Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance

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Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance Page 72

by Alexis Angel

  “Oh, God…” I moan, pushing my hips back against him.

  “God isn’t here right now, Cara…” He whispers in my ear, his lips brushing against my skin. “It’s just me.”

  He holds his position, his cock deep inside me as he lets his arm fall, his hand running down to between my legs. There, he presses two fingers right above my clitoris, gently pressing down on it; only then does he allow his cock to slide out of me.

  He goes back in again, thrusting with all his strength. Soon enough, his cock is flying in and out of me at a breakneck pace, his thighs slapping my ass over and over again.

  My eyes are shut, and I’m gritting my teeth again. I wasn’t prepared for this. It’s simply too… good. And it keeps getting better: as he thrusts, he keeps pressuring my clit, circling it steadily with his two fingers. With his free hand, he grabs my left breast and squeezes it, pinching my hard nipple between his thumb and index finger. I’m panting, my body swaying against his in waves.

  “Liam…” I call, his name like honey over my tongue. “Harder,” I ask him, not truly understanding what I’m really saying. I only realize what I told him to do after he pinches my nipple harder, a stab of pain and pleasure hitting me at once. He starts to thrust even harder, and I have to go on tiptoes, my unconscious mind dictating every single one of my movements.

  There’s a spark inside of me, one rising from my clit and spreading all over my body. Soon enough that spark will turn into a fire and I’ll burn. I can’t wait for it.

  Pressing hard on my clit, he thrusts in, his cock burying itself inside my pussy like it never did. I gasp, my insides clenching as my nerve endings try to process the barrage of sensations he’s unleashing upon me. Slowly, he pulls back out, and then thrusts hard again - he keeps going like that until I can’t bear it any longer, his shaft pushing his way inside of me with the sweetest savagery I have ever felt.

  So this is what it feels like to be with a Man - one with a capital M. I’m not a virgin, or some clueless inexperienced girl… But I’ve never met a man like Liam - he is the kind of man a woman dreams of, perfect in every sense of the word. It’s not only his body that draws me in, that’s only a small fraction of his allure. It’s who he is - he breathes in power and exhales dominance. And that drives me out of control, in a way I never thought would be possible.

  I open my mouth to speak, but I close it before any word can form. I can’t speak and I can’t even think… Ask me my name right now, I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to answer. I’m high, his body on me the most perfect drug I have ever found.

  “I want you to come for me,” he tells me against my ear, stopping his thrusts for a long second. “And you’re going to do it when I tell you to.”

  Is that even possible? Somehow, his words leave no room for doubt. Not only is it possible as he won’t let it happen any other way. I will come when he tells me to - not before, not after.

  His body rocks against mine at a steady rhythm, anticipation making my heart pound hard. With each thrust of his, he goes harder - soon enough, he’s pounding me again as if tomorrow would never come. I feel on the verge of collapsing, all of my limbs with barely any strength left. Leaning forward, I grip the edge of the table harder now, so hard that my knuckles have turned white, my quivering moans quickly turning into an howl of pleasure.

  “I…” He whispers, his lips less than an inch away from my neck. “Want…” He thrusts as hard as he can, his shaft piercing me viciously. “You…” His fingers go to my hair, and he curls them around the roots of stray locks. “To…” Yanking my head back, he thrusts once more, his fingers still tightly pressed over my clit. “Come.”

  He commands, I obey. The moment he tells me to come, it’s as if something bursts inside of me, a blinding explosion of ecstasy obliterating my mind. My knees are buckling, but he laces my waist with one arm and keeps me in place, my pussy feeling as tight as it has ever been.

  I’m shaking, my body succumbing to something so intense I never thought it to be possible. Breathing hard, I slowly open my eyes, trying to reel from the intensity of it all. But I made a mistake - I thought he was over.

  He isn’t.

  The moment my body stops convulsing, he yanks harder on my hair and starts to thrust violently. I don’t even moan anymore - I just let one shrill scream fill the room as waves of pleasure threaten to engulf me. I can’t believe this is happening, but I’m about to come again, just seconds after my last orgasm.

  “Come, Cara… Come for me,” he tells me, his thrusts scorching all of my senses. Reacting on instinct alone, I take one arm behind my back and lay my hand over his waist, pulling him in.

  “I want you to come too,” I say, my body eager to feel his seed inside of me. From my position I can’t see him, but I can almost feel the grin on his lips. His thrusts grow wild and savage, his cock starting to spasm violently against my inner walls. I feel him exhale sharply against my neck and, in that very moment, he starts to come. That’s all it takes to send me into oblivion again - the moment he starts to shoot his cum inside of me, a chain reaction goes off and my body trembles and twitches in a feverish state.

  Still holding me by the waist, he holds still as his cock gushes all of his load inside of me. Endorphins numbing all of my muscles, a shiver still goes up my spine as I feel his cum dripping down my legs. As he pulls out I almost collapse to the floor - instead, I turn on my heels, opening my eyes so that I can stare into his.

  He’s looking at me with his lips slightly parted, almost as if he’s wondering what the hell just happened. I’m asking the same question myself but, right now, I don’t want any answers. I just want to remain in silence, my eyes on his as if the world outside doesn’t exist.


  “Everything is in order. I just need for you to review the contracts, and then I can…”

  I have no fucking clue what Connor is going on about. I know I should. It’s my business we’re discussing here. I need to have my head in the game. But the only place my head has been all day is right between Cara’s sexy little legs. Figuratively speaking.

  Fuck, she’s so damn hot. Last night was amazing. Not just the sex. Though I’m not sure sex has ever been as good as it was with her. Like, ever.

  But it was more than that. I had a really good time with her. On every level. I could have spent the whole night just being there with her, even if we didn’t fuck. Not that I don’t want to fuck her every chance I can possibly get.

  And that’s part of the problem. I’m the epitome of love ‘em and leave ‘em, yet all I can think about is seeing Cara again. And that’s dangerous.

  “Dude, are you even listening to me? What the fuck?”

  Connor’s irritated voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I scrape a hand over my face.

  “I’m sorry, man.”

  “What’s going on with you? You’re always one-hundred-percent on your game. But today you look like you haven’t heard a single word I’ve said.” Connor gives me an incredulous look like a little comic strip caption saying ‘WTF’ should be hovering over his head.

  I know the look well. He’s given it to me plenty of times when telling me exactly what he thinks of my playboy lifestyle. You’d think the guy who’s been my best friend for most of my life was my shrink instead of my most trusted attorney.

  “What’s up with you today?” he asks, folding his arms across his chest.

  I blow out a breath and rake my hands through my hair. Then I lean forward, elbows on my desk, and brace for what’s sure to follow.

  “There’s this girl…”

  Connor doesn’t disappoint. He rocks back in his chair, his eyes round, then lets out a whooping laugh that has me cringing.

  “No shit,” he says when he finally gets his laughter under control. “You’re distracted over a girl? No, no. Distracted doesn’t even begin to cover it.” He gives me a taunting grin. “You’re fucking mooning.”

  “Bullshit.” I glare at him across the desk.
  He laughs again, practically fucking cackles. “This is priceless, dude. Liam Donovan hung up on a girl.”

  “Fuck you, man,” I grind out, shoving my chair back from my desk and stalking over to a table near the door. Is it too early for drinking? Now I’m not only conflicted over these out-of-nowhere and totally unfamiliar thoughts and feelings, but the guy who’s supposed to have my back is mocking me.

  Connor turns and watches me pour a drink from my crystal decanter, his eyes narrowing. When I come back to the desk and sit back down, holding the drink but not yet tasting it, he looks at me more in shock than amusement.

  “Okay. Wow. Obviously I hit a nerve. Sorry, dude. Want to talk about it?”

  Do I? I’m not sure. Connor isn’t acting like a dick now, but I don’t know how I feel about telling him about Cara.

  Ultimately, I decide to. He’s a smart guy. Always acting like my shrink and shit. Maybe he can give me some advice.

  “So, I met this girl at the swim club the other day.” I proceed to tell him all about the mojito incident, about how I couldn’t get her off my mind the next day, and then about our date last night. Obviously I leave out all the sexy details because I’m not actually a total douche like the media makes me out to be.

  When I’m done, I lean back and wait.

  “Wow,” Connor says again, his lips curved in a disbelieving smile. “Never thought I’d see the day Liam Donovan was still hung up on a woman he’s already had sex with.”


  But I can’t seem to get enough of her. “I don’t know what it is about her, man. But all I can think about is seeing her again. And not just because I want to fuck her. But I just want to be around her.”

  I feel like such a pussy saying that shit, but it’s the truth. Connor doesn’t judge me, though. Hell, he’s been the one giving me hell for my string of one-night stands.

  He’s watching me carefully, the wheels in his head obviously turning. “Well, obviously there’s something different about her. Maybe you need to figure out what that is. Maybe a second date is in order.”

  I mull that over for a minute. A second date sounds like exactly what I want. But I’m not a second-date kind of guy. I don’t let myself get close. I have my reasons, none of which I care to think about, let alone discuss right now.

  “You know that’s not me, Connor.”

  “Hasn’t been before. Doesn’t mean it can’t be now. It’s about time you found the right one, dude.”

  I scoff. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. We’re just talking about second dates here.”

  But I think about what Conner said. The fact that I can’t stop thinking about Cara and that the idea of a second date has me ready to leap for the phone has to mean something. What if she could be the one? There’s definitely something different about her. Something special. Not at all like the women I know.

  And I’d be a fool to turn my back on that without finding out if there’s something more between us. As much as that goes against everything I’ve worked hard to avoid, it’s not enough to stop me.

  I grab my phone, glancing up at Connor, and I feel a grin creep across my face.

  He smiles back, encouraging me despite the look of sheer disbelief still displayed on his face.

  Cara picks up on the third ring. “Liam.”

  An unfamiliar feeling hits me smack in the chest, and it takes me a minute to respond. “Cara, what are you doing later?”


  “And now the wine!” Léo proclaims excitedly, pushing a bottle of red into my hands. I look apprehensively at the chicken meat in the pot, and then tilt the bottle down, bathing the meat with red wine. “Good, good!” He cries out in his thick French accent, grabbing my hands and making me stop. “You have a knack for it!”

  “Oh, I really doubt that,” I chuckle, wondering if I’ll ever be able to reproduce in my own kitchen what I’m doing here. I’ve always been a disaster when it came to cooking, and I seriously doubt that even a master chef like Léo will be able to change that. Still, no harm in trying, right?

  If you’re wondering why I’m standing in the middle of Léo Moreau’s kitchen with an apron tied around my waist, that’s because Liam brought me here. Apparently, he thought that cooking lessons would be the perfect setting for a second date - and, guess what? He was absolutely right. This is challenging and, at the same time, fun. It sure as hell beats leaning against the counter of a bar and downing tequila shots in a frenzy - although, yeah, that can be fun as well.

  “See? You’re not as bad at it as you said,” Liam laughs, sprinkling pepper over the chicken meat and then lowering the heat into a simmer.

  “That’s because you and Léo are helping me out. If you guys weren’t here, I’d probably just set fire to the restaurant.”

  “You really have self-esteem issues when it comes to cooking, don’t you?” He laughs again, one hand of his on my lower back as he shows me how to dice the mushrooms for the sauce.

  “Ah, experience, Cara! It’s all about experience!” Léo says, clapping his hands together as he peeks over my shoulder, watching me handle the knife with Liam’s help. “Just keep at it and you’ll be a star in the kitchen!”

  I laugh at that, imagining myself as the host of a Youtube cooking show. Caralyn, the wonder woman of ruining every single meal of the day - now that’d be a proper hit. Still, I gotta admit, I’m not doing so bad right now; I mean, it actually looks like this whole experience will result in something edible.

  “If this turns out to be a disaster, I’ll still make you eat it,” I tease Liam, looking into his eyes and smiling. God, I can’t believe I’m having this much fun with him. And it’s not even the kind of superficial fun you have with a charismatic guy you just met at the bar; no, this is different. It’s the kind of fun where you can’t help but crave for more.

  “Nah, you’re doing fine. After all, I’m here helping you out,” he shoots back, and I just hit him softly in the stomach with my elbow.

  “That’s so humble of you,” I chuckle, even though I know he’s absolutely right. Scooping up a bit of flour with two fingers, taking it from the bowl in front of me, I then brush my fingers against his nose and laugh.

  “Very funny,” he says, looking at me with a fake seriousness as he wipes the bridge of his nose with the back of his hand. Then, his face lights up with a smile and he leans in slightly, kissing my forehead out of the blue.

  I just stand there, stunned by it. Sometimes, the most intimate and profound moment comes in a simple shape - like a kiss in the forehead. It’s not always about sex or grand gestures, I think. You can fake desire, and you can fake these grand gestures - but you can’t fake these little gestures.

  Smiling to myself, I turn my attention back to the stove and pretend to check on the meat. Inwardly, I’m thinking about my first meeting with Misty - she was completely out of control and, now that I’ve met Liam, I can’t help but think that she might just be a bitter ex with an axe to grind.

  Ah, but why am I thinking of Misty right now? Sighing softly, I push all thoughts of her to the back of my mind and decide to enjoy my time with Liam.

  We finish cooking the coq au vin, a traditional french dish, and then we take it out to the dining room. Léo bows out, retreating to the kitchen, and leaves me and Liam to enjoy our dinner. Which we do - and, surprisingly, it tastes amazing. Now, I can’t say it’s because of me, since I had lots of help, but even so... I’ve managed to cook something other than ashes, and that’s a clear victory!

  We spend about an hour enjoying dinner - and a bottle of red wine, obviously - and we take our time with it. It’s late at night, Léo’s in the kitchen (probably readying it for tomorrow) and we’re alone in the restaurant's dining room, the dim lights from the candles in our table making the lines in Liam’s face look even more gorgeous.

  “We should do this again,” I tell him, suddenly feeling like a little girl that was swept off her feet by the cool guy every woman craves.

bsp; “We should,” he repeats, and then just stares into my eyes, keeping his silence. I look back at him, the silence in the room so deep I can even hear my heartbeat against my chest.

  “What are you thinking about?” Liam asks me, his words cutting through the silence; reaching for my hand and grabbing it, his long fingers make mine look ridiculously small.

  “I’m thinking about… Dessert,” I reply as I run my tongue between my lips, telling him the first thing that pops up into my mind.

  “Dessert,” he laughs. “I could use some. What do you say we grab dessert somewhere else?” He asks me then, a devious smile dancing on his lips.

  “Somewhere else…?” I ask him right back, returning his smile as I realize what’s on his mind.

  “Yeah, somewhere else.”

  “Like your place?”

  “Nice thinking.”


  After saying our goodbyes to Léon, we walk out arm-in-arm. Liam’s limo is parked right in front of the restaurant, and he leads me straight to it; just like he did on our first date, he opens the door and allows me to step inside.

  The moment the doors close and the limo pulls into the road, the air around us seems to grow heavy with electricity. We both know what’s going to happen once we get to his place and, even though we haven’t said it out loud, we simply can’t wait till we get there.

  I turn to him and, looking into his eyes, I part my lips by instinct.

  Reaching for me and placing one hand on the nape of my neck, he leans in; my eyelids droop slowly, and our lips touch. For a moment, I forget all about Misty, plots and schemes; I just surrender to his kiss, allowing him to part my lips with the tip of his tongue.

  Resting both hands on his waist, I let our tongues dance around one another, my pussy growing wet as my heart starts galloping inside my chest. You know, Liam’s actually a good kisser. He doesn’t slobber all over me, and he doesn’t act like your typical horny guy that just wants to get in your panties. He takes his time, softly kissing me and allowing desire to grow at its own pace inside me.


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