

  “That’s better!” She cried and threw the freezer door open.

  The top of Jesse’s head was wedged between some frozen broccoli, a bag of ice cubes and a rather large tub of ice-cream. The hand which must have done all the spelling was sticking out of a box of fish fingers and the only other part of him she could see was his left trainer, which was very strange because it was on the top shelf with all the frozen meat.

  The words were muffled by a bag of frozen broccoli but she could clearly hear him shouting her name. “It’s alright Jesse I’m here..! I’ll get you out!”

  She cleared each shelf as quickly as she could until his face was visible.

  “I’m weak!” He mouthed. “So weak..!” His eyes flickered as he began to fade out.

  “No..!” Screamed Poppy and grabbed his head with both hands. He might have been a ghost but somehow she could feel him and she cold hold him. “Don’t go..! I need you. I need you here with me!”

  Jesse seemed to absorb something from her hands and he opened his eyes, he mumbled three little words and then passed out.

  “Kiss of life?” She cried. “I don’t know what you mean... What do you mean?”

  By now Jesse was barely visible and Poppy was beginning to panic, but a kiss could only mean one thing. She lifted his head up to hers and placed her lips on his, sparks immediately began to arc between them as energy flowed into Jesse’s body.

  He took only the nourishment he needed to survive and then pushed Poppy hard enough to dislodge her; she stumbled backwards and fell flat on her behind.

  She blinked and stared hard at her friend. “What a rush..! Did you see that?” She cried.

  Jesse was already on his feet, patting himself down to make sure that he was all there. Then he blinked and swallowed hard. “I’m back..!” He gasped. “Now let’s go and rescue your brother!”

  Agyness nervously stepped from behind the leather settee and allowed the dim candlelight to catch her in silhouette. “Has it gone? Has the creature departed?”

  Skuttlebucket grunted. “If you really wanted to live you would toss that kid into the cauldron right now..!”

  The Witch hobbled closer, she wanted to see his bloodshot eyes. “No... No..!” She whispered. “No Goyle will be the end of me; I have nothing to fear from the likes of you and your kind!”

  “I should take my sword and end your misery right now..! Alas, I fear that I have grown fond of your company over these long years.” There was weariness and a slight tint of sadness in the old Goyles voice as he re-sheaved his sword. “I cannot kill you! I haven’t the heart for it..! But mark my words your Ladyship- before this night is out they will send warriors..! For once take my advice!”

  “And what advice should I take from a coward such as you?” She sneered.

  Skuttlebucket’s gaze fell squarely upon hers. “Kill the child, take its soul... And disappear forever!”

  Agyness grinned like a mad woman. “I know you sometimes watch over me while I sleep and you have seen me in the throws of my nightmares!”

  It was true, Skuttlebucket often perched in the rafters or on the window sill if it was open, and he had watched her writhe in torture at some terrible dream. He slowly nodded, but did not take his eyes from hers.

  “I have terrible visions... The one who would destroy me torments my mind while I sleep. She has such power, a magic that I can only look upon with jealousy.” Now it was agyness’s turn to swallow hard as a flicker of fear swept across her haggard face. “For four hundred years she stood in the shadows.” The Witch held out her hand to steady her feeble legs and they found the back of an oak dining chair. “Always in the shadows, her face covered with a hood... But at last I have seen her and I know who my murderer is!”

  Gargle Skuttlebucket salivated in anticipation. “Well go on then spill the beans! Who’s going to knock you off your broomstick..?” And then added with a touch of sarcasm. “...You’re Ladyship!”

  “You find her and you kill her!” Agyness screeched. “Then and only then shall I set you free!”

  “I am free.” He replied angrily.

  Agyness reached into her pocket and pulled out a large piece of granite rock. “Do you know what I have here Goyle?”

  Indeed he did for the heart of a Boneshiner never truly dies. “Where did you get that?” He growled.

  “I’m afraid that poor little Fluffy Gigglebottom didn’t die in any war..! She tried to kill me and rescue the father of her children..!” Agyness snarled. “Sad really, she fought an heroic battle! At least she did until the sun came up on her pigtails and then I just hit her over the head with a sledge hammer!” She smiled and held out the rock for him to see. “I found this in the rubble!”

  “Fluffy..!” Skuttlebucket mouthed as tears streamed down his cheeks.

  “So you see you stupid little creature, that I have always been in control of you... And always will be!”

  Shaking and trembling with rage he screamed. “No...” And tore his sword from its sheaf.

  Agyness suddenly produced a hammer in her other hand. “I wouldn’t do that if I was you or I’ll smash her heart... Just like you did the day you left for battle.” She placed the rock on the table and raised the hammer over it ready to strike. “I know you ‘Boneheads’ or whatever it is you call yourselves can fetch her back from the dead if the heart is unscathed.”

  He could not risk losing the love of his life again and lowered his sword. What would you have me do...? You’re Ladyship.”

  “As I was saying before your little outburst... I now know who my real enemy is and I want you to kill her!”

  Skuttlebucket flinched nervously; he almost knew what was coming. “I can’t kill a human!”

  “But my dear Gargle this one isn’t human, so you can very much kill her until she is dead..! Or Fluffy’s heart gets it!”

  “If she aint human then what is she?”

  “It doesn’t matter what she is or indeed what she isn’t! Just find the child Poppy Darke and kill her most painfully... I will exchange her still beating heart for poor little Fluffy’s.”

  The wily old Goyle knew a good deal when he saw it. “...And my freedom!” He added.

  “So be it Goyle..! So be it!”


  Giant cotton bud snowflakes drifted silently down to earth, carpeting the fields and woods of Burnham in a sea of white luminescence. The night seemed hushed but for the sound of distant carol singers and a dog barking to return to the warmth of a roasting hearth.

  Poppy adjusted her woolly hat and snuggled into her coat, it was cold and she had a long walk ahead. Jesse had gone scouting in front to make sure the coast was clear, but now she could see him careering headlong back up the path.

  “What’s up?” She asked.

  “There’s strange Goyles everywhere... I can’t let them see me. There’s at least six on the bridge so we’ll have to go through the cemetery and cross the river on the stepping stones.”

  “Stepping stones!” She cried in exasperation. “May I remind you that it’s dark, it’s snowing and I’m a girl?”

  Jesse was already moving, he had a built in fear of strange Goyles and didn’t want to hang around for too long. “I know all of those things.” He barked. “But trust me, you’ll be alright!”

  Poppy rolled her eyes, gritted her teeth and strode off after her ghostly little friend. “If I so much as get a single toe wet I’ll...”

  “What? You’ll kill me? I don’t think so somehow!”

  Field Marshall Sir Donkin Wartsnot landed by the bridge and was quickly followed by his official entourage.

  “Just a flying visit!” He be
llowed to the warriors guarding the bridge and fluttered his wings to dust some snow off. “Everything quiet then boys?”

  His question was met with just a few disgruntled murmurs and then silence.

  Wartsnot frowned. “Where’s Dogbreath? I ordered him to guard this bridge!”

  More silence followed and then. “Where on earth is that blasted Dogbreath... I asked a question Goyles!” Wartsnot growled and then turned to one of his aids. “He’s gone after the Witch hasn’t he..? Or worse still...”

  “You wanted to see me sir?” Asked Dogbreath Skuttlebucket as he landed silently in front of his men. “Just been out on a recon mission sir, but there’s nothing to report.” Reaching into the pocket of his tunic he pulled out a black hessian sack and offered it to the Field Marshall. “Can I offer you a dried bat sir?”

  Wartsnot turned to face his adopted son and glared angrily at him. “I do so hope that you haven’t done anything stupid.”

  Dogbreath smiled. “I just wanted to see if the legend lived up to reality sir.”

  “And did it?”

  The eager young warrior narrowed his eyes. “He was not found wanting... But he is not dead if that is what you’re asking!”

  “And the Witch..?”

  “Her powers wane and she is weak. I could have killed her at will sir.”

  Wartsnot snarled with anger. “But you did not..?”

  “By human standards... The Witch lives!”

  Jesse left no footprints and Poppy’s were quickly filled by the snow, even so she couldn’t help but keep looking anxiously over her shoulder. Poppy had a gut feeling they were being followed or at least watched.

  The path they were on was one used by the local dog walkers and led away from the bridge, but at a certain point Poppy had a clear view of the Goyles. She crouched and watched them for some seconds and then scurried away after Jesse who was already waiting just inside the cemetery.

  “Hurry up Poppy!” He cried anxiously. If the strange Goyles caught him out in the open he wouldn’t stand a chance and he couldn’t bank on the Rottenoffles coming to the rescue.

  “I’m coming!” She snapped angrily and then tripped over a tree root hidden under the snow. Lying face down in the freezing white stuff she suddenly heard Jesse scream. Ignoring the pain in her ankle Poppy rolled on to her back and sat up.

  For some strange reason the first thing she noticed was the snowflakes landing on the blade of the sword while it’s tip touched her throat. Poppy gasped at the sight of the grotesque Gargle Skuttlebucket who was holding the offending weapon. Fear sent her adrenaline surging and she found herself quickly in his mind.

  “You... You can’t kill me!” She spluttered. “I’m human!”

  At first he didn’t reply, she could sense the conflict of his emotions and doubt in his mind. He didn’t want to kill her but something seemed to spur him on.

  “But you aint no human..! Are you?” He sniffed. “You don’t even smell like a human!”

  Most of his mind was filled with misery and sadness, and Poppy could see that he was using these feelings of bitterness to build himself up to make the final strike. There is no greater emotion than love, and to Poppy’s horror it was this that drove him on.

  “Fluffy... Fluffy Gigglebottom!” Poppy cried. “You’re doing this for her aren’t you...? I mean... to get her back from... From somewhere?”

  Skuttlebucket snarled at the mere mention of that name. He had lost her once and he would do anything to win her heart back.

  “Let me live, let me rescue my brother and I promise that I’ll help you to save her... Please let me live!”

  “You’re right!” He growled. “I can’t kill you with my sword...”

  Poppy let out a loud sigh of relief.

  Skuttlebucket looked around and then his gaze fell on the bell tower. “But I think that maybe I can help you jump out of a very high window!”

  Poppy screamed as the Goyle grabbed her by the hair and began dragging her across the grave yard.

  “Sorry about all this but I need to be free... I need to be free for her... Just want to go home and put my feet up in front of the fire.” He cried almost apologetically. “I been away for too long... and I want to go home.”

  “I know you do.” Poppy said softly. “I’ll help you!”

  Skuttlebucket didn’t even entertain the idea. “No!” He snapped. “This is the only way... It’s the only way I tell you.” And then he repeated almost as an afterthought. “I’m sorry but it is the only way.”

  He was so strong and Poppy couldn’t get a grip on anything because of the snow. She had no choice but to let him drag her wherever he wanted. The Goyle entrance to the church appeared as if from nowhere and Skuttlebucket barged through it without a single thought for the pain he was causing Poppy.

  He dragged her kicking and screaming up the stone staircase and every step inflicted a fresh bruise on her behind. Finally Poppy found herself flying through the air as he tossed her across the room like a ragdoll; crashing painfully into the far wall Poppy slumped to the floor winded.

  “Go on then!” He said. “I haven’t got all night.”

  “What..? What do you want me to do?” Poppy whimpered, still unable to properly draw her breath.

  “Jump...” He screamed angrily. “I want you to do me the favor of jumping out of yon window! Can you do that for me girly?”

  Poppy shook her head nervously as Skuttlebucket drew his sword and began advancing towards her. She backed off and soon had her back to the cold night air, looking over her shoulder to the ground far below she spied something which made her almost sigh with relief.

  She turned back to face the Goyle with newfound bravery and smiled warmly at him. “If I were you..!” She said. “I would put my sword away very slowly and stand perfectly still.”

  Skuttlebucket was in no mood for games or ancient Boneshining laws for that matter, if he had to push her out of the window he would. “Climb out and stand on that there ledge...” He said. “Close your eyes, it’ll all be over in a jiffy!”

  “But if I do that..?” Poppy asked innocently. “How will I ever stop my little doggy from ripping you to pieces?”

  “Doggy..?” The old Goyle frowned, she was bluffing, she had to be and then he felt the warm flow of slaver as it dripped on to his forehead and began trickling down his face. The frown turned into a look of hopeless terror as he looked up and came face to face with the snarling head of a devil dog.

  “Good boy.” Cried Poppy as one might to puppy that had just peed outside for the first time. “Who’s a good doggy...? Come here boy... Come to Poppy.”

  Midnight ignored his masters’ granddaughter and continued his staring/growling competition with the Goyle; he wondered what it would taste like. Afterall, weren’t Goyles made of stone?

  “Midnight..! Get here right now or no bones for you tomorrow!” Poppy demanded and then she added louder. “Heel!”

  If dogs could blush midnight would have. With a sigh of embarrassment he tore his eyes away from the Goyle and went and stood between Poppy and her foe.

  “Now then!” She said calmly. “Shall we talk about this like adults...? Or should I just let him eat you?”

  Skuttlebucket shuffled nervously he knew exactly what midnight was and that he had no hope of defeating the hound in open combat. “Where did you get that monster from then?” He growled. “The likes of him are not for this world and certainly not for the likes of you!”

  Poppy moved to stand beside her dog and reached up to pat the side of his face. All the while her mind probed deeper and deeper into the Goyles memories. She stopped by one which she didn’t really understand, Skuttlebucket was staring into a mirror but it was Poppy’s reflection which stared back.

  “Oh I see now!” She said as a wave of understanding swept through her body. “It was you that took my brother, you pretended to be me and you stole him away..?”

  “She made me do it..!”

  The thoughts and memor
ies coursed into Poppys mind and soon she knew everything, even stuff which the Goyle had long since forgotten. “Lady Agyness De’athly ordered you to kill me? Didn’t she?”

  Skuttlebucket nodded but would not take his eyes from that of the hound.

  “...In exchange for the heart of Fluffy Gigglebottom! And what is this cauldron that so fills your mind?”

  “The cauldron is dying! The old Witch..! Well, that’s where she gets all of her power from, see, not to mention all of her youth.” Skuttlebucket said and realising that death wasn’t quite so imminent, lowered his sword. “But we must feed it with the souls of the young ones, it’s got a voracious appetite has that there cauldron..! Greedy if you ask me!”

  Searching his mind for memories of her brother she found few and anxiously wondered why. “What has happened to my brother? Is he... Dead?”

  “He will be very soon! But at the moment her Ladyship has gone all maternal on us! She’s cooing over him like a love sick dove... She doesn’t let me near him.” Skuttlebucket snarled. “You got until the stroke of midnight, after that he’s had it!”

  “Please help me... You could if you really wanted to?” Poppy pleaded. “All we need to do is smash the cauldron and it’s over... I know you that it was you that cracked it all those years ago!”

  The old Goyle edged toward the window. “How could you know that..? No one knows that?”

  “If you won’t to do it for me then do it for your wife Fluffy Gigglebottom or your son Dogbreath...?”

  “No...” He suddenly barked and then. “Yes... But no... No!” The magic hadn’t worn off quite as much as he had hoped. It was still powerful enough to control his will. “It... She won’t let me!”

  “Then do it for the daughter you’ve never seen..! Do it for little Earwax Skuttlebucket.”


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