Barbarians at the Gate

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Barbarians at the Gate Page 65

by Bryan Burrough

  Duke, James B. (“Buck”)

  Duke University

  Dunnington, Watt

  Dun’s Review


  Durden, Dennis

  Eagle Motors Line

  Economy, U.S.

  junk bonds and

  Edelman, Asher

  Effron, Blair

  E. F. Hutton

  Emmett, Martin

  Employee-protection guarantees

  Employee stock ownership plan

  Equitable Life Insurance Society



  Etherington-Smith, Meredith

  Fahaerty & Swartwood

  Falk, Ferdie

  Farace, Andrea

  Federal Reserve Bank

  Federal Trade Commission

  Federated Department Stores


  leveraged buyouts and

  Fennebresque, Kim

  Finkelson, Allen

  Finn, Brian

  Rosen’s friendship with

  First Boston Group, The

  bid delivered by

  bogus memo at

  installment note loophole and

  resignations and defections from

  second round of bidding and

  First Chicago

  Fleischmann Distilling & Yeast Company

  Fleischmann’s Margarine

  Flom, Joseph

  Floyd, Raymond

  Food industry. See also specific companies

  takeovers in

  Ford, Gerald

  Forstmann, Nick

  Forstmann, Theodore J.

  anger of

  background and education of

  Boisi’s consortium proposal and

  career climb of

  Cohen and

  Johnson and

  on “This Week with David Brinkley,”

  Forstmann, Tony

  Forstmann Leff Associates

  Forstmann Little & Co.

  bidding effort ended by

  bidding group of

  RJR Nabisco in talks with

  Shearson Lehman Hutton’s talks with

  Fort Howard


  Fraidin, Stephen

  Frederickson, Tucker

  Freeman, Ron

  French Kiss


  Galloway, Alex

  Galvin, Linda

  General Foods

  General Motors

  General Steel Works, Ltd (GSW)

  Gerstner, Louis

  Gibson Greetings

  Gifford, Frank

  Gifford, Kathie Lee

  Gillespie, Gwain


  Gizang, Mike

  Glass Menagerie, The (building nickname)

  Gleacher, Eric

  in The Group

  tender offer and

  Goldberg, Michael

  Goldman Sachs & Co.

  Goldsmith, Sir James

  Goldstone, Steven

  background and education of

  bidding approach and

  Johnson and

  merger agreement and

  in peace talks

  second round of bidding and

  special committee and

  tender offer

  Golub, Stephen

  Good, Daniel

  Gora, John

  Gordon, Sammy

  Gotbaum, Josh

  Graham Magnetics

  Grand Metropolitan PLC

  Gray, Bowman, Jr.

  Gray, Bowman, Sr.

  Gray, Harry

  Gray, James

  Gray Klein

  Green, Adolphus

  Greene, Jamie

  Greeniaus, H. John

  career climb of

  due diligence and

  Johnson and

  leveraged buyouts and

  Raether-Stuart meeting with

  special committee and

  Greensboro (N.C.) News & Record

  Greenspan, Alan

  Grierson, Ronald

  Group, The

  Grove, Bohemian

  Gruss, Martin

  Gulf + Western

  Gun-to-the-head strategy

  Gutfreund, John

  The Drexel Problem and

  Johnson and

  second round of bidding and

  Gutfreund, Susan

  Gutoff, Ruben

  Haft, Herbert

  Hall, Floyd

  Hammerhill Paper

  Handelsman, Hank

  Hanley, John

  Hanson Trust PLC

  Harper, Charles M.

  Harris, J. Ira

  background and education of

  Johnson and

  Pritzker and

  special committee and

  Hartford Insurance

  Helms, Jesse

  Henderson, Harold

  due diligence and

  Kravis’s offer and

  Herrmann, John

  Hersch, Dennis


  Hill, J. Tomilson, III

  Boisi and

  The First Boston Group and

  Good and

  in The Group

  Johnson and

  leveraged buyouts and

  in peace talks

  second round of bidding and

  Hines, Andy

  Hobbs, Franklin W. (“Fritz”), IV

  Holder, Nancy

  Hoots, Gene

  Hope, Bob

  Horrigan, Betty

  Horrigan, Edward J.

  background and education of

  Johnson and

  Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. questioning of

  Kravis’s offer and

  leveraged buyouts and

  perks of

  personality of

  resignation of

  in RJ Reynolds Industries succession struggle

  second round of bidding and

  Wilson and

  Hostile takeovers. See also specific companies

  Houminer, Ehud

  Hugel, Charles E.

  anonymous memo received by

  anonymous package received by

  appointed chairman of RJR Nabisco

  career climb of

  Greeniaus and

  Johnson and

  Kravis and

  leveraged buyout offer and

  special committee and

  Hunter, Morgan

  Hunt Wesson

  Icahn, Carl



  Installment notes

  Institutional investors

  Internal Revenue Code

  Investment bankers. See also specific firms

  Kravis’s hiring of

  in Salomon Brothers

  ITT Corporation

  Jackson, Reggie

  Jacobs, Jimmy

  Jennifer Syndrome

  Jenrette, Richard H.

  Jim Walter

  Johnson, Bruce

  Johnson, Caroline

  Johnson, F. Ross

  background and education of

  bidding approach of

  bodyguards of

  career climb of

  in cartoons

  due diligence and

  firings by

  Forstmann and

  free-spending ways of


  Goldstone and

  golf playing of

  income of

  jokes about

  Kravis and

  leveraged buyout announced by

  leveraged buyouts considered by

  management agreement and

  media coverage of

  moping of

  Nabisco Brands and

  named chief executive RJR Nabisco

  as noncompany man

  personality of

  post-RJR Nabisco career of

  products developed by

  resignation of

  Robinson’s friendship with

>   salesmanship of

  at Standard Brands

  second round of bidding and

  social climbing of

  son’s accident

  survival knack of

  taxes of

  tender offer and

  third bid and

  Weigl and

  Wilson and

  Winston-Salem problems of

  Johnson, Frederick

  Johnson, Hobert

  Johnson, Laurie

  golf playing of

  gossip about

  Hugel’s view of

  shopping of

  Johnston, Jim

  Jordan, Vernon

  Junk bonds

  Forstmann’s views on

  mutant strains of

  Kalvaria, Leon

  Kampe, Dick

  Karan, Donna

  Katy Industries

  Katz, Stanley

  Kaufman, Henry

  Kekst, Gershon

  Kekst & Co.


  Kelly, Donald

  Kelso & Co.

  Kentucky Fried Chicken

  Keough, Don

  Kidder, C. Robert

  Kinnear, James

  Kirkland, David

  Kissinger, Henry

  Klein, Melvyn N.

  Kleinberg, Larry

  Klinsky, Steve

  Kluge, John

  Kohlberg, James

  Kohlberg, Jerome (Jerry)

  health problems of

  severance agreement of

  Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

  bid delivered by

  due diligence and

  final bid of

  Horrigan questioned by

  lawsuits against

  leveraged buyouts and

  Manufacturers Hanover hired by

  media criticism of

  megadeals sought by

  misinformation spread by

  negotiations cut off with

  options considered by

  press criticism of

  projections and

  RJR Nabisco’s announcement of leveraged buyout and

  second round of bidding and

  Shearson Lehman Hutton in peace talks with

  at Skadden Arps

  tender offer made by

  Kolton, Paul

  Koppers Co.


  Kramer, Morris

  Kravis, Bessie

  Kravis, Henry

  background and education of

  Beattie and

  Beck and

  career climb of

  Cohen’s meetings with

  commercial bank problems of

  The Drexel Problem and

  due diligence and

  Forstmann’s view of

  franchise speech of

  investment banks assembled by

  Johnson and

  leveraged buyouts and

  Linda Robinson and

  Norwich’s confrontation with

  $125 million offer of

  as outsider to deal

  personality of

  RJR Nabisco’s announcement of leveraged buyout and

  at RJR Nabisco board meeting

  Robinson and

  second round of bidding and

  Sticht and

  Strauss’s conflict with

  tender offer made by

  Wilson’s talks with

  Kravis, Raymond

  Kreps, Juanita


  Lambert, Bill

  Lane, Jeff

  Laver, Rod

  Lazard Freres

  L. B. Foster

  Lear Siegler

  LeBon, Doug

  Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb

  Leveraged buyouts

  Bagley’s attempt to block

  Beck’s proposal for

  boom in

  cost cutting and

  critics of


  due diligence process and

  fees for

  gun-to-the-head strategy in

  intellectual basis for

  junk bonds and

  profits and

  projections in

  of RJR Nabisco


  Shearson’s entry into

  Spangler’s offer of

  start of

  syndicated loans in

  used car purchase compared to

  workings of

  Levine, Dennis

  Lewis, Drew

  Lewis, Salim (“Cy”)

  Limited partnerships

  Lindner, Carl

  Lindsay, Scott

  Lipton, Martin

  Liss, Bill

  Little, Brian D.





  Long, Jerry

  Lovejoy, Robert

  Lucky Strikes cigarettes

  Lufkin, Daniel

  Lupton, Jack

  MacDonnell, Bob

  McKinsey & Co.

  McKnight, Bill

  McLaughlin, Earle

  McLean, Malcolm

  Macomber, John

  Johnson and

  special committee and

  Madison Fund

  Magowan, Peter

  Maher, James

  background and education of

  merger chief position accepted by

  Philip Morris merger lost by

  second round of bidding and

  Malcolm, Greg

  Maletta, David

  Management agreement

  Gutfreund’s views on

  leaking of

  Robinson’s view of

  Management group. See also specific people

  bid of

  Greeniau’s relationship with

  Grierson’s demanding of resignation of

  projections of

  second round of bidding and

  special committee’s meeting with

  tension in

  third bid of

  Mancini, Frank

  Manuche, Michael

  Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co.

  Margulies, Ephraim

  Marlboro cigarettes

  Marron, Donald

  Martin, Betty

  Martin, John

  background and education of

  Johnson and

  Kravis’s offer and

  tender offer and

  Masterpool, Mike

  Mattingly, Don

  Maxwell, Hamish

  Medlin, John

  special committee and

  Merchant banking. See also Hostile takeovers; Leveraged buyouts

  Meredith, Bob

  Meredith, Don

  Merger agreements

  Mergers and acquisitions (M&A). See also Hostile takeovers

  bank support for

  The Group and

  new civility in world of

  RJR Nabisco’s fear of

  Merkle, Ed

  Merrill Lynch

  Merry Men, the

  Metropolitan Life Insurance

  Meyers, Jack

  Milken, Michael

  Millard, Robert

  Beattie and

  Miller, Ward

  Mitchell, Champ

  Mitchell, Michael


  Montagu, David


  Morgan Stanley & Co.

  leveraged buyouts and

  Mullin, John H., III

  Mulroney, Brian

  Mulroney, Mila

  Murdock, David

  Murray, John

  “mushroom farmers, the,”


  Standard Brands merger with. See also Nabisco Brands

  Nabisco Brands

  and cookie wars

  Johnson’s lack of interest in

  RJ Reynolds Industries merger with. See also RJR Nabisco

  sale of

  stock of


  New C
anaan Club Car


  New York Public Library

  New York Times, The

  Nicklaus, Jack

  Norwich, Billy

  Nusbaum, Jack

  protest letter of

  second round of bidding and

  N. W. Ayer

  O’Brien, Bob

  Ohlmeyer, Don

  Options, stock

  Orlowsky, Martin

  Orr, Bobby

  Owens, Dick


  Pace University

  Paine Webber

  Palmer, Arnold

  Pantry Pride

  Patterson, Ellmore (“Pat”)

  Pay-in-kind securities (PIK)

  Peck, George

  Pension funds

  Penske, Roger


  Perella, Joe

  resignation of

  Perelman, Ronald O.

  Performance incentives (bogeys)

  Peskett, Tony


  Peterson, Jim

  Philip Morris

  The First Boston Group, hired by

  stock of

  Phillips, Charles (“Chaz”)

  Pickens, T. Boone


  Pines, Howard

  Pirie, Robert

  Planters/Life Savers

  Polychron, John


  Posvar, Dean

  Powell, Jake

  Powers, Jack

  Premier cigarettes

  Prince Albert tobacco

  Pritzker, Jay

  Harris and

  Pritzker, Thomas

  Procter & Gamble (P&G)

  Project Alpha

  Project Peach

  Project Reo

  Project Sadim

  Project Smokescreen

  Project Spa

  Project Stretch

  Project Tara


  Public relations. See also Robinson, Lake, Lerer & Montgomery

  Quaker Oats

  Rabbi trusts

  Raether, Paul

  second round of bidding and

  Ralston Purina

  Real cigarettes

  Reed, John

  Reggie! bars

  Resource Holdings

  Restructuring plan


  Reynolds, Dick

  Reynolds, Katharine

  Reynolds, Libby Holman

  Reynolds, Nancy

  Reynolds, R. J.

  Reynolds, William

  Reynolds, Zachary Smith

  Rich, Gordon

  Richman, John

  Rinaldini, Luis

  Risner, Ray

  RJM Associates

  RJ Reynolds Industries

  board of directors of

  corporate jets of

  loading of

  Nabisco Brands merger with See also RJR Nabisco

  New Guard at

  stock of

  succession scramble at

  RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company

  cash flow of

  diversification of

  history of

  layoffs by

  limited partnership idea for

  rumors about

  stock of

  values of

  worker programs of

  RJR Nabisco

  anti-Johnson backlash in

  antitakeover provisions of

  asset use vs. abuse at

  Atlanta move of

  auction of assets of

  board of directors of

  bonds of

  caste system of

  charter of

  Cohen-Kravis meeting about


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