Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance

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Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance Page 98

by Alexis Angel

  I guess they really meant it when they said they wanted to share. I mean, I have both their cocks inside my mouth right now… It can’t get any better than this, can it?

  “I want you to cum,” I finally say, taking their cocks out of my mouth and breathing in deeply. Still with my fingers wrapped tightly around their shafts, I stroke them both at the same time, and let the wicked thought I just had turn into words as I pleasure them. “I want your cum all over me…” I continue, a sudden urgency to be covered in their seed making my mind spin in circles.

  “That can be arranged,” Tristan says with a grin, his cock throbbing against my fingers as he hears me talk.

  “It sure can,” Madden agrees with a chuckle, and their replies somehow make my hands start working harder over their cocks. I flick my wrists so hard that pain shoots up my arm, but I just ignore it and keep on pushing my body, eager to drive them past the finish line.

  Lucky for me (and for my wrist), it doesn’t take long. The more their breathing grows heavy, the more their cocks seem to pulse against my fingers - and then the inevitable happens.

  I don’t even have the time to close my eyes.

  A long rope of cum shoots out of Tristan’s cock in a fraction of a second, flying up in an arch before finally landing on my face. I feel it splatter against my skin and I just open my mouth by instinct. I do it right on time: a second strand of cum shoots up from Madden’s cock and lands right on my tongue, his raw scent inundating me at once.

  “Oh God,” I moan, the cum covering my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth. Even though I just called God, I think I’d be better off calling the Devil - what we’re doing here fits the sinful category pretty neatly after all.

  Letting go of their cocks, I take my hands to my breasts and squeeze them eagerly; while I do it, they keep on cumming, shooting up their load all over my face and chest. I flatten the palm of my hands over my tits and start smearing the cum coating my skin all over me, enjoying the way my fingers slide easily over the slippery curve of my breasts.

  As I let go of their cocks, they grab them and started stroking themselves, eager to finish the job. Each stroke of them sends thick ropes of cum flying toward me and, when their orgasms finally fade away, I’m dripping so much cum that, more than a woman, I must look like a wax figure right now.

  I look up at them, still rubbing my hands over my breasts and chest, and smile. They smile back at me, their eyes widening as they take in the scene, and I can only imagine how I must look to them right now. I mean, I can barely blink - my eyelids are sticking together from all the cum dripping down my forehead and into my eyes.

  I’m about to stand up when Madden stops me, placing one hand on my shoulder and forcing me to stay down on my knees.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Tristan asks me and, before I even have the time to blink, both men are kneeling in front of me. As if they had agreed to it telepathically, each one of them grabs one of my tits and then lean down, opening their mouths and wrapping their lips around my cum-covered nipples.

  Throwing my head back and sighing, I lace their necks with my arms and just let them kiss my breasts, their tongues licking my nipples dry. When they’re finally done with my rosy tips, they let their tongues work their way up to my neck, and they scoop every strand of cum on the way.

  Tristan is the first to reach my lips - he moves his tongue up the contour of my jaw, and then just presses his mouth against mine. Still with my eyes closed, I let our tongues dance, the cum in both our mouths blending and dripping down our chins.

  “My turn,” Madden says and, as Tristan moves to the side, he takes his position and kisses me almost too feverishly. We do it for a while and then, feeling my whole mouth brimming with cum, I pull back from him and throw them both my most wicked grin.

  Without a word, I simply swallow.

  “You know what you’re doing to us, don’t you?” Tristan asks me, unblinking, and I just keep on smiling.

  “Oh, she knows,” Madden replies in my turn. “She knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s driving us fucking crazy, and loving every second of it.”

  Running my tongue between my lips and licking them dry, I finally manage to find the right words.

  “You’re big boys,” I tell them as, moving slowly, I go up to my feet and pick up my underwear from the floor. “I’m sure you’ll survive it.”

  Just between you and me, though, I don’t think I’m driving them crazy - no, I’m driving me crazy.

  And, sooner or later, I’m going to snap.


  Storming into my boss’s office, I give him a hard look.

  “What the fuck, Everett?”

  I know I’m playing a dangerous game, walking in here like this and questioning my boss. He could fire me for insubordination. And I really need this job. But I’m so over his bullshit that it’s almost hard to care.

  He just watches me, calm and indifferent. “What now, Maya?”

  “I think you know what. You totally engineered that fight between Tristan and Madden. Admit it. You set them up.”

  He shrugs and looks back at his computer, obviously not caring one little bit. “Yeah? So?”

  “Are you kidding me right now?” I burst out, so tired of him manipulating this show. Manipulating people’s feelings.

  “Are you kidding me?” he counters. “Get over it, Maya. It’s a goddamn reality show. People expect this shit. They want to see it. It’s my job to give them what they want. And I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

  I grind my teeth. He’s such an asshole.

  “What about what Megan wants?”

  He arches a brow, giving me a condescending look. “I’m hoping this little encounter will force Megan to make a fucking choice. The ratings are high, but the viewers are going to get impatient. They want her to choose already. They want to see some good stuff. If she doesn’t get on with it already she’s going to ruin the finale of the show.” His voice becomes steely. “I won’t allow that to happen. I’ve got too much invested in this show to let her fuck it up.”

  I stare at him, shocked, but not really, that he’d say all this. He doesn’t care at all that people are going to get hurt. That there are real feelings at stake here. He just keeps right on blathering about his precious viewers, not even bothering to look at me.

  “Reports show that Madden has a slight lead with the viewers. They want to see him win. So, let’s give them what they want.”

  I don’t move, furious at what he’s implying.

  After a long moment, he looks up at me as if he doesn’t understand why I’m still standing here. “Do I need to spell it out for you, Maya? Push Megan toward Madden. She listens to you. Let her believe he’s in love with her and that he’s the one she needs to choose.” Then, as if he doesn’t see the look of disgust on my face, he keeps right on, leaning back in his chair and resting his hands behind his head, propping his feet on the desk.

  “I’m can already see it.” He takes one hand and spreads it across the air in front of him as if he’s envisioning a marquee. “We’ll create a spinoff show about Megan and Madden, something about a wedding or some shit. Then we can put Tristan on his own show. The brooding, intense billionaire bachelor. Bring in a bunch of new women to win his heart after it was broken by Megan. The viewers will eat that shit up.”

  I scoff, shaking my head. “There’s no way I can force Megan to choose. It has to be her decision.” It’s all I can think to say. He doesn’t care at all. This really is all a game to him.

  Everett’s eyes harden and his takes his feet off the desk and stands, staring down at me with his beady eyes. “You’ll get the right results for this finale or you can find yourself a new job. Do you understand?”

  I stare at him for a long moment, letting his words sink in. Then I lift my chin in acknowledgment and spin on my heel, walking out the door without another word. We’ll see.


  “We have to stop meeting like t

  Maya grins at my little joke. She’s pulled me into the bathroom yet again, but then she gets serious. “Megan, what are you doing?”

  I can only assume she means what happened yesterday between me and Tristan and Madden. I feel like I should be embarrassed. I mean, that was all caught on camera. Me and two men. Them doing all kinds of wonderfully naughty things to me. But I’m not. It just felt…right.

  I sigh. “What do you want me to say?”

  “How about what’s going on in your head right now?”

  I’m sure she’s just trying to look out for me. She’s become my friend after all this time in the house, and God knows I could use a friend right now with all the craziness.

  “Honestly?” I say, lifting a shoulder. “I really like what happened yesterday. It felt good. It felt right. I think I’m most comfortable with Tristan and Madden sharing me. I can’t explain it. It was just perfect. I can’t decide between them, I want them both, so it just makes sense. I really want to choose them both.”

  I stop and gauge Maya’s reaction. She just looks at me blankly. Obviously that won’t fly. And the finale is nearly here.

  Rolling my shoulders, which are so tense all of a sudden—I try to make her feel better. “Don’t worry. I’m going to go talk to both of them and see where we stand and then I’ll make my decision.”

  “Megan, I think you need to follow your heart.”

  I nod. Of course. My heart. That crazy thing that’s so conflicted that the mere idea of having to say goodbye to either Tristan or Madden has it squeezing in my chest. What does following my heart even mean? Because right now, all my heart wants is both of them.

  “I will.”

  “But,” she continues, her voice cryptic, her eyes a mystery, “remember that rules are made to be broken. Maybe it’s time for you to make your own rules.” She gives me a sympathetic smile, then leaves me alone.

  What the fuck does that even mean? I have no idea. Rules are made to be broken? Is she talking about the game? Is she talking about the fact that I want two men, when I should just be happy with one?

  But I can’t be happy with one. I know that. I care about both of them. That’s the only thing I’m certain of at this point. I can’t imagine giving either of them up. I want to choose both.

  Maya didn’t exactly say I couldn’t. But she didn’t say I could, either. I know it’s against the rules. But if she wants me to follow my heart, it’s telling me loud and clear that I’m falling for two men.

  I need to do what I told her. I need to go talk to both of them. Figure things out. Get some kind of clarity and see if something stands out to me. If one of them stands out to me as the clear choice.

  Even if I don’t want to. Even if the thought of saying goodbye nearly breaks my heart.

  The Biggest Licker Season Update

  Chase: Hello and welcome to another installment of our analysis of The Biggest Licker – the most popular reality show on TV. I’m your host, Chase Worthington.

  Nadia: And I’m your co-host, Nadia Moore. Across the country, America is being gripped by Licker Fever.

  Chase: That’s right. It’s all boiling down to the few days left of the season and we couldn’t be more excited and on the edge of our seats as to what is going to happen.

  Nadia: Chase, are you telling me that for realsies the producers don’t even know?

  Chase: That’s exactly what I’m saying Nadia, the producers have left this one all up to the hands of Megan. She’s calling the shots here and it looks like she’s very conflicted between Madden and Tristan. From everything the cameras are telling us, she’s having some very tough emotional issues in deciding which one to pick as her One True Love and which one to cast aside.

  Nadia: That’s so sad. I wish I could give her a hug. What’s the technical term for when shit happens like that on a reality TV show that fucks with the contestant’s minds that they didn’t expect?

  Chase: It’s called good TV, actually.

  Nadia: I guess so, it just seems kinda…mean, you know?

  Chase: Well, wish we could help her, but really our hands are tied.

  Nadia: Hmph, that’s a pretty cavalier attitude. You’d be upset if something bad happened to you and no one tried to help you, you know.

  Chase: I don’t know that I would, Nadia.

  Nadia: Well, maybe you just won’t be getting any of this fine ass tonight, have you thought that?

  Chase: That’s actually not fair at all.

  Nadia: Wish I could help you babe, but really my hands are tied.

  Chase: Sometimes I think maybe it was better when you were a virgin.

  Nadia: I gave fantastic blowjobs. I can suck your brains out through your cock.

  Chase: I know. And you know who else gives amazing blowjobs?

  Nadia: Megan?

  Chase: If what viewers saw with both Madden and Tristan was for real, then yes, Megan gives amazing blowjobs. And she seemed to be enjoying it with both men too.

  Nadia: How many times did you watch?

  Chase: Oh, about five or six. Until I was finished jerking off.

  Nadia: Tell me about it. I watched it twice too before I came. But when I did, it was like the Red Sea parting.

  Chase: Oh, babe. You can’t mention anything about Moses on TV. We’ll get fined. Stick to something safe like masturbating to The Biggest Licker.

  Nadia: Sorry audience! Anyways, Chase, I absolutely hear you. Megan looks like she’s having the time of her life with both men. I’m so not envious that she has to choose. Are you sure you don’t have any inside knowledge?

  Chase: Sorry, the producers don’t even know. All we can do is sit and watch and wait to see who Megan’s One True Love ends up being if neither of the billionaires is able to pierce her virginity. That man will end up becoming…

  Voiceover: THE BIGGEST LICKER!!!!!


  All I can think about is Megan and what we did yesterday. It was incredible. I never would have thought that I would want to share a woman like that. Especially with Tristan. But if I’m being honest, I liked it. Seeing how fully Megan gave herself over to both of us, and how she was obviously experiencing the most intense pleasure of her life.

  It was fucking amazing.

  My dick is hard just thinking about it.

  A knock on my door distracts me from my daydream, and when I open it, I find Megan standing there.

  “Hey,” she says, a little timidly.

  “Hey, sexy.” I grin and reach for her, pulling her inside and shutting the door behind her. “To what do I owe the exquisite pleasure of your hot little body in my room?”

  She laughs a little, rolling her eyes. “So crazy.”

  I grab her by the hips and pull her into me, letting her feel how hard my cock is, straining even more than it was before she got here now that we’re alone in my room.

  “Crazy about you.” I flash a flirty smile.

  Megan just looks at me for a minute. “Really?”

  I feel my brow wrinkle. “Really what?”

  She steps out of my embrace and puts a little distance between us. “How do you really feel about me, Madden? I need to know.”

  She’s serious. I can tell. Gone is the fun Megan that I’ve gotten to know. The wild one that drives me insane with desire and need. The woman that I know I’m falling for. But I don’t know how she’ll handle me telling her that.

  “I know you’re having a hard time, Megan,” I say gently, trying not to let my jealousy come into play. I don’t like thinking that she might not choose me. That she might end up with Tristan. Just the thought of that has my blood practically boiling.

  “You think?” She gives me a feisty little look, and I grin again. Sassy, sexy Megan hasn’t gone too far.

  “What’s this about?”

  She wrings her hands and bites her lip. Obviously this is bothering her. “Just tell me, Madden. Do you just want to fuck me? Are you just trying to play this game and get me to fall for you
so you can have one more virgin on your scorecard? Or do you actually care? Are your feelings real?”

  She looks so serious, and also so vulnerable. I feel bad for her. She’s been put in a really tough situation. I never would have thought coming into this house that something like this could actually happen. That I could actually start caring about one of the women in the house. But I’ve never felt about someone the way I feel about her.

  Yet I know it’s not that simple. It’s not a matter of me telling her I care about her, and her saying the same. Tristan is a very real complication.

  But I can’t bring myself to resent him anymore. Not after what happened yesterday. It feels almost like even though we’ve always competed for the prize, always wanting to one-up the other, that we’ve now found the ultimate prize. The woman we both want. And we want her badly enough that we were willing to share.

  Is that something we can do again? Or even make a go of? I have no idea how that would work. But I know I’m not willing to give her up. And I don’t want her to feel hurt over Tristan. If being with both of us like yesterday makes her happy, then I’m okay with that. But I don’t know how to tell her that. Or what she’d think about it. Maybe it was a one time thing for her.

  I scrape a hand over my face. I’ve been silent for too long, and the look she’s giving me twists my stomach in knots. Makes my chest tighten. Like me not saying anything at all is hurting her.

  “Megan, I want you to be happy. That’s what really matters.”

  “No,” she insists. “That’s not all that matters. And that’s not what I asked you.” She starts to pace around the room, getting more and more agitated. “You have no idea how difficult this is for me, Madden. Choosing between you and Tristan is practically impossible.”


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